Chapter 421 The Change of Shenyang (please subscribe and vote monthly)

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PS: It will be updated around 10 o'clock tomorrow, a big chapter, please vote for me again!


Those true sun fires contain complete sun flames and burning rules, and can burn everything.

In addition, beams of extremely dangerous sun light erupted from those ancient divine weapons.

Chu Xisheng reacted in time this time. His Jing Hua Shui Yue Sword came out of its sheath with a 'choking' sound, and all the flames and rays were reflected and shot away.

And just after this moment of explosion, the luster of those ancient divine weapons dimmed and they returned to silence.

"How?" Feng San looked with concern in his eyes: "What's coming out of those eyes seems to be Yaizhen Tiangui?"

Chu Xisheng finally got through the severe pain in his mind,

He shook his head and said: "It's the blood power left behind after the death of Yaizhen. It was forced into the eyes by the power of these Yang Yan. Unfortunately, the rank is only about the twenty-first level -"

The joy on his face could not be hidden.

Although Chu Xisheng's own martial arts has reached the twentieth level.

But only fourteen of them are his own.

The remaining six levels are all accumulated by external forces and are illusory and unreal.

In the eyes of a true master, his true meaning of martial arts has countless loopholes and flaws.

Just like Chu Yunyun, when she really went all out, Chu Xisheng couldn't reflect and deflect even 10% of her strength.

This is still Chu Yunyun who is extremely powerful.

And now, although the Yacan Heavenly Rules integrated into his Divine Will Sword Heart is only twenty-one layers, it is extremely solid and solid.

Just because the solid parts were not consolidated, they were burned by these sun soldiers.

Feng San's eyes lit up: "That's also very powerful. Once the Heavenly Rules are integrated, even if the Lord faces a first-level master in the future, he will not suffer too much in the confrontation with the Heavenly Rules."

Of course, high-level confrontation relies not only on the laws of heaven and earth.

But who in this world can achieve this level of cultivation at the fifth level?

Chu Xisheng thought it was more than that.

The integration of the Jia Can Tian Gui into the heart of the sword can further enhance the ability of his two divine will sword hearts.

According to the method left by the Bloody Sword Master, Chu Xisheng had to condense the Heavenly Rules of the Sword in his own heart.

Now he possesses it in advance, and it is a twenty-one-level, extremely solid law of heaven.

This means that the reflection speed of the two sword cores is faster and faster, and the efficiency will be greatly enhanced, even surpassing his body.

It is like the computer itself has high-standard chips and powerful computing power, instead of being called from the network and subject to bandwidth limitations like cloud systems.

In addition, the combat power of these two sword hearts will be greatly enhanced when they are condensed into the distraction form.

"This is the Lord's destiny. The former Bloody Sword Lord probably didn't notice what was in this eyes, but fortunately, otherwise he would not be able to bear it, let alone the impact of these sun weapons."

Feng San shook his head slightly: "It's a pity that Mr. Xueyai Dao didn't inform the sect of this prescription for some unknown reason. Otherwise, our sect should have been able to cultivate one or two blood 睚 inheritances with the help of this 睝睚 origin blood for thousands of years. It's a pity——"

When he said this, his expression changed, and he looked at Chu Xisheng.

The same thought flashed through the minds of both of them. Is this Sword Lord afraid that his journey to the large and small intestines in his youth would be revealed and make him look embarrassed?

"No, the Yajuan Sword is related to the rise and fall of our sect. How could the Sword Master disregard the lives and deaths of dozens of first-grade martial arts cultivators for thousands of years just because of his mere face?"

Chu Xisheng's expression changed when he said this: "So that's it, it's a divine curse! This source blood contains the Golden Crow Divine Curse. When the Golden Crow Gods here died, they burned their remaining souls and blood, and the curse killed them.

The enemy, this is their final counterattack."

As the blood of the Yaizhen origin spread out in his body, a powerful force of Yang Yan also erupted in his body.

Even traces of red-gold flames began to flow out, burning his body like a torch.

This mantra brings together the mantras of more than a hundred giants of the Golden Crow tribe here, and its strength is extraordinary.

"God's curse?" Bai Xiaozhao couldn't help but grasp Chu Xisheng's hair, looking slightly panicked: "Brother, let's go to Lishan to find Mrs. Lishan."

She knew that Qin Muge died because of the divine poison curse, and he is still suffering from the curse to this day.


