Chapter 260 Meeting (please subscribe)

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When the blood flames spread all over Chu Xisheng's body, there was a sudden "boom" behind him, and a pair of illusory wings spread out.

These wings are half thunder and half wind.

This is one of the abilities of his 'Wind and Thunder Black Armor'. Instilling a drop of his life essence and blood activates the 'Wind and Thunder Wings' on the back of the armor. All wind, thunder and movement-related abilities are doubled again, and he can briefly use Wind Escape and

Thunder Escape!

At this time, Chu Xisheng's complexion became even paler, and there was no trace of blood on his entire face.

Chu Xisheng's pupils turned purple, and his long hair broke away from his hair, dancing on its own without any wind. The blood flames all over his body turned into coiled snakes, wrapping around his body one by one.

When several people around saw this scene, they instinctively became defensive.

But in the next moment, they looked shocked and found that Chu Xisheng's 'Wind and Thunder Wings' flapped behind him and broke away from their encirclement and retreated towards the river.

"He wants to escape?"

This idea flashed in the minds of the four people, and then they all chased Chu Xisheng's figure.

They all moved their bodies with all their strength, and their bodies brought up flowing lights and broken shadows in the void. At a speed that was almost not inferior to Chu Xisheng's, they pursued them to the river ahead.

Chu Xisheng was seriously injured. He could not be given a chance to breathe and recover, let alone escape from this death trap.

Even Long Heng was no exception, he started to pursue without thinking.

However, as soon as Long Heng's figure reached a distance of ten feet, he realized something was wrong.


There's something wrong with Chu Xisheng's state!

Chu Xisheng's information quickly flashed through his mind.

Covered in blood and flames, with purple pupils and long hair floating around——

Is this the ‘Dance of Burial Heaven’?

Chu Xisheng has performed the ‘Heaven Burial Dance’ twice in the ancient market and Linhai Secret Realm!

Long Heng's pupils shrank slightly, and he could be sure that Chu Xisheng was not escaping with the increased power of the 'Dance of Burying Heaven'.

Those who have been favored by the demon god ‘Burial Sky’ are all tough, ferocious and brave warriors who will never retreat in a fight to the death!

Long Heng instinctively slowed down and exclaimed: "Be careful! His Sky Burial Dance has been improved. This is to lure the enemy!"

The three people in front were shocked when they heard the words, and instantly felt a sense of awe.

They are not reckless people, and they all know all the information about Chu Xisheng.

This person possesses the top bloodline talent ‘Burial Sky’. The more serious the injury, the stronger the combat power.

But at this moment, the four of them were out of touch due to different reaction times and different body movements. They were at least three feet apart from each other.

Especially Long Heng, he was the first to stop. He was nine feet away from Wu Zhengchen, the fifth-level silver medalist of the Shasheng Tower, the ‘Earth Light Sword’ in front of him.

Songfeng Jianlinshi rushed in front of everyone.

He hated Chu Xisheng to the core and was even more frightened, so he spared no effort in pursuit.

However, after Longheng's warning, Songfeng Jianlinshi immediately slowed down his movements and prepared to keep pace with the three people around him.

He was worried that Chu Xisheng would take the opportunity to escape, but he cared more about his own life!

At this moment, Lin Shi saw Chu Xisheng in front of him hovering abruptly in the air, and then the whole person flashed away like a ghost.

His body shape changes constantly, like fleeting shadows, as if it transcends time.

The giant beast that appeared behind Chu Xisheng spit out the sword in its mouth at him, causing an extremely sharp sword intent to cut into the depths of his soul.


Songfeng Sword Linshi felt a sharp pain in his brain, as if he had been split in half by the pure and powerful sword intent!

The extreme fear made his heart freeze.

This guy wants to take this opportunity to kill him! He wants to kill him in one blow!

Lin Shi instinctively swung his sword, swung the sword with all his strength, and weaved sword shadows all over the sky in front of him.

It's like a sword wall with layers upon layers, watertight and airtight!

Lin Shi no longer made any reservations, even at the expense of damaging his roots, and used a method to activate all the blood elements and potential in the body!

Used to improve one's sword speed and strength.

He knew that if he couldn't resist Chu Xisheng's sword now, there would be no future for him.

The other three people also felt chills in their hearts, and instinctively speeded up again, running towards Songfeng Jianlinshi.

