Infected with Noro, take another day off

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The Seventh Knight was really sulky for a while, but the kind-hearted girl didn't really take any revenge - after all, she was the one who was really helped. So Orianna quickly changed her mood and ate two small cakes.

Then he drove everyone back to his home.

It was now eight o'clock in the evening, and Orianna was humming a song and cleaning the room on the second floor. Gongsun Ce sneaked into the eldest brother's room on the first floor and said in a low voice: "I brought you good goods!"


Mo Yuankai turned around in front of the computer and saw his younger brother taking out two folk legends with strange covers from his pocket.

Mo Yuankai took a copy of "King Morton and the Forty Female Thieves", flipped through it with a critical eye, and said seriously: "Wow, so pornographic? Are there any more?"

"I bought four copies, half for each person." Gongsun Ce threw another copy of "King Morton and the Oil Lamp Fairy" to him, "After reading it, I feel that King Morton is really a fucking scumbag."

"You're kidding, will you act like a scumbag if you're given the chance?"

"How is it possible, I am such a dedicated man!"

Mo Yuankai let out a burst of unclear hisses and said nothing. He quickly flipped through the illustrations and commented from the perspective of a connoisseur: "The painting style is too exaggerated, and there are basically no details. It is incomparable to Zero Island.


"Where can I buy serious books here? Try to go to Zero Island for a business trip next time."

"I would like to go..."

Gongsun Ce also wants to go to Lingdao. Not to mention the food there, at least there are a lot of delicious food, and the various folk customs are also worth studying. There are witches, kunoichi, custom shops, and mixed bathing hot springs. Just thinking about it is very exciting. Lingdao

People are particular about meeting each other once in a while, maybe you can actually meet the big sister Kuronaga Nao who goes to the hot springs together and exchange ideas about life ideals...

It's a pity that they are now in the old-fashioned Kingdom of Morton, where snow was still falling yesterday, and the girls on the street are all wrapped up like rice dumplings. The two girls with the best relationship around them are the master who is carrying a giant sword to kill people.

One is a female detective who travels to murder scenes every day. The romantic plot probably won’t happen until the farewell.

Gongsun Ce sighed: "Don't you feel disappointed that our wonderful summer vacation has been submerged in the sea of ​​ancient scrolls on Gum Mountain? Brother!"

"I don't think the food in the Knights' group is pretty good." Mo Yuankai took a sip of Coke and said, "The landlord is also quite nice. Everything is fine except that there is no takeaway milk tea."

Gongsun Ce pushed up his glasses and caught the key point of his words: "What do you mean the landlord is a nice person? Huh? Please tell me carefully what a good idea is!"

Mo Yuankai waved his hands repeatedly: "Throw it away and go away."

Gongsun Ce pointed at his elder brother's face sadly: "Okay! Why do you want my help in a duel in such a big way? It's because you, who likes blond hair and big breasts, have fallen in love with Orianna! You have thick eyebrows and big eyes.

The superpowers actually betrayed the class and were corrupted by the sugar-coated bullets of the feudal remnants only two days after arriving in the kingdom!"

"Don't lie, I don't!" Mo Yuankai slapped the table and stood up, "At most, I just have a good impression!"

"I still don't understand what your little affection means? Brother, long-distance relationships have no future..." Gongsun Ce grinned, "In this case, little brother, I will help you cut off your love, and we will continue to be good single brothers. I am now

Just tell Orianna about your glorious achievements of failing to chase girls 50 times!"

Mo Yuankai smiled sinisterly, without any embarrassment at being manipulated, but his eyes were full of calculation.

"You can go if you want... But Ah Ce, I suddenly remembered that you called last night and said that you were broken in love? I remember that your favorite type is the silver-haired big sister!"

Gongsun Ce took a breath of air: "I'm sorry, don't talk nonsense! It's all a misunderstanding!"

"Okay, you are not afraid of shadows. You are fine. I can feel at ease and share your glorious past with the Knight of Dawn. I still remember that you quickly went to the doctor to try after reading about hypnosis..."

"Are you human?! Stop!"

The shouting sounds of the superpowers could be heard faintly even through the door, causing Orianna on the second floor to frown. "Really... like students!"

"They are indeed students." Alandia, who was reading a book on the side, reminded, "Mr. Gongsun has not yet entered high school, and Mr. Mo is a freshman in college. According to common sense, you are also at the age of going to college."

