Chapter 258 The Eleventh Level of Sword Intent (please subscribe)

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When Chu Xisheng stepped onto the water of Shenxiu River, Bai Xiaodiao, who had been lying on Chu Xisheng's shoulder, finally woke up in a daze.

She opened her eyelids and looked around, then looked at the sky: "Arrived at Shenxiu River? It's so slow."

Bai Xiao Diao remembered that they set off in the evening, and it should be around midnight now.

It took Chu Xisheng and Bu Yancheng more than two hours to cross more than 500 miles and return to the Shenxiu River.

When Chu Xisheng heard this, the corners of her lips twitched slightly.

He felt that the speed was extremely fast, comparable to a car on the highway in another world.

After all, Chu Xisheng's cultivation level is only below the seventh level.

When his movement power explodes, he can indeed be as fast as a ghost, flying over a hundred feet in an instant.

But this is without hesitating the consumption of real energy and not considering the sustainability.

The conditions of long-distance running and short-distance sprinting are completely different. Can marathon running and 100-meter running be the same thing?

He is not a 'wind-born beast'.

Bai Xiaozhao has a magical power of the wind. He can not only control the wind and fly, but also recover his strength in the wind. He can run thousands of miles in a day and night.

She traveled thousands of miles a night without even taking a breath.

Thinking of the magical power of blood, Chu Xisheng looked sideways at Bai Xiaozhao: "Xiao Zhao, how are you doing now?"

Bai Xiaozhao didn't answer, she stretched out her right paw.

The tips of the claws instantly produced wisps of lightning, which ionized the surrounding air and made a "sizzling" sound.

"It seems to be much stronger than before. It has also awakened two bloodline magical powers. It also has a lot of battle memories about thunder magic in its head, but I haven't tried it."

After Bai Xiaozhao finished speaking, he scratched his chin with his paw: "It's strange, this is already the third time. I actually awakened the bloodline of the thunder beast for the third time in eight days. When I reached the three-tailed thunder beast

The level of the beast. I have never heard of this situation before.

Could it be that my dead parents were all real Chenghuangs? But that’s not right. If they were real Chenghuangs, I wouldn’t be just a little white ferret. Well, Xiao Zhao can’t understand it at all.”

Chu Xisheng burst into laughter. Bai Xiaozhao awakened the bloodline of the thunder beast, naturally because he helped her obtain the talent from the martial arts treasure house.

However, at present, he has only obtained the bloodline of the three-tailed thunder beast at most.

And if Bai Xiaozhao wants to transform into a true 'Chenghuang', he needs at least two bloodlines and double five tails.

"It may also be a form of 'atavism'. The phenomenon of 'atavism' abounds among you demon clan. There is no need to pay too much attention to it. There is really no need to think so much, just let nature take its course."

Chu Xisheng smiled and stroked Bai Xiaozhao's head: "Now that you've woken up, let's practice a little and get familiar with your power. Don't wait until you can't adapt to the battle later."

This little guy's talent is very strong, but his understanding is far inferior to that of the king.

Liu Ruoxi has one-half of Wang's understanding, and without much practice afterwards, she was able to perfectly master her many bloodline talents and defeat Zhu Xueyi, who was at the seventh level of cultivation.

Bai Xiaozhao couldn't do it.

Bai Xiaozhao also said "Hmm" and immediately left Chu Xisheng and flew alone to the nearby river.

First, a large area of ​​cyan thunder exploded all over her body, and then she transformed into cyan light, running back and forth around Chu Xisheng.

Bai Xiaozhao was testing how much her thunder power could increase her body skills.

Otherwise, after the fight started, she would accidentally rush into someone else's knife, and she would die unjustly.

She has indeed awakened some battle memories from her ancestors, but these memories and experiences cannot be fully applied to her.

‘Eight-Armed Diamond Sword’ Bu Yancheng looked at this scene with a strange expression.

He was also surprised and thought, what the hell is this?

Awakening bloodline three times in just eight days?

This little girl from the demon clan is about to turn into a ‘Chenghuang’!

The wind-born beast is only a mythical beast of lower bloodline, but Chenghuang is of upper-class bloodline.