At this time, they all had only one thought in their minds - they must rush to Lin Shi's side in the shortest possible time and lend a helping hand to Lin Shi!

None of the three people cared much about the life of the new leader of the Haiqing Gang.

But they knew that once Lin Shi died, with the strength of the three of them, they would never be able to kill Chu Xisheng!

Moreover, Chu Xisheng's purpose of breaking into the stronghold today was for Lin Shi.

Once he succeeds, Chu Xisheng will move forward and retreat calmly.

But just when Lin Shi was defending with all his strength, Long Heng and the other three were running at full speed.

Chu Xisheng's figure suddenly transformed again, turning into clouds and smoke with the sound of 'canopy'.

——Qin Muge’s seventh-level top move card ‘Phantom Cloud Trail*Smoke and Cloud Sky’!

A cloud of green mist mixed with water vapor covered the area ten feet around, and just when the four of them were on full alert.

Chu Xisheng's figure suddenly appeared in front of Long Heng.


Long Heng's pupils were dilated and his expression was incredible.

He did not expect that Chu Xisheng would abandon Lin Shi and attack him instead.


The target Chu Xisheng chose from the beginning was herself!

He is the one at the back of everyone! He is also the one with the weakest cultivation among the four!

All the previous actions were to separate himself from the other three people in order to gain fame in the east and attack in the west!

This bastard who can kill a thousand cuts!


After Long Heng was in disbelief and frightened, his pupils opened angrily, and at this moment he struck out his strongest sword.

Extreme move*Snow tormenting ice glutton!

At this moment, ice began to condense in the area twenty feet around! Countless snowflakes containing deadly cold energy and sword energy fell bit by bit.

But Chu Xisheng's sword is even faster!

——Qin Muge’s seventh-level ultimate move card ‘Divine Wind Mirror Sword*Three Phases Divine Sword’!

In fact, Chu Xisheng's sword speed at this moment was at least three times faster than Long Heng's!

Not long ago, in his battle with Long Heng, Chu Xisheng's sword speed could rival Long Heng's.

But now, his bloodline talent is no longer what it was before.

At this time, with the improvement of 'God's Sorrow' and 'Sky Burial Dance', it has improved even more.

However, just in case, Chu Xisheng still used his most powerful, largest and most irresistible move!

He just wanted to put Long Heng to death in one move without leaving any variables.

Long Heng's full moon-like face was already pale and blue, and his pupils were extremely dilated, revealing extreme fear and extreme despair!

Then a blood mark appeared on his neck.

Just a moment later, his head was blown away by the fountain of blood.

Long Heng's head was thrown into the air, and his eyes were filled with a deathly gray color.

He thought that his brother Long Sheng and his father Long Nan Shu must have felt the same way when their heads were severed.

After Chu Xisheng killed Long Heng with one strike, he faced the enemy behind him without stopping.

Bai Xiaozhao was helping him resist the challenge of Linshi, the Songfeng sword, Ren Zhong, the fifth-grade gold medalist 'Wolf Sword' from Shashenglou, and Wu Zhengchen, the fifth-grade silver medalist 'Earth Light Sword'.

Her claws were filled with lightning, either slapping or striking.

With one strike of the claws, five sharp rays of force were released, and wind blades were mixed within them, criss-crossing and sweeping forward!

Bai Xiaozhao's opponent was also an extraordinary person. Ren Zhongxiu, the 'Wolf Sword', was at the upper level of the fifth level, and his swordsmanship was as fierce as a wolf; while Wu Zhengchen, the 'Earth Light Sword', was proficient in the Pandi Mingguang Sword, spilling a piece of silver on the ground like a plate.

As bright and cold as snow.

Bai Xiaozhao was one against three, but was still unable to catch up, and was forced back step by step by the combined efforts of the three of them.

But when Chu Xisheng killed Long Heng, the situation changed again.

Ren Zhong and Wu Zhengchen's expressions were as serious as iron, and Song Feng Jian Lin Shi's eyes showed a trace of panic.

He knew that the strength and weakness of both sides had been transformed, and the offense and defense had become unbalanced.

Chu Xisheng's figure also turned into smoke again at this moment.