"Same for you, Knight Arlandia!" Orianna said unconvinced. She put down the mop, sat back on the chair, and sighed: "Oh my God, we are all still very young..."

"Yes." Alandia said.

Orianna thought to herself, I am lamenting that we have strength and heavy responsibilities at such a young age. What else can I say if you say "yes"? She gave up the idea of ​​being sad for spring and autumn, and thought of the Dawn Knight acting with someone.

One day, he turned around and asked curiously: "Alandia~ What do you think of Mr. Gongsun?"

Alandia closed the book - one of a series of classic detective novels, "The Uncanny Valley" - and said: "His combat power fluctuates between the realm of the gods and the realm of manifestation, and is not stable. He has quick thinking.

He has a flexible mind and good physical fitness, but poor physical coordination. He is hot on the outside and cold on the inside. He seems to be sociable but is actually withdrawn. He has high empathy, a simple sense of justice, and is hostile to official institutions and the aristocratic class. He has a negative attitude towards interpersonal relationships.

A strong person in terms of relationship and power has an unconscious psychology of dependence. His self-loathing and desire for self-destruction are both very strong."

She picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and concluded: "He is a typical Silent Phase Dragon. I am very surprised that he has not become a dangerous person hostile to society. This should be attributed to Mr. Mo's constant help to him."


Orianna looked at her colleagues expressionlessly, as if looking at a vending machine with the wrong drink.

"Opinion, Alandia, your own opinion." She said weakly, "It is not your judgment of...this person..."

Alandia thought for a while and said: "I hate his nature, but I recognize his character and ability. He is a person who can work with him."

"Oh, poor Gongsun Ce, he got amazing reviews under the worst conditions."

Orianna sighed, got up and continued to do her housework.

The second floor became quiet, with only the occasional collision of mops and cabinets. Alandia finished reading the last page of the novel, closed the book, and said, "Orianna, I have a question."

"What's wrong?"

"Under what circumstances would one person want to eat the same food as another person?"

" he greedy?"

"I don't think he likes it."

Orianna held the mop with both hands like a sword hilt. She put her chin on the back of her hands and said with a smile: "That means he wants to experience the other person's feelings. He wants to know more about the other person's life.


"How strange." Alandia thought thoughtfully.

"Jane..." She raised her hand out of habit, wanting to ask her entourage to change a book for her, but then she remembered that Jane was gone. Orianna took the book in her hand and comforted: "Don't be too sad... people

It will always change, I think she also has good intentions..."

Alandia didn't say a word, just shook her head.


As the night fell, the lights in the city went out one by one, and the royal capital fell into a silent night.

In this moment of complete silence, an oil lamp was still on. The light flashed across the streets of the East District, illuminating the wooden sign of "Dust Theater" in front of the green space, leading pedestrians to the largest tent among them.

The entrance to the tent was open, and candlelight flickered inside, seeming to welcome her arrival. Jane Diela walked into the tent, furious. She placed the oil lamp heavily on the table and said sharply: "You controlled it.

Me! Situ Yi!


The troupe director in a tall hat and white clothes was sitting at the table with his back to her, writing lines of text. When he saw the guests coming, he didn't look back. He just smiled and said: "It's a pity that I'm just an actor from the East District. How can I have such skills?"

Controlling the mind of a former knight?"

"It's your Creation Technique!" Jane gasped, "Your Creation Technique affected my thinking and actions... I just want to help her! It's you! You made my good intentions do something wrong!


Situ Yi put down his pen, raised his head, and stared at the chandelier hanging on the top of the tent with his slender eyes, watching the metal lamps swaying in the night wind. He opened his mouth, telling bizarre jokes like a clown, and singing the opening song like an actor.

"If you are not good at studying, you will hate the interference of others; if you drink to relieve your depression, you will blame the wine merchant for selling goods; if you throw away your money at the gambling table, it will be all because of the lively atmosphere; if you behead someone out of spite, you will blame him for his rich pockets!"

After getting on the gallows, before the rope was hung, someone was put in shackles, and the onlookers all cheered. I looked back, touched my heart, and asked, is it because others are evil, or is it because they are ugly?"

