Chapter 173 Redemption (please ask for monthly tickets in the third update)

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On the Clippers, Chu Xisheng suddenly sneezed.

The sneeze pulled at the wound and made him grin.

Chu Xisheng was secretly surprised, wondering who was talking about him?

Could it be that the Shangguan family was cursing him? Or was it Yunyun and Luanli?

Chu Xisheng then calmed down and looked at the system panel in front of him.

During the previous battle in Zhiweiju, countless fireworks exploded in Chu Xisheng's eyes.

Sometimes the screen was even filled with fireworks, blocking his view and forcing him to turn off the special effect.

However, he has never been able to take the time to take a closer look at how many martial arts points he has gained.

At this time, when Chu Xisheng enlarged the illusory screen in his eyes, his pupils opened and his eyes showed surprise.

His reputation has suddenly reached the eighth level (Super).

The number of martial arts points is as high as 3952 points.

——This fierce battle tonight actually brought him more than 3,000 martial arts points!

It is still growing at this time, and every few breaths, there will be new gains.

This shows that the impact of the battle at Zhiweiju is spreading rapidly.

The ancient market is not only one of the largest black markets in Dongzhou, but also a gathering place for many martial arts practitioners.

There were actually very few people who witnessed the battle at Zhiweiju today, only about two to three thousand people.

After all, the heights around the battlefield are limited, and not everyone is afraid of being implicated and dares to get up close and observe.

However, the martial arts cultivators in the market could basically find out the details of the battle at Zhiweiju from others.

This continuously brought martial arts points to Chu Xisheng.

And the numbers continue to increase upwards.

When Chu Xisheng looked at the virtual screen, it still jumped up at 9:09.

At this moment, it was already 11 o'clock, 11 o'clock, 12 o'clock, and 13 o'clock, and the numbers continued to expand.

This is the effect of spreading one message to ten and spreading it to hundreds.

The wider this story spreads, the more people believe it, and the greater the number of martial arts points it brings to him.

Chu Xisheng secretly laughed at himself, thinking that tonight, he could be said to be benevolent and benevolent.

This time he went to Zhiweiju to seek higher reputation and more martial arts points.

He did get his wish now, but the way he did it was a bit unacceptable to him.

——He was almost dead.

Chu Xisheng then did not hesitate and exchanged his martial arts points for the 'Hand of Controlling Wind and Lightning (Level 4)'.

The fourth stage of the hand that uses wind to control electricity - allows people to control wind with their hands and control electricity with their fingers, which increases the limb speed, double the dexterity, and double the reaction speed of ordinary people. It also strengthens the meridians and doubles the reaction speed.

The speed of true energy movement, while the weak power of wind and thunder is generated in the body, and the initial control of wind and thunder within a radius of one foot requires 2500 martial arts points in exchange.

This is obviously an enhanced version of the hand that chases wind and lightning. It used to be chasing wind, but now it is holding the wind; it used to be chasing electricity, but now it is controlling electricity.

In addition, it has changed from simply increasing hand speed to increasing limb speed; it has also improved reaction speed and doubled the speed of real energy movement.

Chu Xisheng felt his bones were numb again, and all the limbs in his body were itching.

The talent he exchanged is transforming his body.

There was a glint in Chu Xisheng's eyes.

As soon as this talent was changed, Chu Xisheng felt it.

His current knife speed should be able to catch up to 80% of Qin Muge's speed when he was 11 years old!

Next, Chu Xisheng redeemed it again - a storage grid, which has six spaces and can be used to store goods purchased in the martial arts treasure house, which requires 500 martial arts points.

This thing cannot directly improve Chu Xisheng's combat power, but Chu Xisheng feels that this thing is quite important.

Sometimes he sees good things in the martial arts treasure house and doesn't need them for a while, so he puts them all in the locker until he can use them later.

For example, not long ago, Chu Xisheng saw a ‘God Pill (First Level)’ in the treasure house, which required 300 martial arts points to redeem.

Although this elixir is very expensive and has an explanation of damaging his cultivation potential, it can summon the power of the gods from the upper realm and rely on his body to increase his combat power to the maximum.

However, Chu Xisheng was unable to use it until the end of the month. First, the elixir was expensive and had hidden dangers; second, he had never experienced a life-threatening battle until the end of the month.

Chu Xisheng couldn't exchange a large number of martial arts points for this unused elixir for no reason.

At the end of the month, the martial arts treasure house was refreshed, and this elixir was wiped away.

But if Chu Xisheng had a storage compartment, he could redeem this elixir and store it in the storage compartment until he needed it.

So Chu Xisheng thought over and over again and spent 500 martial arts points to redeem the locker.

At this moment, the panel of the martial arts treasure house suddenly glowed with colorful auras.

These colorful auras gathered below the martial arts treasure house and gradually condensed into six squares.

Next, Chu Xisheng looked at the icon (Ultimate Sword Technique: Eight Winds Cannot Move) again.

Eight Winds Can't Move - This move can suppress all directions with swords. As long as there are no more than eight enemies around, it can be as motionless as a mountain. Eight winds can't blow it! It can be integrated into the Wind Chaser Knife, which requires 900 martial arts points to redeem.

There isn't much explanation for this ultimate move.

Chu Xisheng knew that the so-called "eight winds" are the four winds of good fortune, bad luck, destruction, praise, praise, ridicule, bitterness, and joy.

However, when used here, no matter how strong the wind is from the east, west or northwest, it will be difficult for me to move my thoughts at all.

This is obviously a great move for group battles.

Especially the sentence "As long as there are no more than eight enemies around, you can be as immobile as a mountain", Chu Xisheng was greatly moved.

In a group battle, the number of enemies Chu Xisheng needs to deal with at the same time is actually limited.

Today, more than 300 people from Baiyun Village besieged him, but there were never more than six people who could actually crowd around him and take action against him.

If he had mastered this ultimate move, his situation today would be much better.

Although 'Wind Scar' is fast and sharp, it is not suitable for group battles.

However, after careful consideration, Chu Xisheng gave up the idea of ​​exchange.

His current martial arts, ultimate moves, martial arts, and Yuan Gong can all be cultivated by himself. However, his bloodline talent cannot be cultivated by himself. He can only awaken and unseal it through limited methods such as elixirs and blood source pillars.

And the improvement and blessing of talent to personal combat power are extremely huge.

For example, the improvement brought to him by his third-level pure Yang body is already equivalent to the first level of Yuan Gong.

This makes his true energy and physical quality infinitely close to those of a seventh-grade martial artist.

Therefore, Chu Xisheng did not want to waste his limited martial arts points on areas other than bloodline talents. This was the most cost-effective way to use martial arts points.

And not long after, he will be promoted to True Inheritance. At that time, the seventh, eighth, and ninth floors of the Zhengyang Martial Arts Library will be open to him, which will contain more than a dozen extreme moves related to the Wind Chasing Sword.

It is actually difficult to understand the ultimate move.

The Wuzi generation who was in the ninth-grade secret realm before was actually a chance. The true intention left by Shen'ao Sanren was extremely complete, and the true meaning of the ultimate move of 'Wind Trace' was almost forcibly imprinted into their minds.

In the library of Zhengyang Martial Arts Hall, such good things would not happen.

But now he has the ‘Tai Sheng Tong Shen’.

Chu Xisheng believed that with his own understanding, he would not be too slow in understanding the ultimate moves in group battles.

This chapter has been completed!
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