Chapter 419: Suppression (Please vote for me and subscribe)

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Just when Anbei General Qin Sheng was staring at Mad Sword Feng San with murderous intent.

Iron-faced Judge Luo Yang and Divine Fist Judge Xi Bitian have also eliminated their opponents.

The two of them looked at Chu Xisheng in unison.

They're not sure whether they should stay.

The two of them were rebels appointed by the imperial court, but Chu Xisheng was now the Bloody Sage of the Wuxiang Divine Sect, and the royal guards of Tianya represented thousands of households.

The contact between Jin Yiwei and the rebels is quite eye-catching.

In addition, in their opinion, it is better not to expose the young master's true identity too early.

But the two of them didn't dare to retreat.

After all, General Anbei, who is the governor of the four states’ armies, is Qin Sheng, the ‘Gunner of Annihilation’ who is ranked 98th on the Heavenly Ranking with a first-level cultivation!

Especially when this person was obviously hostile to the young master, the two of them could not leave at ease.

However, when they looked at Chu Xisheng's expression, they didn't take it seriously at all.

Chu Xisheng actually walked calmly in front of Kuangjian Fengsan, blocking Qin Sheng's sight.

He had a half-smile on his face and said, "If I'm not wrong, the person opposite is Qin Sheng, General Qin? Chu has admired him for a long time!"

After hearing this, Qin Sheng finally turned his gaze back to Chu Xisheng.

His eyes were gloomy, and he looked Chu Xisheng up and down with a connotation of scrutiny: "I have heard about the name of Lord Wuji Swordsman in the North for a long time, but today is the first time I see him. He is indeed an unparalleled genius, and he is well-deserved!"

It's just a fifth-grade person. If it were anyone else, he wouldn't even look at it twice.

However, the young man in front of him is more talented than his niece. In the future, he will probably be able to cultivate the Divine Will Touch Death Blade and become invincible in the world!

Even now, if this person can let the digital third-grade items he secretly collected be folded here, it is worthy of his attention.

"I really can't take the word "unparalleled" seriously."

Chu Xisheng shook his head, with an air of humility, and then looked to the north: "The general came from the state capital? What a coincidence. May I ask if there is any grudge between this subordinate of mine and the general? As soon as we meet, we will

Such a heavy move."

Qin Sheng looked indifferent: "Why did Lord Dao say this? I have the responsibility of guarding the land. I returned to Yan'an City today. I was shocked to hear that there was a riot in the north of the city. There were experts fighting here, so I came over to take a look. I just took action.

Just to exterminate the bandits."

At this time, he glanced at Mad Sword Feng San again: "This is Dao Lord Dao's Taoist? Don't you see that your family is unscathed?"

However, Feng San's safety had nothing to do with him.

Qin Sheng really wanted to destroy this person just now.

At worst, this person will be seriously injured.

However, Feng San was unscathed by the bombardment of his ultimate move, 'Ten Thousand Weapons of Divine Silence', and was able to do so with ease.

He felt that there was something wrong with Chu Xisheng's Taoist servant. Where did this master come from?

"That's it!" Chu Xisheng's lips twitched slightly: "Since the general said so, let me just listen to it."

Qin Sheng's expression remained as usual, as if he couldn't detect Chu Xisheng's sarcasm.

He then raised his arm slightly, condensing a big hand that reached up to the sky, and grabbed the person in Feng San's hand. At the same time, he ordered his lieutenant: "This person is so bold that he dares to commit crimes on the ground in Youzhou and attack and kill Wuji."

Sword Lord Qin Deyuan, you can take this traitor back to the county government office and torture him severely!"

However, before Qin Sheng's big hand could reach the sky, Chu Xisheng heard a heavy "choking" sound from his waist.

The Jing Hua Shui Yue Sword was unsheathed, bringing out a silver-white sword light in the void, like a round mirror.