An ancient book says: Cheng has a yellow and white body with hair spread out, looks like a fox, and has horns on his back. He has a lifespan of two thousand years.

This is the mount of the ancient Holy Emperor. As the saying goes, "The green dragon rides on the horse, the flying yellow falls on the soap." The "flying yellow" in it means riding on the yellow, which is also the flying yellow in "flying into the yellow sky", which is a symbol of good luck.

"It's interesting." Bu Yancheng, carrying a heavy sword case on his back, walked on the river and watched intently: "Looking at Bai Xiaozhao's condition, it seems a bit like a 'divine grace'. Her eyes are a bit blue, and her hair is also Upright, this seems to be a sign that the power of the gods has invaded the body and broken the bloodline seal. As far as I know, most demon clans are in this state when they receive divine grace."

"God's grace?" Chu Xisheng glanced sideways at him.

"God's grace, Flag Master, you should have experienced it, your 'Burial Heaven' came from this. Our martial arts cultivators in the Demon War Tower awakened their bloodline, firstly by the blood source pillar, and secondly by the grace given by the three demon gods.

The same goes for the Wuxiang Divine Sect, but they are much more courageous. It is said that several first-level masters who founded the Wuxiang Divine Sect in the past directly restrained several ancient giants. Not only can they extract a little blood of the true gods every year, but they can also force The giant god shows divine grace to his disciples and helps them break through the bloodline ban. Therefore, Xuanmen's authentic disciples can receive divine grace even if they don't worship gods.

There are also legends that in the past, Lord Xue Yaidao captured several ancient giants when he was trying to quell the divine calamity, and imprisoned them in the Ten Thousand Demons Cave of the Wuxiang Shen Sect, which caused the Xiang Shen Sect's strength to rise rapidly over the past thousand years."

When Bu Yancheng said this, he sighed with emotion: "This is simply 'blasphemous'. Sometimes their authentic methods of Xuanmen are more like the Demon Sect than ours. But these are all rumors. Outsiders have no evidence and no evidence." Let people investigate."

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but frown when he heard this. In fact, he also felt that many things in the martial arts treasure house were a bit like the so-called 'divine grace'.

"Flag owners don't need to worry, divine grace is a good thing."

Bu Yancheng thought that Chu Xisheng didn't understand the details of the 'divine grace' and was worried about Bai Xiaozhao, so he smiled boldly: "Our 'blood talent' is obtained by awakening the seal in our body, so this is What we have is not given by gods.

'Divine grace' only unlocks the ban on our bloodline, and the ban is like the moral integrity of those dog officials. Once it is pierced once, it will be difficult to return to the original state. It will be easier to pierce it next time Much more. So even if those gods take away the grace bestowed upon us and deprive us of our talents, we can still break through again in a very short period of time.

There is an elder in our Demonic War Building who is at the third level of cultivation. Because he offended the God of War, Li Tan, half of his bloodline talents were deprived of him. However, he was well prepared and purchased a top-level elixir in advance.

Straight through the twelfth floor of the building, it will be restored to its original state in one day——"

At this time, the speaker is unintentional and the listener is intentional.

Chu Xisheng listened and fell into deep thought.

"There's only one thing! We can use divine grace to obtain bloodline talents, but we can never use the power of gods to improve our Yuan Gong cultivation. This is a taboo for us martial arts practitioners!"

Bu Yancheng's face was solemn: "The ninth and eighteenth level of martial arts cultivation is like building a building. Every secret medicine is a pillar of this building and is indispensable. The power of those giant gods can indeed be replaced

These "beams" allow us to improve our cultivation. But once they take away these "beams", the whole building will collapse.

This is not like a bloodline talent. The corresponding bloodline talent is like the furniture and decorations in a building. After someone takes them away, you can just buy another one. Although it is important, it is not irreparable."

Chu Xi nodded slightly.

He had heard this statement a long time ago.

Therefore, since the system was triggered, he only used martial arts points and blood points to improve his talents, and never used them to improve his cultivation level. He never lacked a secret medicine.

Chu Xisheng also never used the products in the power management module to directly improve the cultivation level of his subordinates.

This is not only because the system's improvement in cultivation Yuan Gong can only have a neutral effect, but also because Chu Xisheng is worried that one day in the future, the 'building' he built will collapse.

