Chapter 261 Turning hands (please subscribe)

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Shenxiu River is a sandbar in the middle of the river about three hundred miles away from Haiqingbang Water Village.

Chu Xisheng was sitting upright on the sand and stones, touching the 'Xueyan Divine Sword' with his hand.

Fine silver-white scales naturally appeared all over his body.

These smooth scales even spread to the blade, making them almost become a whole.

His every breath and every breath echoed with the Blood-Yai Magic Sword, his Qi pulses resonated, Tao rhyme matched, and his mind communicated.

This is a bit like the feeling between him and Little Flathead.

The giant beast that manifested behind Chu Xisheng was even more massive and majestic, as lifelike as the real thing.

This 'Blood Eyed Divine Sword' actually raised his Bloody Eyed Sword Intent to a whole third level!

In addition, there are also the bloodline talents of the Yaizhen bloodline, such as the wind-controlling hand, the Nine-wheel Heavenly Artifact and the Divine Will-Touch Death Knife, all of which are improved in all aspects.

In addition, the sword itself has extremely powerful magical powers.

The 'Xueyan Divine Sword' kept buzzing and vibrating, and the golden and red Qi appeared on the blade, wrapping around Chu Xisheng's upper arm like two giant pythons.

Chu Xisheng felt that this magical sword spirit was venting its excitement in this way, expressing its joy and closeness.

Chu Xisheng now only needs one thought to make this 'Blood-Yai Divine Sword' merge with his own blood-睚 Saber and turn it into a deadly weapon that sweeps across everything!

However, this state only lasted for one breath.

After taking a breath, Chu Xisheng felt that his energy had diminished and he felt dizzy.

"You can stop."

Qing Xuzi, who was sitting cross-legged across from Chu Xisheng, flicked his fly whisk and slapped it on the blade of the Bloody Divine Sword.

"Don't even look at what level of cultivation he has now. Can his true soul be able to withstand your half-step superior magic sword?"

The Bloody Divine Sword trembled slightly, and reluctantly took the initiative to leave Chu Xisheng and retreated behind Qing Xuzi.

Chu Xisheng suddenly felt relieved and regained some of his energy.

Qing Xuzi looked at Chu Xisheng with a smile: "Master Chu, the flag master should know what this is?"

"This is the Bloody Divine Sword!"

Chu Xisheng nodded slightly with a solemn expression: "This disciple has heard of his name for a long time and has longed for it. A few months ago, the special envoy Zong Lingshu collected my blood essence and said it was sent to this mountain for identification, but suddenly

There has been no news for several months, so I thought I had no hope. Also, my disciple is from the Wuxiang Shen Sect, so the great elder can just call me Xiao Chu."

Qingxuzi raised his eyebrows slightly, his expression even more pleased.

"Although the Xueyan Pan showed nine layers of spiritual light at that time, two layers were dim and unclear. We also gave your essence and blood to the Xueyan Magic Sword Spirit Identification. Maybe your bloodline had not yet fully awakened at that time, and the blood

The Yaishen Sword is also unrecognizable."

When he said this, he glanced sideways at the Bloody Divine Sword.

Qing Xuzi heard that the knife at that time was a little disgusting with Chu Xisheng's blood, and he hesitated, as if it were worthless.

The Bloody Divine Sword made a slight buzzing sound, expressing its dissatisfaction.

Chu Xisheng naturally knew the reason.

Not long ago, he refined the blood essence and blood of Yaju and awakened the blood of Yaju, and then with the help of the system, he was promoted to the ninth level.

"That's it!" Chu Xisheng looked relieved: "I did awaken the blood of Yazhen around April 25th."

Qingxuzi thought that this was the right time, and the Bloody Divine Sword flew away at this time.

He then looked solemn and said in a solemn voice: "Xiao Chu, are you willing to join our Wuxiang Divine Sect and practice the Bloody Sword Master's 'Divine Will Touch Death Sword'?"

Chu Xisheng came from the inheritance of 'Divine Will Touches the Death Knife'. He suppressed the surprise in his heart and said without any pretense: "My disciple sincerely wishes, I dare not ask you! The Divine Will Touching the Death Knife is the invincible weapon of Lord Xue Yaidao.

This is a unique skill that the disciple has admired for a long time. It is an honor for the disciple to be able to practice this sword technique. It’s just——”

His words paused, and his eyes showed hesitation: "I dare not hide this from the Great Elder. I am now a wanted criminal by the imperial court and ranked third on Dongzhou's black list. I no longer dare to hope to join the Wuxiang Divine Sect. With my current status, I can only

I’m afraid that I might pollute the gate of Wuxiang Divine Sect.”

Qing Xuzi laughed dumbly, with a look of disdain: "You don't need to worry about this matter. I will naturally help you solve the mere charges that the Dongzhou government has framed you for. You will know later that this matter will be easy. I, the Wuxiang Shenzong

How can I, my disciples, tolerate their empty slander?"

He did not elaborate on the matter, but then changed his voice: "Your arrest warrant is easy to handle, but what is difficult is that your life is in danger, Xiao Chu. In the past, the Bloody Sword Lord was invincible in the world, and there were countless forces in the world who were afraid of his unique skills.


There are also the enemies of the Bloody Sword Lord in the past. When the Sword Lord was in his heyday, not only were those giant gods no match for him, but some of the superpowers at that time had to avoid his edge, and even suffered a disastrous defeat at his hands. These people have a long life span and are still there today.

