Chapter 175 Postponement of sale

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Late at night, on the third floor of Lunwu Building in the ancient market.

Dong Linshan is writing furiously.

At this moment, he was inspired and wrote on the paper without thinking.

At this moment, a sound of "thump, thump, thump" was heard from the stairs. Xie Zhenqing, who was rushing back to Xiushui County from Dongzhou City, quickly stepped onto the stairs and walked over with long strides.

"Old Dong, I heard that you are planning to write an article in a hurry to ask Dongzhou to postpone the final release? Is your article related to the turmoil at Zhiweiju tonight?"


After Dong Linshan saw Xie Zhenqing, he put down his pen and prepared to raise his hand to salute.

However, Xie Zhenqing pressed her hand, indicating that Dong Linshan did not need to be polite. She directly picked up the manuscript paper Dong Linshan had written next to her and looked through it.

The title of this article is actually "Young Swordsman Chu Xisheng".

Dominant sword?

Xie Zhenqing frowned, and then read ten lines at a time.

"It's rare, the rhetoric is gorgeous and the writing is passionate! Old Dong, your articles have always been clever and impeccable. It's rare to see your words and sentences so sophisticated and passionate."

Xie Zhenqing read a few pages, and a flicker of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Old Dong, are you praising Chu Xisheng too much? Is Chu Xisheng really capable of this?"

——One man fought a bloody battle in Baiyun Village, with both wisdom and courage, killing more than a hundred people on his own, and beheading five seventh-grade masters?

Among them, the ‘Heart-Piercing Sword’ Li Ya is the seventh-level cultivation level, the gold medal killer of the Killing Tower!

Dong Linshan smiled and pointed outside: "I'm not bragging, more than two thousand people in the ancient market witnessed it with their own eyes! The process of tonight's battle is legendary. We in Dongzhou have not had such a young hero for a long time.

I can guarantee that the sale of "On the Martial God Machine" this time will increase the sales of at least 50,000 copies in Xiushui alone."

Xie Zhenqing's eyes immediately looked in the direction of Dong Linshan's finger.

Through the window, she took in the sight of a large area of ​​ruins to the south of the Nonwu Building.

In fact, Xie Zhenqing had already seen the ruins when he landed from the pier.

When she left three days ago, she never imagined that Zhiwei Residence and part of the nearby dock area would be razed to the ground after she returned from Dongzhou.

Xie Zhenqing never thought that the guy who stepped on her face twice and caused her to be beaten by Ye Zhiqiu in public could actually achieve such a legendary record in the ancient market.

Indeed, as Dong Linshan said, this matter will definitely cause a sensation in the Dongzhou Wulin.

What's rare is that Chu Xisheng comes from a poor family, so he will definitely be admired by countless low-level martial arts cultivators and teenagers in Dongzhou.

If this issue of "Lunwu Shenji" can publish the details of the battle at Zhiweiju, sales will definitely increase greatly.

Xie Zhenqing squinted his eyes and thought for a moment before making a decision.

She put down the manuscript papers: "Okay! It's worth delaying the release time for this matter. I can help you contact Dongzhou, but you only have half a day at most, old director, and you have to finalize the edition at noon tomorrow.


Dong Linshan was overjoyed when he heard this: "Thank you very much, sir! You don't have to wait until noon tomorrow, my subordinates will be able to finish the manuscript in an hour at most. Then I will ask the poster to help me revise the manuscript."

"Revise the manuscript?"

Xie Zhenqing laughed dumbly and waved his hand: "Your article is well-written and well-written, so what else can you do to revise it? Okay, you just need to sign this article yourself. No matter how bad I am at thanking someone, I will not be reduced to anything."

To the point of embezzling articles from subordinates. But if we want to revise the manuscript, we can’t just write about Chu Xisheng.

Later, if you organize a few people with good writing skills to write another article about the conflict between the Iron Banner Gang and the Xiushui family, and analyze the current situation in Xiushui, many people should be interested."

Dong Linshan raised his thick eyebrows and said with admiration: "The host is wise! Dong will arrange it now."

The corner of Xie Zhenqing's lips raised slightly, and then she knocked on the table again, lost in thought: "There is also Chu Xisheng's ranking on the Qingyun Ranking. The ranking of eighty-three is too low, and it must be readjusted -"

Dong Linshan immediately remembered the four hundred taels of magic silver that Chu Xisheng had given him.

Once you get the money, you have to do something.

His eyes flashed slightly: "Master, with my current talent, martial arts, and prestige, if I can't enter the top sixty on the Qingyun Ranking, I'm afraid it won't be justified. Readers will say that we suppress newcomers."


Xie Zhenqing wondered if this was too high.

Ye Zhiqiu, mother-in-law, shouldn't she come to your door again about this matter and accuse me of killing her disciple?

Xie Zhenqing looked at the ruins outside the window, weighed it for a moment, then nodded and said: "That's fine, just sixty!"

She regretted that she missed tonight's extremely exciting battle and could not witness Chu Xisheng's bloody battle on the long street.

——That guy is hateful, but his face is indeed handsome and beautiful.