Chu Xisheng did not use the Divine Will Sword Heart, but still reflected 30% of Qin Sheng's power and deflected the remaining 70%.

"I won't bother the general about this matter!" Chu Xi said with a mocking voice: "I am a royal guard in the royal bureaucracy, so why do I need a general to try it? Or -"

Chu Xisheng narrowed his eyes: "The general was suspected of killing people and silencing them, and now he wants to force a living witness from me. Could it be that the general has some connection with this person?"


General Qin Sheng's expression became even colder, the anger in his eyes seemed to be solidified, and his gaze was as sharp as a knife, as if it could penetrate Chu Xisheng's body.

There is also a huge pressure of divine will, covering the surrounding three miles, seeming to crush everything here into silence.

However, in just a moment, Qin Sheng knew that his martial spirit and spiritual thoughts could not overpower Chu Xisheng.

Not only has this Shuzi's Yaizhen Sword begun to take shape, his soul is also so powerful that it surpasses most third-level martial arts cultivators.

The key is that this person's Tianyu Divine Will Sword can reflect the pressure of divine thoughts.

He possesses the ‘blood of burial’ and has no reason to surrender to others.

General Qin Sheng snorted coldly and turned to look at Luo Yang and Xi Bitian in the distance.

Then something strange appeared in his eyes: "These two are the Iron-faced Judge Luo Yang and the Divine Fist Judge Xi Bitian? May I ask Master Dao, what's going on with them? You are the Dai Wanhu of the Imperial Guards, why?

Will he collude with these two traitors?"

"Of course it's for investigation!"

Chu Xisheng sheathed her sword and looked calm and composed: "General, please don't spit on others. These two people reported to me that Chu Rulai, the left minister of the Criminal Department, was corrupt and perverted the law and accepted bribes. When he was in charge of the Criminal Department, he was in Bingyou

There have been many unjust, false, and false accusations made in the four prefectures of Jijue. I have been ordered by the Grand Master to inspect the illegal affairs of the officials and people of the four prefectures of Bingyoujijue, and I must investigate them.

In addition, they were framed by Chu Tathagata two years ago and became prisoners of the imperial court. They also suffered great grievances. The two of them intended to make a complaint to the Grand Master and asked me to hand over the documentary evidence. Therefore, I asked them to meet here for details.


Qin Sheng couldn't help frowning, but then he regained his composure: "Master Dao has a sharp tongue! You can speak openly about things like colluding with rebels. But no matter what you say today, it's useless. These Wujun

Since Qin has encountered the fatherless traitors, there is no reason to let them leave alive."

He dodged, bypassing Chu Xisheng and Kuangjian Fengsan, and came directly in front of Luo Yang.

At the same time, a spear eight feet long pierced out from his sleeve, carrying the power of annihilation and blasting towards the iron-faced judge.

Qin Sheng's spiritual sense told him that this person must be the weakest among the people here.

At this time, Luo Yang had a solemn expression on his face, holding a pair of judge's pens in front of him, ready for battle.

In the distance, Xi Bitian's eyes were fixed, and the ultimate move of the Hundred-Step Divine Fist was ready to go.

Mad Sword Feng San raised the corners of his lips slightly, and the sarcasm in his eyes became even more intense.

For some reason, he didn't have even the slightest respect for the top expert in front of him. Instead, he was eager to try and secretly harbored murderous intentions.

But just when Qin Sheng and Luo Yang were about to fight, Chu Xisheng suddenly flicked his sleeves.

At this moment, a red sword light flew down from the distance on the horizon.

It seemed to be coming from thousands of miles away, but it actually ignored the void of time and killed Qin Sheng with one sword. The spear was scattered and had to slide back a hundred feet on the ground.

After General Qin Sheng regained his footing, his face could not help but look solemn as iron, and he looked towards where the sword light came from.

This is Wood Sword Immortal! Wood Sword Immortal’s heaven-cutting sword intention!

This sword has at least the power of the third grade!