"——So the flag owner doesn't need to worry at all."

Bu Yancheng continued speaking, shaking his head at the same time, looking away from Bai Xiaozhao: "Bai Xiaozhao's situation is paradoxical. She has awakened her bloodline three times in a row. Only divine grace can do it. The state when she awakens her bloodline is also somewhat similar to divine grace.


But she doesn’t worship any gods, she doesn’t have any abnormal spiritual reactions, and there are no ‘miracles’ around her, so this is probably not divine grace.”

He paused and then chuckled disapprovingly: "It's not the flag owner who bestowed divine grace on her. She does respect you quite a bit."

When Chu Xisheng heard this, his expression was a bit strange.

Bu Yancheng's words actually told the truth.

God's grace?

Chu Xisheng squinted his eyes and turned to the character panel in front of him with complicated eyes.

In fact, he has been thinking about what his system is?

Chu Xisheng immediately stopped laughing, opened the martial arts treasure house with his mind, and continued to refresh the treasure house.

Because the war was imminent, Chu Xisheng had been refreshing the treasure house regardless of the cost during the journey from Mount Tai to Xiushui County, intending to improve his strength as much as possible before arriving.

In the past two hours, he had gained more than thirty blood points.

Chu Xisheng thought that there is no pie in the sky, and there is no free lunch in the world——

The problem is that the pie has already fallen, and his lunch has been wasted.

And without the help of the system, he would have died several times.

It is no exaggeration to say that System Dad is his savior.

Therefore, it is necessary to take the necessary precautions, but there is no need to stop eating due to choking.

It will never go wrong to improve your own strength as soon as possible.

Even if this system has its own purpose, even if it is malicious, he is unable to defend himself at this stage.

Only when his own cultivation level is high and his capital is rich, can he have enough strength to adapt to the situation.

This is called "drinking poison to quench thirst". If he doesn't drink this cup of poisonous wine, he will die of thirst. What future will he have?

Although poisonous wine is highly poisonous, it can kill people.

But maybe in the next moment, he will be able to turn around and get a good medicine to resolve the toxins.

And even from an ‘investment’ perspective, the system has worked so hard to cultivate him, and there must always be a reward, right?

Until others recover the principal and interest, he is still safe for the time being.

Of course, if the other party is here to seize the body, then Chu Xisheng has nothing to say.

However, the matter of 'seizing the body' basically starts from the mother's womb.

Generally speaking, the stronger the self-awareness of the body and the higher the cultivation level, the greater the risk of seizing the body.

Just when Chu Xisheng was distractedly browsing the various products in the treasure house that were constantly changing, and having many other thoughts, Chu Xisheng suddenly said "Hey" and stopped refreshing the treasure house.

Just because an icon that he was familiar with appeared in the treasure house.

The icon is in the shape of a human head with a Taoist bun. Between the eyebrows of the human head, there is a sky blue vortex that rotates slowly.

Chu Xisheng had met him several times before.

The difference this time is that there is the word "eight" below the icon.

Taishang Tongshen (eighth level) - perceptual talent, due to the extreme strengthening of all five senses of form, sound, smell, taste, touch and mental awareness, one can obtain moderate 'inspiration' and 'tongyuan' power, and awaken

The weak 'divine knowledge' requires 351 blood points.

Chu Xisheng looked at the mark with a very emotional expression, thinking that it was really not easy.

This is the first advanced bloodline talent that Chu Xisheng has seen in the martial arts treasure house since April 25th.

Ever since that day when he raised the 'Yaiju Bloodline' to the ninth level in one fell swoop, it seemed that he had used up all his luck. Chu Xisheng continued to refresh hundreds of thousands of times, but he never saw the shadow of the advanced bloodline.

Chu Xisheng redeemed it without hesitation, and then felt a 'boom' explode within his soul.

His spiritual thoughts spread out in all directions, then quickly contracted, finally forming a stable structure.

Chu Xisheng tried it for a while and found that his soul was not only stronger and purer, but the total amount of spiritual consciousness seemed to have doubled and increased by about 90%, and the range of induction increased by about 30%.