At the same late night, Wu Meiniang was also writing furiously in her Zhanwen Pavilion.

But Zuo Yanei was sitting opposite, his eyes widened, glaring at Wu Meiniang angrily: "So you sent me away specifically last night and asked me to go back to the county government office?"

He usually lives in Shenglian Building, and will only return to Xiushui County under very special circumstances.

But yesterday afternoon, Wu Meiniang said that he had not been with his family for a long time and was not very decent, so she persuaded him to return to the west bank of the Shenxiu River to be with his mother.

Wu Meiniang felt a little guilty. She lowered her head and wrote quickly on a piece of white rice paper in silence.

Then he took a cyan dagger about two feet long, with mysterious spiritual patterns painted on the sword.

The hilt of the dagger was hollow. Wu Meiniang dried the rice paper she had written on, then folded it and stuffed it in. Then she filled the pit at the junction of the hilt and the sword body with a piece of spiritual stone the size of a thumb.

Following Wu Meiniang's spiritual secret, the green dagger flew into the air, passed through the window, and flew into the night sky.

Zuo Yanei recognized this cyan dagger as the 'Qiankun Flying Sword', which could fly over long distances with the help of the power of spiritual stones and was specifically used for long-distance communication at a fixed location.

This thing is quite expensive, just the thumb-sized spiritual stone costs one hundred taels of magic silver.

The rank of the Qiankun Flying Sword is seventh grade. The price on the market is as high as 5,000 taels. It can fly three to five thousand miles, but it can be used repeatedly.

What annoyed Zuo Yanei was that Wu Meiniang actually took another piece of rice paper and wrote quickly.

Zuo Yanei raised his eyebrows and raised his voice: "What are you doing? I'm talking to you!"

"Of course we're doing business!"

Wu Meiniang raised her head and glanced at Zuo Yanei: "At around midnight tonight, I received a total of seven 'Qiankun Flying Swords', all from various sects and gangs in Dongzhou. I asked for the details of the battle at Zhiweiju tonight.

I evaluate Chu Xisheng’s potential. Now for every order I write, I can earn two hundred taels of magic silver. Mr. Zuo, how about you come back later?”

Zuo Yanei sneered, snatched the piece of rice paper written by Wu Meiniang, and looked at it carefully.

He raised his eyebrows: "His talent is high enough to be included in the top sixty of Dongzhou Qingyun Ranking. What's rare is that this boy has an excellent temperament, is calm in the face of danger, has both wisdom and courage, and is indomitable - Tsk, Mei Niang, your evaluation of him is outrageous.


"I have always had a high opinion of him, but tonight in the battle with Zhiweiju, I found that I still underestimated him. If he doesn't die within ten years, he will definitely be on the 'Earth Ranking'."

Wu Meiniang shook her head: "These sects are quite interested in him, but I don't think they have much hope of poaching him. Only the Wuxiang Shen Sect has a complete inheritance of the Yaxian Dao practiced by Chu Xisheng. Lei Yuan and Ye Zhiqiu are also interested in him.

It’s very precious. How can I raise big fish in a shallow pond?”

Zuo Yanei put the rice paper back again, expressionless: "Keep writing, I'll wait for you to finish!"

Wu Meiniang had a severe headache. She put down her pen and looked at Zuo Yanei: "It's my fault, but it's Chu Xisheng's matter. Qingyun, it's not good for you to get involved rashly."

Zuo Yameni crossed his arms and his voice became even colder: "Why don't you participate if there is no benefit? Zuo Mou values ​​'rules' and 'loyalty' most in his life. You are setting me up for injustice."

"That's why I'm sending you away."

Wu Meiniang sighed softly. She turned the pipe in her hand and looked sideways at the river outside the window: "Your father is in a difficult situation in Xiushui County. He is almost ignored by the prefect and the county captain. He used to have the support of the court, but now

The king is dead, the situation in the court has changed drastically, and the situation is treacherous, so don't cause him any trouble."

Although the position of the county magistrate is the county governor's assistant officer, which is nominally one person below ten thousand in the county, but in fact his status is embarrassing.

If the prefect refuses to decentralize power, then the county magistrate is nothing.

"Also, Qingyun, how many kilograms do you have now? Will it be useful if you come here? Any one of the eight or six rank generals of the Shangguan family can make you unable to cope. What's more, this time, it's Shangguan Shenhao.

Take action personally. Your rules are nothing in front of the Shangguan family's four thousand clan military generals."

Wu Meiniang lit up her pipe: "I just want to take you away. If you don't recognize me as your friend, Meiniang will have nothing to say."

Zuo Yanei frowned and let out a dissatisfied snort.

Then he threw a crimson horn about the size of his palm, made of jade, in front of Wu Meiniang: "Use your magic to blow this horn for me, and I will forgive your self-assertion this time."

Wu Meiniang looked at the red horn and looked stunned.

——This seems to be a magic weapon for communication and sound transmission, with extremely high quality.

The key is that the lower left corner of this jade horn is engraved with the seal of the Ministry of Industry.

This chapter has been completed!
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