The problem is that although Yan'an City and Wuxiang Mountain are in the same Youzhou, they are one to the south and one to the north, separated by five thousand miles!

Doesn’t it mean that as long as it goes beyond the range of three thousand miles, the power of Wood Sword Immortal’s clone will be greatly weakened to the fourth level?

Qin Sheng then realized that this must be the enhanced power of the Wood Sword Immortal's clone body.

The Wuxiang Shen Sect has been accumulating for thousands of years. At this time, it is not easy to find a trustworthy god. Isn't it a matter of doing everything possible to worship him?

In the past year, the Wuxiang Divine Sect has tried its best to promote the belief of the Wood Sword Immortal in the four states of Bingyou Jijue, and worshiped the blood pine branches of the Wood Sword Immortal.

The common people in these four places have great trust in the Wuxiang Divine Sect, and they have no doubt their faith in the Wood Sword Immortal. This is a benefit to the Wood Sword Immortal who has recently become a god.

No wonder this guy is so confident!

"What nonsense are you talking about, General?"

Chu Xisheng clasped his hands behind his back and looked down at Qin Sheng with a joking look in his eyes: "These two people are my important witnesses, and there is no room for loss. If the general has to snatch the witnesses from my hands, then you and I can only use

The swordsman has spoken."

Qin Sheng's thoughts were cold, and for a moment he felt like he was riding a tiger.

He was unwilling to retreat and even more embarrassed.

Don't look at it, there is no one else here except them.

However, the movement here just now attracted many people in Yan'an City to watch.

But if he continues, he will have nothing to do with Chu Xisheng, and the situation will only become more embarrassing.

It's a pity that his pro-army "Tieshandu" is still in Bingzhou.

If he had the backing of these 30,000 soldiers who practiced the secrets of the imperial way, he could have killed these two imperial criminals today with the sword energy of the Wood Sword Immortal!

Qin Sheng's face was gloomy and uncertain, and he looked at Chu Xisheng with eyes that were selective and devouring.

Chu Xisheng didn't care, and his face seemed expressionless. However, the way he looked at Qin Sheng was like looking at a clown, with a hint of disdain.

This made Qin Sheng even more angry.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, a red light fell near several people.

That was Qin Xiyan, Princess of Tieshan County. Before she arrived, she heard a laugh: "When did uncle come back? Are you chatting with your junior brother here?"

After the Dunkong fell, he glanced around, and then he looked surprised: "The atmosphere seems not quite right. I wonder why the two of you are at odds? If you have something to discuss, Tieshan Qin Clan and Wuxiang Shenzong will guard it together.

The Northland can be said to be of the same spirit and we are our own people."

Qin Xiyan, Princess of Tieshan, had a hint of helplessness deep in her eyes.

She actually didn't want to come at all.

However, since she was in Yan'an County, it would be unjustifiable if she pretended not to know anything about it.

She did not expect that not only would Chu Xisheng dare to directly conflict with Qin Sheng, but that the two sides would remain in a stalemate for such a long time.

"Princess, you are here just in time!" Chu Xisheng smiled softly: "Mr. Feng, hand over the assassin in your hand to the princess, and ask her to take her back to Wuxiang Shenzong for trial by the Discipline Hall."

Kuang Jian Feng San was slightly stunned, but without hesitation, he threw the third-level martial arts cultivator in his hand towards Qin Xiyan, Princess Tieshan.

Qin Xiyan was startled. She subconsciously took the man in her hand, and then her expression changed: "What do you mean, junior brother?"

"Senior sister is not only the current head of the Tieshan Qin family and the king's biological sister, but also a true disciple of my Wuxiang Divine Sect."

Chu Xi explained with a smile: "Compared to General Qin, I trust the princess more. Isn't it natural? Many people in our clan have expectations for the princess. I hope the princess will take this person.

Deliver safely to Wuxiang Mountain, don't let us down."