The biggest change is ‘inspiration’ and ‘tongxuan’.

‘Inspiration’ allows him to predict bad luck to a certain extent; ‘Tongxuan’ allows him to understand the secrets of heaven on a deeper level and enhance his understanding.

These two abilities were weak before, but now they are average.

Chu Xisheng was quite surprised.

It should be understood that the 'character cards' he uses are never just the power of the character cards themselves, but the result of the character cards and his own talents complementing each other's strengths.

For example, Qin Muge only has the "hand to control the sun, moon and sky", but not the "hand to control the wind and lightning".

However, when Chu Xisheng used Qin Muge's twelve-year-old character card, he was able to use "Sun, Moon, Sky" and "Wind to Control Lightning" at the same time.

Therefore, this eighth-level ‘Tai Shang Shen Tong Shen’ is enough to increase his chances of winning by another three points.

But there are also regrets.

Among the three abilities of Taishang, Chu Xisheng

The most helpful thing is naturally ‘Tongxuan’.

However, before the battle, he hoped to increase the power of 'divine knowledge'.

This allows him to make more accurate predictions in battle.

"We're here!" Bu Yancheng suddenly stopped and looked ahead.

Just over twenty miles in front of them, on the side facing the south bank, there was a market town no smaller than Xishan Town.

This is 'Wading Town', another prosperous place in Xiushui County, and also the headquarters of the Haiqing Gang.

Since the Haiqing Gang was expelled from the east dock of the city by the Iron Flag Gang, the chief helmsman had to move here.

Songfeng Jianlinshi will open an incense hall here tomorrow.

"More than two months ago, Tie Xiaosheng led Xuan Fengtang and personally burned down the Haiqing Gang's chief rudder."

Bu Yancheng clasped his hands behind his back and looked at a water village on the east side of the "Wading Town" from a distance: "I didn't expect that in just ten days, they had repaired the main rudder again, and the weather was even better than before."

His eyes were slightly closed, with a needle-like cold light: "Actually, I don't think it's necessary. Sikong Chan supports Songfeng Jianlinshi to build the Haiqing Gang again. The purpose is to use the territory that your outer halls have withdrawn from and recruit more people from the world to join the gang.

its use.

This can strengthen its strength, and the other can shake the morale of the Iron Banner Gang. This is a majestic conspiracy, and its intentions are not evil. However, Sikong Chan at the time may not have expected that the Iron Banner Gang and its leader would be so tenacious.

All resources have been exhausted, but they have not been able to suppress us.

The Iron Banner Gang's momentum is growing day by day, and the morale of the people is getting stronger day by day. This is a useless strategy. As long as you can hold back the governor's state army, everything can be solved for at least a month. Dongzhou can't do that.

Even if we have a lot of money and food to quell the rebellion, we cannot abandon Yunmeng Mountain."

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but glance at him sideways, thinking that this guy was not just a thug, he was also aware of the situation.

But that's right, as long as the disciples of the Demonic War Tower are not stupid, they will learn both the art of war and the art of verticality.

They only want to cause chaos in the world. If they don't know the art of war, they will only be the enemy of one person and cannot gain the attention of the three gods.

Chu Xisheng then pressed the knife in his hand, focused his true energy on his eyes, and tried his best to observe the situation inside the water village.

At this time, his eyebrows stung slightly.

This is the power of 'inspiration', which indicates that this water village is extremely dangerous.

Chu Xisheng's eyes were as sharp as a knife, and his edge was revealed.

"Chu has limited knowledge of the art of war, but he has never been afraid to use the worst possible situation to predict the situation and predict his opponents. As the saying goes, 'a thousand-mile embankment is destroyed in an ant nest', although the Haiqing Gang's chess piece is insignificant, it can be used in certain situations.

At special times, it can threaten the survival of our Iron Flag Gang.

This is like playing chess. The fewer the opponent's pieces, the better. You need to know that a pawn crossing the river can also win the game!"

Bu Yancheng couldn't help but raise his thick eyebrows, thoughtfully.

He thought that it was not without reason that Chu Xisheng could rise up and sweep through Xiushui County within a few months.