However, this time he did not use Qin Muge's ultimate move card, but used the movement skills of Phantom Cloud Trace combined with the secret moves of White Horse and Feima. The whole person was so elusive and unpredictable that none of the three of them could find the direction of his true body.

The Songfeng Sword Forest and Stones were like frightened birds. They immediately switched from attack to defense, and once again blasted out a wave of swords that filled the sky, covering the area one foot in front.

He is Chu Xisheng's primary target and must be guarded against!

At this time, all he needed to do was relax and give Chu Xisheng an opportunity to take advantage of, and Chu Xisheng would surely behead him!

However, Chu Xisheng's figure appeared on the right side of the 'Earth Light Sword' Wu Zhengchen.

Wu Zhengchen's expression changed slightly at first, and then the sword light he slashed out instantly doubled in size, covering about three feet of the ground around him. It was shaped like an upside-down silver disk, and its power was impeccable.

However, the next moment, Wu Zhengchen's movements froze slightly.

A silver mirror was appearing in front of Chu Xisheng, and the light of the sword that entered the mirror reflected 90% of his sword power back!

At the same time, a powerful sword intent also penetrated into the depths of Wu Zhengchen's soul!

Wu Zhengchen's cultivation level was already below the fifth level, but he was as fragile as a child in front of Chu Xisheng's sword intent that exploded with all his strength.

The 11th level of Jiajuan sword intent gathered the evil thoughts of more than 2,000 people in the water village and broke through the inside of his mind like a razor. The layers of defenses rushed inside and wreaked havoc!

This caused Wu Zhengchen to freeze on the spot and lose consciousness for a moment.

He recovered later.

Chu Xisheng's sword intent could not last long, giving him a chance to breathe.

But just when Wu Zhengchen regained consciousness, he saw that Chu Xisheng's knife had been slashed in front of him.

Wu Zhengchen's pupils contracted, realizing that he could no longer dodge or defend himself!

Chu Xisheng's knife is so fast! It's so fast that even his naked eyes can't catch it!

Despair spread in Wu Zhengchen's heart, and the fear of death gripped his heart tightly.

I would actually die here!

——How could there be such a monster in this world?


Wu Zhengchen waved the single sword in his hand and slashed towards the opposite side.

Of course he is going to die today! But he also has to drag this bastard along with him!

Chu Xisheng did not waver at all. He struck Wu Zhengchen between the eyebrows with one strike of his knife. The powerful and sharp knife cut Wu Zhengchen in half in an instant!

Wu Zhengchen's single sword also hit Chu Xisheng's chest, but it only made a sharp "clang" sound.

As soon as his head was cut off, nearly 30% of his strength was gone.

Although Wu Zhengchen's sword penetrated Chu Xisheng's three layers of Gang Qi and cut through two layers of his armor, it could not cut through Chu Xisheng's 'Iron Mirror Armor', let alone his 'Nine Refinements'.

The Ultimate Purple Gold Body' and the 'Supreme Gold Body' obtained from the Bloody Sword Lord character card.

As soon as Wu Zhengchen died, 'Wolf Sword' Ren Zhong sighed.

Then the whole person ran like a wolf, shuttled outside the water village, and disappeared into the night in just a moment.

He knew in his heart that there was no possibility of killing Chu Xisheng today, and if he continued to stay here, his life would be in danger.

Ren Zhong had no intention of leaving his life here for a reward of hundreds of thousands taels of magic silver, so it was better to leave first!

But just as Ren Zhong stepped on the water and ran about a hundred feet away, his head suddenly tilted back.

A bloody hole opened up between the eyebrows and the back of this man's head, and a large amount of blood mist dispersed from the wound.

‘Wolf Sword’ Ren Zhong looked confused, his eyes full of confusion.

This is sword energy! But where does the sword energy come from?

This thought flashed through his mind, and then his body turned into pieces of minced meat and scattered into the river, causing countless fish underwater to compete for food.

Chu Xisheng didn’t know that ‘Wolf Sword’ Ren Zhong had died.

He was holding the Xunfeng Thunder Saber in his hand, looking at the Songfeng Sword Linshi with an indifferent expression.

Lin Shi's eyes were full of despair and his face was ashen. He was trying his best to swing his sword to resist Bai Xiaozhao's deadly claws. Blood was splattered all over his body and he was covered in scars.

Without the help of the other three, Bai Xiaozhao alone could kill Lin Shi within ten moves!