They absolutely do not want 'divine will to touch death' to reappear in the human world."

Chu Xisheng looked solemn when he heard this.

In fact, he had already foreseen the bad situation in the future.

Qin Muge had already mentioned that before he truly cultivated the 'Divinity Touching Death Knife', his life was like a candle hanging in the wind, and there was a risk of being extinguished at any time.

However, the Wuxiang Divine Sect had enough strength and will to protect his life.

"May I ask what the great elder means?"

"We, the Wuxiang Divine Sect, made a decision hundreds of years ago to classify the disciples who are qualified to inherit the 'Divinity Touching Death Knife' as the 'Blood-Yai Sacred Tradition', which is different from the sect's 'Liangtian Sacred Tradition' and 'Pingtian Sacred Tradition'.

', 'Zhutian Shengzhuan' is juxtaposed and is one of the four great saints. It is qualified to go beyond the two steps of the inner and outer gates and go straight to the wall of the true inheritance."

Qingxuzi smiled: "But I hope that when you start, you should keep a low profile and wait for the time. For the time being, you will not use the title of 'Blood and Blood Saint', and only take the actual benefits of 'Blood and Blood'."

It’s not that the Wuxiang Divine Sect can’t protect you, but if you can avoid a dispute and killing with this strategy, why not do it? But this matter depends on you, I want to make it clear to you first. Don’t worry, except for going straight into the true gate wall

In addition, the treatment that the other 'Blood-Yai Saints' deserve will not be less."

Chu Xi thought this was a good thing.

That is to say, make money silently and develop silently.

As long as he is qualified to study the Yiying Martial Arts of the Wuxiang Divine Sect, and study the true intentions and the 'Divinity Touching Death Sword' left by the Bloody Sword Lord, then does he have the status of a true disciple, and is there a 'Xueyai Sacred Tradition'?

'The name actually doesn't matter.

He immediately felt that something was wrong. With his urinary nature, he wished that he would become more famous.

This system is never too big a problem.

But when it’s time to be stubborn, you still have to be stubborn.

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but feel his scalp numb when he thought of the enemies of Lord Xue Yaidao.

He immediately cupped his hands and said, "Disciples follow the orders of the sect."


Qingxuzi gave a small praise of satisfaction, then flicked his fingers and sent a silver-white ring inlaid with blood diamonds in front of Chu Xisheng: "This is the 'Blood Jade Fantasy Ring', which I made a few years ago."

It was specially created by Shenzong for the 'Blood Yai Sacred Legend'.

Although this item is only of the fourth grade, it has a magical ability. It can not only increase the Yaizhen bloodline in your body by two levels, but also transform it into the power of the two bloodlines of White Tiger and Qiongqi."

"Simultaneity?" Chu Xisheng was slightly startled and looked carefully at the 'Blood Jade Fantasy Ring' in his hand.

He tried to put the ring on his finger.

Then he discovered that the words '睚禦(九级)' on the illusory screen in front of him changed into the words '睚禦/白虎(九级)'.

Chu Xisheng then concentrated on sensing the runes in the ring.

He quickly figured out how to use the ring, and the words on the screen changed to '睚禦/清奇(九级)'.

White Tiger and Qiongqi are both divine beasts of the Golden Wind Series, and their attributes are the same as 'Yai Can'.

The divine power of these two bloodline talents is not inferior to that of 'Yai Cane', or even surpasses it.

It's just that it doesn't match up well with the Yijuan Blade and the Death-touching Blade of Divine Will.

Chu Xisheng thought that the Wuxiang Divine Sect had obviously been well prepared and had good intentions to cover up the identity of the Bloody Sage.

Chu Xisheng then made another thought, allowing his bloodline talent to be transformed into a 'white tiger' again.

When Chu Xisheng focused his attention on the word "white tiger", new information appeared in his mind.

——The ninth stage of the White Tiger bloodline allows a person to have the physique of a young white tiger beast, with the power of high-strength divine wind and Gengjin growing in the body, the power of medium-strength thunder, and possessing the young white tiger's 'White Tiger Wing Armor' and '

White Tiger Divine Gang', and enhances the true meaning of martial arts related to all swords by one level.

White Tiger Wing Armor (Youth) - Possessing the most powerful defensive ability among the same level, it can eliminate 60% to 70% of all external force impacts, and ignore all Gengjin power below the sixth grade. It can generate white tiger wings, doubling the overall size.

The body's movement speed is high, and it has the ability to float in the air.

White Tiger Divine Gang (Youth) - All your Gang Qi can be mixed with the power of divine wind and Geng Metal, turning into Divine Gang, with the strength and toughness enhanced by 40 to 50%.

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

This white tiger bloodline is indeed remarkable. It may not be stronger than Yazu, but its applicability is wider. It is worthy of being one of the four spirits, and an existence that is on par with the twelve ancestral gods of the human race.

Judging from the system's description of White Tiger's bloodline, his strength will not drop much after using his simulated talent.

"It seems that I have mastered it." Qing Xuzi looked at the white tiger wing armor that appeared on Chu Xisheng's body. While he looked satisfied, his words also contained a warning: "From now on, Xiao Chu, try not to use Yazhen in front of others.

Bloodline. If you must use it, then you must kill it all and leave no one alive.