Bu Yancheng's voice changed: "There are many masters in this water village, including several fifth-grade ones, and even the prefect Sikong Chan came here in person. Even if the flag owner has the help of Coach Ye and those two mysterious masters, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to continue.

The whole body retreated."

"I know!"

Chu Xisheng looked calm: "Anyway, let's try it first. If we fail, we will retreat to the west."

At this moment, he had clicked on the 'Xueyidaojun 16-year-old character card (Trial version)' that had been stored on the martial arts column for several months.

——Xue Yaidaojun is sixteen years old, at the seventh level of Yuan Gong, the seventh level of Yang Yuan Gong, the tenth level of Divine Wind Mirror Sword, the tenth level of Divine Thunder Cave True Finger, the tenth level of Phantom Cloud Trail, and the Nine Wheel God

The ninth level!

The ninth level of Yaizhen’s true meaning, the ninth level of three-phase martial intention!

The so-called "Three Phases of Martial Intention" is the true meaning of martial arts in addition to "wind" and "thunder" combined with the "cloud" method.

Chu Xisheng is currently undergoing virtual training in his dream, trying his best to develop in this direction, and wants to achieve the three-phase integration.

Chu Xisheng quietly felt the confidence in his mind and another spiritual core appearing in his heart.

Compared with Qin Muge, Bloody Sword Lord has different styles.

He specializes in several martial arts and has reached the ninth to tenth level.

This person's martial arts and true meaning of martial arts are almost completely consistent with Chu Xisheng's.

There is only one more 'Nine-wheeled God' and one missing 'Nine-Refined Ultimate Purple Gold Body'.

Chu Xisheng knew about the 'Nine Wheels of God', which was the top internal method of the Wuxiang Divine Sect and was specially used to enhance the power of the soul.

Chu Yunyun once mentioned to him that this is one of the foundations of practicing the 'divine will touch death knife'.

As soon as this trial version of the character card was applied to his body, Chu Xisheng felt that his spiritual power was increasing rapidly.

Chu Xisheng is currently unable to quantify the improvement effect of the Nine-Level ‘Nine-wheel God’ on him.

However, he knows that the power of his current consciousness is completely different from his previous self.

Chu Xisheng was pleasantly surprised.

Ever since he carved the divine intention, awakened the bloodline of Yaju, and strengthened the true meaning of Yaju to the eleventh level, he had never used the ultimate power of this martial intention.

This is because his spiritual power is too weak.

Without activating the 'Sorrow of Gods' and 'Dance of Heaven Burial', Chu Xisheng used the ninth level of sword intent, and felt weak in his brain and a dull pain in his forehead.

But today, he might be able to try his ultimate sword power.

Next, are the talents of the Bloody Sword Lord - 'Yaijue (ninth level)', 'Supreme Golden Body (ninth level)', 'Shenshang (eighth level)', 'Burial Heaven (fifth level)','

The hand that controls wind and electricity (level 9)', 'The heart of psychic knowledge (level 9)', 'The foot that controls the movement of stars (level 9)'.

Chu Xisheng's eyebrows slightly raised. The bloodline talent of this Bloody Sword Lord was indeed very abnormal. He actually possessed four top-level talents, not inferior to Qin Muge.

Although this person had cultivated to the seventh level at the age of sixteen, Chu Xisheng had no intention of looking down upon him.

As is known to the world, Mr. Xueyidao was born in a poor family and did not start practicing Buddhism until he was fourteen years old. Then he soared into the sky and entered the world rankings in just ten years.

If this person had Qin Muge's resources, his cultivation speed would not be much slower.


Bu Yancheng felt this in his heart, and looked sideways at Chu Xisheng with surprise: "Flag Master, what are you—"

He felt that Chu Xisheng's aura suddenly changed greatly, and his sword intent was surging, and he actually forced the surrounding water to move several feet away.

"No one in this world has ever seen my fastest knife and my strongest knife."

Chu Xisheng answered mysteriously, while speeding up.

His figure darted forward like a dragonfly touching the water, gliding towards the water village with great ease.

"Let's start!"

Bu Yancheng's blood suddenly surged and he followed without hesitation.

He is a disciple of the Demonic War Tower. Although he has never practiced any evil magic, he still enjoys hearing about the battle.