The reason why he is not dead is just because Bai Xiaozhao was merciful and wanted to leave this man's life to Chu Xisheng.


Chu Xisheng approached Lin Shi step by step.

It's not like he doesn't know that villains usually die from talking too much.

Nonsense at critical moments may lead to a reversal of the situation.

However, Chu Xisheng was still very curious about the reason behind Songfeng Jian Linshi's betrayal.

Ten days ago, the Iron Flag Gang was at its peak.

As the fourth member of the gang, Songfeng Jianlinshi betrayed him for what reason?

Just to inherit the Iron Banner Gang from the Tie Kuangren brothers, and for the position of Commander of the Tianping Navy Naval Battalion given by Sikong Chan, he poisoned and betrayed him regardless of the more than ten years of brotherhood with the Tie brothers?

Songfeng Jian Linshi knew that he would definitely die, so he didn't even bother to resist, and allowed Bai Xiaozhao's wind blade to leave bloody traces on his body.

"Why?" He staggered and laughed at himself: "This is all your fault! You came to the Iron Banner Gang too late!"

"Late?" Chu Xisheng raised her eyebrows slightly, looking puzzled.

"If you could have joined the Iron Banner Gang five months earlier, why would you have done this? I wouldn't have had any thoughts of betrayal, and Iron Madman wouldn't have died!"

Songfeng Jianlinshi laughed like crazy: "Sikong Chan is very cunning and planned to get rid of the flag owner a year ago! Tie Kuangman did not listen to my advice and insisted on helping those shipwreck coolies and the aristocratic businesses in Xiushui County.

He has made the Iron Banner Gang the enemy of the whole county. He also wants to be promoted to the fourth rank, which is a dream!

And my family, Lin Shi, is here, so how can I be buried with the Iron Banner Gang? In the past, during the Chongzhou Naval Camp Rebellion, Lin’s family had already been destroyed once. Do we have to watch our family die again? What a pity! What a pity! I ask you.

, why not join the Iron Flag Gang earlier and let Lin see hope?"

"I see."

Chu Xisheng's eyes dimmed, thinking that Songfeng Jian Linshi's betrayal was before he joined the Iron Banner Gang!

He hated even more in his heart, and the long knife in his hand flashed immediately.

With a flash of sword light that was invisible to the naked eye, Songfeng Sword Linshi's head suddenly shot up several feet, and finally fell into Chu Xisheng's hands.

Chu Xisheng then waved his sleeves, holding Songfeng Jian Linshi's head, and flew away outside the village like a fleeting shadow.

"Everyone, it's time to go!"

He knew that the power of Ji Qian Qian's arrows was beginning to decline and he could no longer restrain Lang Tianzhong, a true disciple of Blood Bat Mountain. Ye Zhiqiu was struggling to support Li Daogui, the "Blood Wind Sword".

Lu Luanli was able to kill Sikongpan, the prefect's housekeeper, but it might expose her identity as the prince's remnant.

Chu Xisheng himself seemed majestic and domineering, killing powerful enemies in succession.

But the life span column in his character panel has dropped to 197 days.

In this 'Heaven-Burial Dance' state, almost every extended breathing time can consume half a day of his life.

Chu Xisheng finally extended his life span to nearly a year, but he squandered nearly a third of it in just a moment.

So when he evacuated, he took out a 'Divine Blood Guiyuan Pill' from the storage compartment and swallowed it without hesitation.

The magical elixir produced by this system was indeed miraculous. Chu Xisheng only ran on the river for more than 300 feet, and he recovered 50% to 60% of his injuries, and his true energy and blood reached its peak again.

And the "Dance of the Burial Sky (Heavy)" in the status bar immediately changed to "Dance of the Burial Sky (Light)".

At this time, Bu Yancheng, the 'Eight-Armed Diamond Sword', also caught up. He laughed loudly: "This battle was really enjoyable! I didn't expect that the flag master actually beheaded Lin Shi in the Longtan Tiger's Den! Such courage

, this kind of bravery is truly the only one Bu has seen in his life!"

When he said this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he noticed that the blood flames around Chu Xisheng were still burning.

Bu Yancheng's eyes were filled with joy, awe, and envy.

"Congratulations to the flag owner! The great gods Zang Tian and Li Tan have taken a further step in favoring you."