In addition, although you cannot join the sect in the name of "Xueyi Sacred Legend", you can be a "Xueyi Candidate", and the sect will help you practice "Divine Wind Mirror Sword", "Heavenly Divine Will Sword" and "Divine Will"

"Touch Death Knife", there must be a name——"

Just before he finished speaking, a figure appeared behind Qing Xuzi.

That was Jian Zangfeng. He carried his sword in the air and landed on this small sandbank: "Great Elder, this disciple is fortunate to have lived up to his command. All the 2,747 people in the Haiqing Gang's helm have been killed.

Absolutely, no one will be left alive.”

Chu Xisheng was stunned when he heard this, and felt a strong smell of blood coming to his nose.

Bai Xiaozhao and Bu Yancheng, who were standing behind him, also trembled and looked slightly condensed.

Especially in Bu Yancheng, he felt a chill on his neck and goosebumps all over his body.

He had seen this Jian Zangfeng once before.

Baibai is plump and amiable, but I didn't expect this guy to be such a ruthless person.

"Just silencing them is not enough." Qing Xuzi looked sideways at Jian Zangfeng, with the intention of taking a test: "It is impossible for more than 2,700 people to die suddenly for no reason. How are you going to solve the consequences? And those two

You must be on guard against women hiding in the dark."

Jian Zangfeng looked calm: "I have contacted Gu Qiansheng, the 'Whale Swallowing Qiangu', and he promised to take up this case in the name of offering sacrifices to 'Burying Sky'. There happens to be residual divine power of Burying Sky in the Haiqing Gang's rudder. Others

No flaws can be found. As for the daughter of Jinyi Qianhu and Lu Chen of Tianya, the disciple has also taken care of it."

Bu Yancheng was stunned when he heard this.

Gu Qiansheng, the ‘Whale Swallowing Qiangu’, is one of the elders of their Demonic War Tower.

Bu Yancheng didn't care about Jian Zangfeng's actions of killing people and silencing people and colluding with demon cultivators.

This kind of thing actually happens quite often.

The Wuxiang Divine Sect is known as the Righteous Divine Sect, but it is by no means a good gentleman. They just behave in a decent manner and have a certain bottom line.

As for the name "Xuanmen Authentic Sect", it only refers to their authentic martial arts, directly referring to the first level.

Bu Yancheng was only surprised by the "Whale Swallowing Eternals" for thousands of years. When did this person get involved with the Wuxiang Shenzong?

I really didn't expect that that guy Gu Qiansheng shouted slogans loudly, saying that he wanted to be at odds with the righteous people, but secretly he was colluding with the Wuxiang Shenzong and doing dirty work for the Wuxiang Shenzong.

While Bu Yancheng was secretly surprised, Jian Zangfeng was smiling and said to Chu Xi: "Junior brother, don't worry, that Qianhu in Jinyi is of great use to you, I didn't kill her. As for Lu Chen's daughter, Jian is not that stupid.

To offend the ninth person in the world."

Chu Xisheng's expression relaxed.

It was precisely because he was worried about Jian Zangfeng that he silenced Lu Luanli and the two of them.

I don’t know how to ‘dispose’ when he talks about disposal?

Jian Zangfeng then walked up to Bu Yancheng and said, "Open your mouth!"

Bu Yancheng did not hesitate, opened his mouth, and then saw a ray of white light entering his mouth.

The white light melted at the entrance, turning into silky golden spirit, sneaking under his tongue and forming a sword-shaped talisman.

"Do you know what this is?" Jian Zangfeng put his hands behind his back and looked down at Bu Yancheng.

"I know!" Bu Yancheng nodded: "This is the Death Talisman of Wuxiang Nian. From now on, if I say something I shouldn't say -"

He pointed his finger between his eyebrows: "I will definitely die!"

"You are very forthright and very aware of current affairs. I hope you will always be like this."

Jian Zangfeng nodded with satisfaction, walked to Bai Xiaozhao's side, and placed a piece of yellow animal skin paper in front of Bai Xiaozhao: "Please come and take your seal."

Chu Xi thought that Bai Xiaozhao did not need to keep silent.

This girl regards him as her father and is connected to his soul.

However, Bai Xiaozhao had already bitten open the back of his claws without thinking, and pressed a blood seal on the animal skin paper filled with strange runes.

Looking at this scene, Bu Yancheng couldn't help but twitch the corners of his lips.

This is really differential treatment. Jian Zangfeng only used the milder 'oath' to Bai Xiaozhao, while he used the 'Wuxian Nian Death Talisman' to himself.

At this time, Qing Xuzi stood up and said, "It's getting late, we should set off. The sooner Xiao Chu's crime is resolved, the better."

He looked at Chu Xisheng with a smile: "Xiao Chu, you forced your way into the Haiqing gang water village today and killed Lin Shi and Long Heng. But are you determined to make a desperate move and raise the flag of rebellion?"

"That's not true."

Chu Xisheng shook his head and admitted with a frank expression: "But the difference is not big. I am ready for a big battle with Dongzhou officers and soldiers in Xiushui County. Either the Iron Banner Gang will fall, or the Governor of Dongzhou will be forced to recruit troops. This is actually

It’s no different than rebellion.”

He just doesn't plan to occupy the state capital and leaves a leeway.