Chu Xisheng smiled and stroked Bai Xiaozhao's head: "Forgot that I have cultivated the divine will-touching death knife? This divine curse cannot hurt me. If it doesn't work, there is still blood of eternity, which can return the body to the state it was in a day ago.

But my crew cut is a little troublesome."

He is using the Yaizhan knife to reflect these spells one by one.

This Golden Crow Divine Curse is very powerful and overbearing. However, it is far less sticky and entangled than the Six Yin Resurrection Curse in his body. It penetrates deep into the blood marrow and has been completely integrated with his soul, making it difficult to distinguish it.

At this time, golden flames began to burn all over Xiao Pingtou's body.

The little guy had to close his eyes and frown, resisting the attack of the cursed fire.

Feng San looked relieved: "So that's it. I heard that in the early years, Lord Xue Yaidao would have Yang Fire burning his body every ten days and a half, which made him unbearable. Later, it would burn more and more intensely until he completed his Yaanyidao.

Just got better.

This must be due to the Golden Crow Divine Curse. Most people cannot withstand the power of the Divine Curse. I don’t know how the Bloody Sword Master can survive it. However, he should not be optimistic about it and does not want his descendants to suffer from this Divine Curse.


To bear the source blood, you must bear the divine curse, and the stronger your cultivation level, the greater the intensity of the spell you will bear. Therefore, even if it is stronger than the first grade, it is difficult to fight against it.

Therefore, this is a problem that even the resources of Wuxiang Shenzong cannot solve.

However, the young Bloody Sword Lord in the Secret Realm of Time informed Chu Xisheng about this matter.

Do you think this Golden Crow Divine Curse can't do anything to Chu Xisheng?

Chu Xisheng sat cross-legged in silence, concentrating on eliminating the curse power in her body while resisting the flames in her body.

He found that the Golden Crow Divine Curse really did little harm to him.

On the one hand, he has the blood of eternity and the body of the divine sun, which can directly absorb the power of the Yang Yan in the Golden Crow Divine Curse. Not only is it harmless, it is actually quite beneficial; on the other hand, the 'blood pine divine core' in his body can also be used at this time.

It operates spontaneously to help him eliminate the Golden Crow curse.

Chu Xisheng then focused more on Xiao Pingtou.

Xiao Pingtou can also share his three bloodline talents, but it is still far behind in the application of Yazhen's method, far inferior to Chu Xisheng.

Just seven hours later, when the golden flames on Chu Xisheng and Xiao Pingtou were extinguished and they woke up from trance one after another, Chu Xisheng still frowned slightly.

Although the Golden Crow Divine Curse did little harm, he was unable to expel the spell power from his body for the time being.

This curse will continue to bother him, bursting out from time to time, until Chu Xisheng reaches the level of the Bloody Sword Lord and can reflect the poison of the curse.

But there is no need to talk about these things to Feng San, Bai Xiaozhao and the others, which is very worrying.

Chu Xisheng hesitated whether to use the power of 'Eternal Presence' to return the physical body and soul to the state they were in a day ago.

However, in this case, the source blood of Yaizhen will also become ineffective.

Chu Xisheng thought about it carefully and gave up.

The fifteenth-level ‘Yaiju True Blood’ is a threshold for entering the demigod level, and it is extremely difficult to cross.

If he were to accumulate his own strength and use the Blood Source Diagram to break through, it might take at least two years.

Now it only takes him two months to cross this bloodline level.

Compared with his income, the consequences are actually nothing.

Chu Xisheng opened his eyes again and saw that Feng San had neatly packed up the scales and bones that were close to the gods, and piled them all in front of him.

There were also two horns that had pierced the body of the giant god, but he also forcibly pulled them out.

This near-god Yazu is huge, nearly two hundred feet tall. The space within Chu Xisheng's Qiankun Ring is only two feet and two feet, so it can't be taken away, so Feng San only takes its essence.

He collected the strongest and strongest scales among them, as well as the teeth, skull and toe bones of Yazhu.

——These are the toughest parts of animal bones.

"This is what can be taken out. The rest can be collected by the Lord when needed. In addition, when I was concentrating my evil power, I found that the Golden Crow Divine Curse was not only integrated into the source blood, but also in this place

There are everywhere inside the cave, this is a place of divine curse."

Feng San looked solemn and pointed around: "So don't stay here for too long. If you stay here for a long time, you may be infected with the curse. There may also be some scales and bones, but this is actually a benefit to the Lord.