In today's battle, he also won the favor of the God of War "Zangtian" and the God of War "Li Tan", allowing the two bloodline talents to advance.

But this is far inferior to Chu Xisheng.

Chu Xisheng also noticed changes in his character panel.

——Burial Sky (Level 6)!

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but feel a little surprised that his Tianzhan bloodline had been promoted to the sixth level in one fell swoop.

In addition, he found that there were four words "Eye of Li Tan" in his status bar.

The Eye of Li Tan - You have been favored by the 'God of War' Li Tan. No matter what metal magic weapon you use, it can further stimulate the energy of Geng Metal and increase the weapon's divine power by 20%.

Chu Xisheng's eyes narrowed. He didn't know whether the favor of the 'God of War' Li Tan was a good thing or a bad thing for him.

The advantage is that the power of his sword will be greatly increased in the future, but the disadvantage is that he will be watched by a demon god all the time.

At this moment, Chu Xisheng's expression changed and he suddenly stopped.

Just because there was an old man in green robe standing on the river in front of him.

The old man was about seventy years old, with a white beard and white eyebrows, a rosy complexion, and a pale face. There was a fairy-like smoke swirling around him.

Beside his side, there is a long sword with mixed gold and red colors, exquisite carvings, and a beautiful arc of the blade floating in the void.

The knife was trembling slightly, causing the blood in Chu Xisheng's body to surge.

His Yaju sword intention and Yaju bloodline echoed and resonated, and a ten-foot-tall Yaju beast suddenly formed, manifesting above the river.

"This is?"

Bu Yancheng also stopped and looked at the old man in front of him with a bit of horror.

He couldn't see through the old man's cultivation. He only felt that the old man was unfathomable, like a bottomless abyss, or like a towering mountain stretching across the river.

"Old man Qing Xuzi! He is in charge of the Wuxiang Divine Religious Academy." The old man looked at Chu Xisheng and smiled warmly: "I am here today specifically for Master Chu."

Bu Yancheng's complexion changed slightly.

The old man in front of him is actually Qing Xuzi, the great elder of Wuxiang Shen Sect's teaching academy, a second-level master!

Although this person's name is not on the Earth Ranking, his strength has reached the top of the Earth Ranking, and he is almost close to the extreme of martial arts and the pinnacle of the world!

What does this great elder want to do when he comes here? Just for Chu Xisheng?

Chu Xisheng also had a look in his eyes. His expression was solemn, and he cupped his fists and bowed: "Chu Xisheng, a registered disciple of the Wuxiang Divine Sect, has met the great elder!"

"Get up!" Qing Xuzi waved his sleeves from afar and helped Chu Xisheng up: "I wonder if Master Chu is free now? I have something to say to you."

Chu Xisheng originally wanted to rush back to the Iron Banner Gang's chief helm and sacrifice the head of Songfeng Jian Linshi to Tie Kuangren.

But now, even if he doesn't have time, he has to become free.


At the same time, in the Haiqing Bang Water Village, Lang Tianzhong, a true disciple of the Blood Bat Mountain, stood in front of the headless corpse of Songfeng Jianlin, his eyes gloomy and cold.

Beside him were Li Daogui, the 'Blood Wind Sword', Shan Zilong, the 'Purple Electric Sword', and Sikong Pan, the prefect's steward.

The three people looked at the mess in the water village with extremely ugly expressions.

In today's battle, not only the chief and deputy leaders of the Haiqing Gang died in the battle, but most of the more than 2,000 Haiqing Gang members here were also injured by Chu Xisheng's sword intent. They all collapsed on the ground with splitting headaches and wailed endlessly.

"This kid is really arrogant!"

Lang Tianzhong took a deep breath, trying to expel all the bad breath in his chest.

But the next moment, he still felt a stabbing pain in his chest and abdomen.

"You should prepare some Dao rules. When your junior brother Le arrives, we will go to the Iron Banner Gang's chief helmsman together. If I don't kill this boy today, it will be difficult to satisfy my hatred!"

The reason why the Blood Bat Mountain went to war this time to hunt down Chu Xisheng was because Si Kongchan, the prefect of Xiushui, gave him a commission of two million taels of magic silver and promised to cooperate with the Blood Wind Pirates in investigating the whereabouts of the Nishen Banner and Lie Wang's treasure.