Qing Xuzi shook his head slightly: "This is a means of defeating the fish and defeating the net. I believe you can break the situation, but it is not necessary!"

He rolled up the dust in his hand and lifted Chu Xisheng into the air.

"Prefect Sikong Chan used his official power to accuse Luo of the Iron Banner Gang and sent you to the black list. Today we will treat him in the same way as he was treated!"

Chu Xisheng was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then his eyes flashed slightly, showing a bit of anticipation.


Dongzhou Jiangnan County.

At dawn, Cao Xuan, a member of the Qianhu family of Jinyi Guards in Xiushui County, had arrived at the gate of the Dongzhou Governor's Mansion and was waiting.

Cao Xuan looked at the vermilion gate in front of him and touched a talisman folded into a sword shape in his hand, full of doubts in his heart.

He was summoned here by this sword talisman.

Last night, this sword talisman suddenly shuttled in front of him.

There is only one short sentence on it - you must rush to the Dongzhou Governor's Mansion before a quarter of a hour tomorrow, don't wait until late!

There were no other signs or marks on this sword talisman, but Cao Xuan did not dare to neglect it.

Just because the sword talisman itself is a mark, a symbol.

This was not a letter talisman used to send messages, nor was it the Qiankun Flying Sword. It was just an ordinary piece of talisman paper, folded into the shape of a dagger. Then it was pulled by a trace of sword intent and flew in front of him.

It was this trace of sword intent that made Cao Xuan tremble with fear. It could actually pull the sword talisman to penetrate his body-protecting Gang Qi, and then break through his Henglian Hegemon Body, nailing it into the center of his eyebrows and hovering half an inch!

With just a little difference, this ordinary talisman paper can penetrate his brain!

So Cao Xuan hurriedly left the city that night and traveled all day and night to Jiangnan County.

He knew that with this person's ability, he could kill him with just a thought!

I wonder where this mysterious master came from? Which master on the earth rankings is he?

This person had brought him here overnight. What was his purpose?

Just when Cao Xuan was full of questions and couldn't figure out the solution.

He saw in front of him that the gate of the Governor's Mansion was actually opening to the sound of drums, and the middle gate was wide open.

Wang Sheng, the governor of Dongzhou, went first and walked out of the gate with a group of staff and officials.

"What is this?" Cao Xuan was surprised for a while.

Opening the 'middle door' is the highest etiquette in the court etiquette system, and is usually used to welcome superiors or members of the royal family.

Usually, the governor's staff, family members, guests, etc., no matter how noble their status is, enter the governor's palace through the side door.

I don't know which gentleman is coming today, but Wang Sheng, the governor of Dongzhou, is here to show his respect.

The next moment, he saw several figures approaching across the sky.

The leader is an old man in a green robe.

He is about seventy years old, with a white beard and white eyebrows, a rosy complexion, and a pale face. There is a fairy-like smoke swirling around him.

Cao Xuan knew all the two people behind.

One is Chu Xisheng and the other is Jian Zangfeng.

Cao Xuan was stunned for a moment, thinking that Chu Xisheng was so bold, Wuxiang Shenzong was so arrogant, Jian Zangfeng dared to bring a wanted criminal like Chu Xisheng into the city.

But then he thought of something, and his expression suddenly changed.

Wang Sheng, the governor of Dongzhou, did not notice Cao Xuan at all, and even turned a blind eye to Chu Xisheng.

With a smile on his face, he greeted the old man in green robe: "Unexpectedly, the great elder Qingxu is here today, which really makes Han Mansion shine!"


Cao Xuan thought that indeed, this must be Qing Xuzi, the great elder of the Wuxiang Divine Sect.

Qing Xuzi responded with a smile: "I don't dare take it seriously! Governor, don't think I'm troubling you."

He then raised his head and looked at the gate of the Governor's Mansion ahead, as well as many of Wang Sheng's staff: "I am here today because I have something to discuss with the Governor. I also ask the Governor to step aside and find a secluded place to discuss the matter."

There is no need to be around some unimportant and irrelevant people.

Governor Wang Sheng said "Huh" and glanced sideways at Chu Xisheng.

He also guessed that today's incident must be related to this Chu Shao Banner Master.


In a tea room in the backyard of the Governor's Mansion, the tea mist is thick and the fragrance is thick.

Due to the call of Qing Xuzi, Cao Xuan was fortunate enough to enter this teahouse.

Cao Xuan was also offered a cup of tea by the maid before his case, but he didn't dare to smell it. At this time, he was sitting upright with his eyelids slightly closed, cautiously and tremblingly.

“Great tea!”

Qingxuzi's mind was obviously not on the tea. He took a sip and threw it on the table: "The Governor must have guessed my intention? Qingxu is here today just for his disciples. Does the Governor know that?

The banner leader of the Iron Banner Gang is the 'bloody candidate' of our Wuxiang Divine Sect?"

Dongzhou Governor Wang Sheng was a little stunned. He didn't expect Qing Xuzi to be so direct and straight to the point.

He looked solemn and shook his head slightly: "I have never heard of this matter."

"Now the Governor has heard." Qing Xuzi shook his dust and said in a cold voice: "Chu Xisheng is extremely talented and has the qualifications to achieve the first level of Divine Will Touch Death Sword. He is the future pillar of our Wuxiang Divine Sect. Now.