Situ Yi stood up from the table and turned around. His pale face was obscured by shadows, and his expression could not be seen clearly. The light cast his shadow on the tent wall, like a dry old tree or a giant tower about to collapse.

Jane trembled and backed away. She came forward fiercely, but when the man really looked at her, she didn't even have the strength to speak.

A pair of arms wrapped around her neck affectionately from the depths of the darkness. Crikey appeared quietly, put her head on Jane's shoulder, and whispered:

"People in this world always have the habit of blaming all faults on dead things and others. But people who seek innocence often fail to understand that escaping is a more despicable evil than facing it. Little knight, you

You say it's all the leader's fault. But what did the leader ever instruct you to do?

Who propagated that the Knight of Dawn cut off the armor? Who slandered the Knight of Dawn and said that he was unreasonable? Who came to the troupe to ask for help, asking about the tricks of cheating and stealing, and who used family wealth to defraud craftsmen and create lamps that hide evil?"

Crikey's fingers put a stiff smile on Jane's face: "Who is her friend who has never believed in her from beginning to end?"

"Nonsense!" Jane broke away, and Crikey stepped back with a chuckle. "I...I shouldn't have had anything to do with you! It's your fault, Hyde, if you hadn't told me...


"Oh... I'm so sorry, little knight. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have introduced this place to you and let you learn the tricks of hiding your soul. If you had released your own manifestation method as it is, everything would have been different...


"Shut up!" Jane looked pale, "Shut up!


"It's all up to you, Lord Knight. I'm just a lowly apprentice." Criqui leaned against the desk and chuckled, "You are much more shameless than me, so I'm willing to be your inferior."

"Go away! I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore!" Jane stepped back step by step, "You shameful villains must have a plan... I will tell the knight Alandia...!"

No one stopped her, Jane picked up the oil lamp and was about to walk out. At this time, Situ Yi picked up the script and turned back to the page he had just turned. Crikey glanced sideways and read:

[Knight Orianna appears cowardly, but has a strong heart. Under external pressure and Mo Yuankai's encouragement, she successfully broke through her own constraints and used the power of the holy sword seal. This is a coincidence that cannot be replicated.

, is also the result of hard work. She has become the true Seventh Knight, and no one can replace her role. Unless the emergency process is initiated, the Holy Sword can no longer change hands.]


Jane's footsteps stopped. She was only one step away from walking into the soft night, but she stopped in the candlelight of the troupe. She suddenly turned back and asked fiercely: "That trash?! Why?!"

"Don't ask me, I'm not a knight." Crikey shrugged, "Oh, by the way, the Dawn Knight gets along well with that superpower. I think he's a better assistant than you."

She pulled Jian's sleeves with her fingers and asked her to take a step back. A smile appeared on Situ Yi's face and he said: "Tomorrow a noble person will arrive, and the prince of the kingdom will see the dawn. If you want to know whether his remarks are true or not,

You’ll know it when you see it in person!”

When she heard the word "Prince of the Kingdom", Jane's expression changed drastically.


After a while, the light of the oil lamp left the troupe.

Situ Yi returned to the table and sat down, and Kriji sat on his desk. The third man came from outside the tent, wearing an ancient empire-style black robe. He was just a child in his early ten years, with a princely look in his eyes.

An arrogant look.

"Where do good friends come from?" Situ Yi asked.

"I went to Jane's place to check. The progress is normal. Skeleton King Morton should be able to appear in the duel before the emperor."

Lord Yinlu pulled up a chair and sat down, saying disdainfully: "Wuxiang, I really don't understand the use of these messy arrangements of yours. Why waste energy on such an ignorant person? It's better to make more chess pieces.

Or we can go to the spiritual prison world to set up some back-ups."

Situ Yi raised his orchid finger and said with a smile: "Do you know the way to win the game?"

The Master of Yinlu answered without thinking: "Victory is based on quantity and strength. Sending strong men as generals and gathering brave men into an army. An upright and upright force can defeat all evil tricks. This is a sure victory."

Situ Yi covered his face with his sleeves and laughed so loudly that he almost laughed off his hat.

"Ah ha ha ha! A game of chess is not a conquest. The chess game is like a theater. Chess pieces are more valuable than more, and strong but useless is useless!"

Lord Yinlu shook his head: "'Force' and 'Quantity' are the most universal wisdom in the world. You don't know how to play chess."

