Chapter 633 Good news and bad news!

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[Congratulations, your spiritual veins have been successfully upgraded. Your sect’s station has met the upgrade requirements. Do you want to upgrade? 】

[Congratulations, your spiritual veins have been upgraded successfully. Because it is a special treasure that is integrated with the spiritual veins to upgrade, you will obtain a wonder with special treasure attributes. The wonder is being generated...]

[Congratulations, you have successfully upgraded your spiritual veins and gained special sect station skills and the power of spiritual objects: Water God!]

Guo Lin was refining the thunder talisman in the Cave Heaven Paradise, and also received a prompt from the game system.

At that moment, he felt a strong spiritual energy coming.

He quickly checked it with his soul, and a light shone in his eyes.

The spiritual veins were upgraded and the spiritual energy increased. At that moment, he felt that the spiritual energy in the Qingfeng Sect had increased at least ten times more than before.

Although the Qingfeng Sect has a 3-fold increase in spiritual energy, the Qingfeng Sect can have such an increase, which means that the spiritual energy outside of the Qingfeng Sect has at least increased several times this time with the upgrade of the spiritual veins.

Otherwise, there would not be such a terrifying spiritual energy amplification effect.

Moreover, this kind of aura is a bit like a cultivating sect.

The most important point is that when the spiritual veins are upgraded, the sect's station can also be upgraded. When the sect's station is upgraded, the Dongtian Paradise can also be upgraded. When the time comes, the Dongtian Paradise can increase its spiritual energy.

It was increased by 3 times before. This time it is upgraded again and it will definitely be increased by a higher multiple.

By then, the increased spiritual energy after this upgrade will be dozens of times higher than before. By then, I am afraid that his cultivation in the realm of becoming gods will have some effect.

With this kind of spiritual energy, it will not be difficult for the disciples of Qingfeng Guan to practice to the level of golden elixir in the future, without having to worry about not having enough spiritual energy to practice.

This will definitely be a huge improvement.

Naturally, the prerequisite is to upgrade the sect’s station and Cave Heaven Paradise.

Moreover, this upgrade must be done step by step.

Looking at the game prompts, he also directly chose to upgrade the sect's station.

There is nothing to hesitate about.

Moreover, after learning that the Earthlings' genes had been modified, he felt a slight sense of urgency. No matter what the reason behind this was, the stronger his side became, the better.

At that moment, in the entire Qingfeng Temple sect's residence, an upgraded light that no one else could see enveloped the Qingfeng Sect again.

Naturally, people in Qingfeng Temple have basically cultivated energy now, and they can also feel a trace of energy fluctuations.

So, at that moment, everyone raised their heads and looked up at the sky.

"It seems that there is another mysterious energy wave suddenly appearing,"

"Well, that's it. I feel it too, but my strength seems to be too weak. I don't know what's going on!"

"Maybe it's the same energy that envelopes the entire Taoist temple like the water curtain, but this time we can't see it at all."

Everyone agreed with this argument.

The golden rainstorm is over, everyone's strength has improved, and everyone's face is filled with excitement.

At this moment, magical scenes suddenly appeared, and everyone opened their mouths in disbelief.

Guo Lin also received a systematic prompt at that moment:

[Congratulations, you have successfully condensed the wonders of the special treasure attributes of your spiritual veins!]

He subconsciously looked towards the four opponents in the sky.

In those places, a special kind of spatial ripple appeared after the game system prompted it.

Moreover, the ripples were blue, as if something was about to appear.

Not only Guo Lin saw it, but everyone at Qingfeng Temple also saw it.

"Look at those four places! It's turning blue, something is coming out."


Everyone saw it. They couldn't understand the strange sight, but they couldn't help being attracted.

Following these four people, another blue distortion appeared.

Finally, under everyone's attention, a curtain of water actually appeared in one of the blue distortions, pouring out directly from a blue distortion in the sky, as if a Milky Way waterfall was hanging down from the sky.

After the first hanging waterfall appeared, the second, third, and fourth followed immediately!

The four waterfalls just hung over Qingfeng Temple, as if they appeared out of thin air.

But after these waterfalls fell down, they did not fall towards the ground, but floated towards other blue twists, and then connected together.

These water curtains are connected to each other, as if forming a connected water channel, and then the water curtain disappears into thin air.

No one knows what is going on in this scene. Only Guo Lin knows that these water curtains ultimately belong to the underground river water at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain.

This is caused by the special properties of spiritual veins. Those blue ripples are a specialized water attribute space distortion.

It is this spatial distortion that only water can penetrate, and other substances cannot penetrate at all. For other substances, it is void. If you close your eyes and ignore the distortion, there will be no impact at all if you directly hit it.

These spatial distortions have turned the space around Qingfeng Temple into a hornet's nest, connected in all directions. However, they are only used for show and have no other special functions.

To outsiders, this is very magical.

Even those believers and disciples of Qingfeng Temple seemed to be shocked.

In their eyes, that is the power of the gods and the gift of Qingfengguan from the gods.

This power makes them full of piety.

Wang Yu sighed when he saw this kind of power.

Qingfeng Temple is really becoming less and less like the existence of this world. Everything that appears here, to use a relatively Internet term, is a dimensionality reduction attack.

That's right, everything that happened in Qingfengguan was a dimensionality reduction blow to the real world.

A group of soldiers has gathered around Wang Yu.

These people had practiced Kung Fu in China and were sent here to try their luck. Who knew that they all successfully cultivated energy?

These were two teams, with more people than their previous special team.

You must know that the previous team was cultivated by Mr. Chu, who paid an unknown price for the spiritual energy rice obtained from Qingfeng Temple.

"Captain Wang, where are we now?" one person asked.

"The spiritual energy flushing is over, let's go down the mountain." Wang Yu said with a frown, taking the lead to walk down the mountain. At the same time, he took out his communicator and contacted the capital to report the situation.

However, it was discovered that the communicator could not be used in Qingfeng Mountain. It seemed that the signal was completely affected by some energy.

He only wanted to take people down the mountain quickly, and only contacted Mr. Chu in the capital to report when they arrived outside Qingfeng Mountain.

In Beijing, Mr. Chu received Wang Yu's communication and answered the call immediately. He asked: "Wang Yu, how's it going?"

Wang Yu sighed and said: "Mr. Chu, there is good news and bad news."

"What's the good news?" Mr. Chu asked immediately.

Wang Yu explained: "The spiritual energy flushing of Qingfeng Temple is indeed powerful. Every one of the people sent from China this time has cultivated energy under the spiritual energy flushing."

"Have both teams mastered the training?" Mr. Chu's face suddenly showed joy when he heard this.

This is definitely good news.

Their special combat members, even at their largest number, only have a small team.

That was when Qingfengguan was in China.

But now I sent people to Qingfeng Temple to try their luck, and there were actually two teams of people who cultivated energy.

"Where's the bad news?" Mr. Chu asked immediately.

Wang Yu sighed and said: "There are many people who have benefited from the spiritual energy washing at Qingfeng Temple this time. At a glance, there are almost tens of thousands of people."

"..." Mr. Chu was stunned when he heard this.

The ratio of two teams to tens of thousands of people came to mind, and then I was confused. nothing...


This chapter has been completed!
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