But someone framed him, made false accusations, put him on a blacklist, and tried to put him to death, ruining the destiny of our Shen Sect, and he deserves death."


Wang Sheng, the governor of Dongzhou, felt a headache after hearing this. He frowned: "The intention of the Great Elder is to clear the name of the Chu Shao Banner Master? This is not an easy task. The Iron Banner Gang killed and wounded officers and soldiers, causing chaos.

The Xiushui County incident is not only well-known and aroused in Dongzhou. It has also spread to the capital. Many imperial censors and six ministers have heard about it——"

"Chu Xisheng is originally innocent, why does he need to be cleared?"

Qing Xuzi interrupted Wang Sheng's words directly, and he smiled: "Jinyi Guard Qianhu Cao Xuan, let me ask you, what is Chu Xisheng's status now?"

Cao Xuan was shocked when he heard this. He had already vaguely guessed Qing Xuzi's intention of calling the general here, and replied without hesitation: "Returning to the elder, Chu Xisheng is my deputy Qianhu of Jinyiwei! There are both Jinyiwei and Libu in the local government.

Its preparation."

In fact, when Chu Xisheng was on the black list, Jin Yiwei had already removed Chu Xisheng and destroyed his files.

However, Cao Xuan knew that if he dared to say the word "no" today, not only might he die on the spot, but the entire family, old and young, might also be buried with him.

Cao Xuan had heard about Wuxiang Shenzong's style of doing things.

Without ruthless means like thunderbolts, how could the Wuxiang Divine Sect control the border areas of Youzhou and suppress the giant spirits in the north?

As for Chu Xisheng's file, just make up another one.

Fortunately, due to time constraints, Chu Xisheng's preparations in the Jinyiwei and the Ministry of Civil Affairs could not be eliminated in the future, so this was even simpler.


Qing Xuzi smiled with satisfaction: "So Chu Xisheng, under your order, joined the Iron Banner Gang to investigate the rebellion of the eunuchs of Dongzhou and Sikong Chan?"

"Sikong Chan is plotting rebellion?"

Wang Sheng, the governor of Dongzhou, was so surprised that he almost stood up from his seat.

Several of his close subordinates also looked at each other in shock.

Cao Xuan was also frightened, and his mind was racing with thoughts.

What is the connection between the Iron Banner Gang and Sikong Chan? Chu Xisheng joined the Iron Banner Gang and could not investigate Sikong Chan.

But then he found Jian Zangfeng looking at him with a smile that was not a smile.

An extremely sharp sword intent struck directly between Cao Xuan's eyebrows.

Cao Xuan's pupils shrank, and he immediately realized that Jian Zangfeng was the owner of the sword talisman.

It was this person who used a piece of ordinary talisman paper stacked in the shape of a sword to penetrate his golden body from a distance of several miles or even dozens of miles!

How could this Jian Zangfeng be so capable?

Cao Xuan realized that he had to admit this matter and find a way to complete it.

"Exactly!" Cao Xuan looked solemn: "Sikong Chan plotted a rebellion and tried his best to win over the Tie brothers and tens of thousands of sailors from the Iron Banner Gang. When the Tie brothers refused, Sikong Chan colluded with Song Fengjian, the leader of the Iron Banner Gang.

Lin Shi planned to get rid of the Tie brothers and let Lin Shi, Songfeng Jian, take charge of the Iron Banner Gang. When Cao heard about this, he arranged for Chu Xisheng to lurk in the Iron Banner Gang to foil his plan."

He was already thinking about how to concoct evidence.

This matter is not easy to do. Sikong Chan spent a lot of money to collude with Blood Bat Mountain, collude with Killing Tower, and has a deep connection with the eunuchs of the inner palace, which are all ready-made evidence of crime.

He just needs to add a little bit of ingredients and it will look exactly the same.

"That's it!" Qing Xuzi couldn't help stroking his hands and praised sincerely: "Cao Qianhu is smart and capable, and he is actually the emperor of the imperial court. I only know that Chu Xisheng is working for the Jin Yiwei, but I don't know the whole story."

He looked at Governor Wang Sheng, and his eyes gradually became sharp: "That's the details. I wonder what the Governor thinks?"

Governor Wang Sheng thought that this was simply fabrication and confusing right and wrong.

He said with a solemn face: "The words of the Great Elder Qingxu are ridiculous. Why would Sikong Chan rebel if he is doing well? I am afraid that this matter will be difficult to explain to the superiors. Moreover, the Great Elder Qingxu does not know that this Sikong Prefect is a powerful eunuch in the palace.

My father-in-law’s niece and son-in-law.”

"Soon it won't be!"

Jian Zangfeng smiled and interjected: "The great elder Qingxu has sent a letter to the palace, and the result will be there within a day. I don't know the reason for Sikong Chan's rebellion, but I know that this person colluded with the eunuchs of Dongzhou's inner palace and secretly mobilized nearly two people.

What are the intentions of the Wannai Prefecture Army and Yanding troops when they leave the county? What is the purpose of the Xiushui County Army's repeated movements?"

Wang Sheng was stunned when he heard this. He subconsciously wanted to defend himself. Sikong Chan and the eunuchs of Dongzhou's inner palace mobilized troops to get rid of Tie Kuangren.

But then his mind moved.

Sikong Chan is no longer Eunuch Mu’s niece and son-in-law.