Moreover, this son was related to several serious casualties of the Blood Wind Bandits, and he had long been a thorn in the side of the Blood Wind Bandits.

But before they took action, no one thought that Chu Xisheng would be so troublesome.

Chu Xisheng has been safe and sound so far, but they suffered heavy casualties in Blood Bat Mountain.

So far, five inner disciples have died in the battle at Blood Bat Mountain, and dozens of outer disciples and registered disciples have died.

Even not long ago, another true disciple ‘Little Sky Hook’ Li Yuming also disappeared in Taishan County.

Now, this incident is not only a blood feud that caused many casualties among the sect members, it is also related to the face of Blood Bat Mountain!

Li Daogui was stunned when he heard this and looked hesitant: "Senior Brother Lang, the Iron Flag Gang has many mysterious masters with unknown origins. I'm afraid that the chief helmsman of the Iron Flag Gang is also a tiger's den."

"What are you afraid of?"

Lang Tianzhong's eyes were cold: "How can their cultivation be better than that of a fourth-grade man like me? At this time, Chu Xisheng is seriously injured. With the help of you and Junior Brother Le, I can kill him easily. Presumably Grand Administrator Sikong will also be willing to help."


The music junior brother he refers to refers to the music of "Yao Jian".

This inner disciple of Blood Bat Mountain is an inner sect master whose talent and combat power exceed those of Blood Wind Sword Li Daogui, and his combat power is also close to the fourth level.

This person was originally responsible for presiding over the siege in Taishan County, but now he has arrived all the time.

In fact, Li Daogui was not only worried about those mysterious masters, but also worried about Jian Zangfeng of the Wuxiang Divine Sect.

This person's whereabouts have been unpredictable recently and I don't know where he has gone.

Ever since the battle in Jinyiwei Prison, Li Daogui had been extremely afraid of Jian Zangfeng.

He couldn't see through this person, and always felt that Jian Zangfeng might still have hidden strength at that time.

Chu Xisheng and others who rushed to the bottom of the prison at that time might have saved his life.

Just when he thought about Jian Zangfeng, he heard a "hoo ho" laughter coming from behind him.

Li Daogui was so familiar with this voice that he immediately looked behind him.

I saw a young man of medium height and round face, hanging in the air twenty feet away with his hands on his back.

That was Jian Zangfeng. He looked at Lang Tianzhong with a smile: "Brother Lang is very courageous! The iron flag gang's chief helmsman is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. He is so unfathomable that even I am a little afraid. But Brother Lang is not afraid at all. He is worthy of being called the leader."

The True Story of the Blood Bat!"

He then looked sideways at Li Daogui and smiled cheerfully: "This is an old acquaintance, Blood Wind Sword Li Daogui. I have been looking for you for a long time after the battle in prison."

"Are you Jian Zangfeng?"

Lang Tianzhong's face was cold, and suddenly a red light flashed behind him, and a pair of blood-colored scimitars began to surround Lang Tianzhong's body.

Lang Tianzhong's eyes were murderous and cold: "What do you want to do when you come here? Do you want to see a joke on the Blood Bat Mountain? I'm afraid that you will come here with your destiny, but you will not return with your destiny!"

He had heard that the guy in front of him was the most mediocre among the true disciples of the Wuxiang Divine Sect.

"You are wrong." Jian Zangfeng shook his head and raised the corners of his lips slightly: "I have seen enough jokes, now I want to finish it for that junior brother."


Lang Tianzhong looked suspicious, but he grabbed a pair of bloody scimitars without hesitation, stepped into the shadow, and slashed the hidden edge of the sword from a distance!

He couldn't figure out why Jian Zangfeng showed up here after Chu Xisheng left, and he didn't bother to think about it.

This person obviously has bad intentions, so just kill him!

At this time, an extremely huge blood bat appeared behind him.

Those pair of wings were so impressive that they covered the sky and the earth.

This is exactly the dharma of the ‘Blood Abyss Divine Lord’, the head of the three ancestors of Blood Bat Mountain, and it is also the sword intention practiced in Langtian.

However, Jian Zangfeng remained motionless, and only a magnificent sword energy came out from his body, forcing Lang Tianzhong's two bloody scimitars about ten feet away.