Qin Xiyan, Princess of Tieshan County, felt her teeth sore after hearing these words.

This bastard was openly sowing discord in front of them!

He also brought his dark thoughts to light!

However, Qin Xiyan only hesitated for a moment, then nodded with a solemn expression: "Don't worry, junior brother, I will send him to Wuxiang Mountain."

She really wanted to gain the trust of the Wuxiang Divine Sect.

Not only did he want to practice a deeper level of divine will, but he also wanted to use the power of the Wuxiang Divine Sect to regain the power within the Tieshan Qin Clan.

The previous Wuxiang Shenzong could only struggle a little under the pressure of the imperial court.

Now, she knows that the Wuxiang Divine Sect is still the number one Divine Sect in the world even after her eldest sister passed away!

General Qin Sheng's fists made bursting sounds at this moment.

He glanced sideways at Qin Xiyan with a cold and ruthless look, and then hummed softly: "Wait, you can take care of yourself!"

Just when Qin Sheng was about to leave Yukong, Chu Xisheng put his hand on the knife and spoke again: "General Qin must be aware that our Wuxiang Divine Sect needs to rely on you and your army to fight against the giant spirit, so he is confident?


His voice was soft and his expression seemed careless.

Qin Sheng just ignored it and continued to flee.

He sneered secretly and thought, so what?

This is what Qin Sheng thought.

At this time, the Yelang remnant clan has already begun to rise again, and for some unknown reason, several second-level royal tribes in Buzhou Mountain have moved south.

Except for him, Qin Sheng, no one can help Wuxiang Shenzong stabilize the overall situation in Bingzhou.

Chu Xisheng seemed to have read through his mind, and said in a leisurely voice: "General, it is best to cherish this time, at most two years. Within two years, Chu will be able to cultivate the first two levels of the divine will-touching death knife. By then Chu

A single sword can suppress the Northern Territory, and the Wuxiang Divine Sect can resist the giant spirit with just one force, so why do you need Qin Sheng?"

Qin Sheng's childlike expression suddenly shrank slightly.

He turned back abruptly and stared at Chu Xisheng.

Qin Sheng watched intently, fascinated, as if he wanted to remember Chu Xisheng's hateful face firmly in his heart.

Chu Xisheng showed no fear and smiled back with an unknown meaning: "General, please take care of yourself!"

Qin Xiyan, who was next to her, closed her eyes slightly and narrowed her gaze.

She was worried that her eyes would reveal her thoughts.

Qin Xiyan thought that this Wuji Sword Lord was not only extremely talented, but also extremely courageous, sinister and vicious, as well as skillful.

If this person cultivates the Divine Will Touching Death Sword, he will be ten times more terrifying than the straightforward Bloody Sword Lord of the past!

At the same time, Chu Ming was also watching this scene from a distance.

The Iron-faced Judge Luo Yang and the Divine Fist Judge Xi Bitian are both the archenemies of the Chu family in the west of Beijing, and they are enemies who will decide whether to live or die when they meet.

So Chu Ming didn't dare to get close and just watched from a distance.

Chu Ming's eyes were suspicious. She didn't understand why Chu Xisheng got involved with these two people.

Is it because of their previous competition that the Jingxi Chu family had also shown hostility towards Chu Xisheng?

——This makes sense.

The problem was that although these two people were standing far away, Chu Ming noticed that the way they looked at Chu Xisheng was a little different.

It didn't look like the look in the eyes of an imperial prisoner looking at the Jin Yiwei, nor did it look like the look in the eyes of a wronged person looking at the superior officer who could clear their name.

There was actually a strong feeling of joy, relief and respect.

Chu Ming thought that this thing was very strange, very strange.

There must be some reason for this.


As the sun set, Chu Xisheng and Kuangjian Fengsan sat cross-legged on the head of the sun-bathing divine boat.

As early as two hours ago, they took a boat and fled away under the watch of Qin Sheng, Qin Xiyan and others.