Eunuch Mu will definitely break off the engagement. How dare this powerful eunuch in the palace offend the Wuxiang Shenzong?

So, is it not impossible for Sikong Chan to collude with the eunuchs of Dongzhou’s inner government to rebel?

He didn't speak anymore, but fell into deep thought.

Governor Wang Sheng was thinking about the pros and cons.

The advantage of this matter is that the Wuxiang Divine Sect can be well established, and the situation in Xiushui County can be quickly stabilized and the chaos can be brought to an end, and the many risks that one faces will no longer exist.

The disadvantage is that he will deeply offend some colleagues and the Xiushui family, and he will be impeached by the imperial censor and the imperial censor, leaving behind future troubles.

It doesn’t seem impossible?

"The words of the great elder are too strong to be imposed upon others!" That was the counselor beside Governor Wang Sheng who joined the army.

The young man frowned: "It's easy for us to confuse right and wrong, but it will leave endless troubles for my governor! I predict that those aristocratic families in Xiushui County will never give up. Their background is not shallow, and their relationships are intricate.

China has launched an impeachment against my family, and we are afraid that we will suffer a lot."

Qingxuzi smiled and waved the whisk in his hand, knocking over the tea cup on the table and spilling the tea all over the floor.

"These Xiushui family members have joined Sikong Chan in their rebellion, what will happen next?"

Qingxuzi's eyes were as cold as ice: "In three days, the Dongzhou State Army can contract with the Iron Banner Gang to invade Xiushui County and annihilate the Xiushui County rebels. If you are worried about future troubles, you might as well clean them up and clean them up.

This county is dirty."

At this moment, the entire room was suddenly as quiet as death, and you could hear a needle drop.

The young man who proposed joining the army suddenly took a breath of cold air.

He understood what Qing Xuzi meant, which was to kill people and silence them, and completely eradicate all the wealthy families in Xiushui County in the name of suppressing rebellion.

When I discussed joining the army, I subconsciously wanted to ask, how should I deal with the affairs between the imperial censor and the six ministries in the capital?

They massacred the gentry and good people, killing good people and taking credit for their merits. How could those innocent people just sit idly by and ignore them?

The young man proposed to join the army and immediately thought that those censors could not find the master of suffering, so what could he do? It was not painful or itchy.

What's more, the Wuxiang Shenzong has intervened in this matter. How brave are the officials in the court to reverse the case of the gentry of Xiushui County?

Then he fell silent.

Chu Xisheng sat in a corner of the tea room and listened, with a strange look in his eyes.

Do you think this is what Great Elder Qingxu said: ‘Treat others in their own way’?

This great elder was so lucky that he actually turned his hands to make clouds and rain.

In just a few words, he branded Sikong Chan and all the gentry from Xiushui County as traitors!

Not only did it clear his name, it also relieved his anger!

"If what Cao Qianhu said is true, then Sikong Chan is indeed suspected of treason."

Governor Wang Sheng narrowed his eyes: "But before that, I have to ask for a guarantee from the leader of the Chu Banner. I hope that within the next two years, the power of the Iron Banner Gang will be limited to Xunyang and Xiushui counties.

It is not allowed to expand even a step further."

Chu Xisheng frowned, looking a little reluctant.

After hesitating for a moment, he still replied solemnly: "Yes, but the Dongzhou government is not allowed to interfere with our Iron Banner Gang's Jianghu affairs in the two counties. There are also seventeen chain docks, and our Iron Banner Gang will definitely control Seventeen

Clean up the chain dock to vent my hatred!"

In fact, Wang Sheng didn't say anything, and he didn't plan to expand his power any more.

The Iron Flag Gang has been expanding at an extremely rapid rate recently, its scale is close to its limit, and its foundation is shaky.

Whether it is the hunters or the boatman coolies, they all need a breather.

Therefore, after this crisis is over, the Iron Banner Gang needs to focus on establishing a solid foundation, recruiting heroes, and accumulating strength.

What's more, in the next two years, Chu Xisheng's focus will be on the north, on Wuxiang Shenzong.

I have no time to take care of the Iron Banner Gang at the moment——

"Seventeen Links Pier? Since Seventeen Links Pier colludes with Sikong Chan, he is naturally one of the rebels!"

Wang Sheng waved his sleeves carelessly.

He only needs to ensure that the Iron Banner Gang does not cause trouble within two years.

After two years, he will be transferred to another position.

Wang Sheng had no control over what happened next, and he didn't bother to do it.

Who cares about the monstrous floods in Dongzhou.

"One more thing -"

Governor Wang Sheng looked at Qing Xuzi: "To crucify Sikong Chan for the crime of treason and clear the name of Chu Xisheng's nephew, it is best to have the cooperation of the Dongzhou Inspector. This person is not from the same family as me, so we can only

Your Wuxiang Divine Sect is responsible for this."

He has no worries.

The so-called Dongzhou inspectors are like ants in front of the Wuxiang Divine Sect.


That Dongzhou Inspector Xia Houyuan is nothing!

"Yes!" Qingxuzi nodded slightly: "This person——"

When he said this, his expression moved slightly and he looked out the door with cold eyes: "He's here!"

At this moment, a middle-aged man's voice came from outside the Governor's Mansion: "Xia Houyuan, the inspector of Dongzhou, came to pay homage to the great elder Qingxuzi!"

The voice was loud and thick, like a bell, but it contained a hint of anxiety and helplessness.

