Chapter 177 All burned

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When Chu Xisheng felt guilty, Chu Yunyun placed the medicinal soup and clothes next to him: "This is the Wuxiang Health Pill given by Jian Zangfeng. I boiled it to make it easier for you to absorb."

Chu Xisheng woke up and drank the medicinal soup in one gulp.

He needs to replenish his energy now.

Zangtian's divine gift has certainly greatly strengthened his physical fitness, but it has also made his body weaker.

Chu Xisheng felt as if his bones had been drained.

It can be seen that the divine gift of Demon God Burial Sky has consumed a large amount of his essence.

This was different from the situation in the Ninth Grade Secret Realm, when he felt like an elephant was squeezing into his bones.

The situation was different when the system improved his bloodline talent. Apart from the surging energy and blood all over his body, his bones and meridians were numb and itchy, as if something was coming out of his bones, Chu Xisheng felt nothing else.

After each promotion, Chu Xisheng is full of energy and does not feel any emptiness.

After Chu Xisheng finished drinking the medicine, she became embarrassed.

The clothes Chu Yunyun brought him were all newly bought, with no trace of washing at all.

But now he was not only naked, but also covered in black ash.

There are no old clothes in this house, and his wardrobe was burned to ashes——

Chu Xisheng scratched her head: "Um, can Yunyun help me carry a few buckets of water? Also, you two had better go out and wait."

"You want to take a shower? There's no need to bother."

Chu Yunyun squeezed a spiritual secret with both hands, and flames burned instantly in mid-air, condensing into a small beast that looked like a lion.

The little flame beast ran to Chu Xisheng's side and pounced forward, then turned into a circle of red flames and swept across Chu Xisheng's body.

Wherever the red flame passed, the black dust on Chu Xisheng's body was cleaned away, and his skin was clean, even cleaner than after washing.

Chu Xisheng felt even more embarrassed. After the black dust dispersed, he was now completely unshielded.

Chu Yunyun didn't take it seriously at first.

In the past, in the army, whenever the weather was hot, the men in the army liked to go shirtless. Chu Yunyun couldn't help it, and she couldn't get used to it.

But when the red flame swept across Chu Xisheng's body, Chu Yunyun's pretty face couldn't help but blush slightly.

Chu Yunyun immediately dispersed the 'Suanni'.

At that moment, she felt that the fire beast she had simulated was showing signs of losing control, and almost set Chu Xisheng's elephant on fire.

Chu Xisheng waved his hands out of the afterimage and put on his clothes as quickly as possible.

Just when the atmosphere between the two siblings was getting a little awkward, Lu Luanli, who was outside the door, poked his head inside.

She glanced at Chu Xisheng, then relaxed and walked in.

"I don't know if your luck is good or bad, but you actually lost your vitality to this extent before coming into contact with the blood source pillar."

Lu Luanli handed a pill bottle directly to Chu Xisheng: "I happen to have a Jin Yiwei's 'Pangu Blood Yuan Pill' in my hand. Do you want it? You should have heard of this pill, which is specially used to replenish vitality.

It should get you back to your old self.

It is said that taking this elixir before coming into contact with the blood source pillar has the miraculous effect of strengthening talents. However, this thing is very expensive, so I can’t give it to you for free. You have to give me twelve thousand taels of magic silver in cash.”

In fact, she spent a lot of effort on this elixir and even asked Xu Ridong for help.

Chu Xisheng did not pick him up. He looked at Lu Luanli intently and asked with some concern: "When Tie Kuangren came here last night, I saw that you were bleeding from all your orifices. Are you okay, Luanli?"

"It's okay! It's just that the secret method was used, which damaged the lungs and meridians in the body. It's not a serious injury. It can be recovered after a while of rest. But you -"

Lu Luanli's expression softened slightly, thinking that this guy still had some conscience and thought about her.

But when she recalled Chu Xisheng's figure when his clothes were stained with blood last night, her eyes became evil again: "Chu Xisheng, you should take your life seriously. That time in Linhai Ninth Grade Secret Realm almost happened

Damn it, this time you went to the ancient market to pay Dong Linshan to help you improve your ranking on the Qingyun Ranking, even though you knew you were being rewarded with a huge reward by the Killing Tower, and wrote articles to praise you.

In fact, with your current talent, if you just keep going step by step, you will be noticed by the Wuxiang Divine Sect sooner or later. Why are you so eager to become famous? As the saying goes, if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it; if it is piled up on the shore, the current will be turbulent.

If your actions are higher than those of others, then others will reject you. If you push yourself too high, you will torture yourself to death sooner or later. If it weren’t for the iron madman last night, you would have almost died."

Chu Yunyun's expression moved slightly, and she also looked sideways at Chu Xisheng.

She still didn't know why Chu Xisheng ran to the ancient market.

When Chu Xisheng heard this, her heart warmed, but she also felt helpless.

He also wants to develop in a low-key manner, but the problem is that because of his father's system, he can only find ways to become famous and make others believe that he is strong.

Chu Xisheng thought for a moment and finally decided to lay down some of his cards.

Since he has this system, he will inevitably have to do some sexy things in the future, so it is better to vaccinate the two girls in advance to avoid trouble in the future.

"I asked Dong Linshan to help me improve my ranking on the Qingyun Ranking, not for vanity, nor just for promotion to the inner sect of the Wuxiang Divine Sect. You don't believe it—"

Chu Xisheng smiled bitterly with a sincere expression: "I find that my physique is very strange. The more famous I am, the more people focus on me, and the bigger the occasion, the more excited the blood in my body is, and the easier it is to awaken various talents."

Chu Yunyun and Lu Luanli were stunned when they heard this, and they looked at each other with surprise and uncertainty in their eyes.

Both of them thought, how could there be such a strange physique in this world?

Chu Yunyun then became thoughtful again.

She recalled Chu Xisheng's past experiences and found that Chu Xisheng's words were really not nonsense, but had basis.

"Look." At this moment, Chu Xisheng suddenly drew his sword again and waved a bright arc of light in front of the two girls' eyes.

It was the drawing action of the Wind Chasing Sword, and the speed of the sword at this time was not much weaker than when he used Qin Muge's character card last night.

"The hand that controls wind and electricity is the bloodline that I awakened last night -"

Just when Chu Xisheng said this, he suddenly sniffed.

He frowned and strode out. Then he saw a large number of snack boxes in the backyard, as well as various clothes, cloaks, handkerchiefs, etc. piled there, burning like a bonfire.

Chu Xisheng could tell at a glance that it was the thoughts of the senior sisters in the martial arts hall.

His heart immediately twisted and he looked at Lu Luanli.

Lu Luanli looked at Chu Xisheng calmly.

There were so many things, and Chu Xisheng couldn't eat them anyway. She didn't need them, so why not burn them? She was upset just looking at them anyway.

Chu Xisheng looked sideways at Chu Yunyun again and signaled with his eyes - Why didn't you stop her?

Chu Yunyun turned a blind eye.

Lu Luanli must be burned, what position does she, as a younger sister, have to stop him?

This chapter has been completed!
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