Chapter 637 The Emei Sect’s Ambush

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Guo Lin knew the situation, but did not say anything. Instead, he took out a few talismans and thunder talismans and handed them to Zhou Qingyun: "Sister, take these talismans. The situation seems to be the same as we guessed. Be more careful later."


"Yes." Zhou Qingyun nodded, and when he took the talismans, a look of surprise appeared on his pretty face.

She could feel that the talisman contained terrifying power, and there seemed to be a power of rules that she could not understand.

Guo Lin did not waste time. After letting Zhou Qingyun determine the specific location, he flew towards the valley with his sword and soon landed in the valley.

Moreover, as soon as he entered, he saw a middle-aged man restrained in the middle.

"Father." Sister Zhou Qingyun immediately became anxious, hurriedly flew over, appeared next to Zhou Chun, and immediately used her strength to untie Zhou Chun.

After the restraints on Zhou Chun's body were gone, he woke up immediately. When he saw Zhou Qingyun, he immediately became anxious: "Qingyun, why are you here? This is a trap. Leave quickly."

Although Zhou Chun joined the Emei Sect, at his age, having been around for so long, and with such a great reputation, he would definitely not be brainwashed so easily.

Therefore, he has a clear distinction between his feelings towards the Emei Sect and his own family.

Naturally, and because of this, he is not very strong, and recruiting him is actually more for Zhou Qingyun.

Almost as soon as Zhou Chun finished speaking, five strong auras appeared violently and fell from all around the valley in an instant, directly surrounding Guo Lin and Zhou Qingyun.

"I want to leave now, but it's too late!" The drunk Taoist said coldly.

The next moment, Zhui Yunsou also shouted: "Start the formation."

Five special aura fluctuations appeared again, condensing into a formation that enveloped Guo Lin and Zhou Qingyun.

Guo Lin frowned when he saw this scene.

This move again.

People from the Emei sect seem to like to play such villainous tricks.

First, send a message to attract people, and then prepare an ambush for a sneak attack.

Really, if you were a decent person, no one would even bother to do this kind of thing. People like Juggernaut and Lin Tiannan would come to kill them directly and would not do such tricks.

So, the Emei Sect is the right way?

That's because the Emei Sect has indeed embraced the thighs of the Heavenly Court of 108 Cave Heaven and Earth. The long eyebrows have soared up to Heaven and entered Laojun's sect. Therefore, in those ten small countries, no one is the opponent of the Emei Sect. Therefore, their fists

Nature they have a point.

If they say they are decent, then they are decent.

If this were placed in the Song Dynasty, the Shushan Sect would definitely teach them how to be a good person. It depends on whether they dare to behave in this way. If the Shushan Sect is really so overbearing and offends the Shushan Sect, they can just be regarded as evil sects.

After all, the Shushan faction has bigger fists.

If we go further forward, when the Qionghua sect is still there, it will be more fun. Some crazy guy can just go and destroy all his Emei sects.

Therefore, because no one in the Ten Kingdoms is an opponent of the Emei Sect, this leads to their self-centered character.

Zhui Yunsou immediately looked at Guo Lin: "Did you abduct our Emei disciples and then kill them?"

When Guo Lin heard this, he mocked: "I don't think you need to be hypocritical. After all, who doesn't know the style of your Emei sect? I also already know about your Emei sect's raising people to pretend to be demons."

"Don't worry, I will spread the news soon so that everyone will know the true face of your Emei sect. I just don't know if you have been hypocritical for so long and will you still have the courage to continue to be hypocritical?"

These words made Zhui Yunsou and Zui Taoist look extremely gloomy.

"You are looking for death." The drunk Taoist's face was extremely gloomy: "You are on the verge of death, and you still want to take advantage of your words."

Zhuiyun Sou looked at Zhou Qingyun and said: "Qingyun, I know you were bewitched by this person, now we can give you a chance, as long as you kill him, we can give you a chance to change your ways.


When he said this, there was a joking look on his face.

He just liked watching two people who were originally together killing each other, and as long as Zhou Qingyun took action, it would be a stain that she would never be able to wash away.

Their Emei faction can also better control each other and make them obedient.

In this case, there is no need to find two more Sanying Eryun.

Yan Renying and the others could be said to have made a mistake, but if there is Zhou Qingyun, who is also the master of Qingsuo Sword, there will be a lot of explanations.

"Elder Zhui Yunsou, you don't have to play this trick anymore." Zhou Qingyun frowned and stood next to Guo Lin: "I am already Brother Lin's person, even if I die, I will die with him, let me do something that violates the law.

It is a matter of conscience and I would rather die than live like a zombie."

"I don't know what is good or bad." An elder of the Emei Sect was angry. As soon as he finished speaking, he launched an attack on Zhou Qingyun.

Since this girl was so ungrateful, they had no choice but to kill her and get the Qingsuo Sword back.

However, before his attack could fall on Zhou Qingyun, he was blocked by a long sword. What surprised him was that this long sword was not an ordinary spiritual weapon, and the rippled spiritual patterns did not seem to be this.

The refining method of the world,

What surprised him even more was the strength of the man holding the sword.

He pulled back and looked at Guo Lin in surprise: "He has the power to become a god."

At this time, several other people all looked at Guo Lin. They finally understood why Yan Renyin and the others would die in the hands of the other party.

The other party has this kind of strength.

"It's just the early stage of becoming a god. Give him to me. You subdue Zhou Qingyun and get back the Qing Suo Sword." Zhui Yunsou also shouted at this time.

As soon as he finished speaking, he attacked Guo Lin. The power of the late stage of divine transformation swept towards Guo Lin like a wave.

He is confident that with the strength in the later stage of becoming a god, he can easily crush the opponent and then finish him off.

But Guo Lin did not hesitate to activate the power given by the gods, and slashed at Zhui Yunsou's power with the Qingfeng Divine Sword in his hand.

The two forces collided instantly, creating a terrifying shock wave that swept away in all directions.

Guo Lin and Zhui Yunsou were shocked and retreated almost at the same time, and Zhui Yunsou even slid further back.

"Impossible." Zhui Yunsou's expression changed instantly, and he looked in Guo Lin's direction in disbelief.

How could a late-stage god-transformer have such power?

Zui Taoist and others were also shocked. This was different from what they thought.

"What happened to his power?" an Emei sect elder exclaimed: "Obviously he is in the early stage of becoming a god like us, but that power just now..."

"Catch Zhou Qingyun and make him throw himself into a trap." Without any hesitation, Taoist Zui immediately led people around Zhou Qingyun and Zhou Chun and grabbed her.

The drunk Taoist had a sneer on his face. The four of them transformed into gods and grabbed a Nascent Soul, and they were able to capture it easily.

But the next moment, a spiritual talisman in Zhou Qingyun's hand instantly turned into a shield, covering him and Zhou Chun inside. The next moment, the expressions of several people from the Emei Sect suddenly changed drastically.

They saw a shield appear and block them instantly. They were unable to break through the shield and were directly knocked away by the counterattack.


This chapter has been completed!
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