Governor Wang Sheng raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and then laughed: "Please come in, Mr. Xiahou."

He realized what was going to happen next, and his face was full of gloating.

Everyone was drinking tea leisurely in the tea room. After about fifty breaths, a middle-aged man with a tall body and big ears, wearing a third-grade red official robe, hurried out of the door with a group of pedestrians.


Chu Xisheng thought that this person should be Xia Houyuan, the inspector general of Dongzhou.

In the early years of Daning's founding, the Daning court emphasized "correspondence between name and reality", and what kind of cultivation level corresponded to what grade of official.

However, this is no longer the time when Daning was founded and the court was full of heroes.

Therefore, Xia Houyuan was able to serve as the inspector of Dongzhou with a fourth-level cultivation level.

Wang Sheng became the governor of Dongzhou with a third-level cultivation level.

He glanced sideways at this person, and then looked behind Xia Houyuan.

I saw that Xia Houdong, the new county magistrate of Xiushui, was also among them.

After Xiahoudong, there was Xiahoushen, the youngest son of Dongzhou's inspector.

Both of them were only wearing white undershirts, their faces full of confusion and confusion.

The two of them stayed in Jiangnan County at the invitation of Sikong Chan, working hard for Sikong Chan and urging the Dongzhou Governor's Office to send troops to quell the rebellion as soon as possible.

The prefect Sikong Chan and the Xiushui gentry collected five hundred thousand taels of magic silver in banknotes for this purpose and gave them to them.

The two of them entertained a group of officials at Tianxiang Pavilion in the east of the city yesterday. They drank until midnight and were in a daze.

As a result, in the early morning, they were grabbed from Goulannu's bed by Dongzhou Inspector Xia Houyuan and hurried to the Governor's Mansion.

Both of them were confused and didn't know what was going on.

However, when they saw Chu Xisheng sitting in the tea room, their expressions suddenly changed, and the blood on their faces completely faded.

After Dongzhou Inspector Xia Houyuan came in, he first glanced at the hall with a cautious expression, then bowed deeply and bowed: "I have met the Governor and the Great Elder Qingxu!"

Governor Wang Sheng did not answer. He held a cup of scalding hot tea and boasted lightly with a leisurely expression.

He is not the rightful owner today, so there is no need for him to talk.

Governor Wang Sheng just sneered secretly and was in a happy mood.

This person teamed up with Sikong Chan and the eunuchs of the inner government to press forward, forcing him, the dignified governor of Dongzhou, into an embarrassing situation. He had to bear great risks for the chaos in Xiushui County. How could Wang Sheng not be angry?

Qing Xuzi waved his dust fly and looked indifferent: "Do you understand everything?"


The inspector Xia Houyuan lowered his head and glanced sideways at Chu Xisheng.

Before arriving, he actually didn't know the situation clearly.

It was just a talisman book with the two words "Pingtian Sword Seal" and "Qingxu" of the Wuxiang Divine Sect, which made him have to come.

The Xiahou family comes from the north.

Although it is a bit far away from Youzhou, the Wuxiang Divine Sect can still determine the life and death of their clan even if they have the intention to kill!

Xia Houyuan didn't know clearly when he set out from home, but he thought clearly on the way.

The great elder of the Wuxiang Shen Sect could only come here for Chu Xisheng.

So he turned around halfway and went to Tianxiang Pavilion first, and pulled out the two evildoers Xiahoudong and Xiahoushen from the brothel before continuing towards the Governor's Mansion.

When he saw Chu Xisheng, Xia Houyuan confirmed his judgment.

"Xiaguan, his clan brother Xia Houdong, and his evil son Xia Houshen are here just to apologize to the great elder Qingxu and the master of the banner of Young Master Chu."

"Apologise?" Jian Zangfeng had a look in his eyes. He put his hands behind his back and looked at Xia Houyuan, the inspector: "Master, you may not be able to afford the apology. Chu Xisheng is the 'Yai Candidate' selected by our Wuxiang Shenzong.

It is related to the future fortune of our Wuxiang Divine Sect. You are really courageous, and you dare to collaborate with Sikong Chan to frame and accuse me, and make false accusations to undermine our Wuxiang Divine Sect's plan."

The inspector Xia Houyuan's face was pale, his lips were purple, and a large amount of sweat was oozing from his forehead.

His voice was extremely firm: "Xiaguan really didn't know the identity of the leader of the Chu banner beforehand, otherwise he would never have dared to offend the noble clan."

Xia Houyuan's mouth felt bitter.

This time, he was trapped on the edge of the abyss by this clan brother and his youngest son. If he took one step forward, his body would be shattered into pieces, and his family would be destroyed.

However, under normal circumstances, it would not reach this level.

The Wuxiang Divine Sect is a righteous divine sect. They always follow rules and care about their prestige and reputation.

As long as the Inspector-General provides conclusive evidence to prove that the disciples of the Wuxiang Shen Sect are indeed guilty and have violated national laws, they will not interfere and prevent the Inspector-General and the Six Gates from acting.

Logically speaking, on the day Chu Xisheng was wanted by the Procuratorate and placed on the blacklist, the Wuxiang Divine Sect should have given up on Chu Xisheng and kicked him out of the gate.

However, today, Qing Xuzi, the chief elder of Wuxiang Shen Sect's teaching academy, came here in person.