.If you refine it into armor, it will naturally possess powerful magical power."

At this time, Bai Xiaozhao was forced to hide in the corner of the underground cave.

She was lying down in the water with her eyes closed tightly, trying her best to resist the invasion of the spell.

Chu Xisheng raised her hand and took Bai Xiaozhao into her arms.

As his hand gently caressed Bai Xiaozhao's head, Bai Xiaozhao's expression immediately relaxed and he opened his eyes again.

Chu Xisheng then smiled slightly: "Mr. Feng, wait for me for a while, I still have some things to get."

His body actually floated into the air and began to activate his own 'Shenyang' bloodline.

At this moment, all the pure and yang power in the cave was attracted by his inspiration and flew towards Chu Xisheng.

They all come from the purest and most yang part of the giant god's bones.

However, Chu Xisheng only collected five drops of blood essence that flew out of the eye cave of the god-level giant.

The blood of ‘Shen Yang’ is still very different from the blood of the Golden Crow and the Great Sun possessed by these giant gods.

However, the power of 'Shen Yang' is the most refined and pure positive power in the world, and its rank is still above that of the 'Sun'.

There are impurities in the great sun, but not in the divine sun.

However, the physical body of this god-level giant has already seen eternity. Her blood essence has also reached an extremely pure level.

And even after her death, the remaining power of this giant god was still fighting against Yaizhen.

Over millions of years, all impurities in her blood were eliminated.

The moment these drops of essence and blood entered the body, a message appeared in Chu Xisheng's mind.

——If you come into contact with the source blood of the Golden Crow Gods and sense the spiritual legacy of the Golden Crow Gods, you can spend 200,000 blood points to extract the ‘Golden Crow God Clan’s divine move card ‘The Great Sun’.

Note: Extracting the spiritual legacy of the Golden Crow God Clan can help you absorb the source blood.

Chu Xisheng's eyes moved slightly and her mind was focused.

Unexpectedly, millions of years after the death of this Golden Crow protoss, there would still be some residual spiritual will left behind.

It seems that such an eternal existence cannot be killed easily.

He chose without hesitation.

Two hundred thousand blood points to extract a magical move doesn't feel like a good deal.

After all, the magic card he extracted from the Bloody Divine Sword was only one with 10,000 blood yuan.

But if it comes with these five drops of ancient god blood, it is still very cost-effective.

At the moment Chu Xisheng agreed, there was a sudden roar in his mind.

Chu Xisheng's body not only trembled, but the energy and blood in her body also began to surge and roar.

More positive power has been triggered.

They gathered together and rushed towards the bloodline seal hidden deep in Chu Xisheng's body.

When the sealing valve was blasted open by the majestic Yang force, Chu Xisheng's Yang fire became more intense. A red-gold flame rushed out of Chu Xisheng's body and burned fiercely.

Bai Xiaozhao, who was originally caught in his hand, was startled and subconsciously wanted to avoid these golden fires.

Then she discovered that the temperature of these golden sun fires was slightly higher than that of ordinary flames. Apart from making her feel hot inside her body, there was nothing unusual about it.

Not only was there no abnormality, it actually made her blood more abundant and energetic.

Bai Xiaozhao thought for a moment and suddenly realized that Chu Xisheng's 'Shenyang' bloodline had entered the fifteenth level!


While Chu Xisheng was enduring the shock and pain in his body, he saw the system panel in front of him.

He found that his lifespan had dropped from 7,213 days to less than 3,000 days.

Chu Xisheng instantly realized that this must be because the blood of the Golden Crow Giant God and Jiazui Origin that he had merged with also contained the powerful Death Yin Qi.

He then focused his attention on ‘Shenyang (Fifteenth Level)’.

A large piece of information instantly appeared in Chu Xisheng's mind.

——Shenyang can permanently increase all his physical qualities by five times, his true energy by four times, and his spiritual power by four times. He can also control the yang power of all attributes in the world, and breed excessive amounts of Shenyang and Sanyang in his body.

Xiang Tianwei, generates the 'Great Sun Divine Yang', possesses the powers of 'Shaoyang', 'Yangming', 'Sun' and 'Yang Escape', and awakens the 'Yang Source'!

‘Great Sun Shenyang’ is what Chu Xisheng possesses after transforming into the Shenyang bloodline. It allows Chu Xisheng’s various positive abilities to be unrestricted and can exert maximum effect at all times.