As long as there is a fight, I am very satisfied and happy.

Especially at this moment, Chu Xisheng rushed towards the Haiqing Gang water stronghold without hesitation, where at least two thousand gang members were stationed and countless powerful enemies were lurking, which made Bu Yancheng even more excited.

He sensed the eyes of Zangtian and Li Tan, staring at this place and Chu Xisheng.

Bu Yancheng could even clearly feel the pleasure of these two demon gods.

This made Bu Yancheng so excited that his whole body trembled, and his fighting spirit surged to the extreme.

——The ‘soldier master’ he took refuge in was indeed no mortal!

Just when the figure of two people and one beast approached the water stronghold about ten miles away, someone in the water stronghold was startled.

There was a sudden roar of gongs and drums in the village, and there was a lot of shouting.

"who is it?"

"Alert! Prepare your crossbows!"

"Who is here? Do you dare to use your first name?"

This Haiqingbang water village is obviously on high alert.

As soon as the gongs and drums started to sound, countless figures rushed out from the houses and cabins.

They were fully armed, either holding swords or holding bows and crossbows, and they were all wearing various armors.

In addition, magicians cast spells to shine dozens of dazzling white lights onto the river surface.

Chu Xi's voice showed no fear, her figure suddenly accelerated again, her thoughts were extremely focused, and she was locked in front of her.

However, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that not only did the word "睚禦" appear in his status bar, it also changed into a bright red color.

——Your Yazhan Sword Intent was temporarily stimulated to its extreme state.

The corners of Chu Xisheng's lips suddenly rose slightly!

"I am the Iron Banner Gang, Chu Xisheng!"


At this moment, behind Chu Xisheng, a huge giant beast suddenly appeared!

It had a dragon head and a jackal body, with a sword in its mouth. It roared, but it was silent. But in the next moment, the swords of thousands of people in the water village and the corresponding metal tools all made a clang sound and began to violently

Trembling and ringing.

Countless exclamations also sounded from the crowd.

"it hurts!"

"Is this the intention of the sword? This is impossible, how could there be such a strange intention of the sword."

"Is this the so-called Yajuan Dao?"

"My head is going to break!"

Chu Xisheng's figure also rushed to the water village three miles away at this moment.

At this time, many crossbowmen in the water village were ready to relax their bow strings.

But in the next moment, they felt a sharp thought cutting into their hearts like a knife.

The momentum is like breaking bamboo, the front is unstoppable, and it will destroy everything!


Thousands of people in the entire water village spurted blood from their mouths and noses, and were forced to kneel on the ground by this tyrannical sword intent!

Chu Xisheng went up and down again and entered the water village: "I came here today to take Lin Shigu's life!"

The giant beast roared again!

At this moment, almost everyone in the village who was holding a weapon felt the pain of being cut in the palm of his hand while being forced to kneel down.

All the martial arts cultivators with strong cultivation were resisting Chu Xisheng's crushing sword intent while letting go to check.

They all then showed signs of shock and found that their hands had been cut by the Gengjin Qi bursting out from the swords in their hands, causing blood to flow freely.

At the same time, about forty miles away in the sky, there was a bloody long sword trembling violently, and the sword energy coming out of the blade was like a bloody rainbow!

It sprinted forward with all its strength, trying to dive downwards, but was forcibly pulled by a stronger force.

"Fellow Taoist, please stop!"

Right next to the sword, Qing Xuzi gave a wry smile, and while trying his best to suppress the Bloody Divine Sword, he reached out to gently comfort the blade.

"I know that he is the person you sensed who is qualified to cultivate the 'Divinity Touching Death Knife'. Fellow Taoist, please be patient. I guarantee that he will be fine. But if you pass now, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for him."

Survive a year——"

At the same time, Qing Xuzi's eyes also flashed with surprise.

He had already guessed that Chu Xisheng might be the person sensed by the Bloody Sword.

But he never expected that he would see such an astonishing scene after following him.

I'm afraid Chu Xisheng's 'Yaiwan Sword Intent' has reached the eleventh level?

No wonder Bloody Divine Sword was so excited for him.

The former Bloody Sword Lord was probably nothing more than this.

This chapter has been completed!
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