The importance this person attached to Chu Xisheng made Xia Houyuan frightened.

He knew that when the Wuxiang Shenzong abided by the rules, he, Xia Houyuan, was the dignified third-rank inspector of the imperial court. If he refused to abide by the rules, then he was nothing.

Within a month, he will lose his official position, and his whole family will suffer disaster.

Jian Zangfeng chuckled: "I don't know? In other words, as long as we disciples of the Wuxiang Divine Sect are not 'candidates', you can fabricate charges and manipulate them at will?"

The inspector Xia Houyuan didn't know how to reply, so he could only clasp his fists and say: "Don't dare! This time I was deceived and deceived."

In fact, it is true that Chu Xisheng caused civil unrest in Xiushui and killed officers and soldiers, and there is no problem with the charges.

But how dare he defend himself in front of the Great Elder Qing Xuzi?

When Qing Xuzi heard this, his expression remained as indifferent as before, and he did not comment.

Jian Zangfeng shook his head slightly: "I just want to know how to solve Junior Brother Chu's matter?"

At this time, Governor Wang Sheng reminded with "goodwill": "Brother Xiahou, you probably don't know that the leader of the Chu Shao Banner is the Deputy Qianhu of Jinyiwei of Diya. This time, he was ordered by Cao Xuan of Jinyi Qianhu of Xiushui County to sneak in.

The Iron Banner Gang investigated Sikong Chan's collusion with the eunuchs of the inner palace and many gentry in Xiushui County to rebel. Now the evidence is conclusive and the truth is out."

Xia Houyuan was stunned when he heard this, and then goosebumps appeared all over his body, and the coldness penetrated to his bones.

He thought that the Wuxiang Shenzong would use white as black and hit the target!

He thought that the Wuxiang Shenzong's purpose this time was just to remove Chu Xisheng's name from the black list and calm the turmoil in Xiushui County.

But I didn't expect that the other party was going to put Sikong Chan and many gentry in Xiushui County to death!

Xia Houyuan was worried about himself again and wondered if Sikong Chan was plotting rebellion.

So what does my family, who has recently been involved in financial ties with Sikong Chan, count as an accomplice?

Xia Houyuan couldn't help but break out in more cold sweat, staining his heavy clothes.

He thought that this Great Elder Qingxu was truly worthy of the Shenzong style, yet he was so ruthless——

Just when Xia Houyuan was hesitating, Xia Houdong, the prime minister of Xiushui County behind him, suddenly said: "Your Excellency, Governor, there is no doubt that the prefect Sikong Chan is treasonous. When I first came to Xiushui County to take office a few months ago, I had already noticed that Sikong Chan was abnormal, and he had nothing to do with him.

Zhixu and Weizhe have obtained some evidence of Sikong Chan's rebellion. At this time, he is actually a party to Prince Brutal, so he is plotting to rebel and reverse the case for Prince Brutal. All our previous actions were to confuse Sikong Chan."

The inspector Xia Houyuan suddenly felt relieved, thinking that the bastard Xia Houdong was a bit quick-witted, and used this method to remove the Xiahou family from this major conspiracy case.

The question now is whether Qing Xuzi and Jian Zangfeng accept this statement.

"I see."

A smile finally appeared on Jian Zangfeng's face: "It's understandable that Lord Jun Cheng endured the humiliation and endured the heavy burden, but what about this boy? His name is Xia Houshen, right?"

Jian Zangfeng looked at Xia Houshen, who was kneeling on the ground, with a meaningful look in his eyes: "He can't be the secret agent arranged by Lord Xiahou to investigate Sikong Chan, right? It is said that this person has a deep connection with Sikong Chan and took Sikong Chan's wrongdoing.

You don’t have much money, but you still work hard to intercede for Sikong Chan?”

Xia Houyuan, the inspector, was heartbroken, but he knew that if they didn't give an explanation to Wuxiang Shenzong today, they would not be able to survive.

He clasped his fists with both hands: "This evil obstacle is at the disposal of Wuxiang Shenzong!"

The corners of Jian Zangfeng's lips raised slightly and he looked at Chu Xisheng: "Junior brother, what do you think?"

Chu Xisheng understood clearly and knew that Jian Zangfeng gave him the power to deal with this person specifically to vent his anger.

Chu Xisheng was also unambiguous. He lowered his head and blew the hot air from the tea cup: "Can you please lend some help, Lord Governor, to find a place to bury this man!"

This person has offended him once, and nothing can be done again.

Xia Houshen's pupils dilated furiously, and he raised his head and looked at Chu Xisheng in disbelief.

Buried? Do you want to bury him alive?

This guy, how dare he?

Xia Houshen looked at his father again and went to see Xia Houyuan, the inspector, without saying a word.

He still bowed his body slightly, looking extremely humble.

Xia Houshen's heart was immediately gripped by an extreme fear. He stood up suddenly and instinctively wanted to curse, but Jian Zangfeng had already struck with a sword energy, directly breaking one of his teeth and cutting off his tongue.

It was smashed into pieces. The momentum of the sword energy knocked Xia Houshen flying several feet, and he collapsed to the ground.

Just a moment later, several burly servants hurriedly walked in outside the tea room and forcibly dragged Xia Houshen out of the tea room, leaving blood stains all over the floor.

11,000 words, pay off the debt!

This chapter has been completed!
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