Iron-faced Judge Luo Yang and Divine Fist Judge Xi Bitian also left the boat soon after having a detailed discussion with Chu Xisheng.

At this time, they were already tens of thousands of miles away from Yan'an County.

Yuri Shenzhou's escape speed is so overbearing.

Kuangjian Fengsan frowned slightly and looked at the sea ahead.

He felt something wasn't right with him.

When I had a fierce battle with those people just now, I instinctively used some martial arts skills that I had never mastered in my memory.

I didn't feel anything when I was confronting Qin Sheng before, but now that I have come to my senses, I feel more and more that I am not normal.

It seems that some of his memories have been sealed, and some of his memories seem to have been fabricated.

Chu Xisheng glanced sideways at him, then formed a spiritual formula with both hands and said the words 'Xia Yun'an'.

Mad Sword Feng San's body suddenly stiffened, and his eyes began to wander.

This is the name of Xia Baishi's father, the 'Supreme Sword Heart', and it is also the secret message left by Zhi Feizi, the elder of the Magic Academy, when he fabricated memories for Xia Baishi, which can make Mad Sword Feng San's thinking pause for a moment.

To put it simply, it is a special command in the computer system that can put the system into safe mode, which is convenient for debugging, anti-virus and so on.

Chu Xisheng took advantage of Feng San's distraction, and without hesitation opened the martial arts treasure house in his field of vision, and put all the four 'Jin Mo Zhe Black Divine Power Cards (Level 3)' that were drawn out today on the head of Crazy Sword Feng San.

Lost it.

Jinmo's black magical power card is derived from the third-grade magical power "Magic Prayer". It is extremely powerful, so it has the highest priority.

Next is the three fourth-grade jade talismans given to him by the Magic Master Academy. They are used for daily maintenance and memory consolidation, and to maintain the self-awareness of Crazy Sword Feng San.

According to Zhi Feizi, they don't dare to lock the memory of Mad Sword Feng San too tightly. Firstly, it will arouse Xia Baishi's resistance. Secondly, if he really thinks that he is Feng San, it will not be good.


Xia Baishi's cultivation was all achieved by starting over at the third level. Of course, this is unlikely.

The Magician Academy was not able to refine many of these fourth-grade jade talismans at the moment, and Chu Xisheng only brought out forty of them so far.

The Magic Master Academy will continue to perform sacrifices and send them to the Zhengyang Martial Arts School in Dongzhou in the south, and Chu Xisheng will pick them up himself.

But under normal circumstances, one card per day is enough.

Today's situation is special. After Feng San fought with Qin Sheng, under Qin Sheng's pressure, the memory seal was severely damaged.

Next up was the prodigy of external magic, Chu Xisheng, who used the third-level magic three times in a row to ‘deceive the mind and spirit’.

He didn't dare to perform too complicated operations. By deceiving his mind and spirit, the information implanted into Feng San's memory was very simple.

——I am Kuang Jian Feng San! My master is Chu Xisheng! I am loyal to my master! I fight for my master, and my ‘divine will as heart sword’ will do whatever I want and be invincible.

Chu Xisheng felt guilty for a while, wondering if Xia Baishi's memory would wake up in the future. If he realized that his memory had been messed up in such a way, would he beat him?

However, this method allowed Xia Baishi to maintain a third-level martial arts body and have a combat power in the top 100 on the Earth Ranking.

Chu Xisheng didn't know if this could truly restore Xia Baishi's Daoist heart, but he was certain that he could return to 80% to 90% of the state he was in when he was in his prime.

Zhi Feizi and the others had some inferences.

Unless Kuangjian Fengsan's trust and respect for Chu Xisheng reached an unparalleled level, it would be impossible to improve on his original cultivation level.

The woven memory is not a real memory, and the borrowed Taoist heart is not a real Taoist heart. This will be a fatal flaw in the process of promotion to the first rank.