The remaining four abilities are similar to before, but with different degrees of enhancement.

The key is the newly awakened ‘Yang Source’.

Just the first sentence made Chu Xisheng so happy that his heartbeat suddenly increased. When he sensed the last sentence, Chu Xisheng's heart skipped another beat.

Yangyuan - can open nine Yuanyang orifices in the body, which are used to accumulate Shenyang source power. Opening the Yuanyang orifices during battle can greatly enhance the combat power. At the current level, the Yuanyang orifices can at least

The half-level cultivation level can be strengthened. When reaching the limit, it can briefly break the boundaries between humans and gods, allowing you to enter a demigod state.

Note: The host can take the most pure and most yang elixirs and heavenly materials and earthly treasures, practice the most yang nature exercises, and use the most yang nature treasures to accelerate the accumulation of divine yang source power.

Note: The orifice of Yuanyang is harmful to the body. It is said that when the Yang is strong, it will be weak, when the Yin is strong, it will be weak. If the dragon is strong, it will regret it. When the moon is full, it will be weak.

You need to obtain the 'Shenyin', 'Yuan Yin' or 'Nine Yin' bloodlines as soon as possible, or practice dual cultivation with people who have the 'Shenyin' and 'Yuanyin' bloodlines.

The difference from before is that this last paragraph of entry notes has been turned into red letters.

At the same time, Chu Xisheng also felt something in his heart.

He found that in his heart, the strange aura that had sneaked into his body from the Pangu Blood Pool in Buzhou Mountain suddenly moved slightly.

Chu Xisheng could not yet perceive what it was, but his mind had some mental connection with it.

Both Su Fengdao and Chu Yunyun were right, this thing was harmless to him. And as long as this thing continued to stay in his body, sooner or later it would be refined by him and bear his mark.


Two more hours later, Chu Xisheng and Feng San flew out from under the sea.

As expected, there is another exit to the cave, which is located hundreds of miles to the east and is close to the deep sea.

After Chu Xisheng completed the sublimation of his bloodline, he escaped at full speed with Feng San, and they came out in just a moment.

This shows how different Xue Yan's condition was at that time.

If he remembered the exit of the cave, they wouldn't have to bother so much and could just go in through the exit.

The problem is that after Lord Xue Yaidao came out, he was so confused that he couldn't even tell the surrounding terrain, let alone the location of the memory exit.

"I guess the Sword Lord in the secret realm has never thought that what the Lord got here is far more than just the blood of Yaizhen."

Feng San is quite satisfied with the results of this trip.

In his current self-perception, he expects Chu Xisheng to become the next generation of Bloody Sword Lord, invincible in the world, thereby giving the human race in the Northern Central Plains an opportunity to break free from their prison.

Therefore, the stronger Chu Xisheng's strength is, the happier he feels.

Although this trip to the undersea cave was a bit disgusting, and to put it mildly, it was like walking into the cesspit of the Kun at the other end, Chu Xisheng's combat power had actually improved.

It can even be said to be another transformation.

Any bloodline talent will undergo a qualitative change when it reaches the fifteenth level, let alone a god-level bloodline like Shenyang.

Feng San felt very satisfied and relieved.

He held the sword in his chest and asked in a respectful tone: "Where are you going, Lord?"

Chu Xisheng originally wanted to go to Dongzhou in the south.

His original plan was to go to Xiushui County, Dongzhou as soon as possible.

Tie Xiaosheng could hardly hold on to the situation there and was exhausted every day.

But as he spoke, his mind moved again, and he remembered the red letter at the end of the previous Shenyang entry.

"I remember that the Far East Ice City is nearby. The distance seems to be only more than 10,000 kilometers. Their troops have already invaded the interior, but the main body of the Ice City is still hanging on the shore of Tianhai County."

Chu Xisheng held the Mirror Flower Water Moon Knife with her left hand, and held her chin with her right hand as she pondered.

He pondered for a long time, and after about two breaths, he made a decision: "Let's go to Ice City first! Visit a friend of mine. It's not too late to go south after that!"

The city lord's sister was very kind to him and was willing to give him a sword for free.

But Chu Xisheng couldn't accept it so calmly. Sooner or later, he would have to come to thank him and return the gift.

Since everyone has passed by here today, is there any reason to pass by without entering?

This chapter has been completed!
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