"Just the finishing touch!"

After Jian Zangfeng finished speaking, he bowed forward with a solemn expression: "Disciple Jian Zangfeng, please lend me your sword, sect leader! This battle is fought under the orders of Uncle Qingxu, and it is related to the rise and fall of our Wuxiang Divine Sect.

, not for the disciple’s personal intention.”

At this moment, the surrounding void suddenly cracked.

The entire space was like broken crystal glass, with countless spider web-like cracks appearing.

Then, a sword entwined with countless rhymes and countless purple energies stabbed out of the void inch by inch.

When Shan Zilong, the ‘Purple Electric Knife’, saw this scene, he immediately turned around and ran away.

He transformed into purple lightning and tried his best to escape.

He felt that something was wrong with Jian Zangfeng at this time!

This guy actually withstood Lang Tianzhong's slashing attack with just his own sword energy.

There was also the sword that broke through the void and pierced through, frightening Shan Zilong, the ‘Purple Electric Sword’.

He wondered if this sword could be the supreme sect-suppressing artifact of the Wuxiang Divine Sect - the Divine Void Sword?

Jian Zangfeng looked coldly and looked at the people in front of him with a bit of pity: "Now that you know Junior Brother Chu's eleventh level of Jiaju sword intention and the ninth level of Jiaju blood, don't expect to leave this place alive."

At this time, a huge 'balance' shape suddenly appeared behind him.

Lang Tianzhong knew that this was the sword intention of Jian Zangfeng, and it was also the divine source of heaven that this person had cultivated with his own efforts.

His heart felt cold and his pupils shrank: "You are cultivating the Pingtian Sword?"

As one end of the huge scale tilted in the direction of Jian Zangfeng.

Lang Tianzhong felt that he suddenly became infinitely small and extremely weak.

The short and fat Jian Zangfeng became tall and majestic.

His sword energy is magnificent, his true energy is like the sea, and his divine power is immeasurable, just like a god.

"It's the Pingtian Sword!"

Jian Zangfeng's hand has already grasped the hilt of the 'Shenwan Sword'.

With just one wave of his hand, Lang Tianzhong's head was severed.

With another downward pressure, the boundless sword intent caused the heads of more than 2,000 Haiqing gang members present to explode!

At this time, Li Daogui, the Blood Wind Sword, Shan Zilong, the Purple Electric Sword, and Sikong Pan, the prefect's steward, were all on the run. Their hearts were throbbing, with extreme fear, and extreme despair.

Li Daogui has realized what happened.

——It is the will of God that touches death!

That Chu Xisheng has the bloodline talent to cultivate the ‘Divinity Touching Death Sword’! He may very well be the next ‘Blood-Yai Sword Lord’!

So the Wuxiang Shenzong wants to kill people and silence them!

Li Daogui had no intention of fighting, and he did not dare to think of revenge for Lang Tianzhong.

The sword Zangfeng holding the 'Shenwang Sword' was so powerful that it made him tremble.

This guy must have earth-level power now, and he is at the forefront of the earth-level!

But Li Daogui soon discovered that he had not been able to escape from the water village until this moment.

He had obviously tried his best to escape, even using a fourth-grade escape talisman, but so far, he had only managed to escape more than forty feet.

The wall of the water village was right in front of him, but it was as far away as a mountain.

Li Daogui was anxious, fearful, and suspicious.

He was puzzled, until after taking a breath, Li Daogui's mind trembled, and he suddenly thought of something.

Then he exclaimed in disbelief: "This is the Sky-Measuring Sword? You have also built the Sky-Measuring Sword to measure the heaven and the earth!"

"It is true that I have also mastered the Liangtian Sword, but I haven't started yet."

At this time, another giant ruler appeared behind Jian Zangfeng, stretching across the void.

He flicked his sleeves and laughed at himself: "If it weren't for this divine sword, I wouldn't dare to show my shame in front of you."

At this moment, the heads of all the living people present fell silently from their necks.

Li Daogui's head also fell down,

His eyes were blank and confused, he didn't know how Jian Zangfeng did it.

It wasn't until the moment his head fell to the ground that Li Daogui thought of the Wuxiang Divine Sect's inheritance, which was second only to the three great sect-suppressing secrets.

——Innate body-breaking invisible sword!

This chapter has been completed!
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