About twenty breaths after Chu Xisheng finished these things, Kuangjianfeng's three eyes condensed and became focused again.

After he woke up, he looked around suspiciously, and then locked his eyes on Chu Xisheng.

"Lord, what happened to me just now? I seemed to have been temporarily absent-minded?"

He found that there was a moment of blank space in his memory, which was not the current time.

Chu Xisheng nodded expressionlessly after hearing this: "You were indeed looking outside in a daze just now. Are you thinking about something too absorbed?"

Feng San carefully thought about it, then shook his head slightly and put down his thoughts.

I might be really in a daze.

He then calmed down his thoughts: "Are the Lord's words today intended to stimulate General Qin Sheng?"

As soon as the Lord said what he said today, that person would probably use all means and power to kill the Lord.

"Did you see it?"

Chu Xisheng smiled slightly: "That's exactly what I planned. That General Anbei can't tolerate me, so he will try his best to kill me regardless of provocation or not. However, the more anxious a person is, the more likely he is to make mistakes."

He hoped to draw Qin Sheng's attention firmly to him so that Chu Yunyun could move more easily.

Chu Yunyun has no plans to return to the Tieshan Qin Clan.

However, Bingyou Jijue's 2.9 million troops from the four states are all her former troops.

Nearly one-half of the generals in the four states were promoted by Chu Yunyun.

Qin Sheng did not have the prestige of a king. Even if he succeeded General Anbei for two years, he would not be able to replace these people.

This person is currently working hard within the Qin family, trying his best to purge the 500,000 Anbei army directly under the Tieshan Qin family.

Feng San was still slightly confused.

What Chu Xisheng said didn't make sense.

But just when he was about to ask again, Chu Xisheng stood up.

"Here we are!"

They have arrived at the place mentioned by Lord Xueyan.

Chu Xisheng's eyes were filled with anticipation.

I hope that after a lapse of more than a thousand years, the thing that Lord Xueyan mentioned is still there, and that Xueyi in his prime has not taken it away.

At the same time, thousands of miles away on the sea.

Iron-faced judge Luo Yang and Divine Fist judge Xi Bitian looked at each other face to face.

Both of their expressions were extremely solemn, without much joy.

"How is it?" Xi Bitian looked at Luo Yang: "I feel that the young master is really very different from before."

"Today's young master is both wise and courageous, and has extraordinary courage. Even when facing the general Qin Sheng, he can be calm and decisive in his moves. Moreover, his words and demeanor actually surpass the general Qin Sheng."

There was a hint of joy in Luo Yang's eyes: "But he is undoubtedly the young master! The former master has a spirit. If he could see the young master like this, I don't know how happy he would be."

"I didn't say he wasn't." Xi Bitian shook his head; "I just think the young master has changed too much, and I don't know why?"

Luo Yang sighed softly: "The young master has endured the pain of a poisonous curse since he was a child. What he has experienced is definitely not something ordinary people can bear. Therefore, it is difficult for you and me to infer and imagine his changes in mood. Bi Tian, ​​do you really think that the young master was weak in the past?

Incompetent? The young master did not go crazy under the torture of that poisonous curse. His willpower is beyond human reach."

When he saw that Xi Bitian was speechless, he turned around and left: "I'm leaving to go to Yunhai Immortal Palace with Coach Li. As for you, you must fulfill what the young master told you. The young master has come back from the dead,

Although we are free from the poisonous curse, the Six Yin Resurrection Curse is still a huge hidden danger. You and I can no longer just watch it and do nothing."

This is the reason why Luo Yang lost half of his joy after seeing Chu Xisheng.

He had to rush to Yunhai Immortal Palace as soon as possible and try his best to research the complete 'Commandments and Rules' within three months.

"I am clear!"

Xi Bitian also turned around and walked in another direction silently.

They all carry Chu Xisheng's mission, one goes south and the other goes east.

This chapter has been completed!
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