Situ Yi dispersed his gestures and said: "Emotions are better than all laws, and malice is higher than other emotions. The sword has its own evil side, and people are strong because of hatred."

"I hope you are right." The Hidden Law Lord did not agree very much. He looked at the silent Criki, "What about you?"

Crikey looked at the candlelight with blurred eyes and played with an exquisite folding knife in her hand.

"I want to kill someone, even if I want to go to bed...are you coming?"

Lord Yinlu sighed heavily: "Let's go slowly without seeing you off."

"A boring man, just like that brat." Krikki grabbed a stack of documents and staggered out of the tent, "Just kidding, I have to deliver materials to the old man. I have to go to work tomorrow morning... what a boring life.


Criqui also left, and soon the candles in the theater went out, leaving no more light.


Gongsun Ce got up very early the next day, because someone knocked on his door early in the morning. The young man opened the door sleepily and saw a silver-haired female knight standing outside the door, neatly dressed.

"...Morning?" Gongsun Ce said in confusion, "Let's sleep together for a while?"

"Good morning, Mr. Gongsun. Continuing yesterday afternoon's practice, we went to the park to observe the morning joggers," Alandia said.

Gongsun Ce stared at her for a long time and said sincerely: "There is something wrong with you. Really, there is something wrong with you."

They bought croissants and hot coffee for breakfast at the small cafe behind the building. The old lady who owned the shop happily said that they were the first customers "again" this morning. It was obvious from the first glance that Islandia was a regular customer. They walked

A few minutes later, we arrived at Wood Park in the inner city, an urban green space like a nature reserve. Gray paths wound around the grass, with a large frozen lake in the middle. Gongsun Ce sat on a park bench and breathed in the fresh air.

, while chewing bread, he commented in imperial language on the morning joggers passing by.

"This girl with a short ponytail...well...has a very good figure."

"Observe, Mr. Gongsun, rather than express your desires in words."

"You can't blame me for being too flexible... let me guess... she's a student?"

"She's a single mother."

"How can I tell this?!"

When they returned home from their "morning exercise", Orianna and her eldest brother had already finished breakfast. The female knight was nervously tidying up the first floor, like a student preparing for a dormitory inspection.

"Does the warden of the Knights want to come to check the room?" Gongsun Ce asked.

"No! Have you forgotten what I said last night? Prince Charlie is coming to visit this morning!" Orianna muttered nervously, "I really hope everything goes smoothly... It's best to resolve this matter quickly.

Then we go to the museum as soon as possible..."

Gongsun Ce nodded: "Isn't he just a prince? Why are you so nervous?"

Orianna looked at him speechlessly, and Alandia explained: "Prince Charlie once tried to pursue Orianna, so she didn't have a good impression of this person."

Mo Yuankai just drank the black tea and coughed violently after hearing this. Gongsun Ce smiled evilly and patted his elder brother on the back, and asked casually: "What about you?"

"I hate the way the prince behaves," Airandia said.

The corners of Orianna's mouth twitched: "Prince Charlie also... once pursued the knight Alandia in a rather bad way."

"Grandma, he deserves it?!" Gongsun Ce was immediately furious, "You don't even look in the mirror to see what kind of thing you are!"

"I am the crown prince of a country..." Mo Yuankai said.

"I don't even need to look at him to know that he is a greasy middle-aged man with a bald head and a big belly!"

At this time, a carriage passed by the window. A few seconds later, the doorbell rang, and Airandia stepped forward to open the door. Two soldiers stood outside the door, and a handsome brown-haired man stepped out of the carriage, wearing an embroidered blue suit.

Wearing a pure white dress with a star emblem, and styled hair so bright it could reflect light, he looked like a romantic nobleman, which had nothing to do with Gongsun Ce's imagination.

When he saw Alandia, his eyes lit up, and he opened his arms like a crowd, as if he was going to give a hug: "Ah, our amazing detective lady——"

Gongsun Ce quickly got to the door with quick eyes and hands, and hugged His Highness the Crown Prince with redoubled enthusiasm. He slapped the Crown Prince's back very vigorously, and said loudly and emotionally as if reciting a poem: "Ah! Your Highness the Crown Prince! Looking forward to the stars and the moon.

, finally you are here, please come in quickly, please come in quickly!"

This chapter has been completed!
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