Chapter 631 Golden Rainstorm!

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Zheng Kai looked at Zheng Lin who hurried in and asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

Zheng Lin immediately explained: "Uncle, it's a good thing. There is news from Qingfeng Temple that after a while, Qingfeng Temple will experience a surge of spiritual energy. When the spiritual energy washes away, as long as cultivators are in it, they can gain huge benefits.

The good thing is, if you cultivate energy like us, you might have a chance to directly break your pulse."

"Really?" Zheng Kai looked surprised. As he spoke, he also took out the relevant group chat, and sure enough he found that someone had already talked about this in the group.

This made his face suddenly light up: "It's really great, I can finally break my pulse."

As the most loyal believer in Qingfeng Guan, he naturally knows some of the ins and outs of cultivation.

Although he has cultivated energy now, which is much more powerful than ordinary people, and can even break bluestone with one palm, he knows that he is still an ordinary person, and as long as his veins are not broken, there is still no way to achieve transcendence in strength.

The realm of breaking the pulse is different. As long as the breaking of the pulse is successful, it will be extraordinary and out of the scope of ordinary people.

In this realm, there is a qualitative improvement in strength.

He has been cultivating for so long and even has the welfare spiritual energy refined rice given by Qingfeng Guan, but he still has not succeeded in breaking his pulse.

Now that this news has come out of Qingfeng Temple, it must be true. Moreover, the entire area of ​​Qingfeng Temple is covered by such a water curtain, so it is normal for some magical things to happen.

Zheng Lin also nodded immediately: "I also have a chance to break my pulse."

He was extremely envious when he saw those 10 teenagers being selected just because they were lucky.

But he also knows that this kind of thing depends on chance and cannot be forced.

There was no way he would miss this opportunity this time.

At this time, the most sensational thing was naturally Qingfeng University.

At Qingqingfeng University, there has always been a legend about West It, who is the only student who can cultivate energy.

But not long ago, the legend of Westitt was shattered.

Those 10 teenagers had already broken their pulse and entered Qingfeng University.

Everyone knows that these 10 people were selected by the Taoist priest, and everyone knows that they are now stronger than Weisit.

Therefore, Qingfeng University is no longer the exclusive leader of Westitt.

This made Westitt hold his breath and wanted to break through the broken pulse.

While he was practicing, two people from Fenshen Organization hurried in:

"Weisit, something big has happened."

"The spiritual energy of Qingfeng Guanhui will increase sharply, and soon there will be spiritual energy flushing, which can allow you to break through the broken veins."

Westitt didn't know what spiritual energy flushing was, but he heard it and it could break pulses.

So, the rest is not important.

When he heard the news, he hurried out: "Let's go to Qingfeng Temple."

When he arrived at the outer gate, he found that the entire Qingfeng University was lively. All the international students seemed to have gotten the news, including the local students in Qingfeng City. They all rushed outside Qingfeng University, obviously going to Qingfeng Mountain.

If such a good thing is about to come, they naturally don't want to miss it.

They have been cultivating for so long but have not cultivated energy. They have only touched the threshold of internal strength. Now is an opportunity to cultivate energy.

Similarly, Wang Yu, who had been paying attention to Qingfengguan, also got the news.

"This is really going to be a big deal." Wang Yu was a little surprised when he heard the news.

In the past, if you could not produce energy through cultivation, you could only rely on eating refined spiritual energy rice. Their cultivation method did not even have the concept of absorbing spiritual energy. But now, what kind of spiritual energy flushing has appeared, which can help people cultivate energy or break their pulses?

Then how many people will appear after this time who can cultivate energy, or who can break their pulses?

They had previously formed a team that cultivated energy, which was made from the refined spiritual energy rice that Mr. Chu exchanged from Qingfeng Temple.

Therefore, he knows very well how powerful that team is.

Now that something like this is happening in Qingfengguan, how many energetic people will appear in the countries of the Divine Prison Alliance?

He knew very well that many people in these countries had already obtained the cultivation methods from Qingfeng University, and he heard that their jailers who entered the divine prisons could also receive additional benefits, which could be exchanged for their merits.

Merit points can be exchanged internally for spiritual energy refined rice.

I'm afraid these people can all cultivate energy.

It's just a pity that they have no way to obtain the position of the jailer of the Divine Prison, because the prerequisite is that they must be believers.

It can be said that many things in Qingfengguan restrict the participation of believers. However, people from other countries can become believers, but they have no choice at all because they have their own beliefs.

He didn't dare to hide this kind of thing and hurriedly called back to the capital. He still had to report this matter back.

Mr. Chu now answers Wang Yu's calls immediately: "Wang Yu, is there a new situation at Qingfengguan?"

Wang Yu immediately reported the situation here, and then said: "Mr. Chu, no matter what, this time we must let all those who have practiced spiritual energy come over, although those people have never eaten spiritual energy rice, nor have they practiced at all.

Energy, but this time there might be an unexpected surprise."

"I know." Mr. Chu nodded.

Facing this kind of thing, he felt even worse.

This time, I am afraid that masters who can cultivate energy and even break pulses will really appear in all countries. At the beginning, they are the only ones who have warriors who can cultivate energy, which is more than those countries.

Now it seems that the reverse is about to happen, at least this time it will be surpassed by other countries.

Mr. Chu called Cheng Jianxin and asked: "Is there any progress on the moon?"

Cheng Jianxin shook his head and said: "Nothing has been found yet."

"Yes!" Mr. Chu nodded and ordered: "Something big happened over there at Qingfeng Temple. Send all the people who have practiced there to try their luck."

As the news of Qingfeng Temple spread, more and more believers who had practiced Buddhism poured into Qingfeng Temple.

Qingfeng Mountain was wrapped by the water curtain, and only the entrance could be entered. This also caused a long queue of believers waiting to use the teleportation array.

When these people reached the top of the mountain, Qingfeng Temple became lively.

More and more people gathered in front of Qingfeng Temple, and even people from China arrived. Wang Yu personally led the team into Qingfeng Mountain.

Seeing that others could use the teleportation array, he was a little envious. Unfortunately, he was not a believer and had no merit points, so he had no way to use the teleportation array.

Therefore, they could only hike up the mountain.

When we arrived at the top of Qingfengguan Mountain, it was already crowded with people.

Zheng Kai also brought the people from Taiping Road here long ago.

There are many people in Taiping Dao who practice it. After all, it is easier for them in Taiping Dao to obtain spiritual energy refined rice than others.

But after these people arrived, they could only wait on the mountain, because they didn't know when the spiritual energy of Qingfeng Guanshuo would appear.

Naturally, the ones who are most looking forward to it are the outer disciples of Qingfeng Temple.

They are almost stuck at the critical point of breaking the pulse, and now is their chance to break through.

I don't know how long this wait took, but finally, everyone subconsciously looked towards the sky amid a special energy wave.

A magical scene appeared. At that moment, the entire water curtain disappeared without a trace.

But at this moment, a golden light began to appear in the sky above the Qingfeng Temple station. The moment this golden light appeared, a heavy rain began to fall.

But this rainstorm is golden.

Under this golden rainstorm, incredible exclamations also followed.


This chapter has been completed!
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