Chapter 384 The little official is a holy king!

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Waiting for Zhang Ji to be taken to the local government office of Kaifeng Mansion.

Then he saw Cai Jing, wearing official uniform, sitting high in the government office hall.

I also saw his sister and brother-in-law standing in the government hall.

"The criminal Zhang Ji?!" Cai Jing was stunned.

Zhang Jihun was scared out of his wits, and he held his hands tremblingly: "Zhang Ji, the doctor in the Xunwei, has seen the Ming Dynasty."

Cai Jing snorted and asked: "I have now received a complaint from your sister Qin Zhang and her husband Qin Yue, saying that you ignored the engagement contract made by your deceased father during his lifetime and actually wanted to forcibly break the contract and ordered Qin Zhang to marry someone else! Later!

He also embezzled Qin and Zhang’s dowry, is this possible?!”

Although Zhang Ji already knew that it was the Kaifeng Mansion that summoned him, but because of this, how could he dare to admit it?

If you admit it, I'm afraid you'll be beaten to the end.

He lost his official status and was proven to be rejected by the palace.

Zhang Ji knew his fate - all his property, even his life, would no longer belong to him.

Do you really think that Bianjing City is a gentle and elegant place?


This place is only gentle to the powerful and only shows its best side to the powerful.

Once you fall, your property and life will become someone else's meal.

Divide it however you want.

He could only go all the way to the dark side, and he could not admit this matter no matter what.

As long as you don't admit it, you still have a chance.

As long as you don't admit it, there is still a possibility of misfortune.

Once you admit it, there's nothing left.

This is the result of Zhang Ji's thoughts along the way.

I can’t say that he is wrong, I can only say that it is due to his knowledge and exposure to things.

He can make a decision in a short period of time, which is already considered good.

Most people may have lost their sense of control before even arriving at the Yamen, and may even be so frightened that they lose control.

Cai Jing was stunned and shouted: "Hey!"

"Zhang Jiru, do you know that this is the order of the government to ask questions?" Cai Jing raised his hands in the direction of the government office lobby.

"If you don't tell the truth, it will be a serious crime of deceiving the emperor!"

Standard intimidation, but effective.

Zhang Ji swallowed immediately and his body began to tremble.

For Xungui, everyone knows that it is okay to make thousands of mistakes.

The only thing you can't have a problem with is loyalty.

If there is a problem with loyalty, everything is at stake.

But then he thought about it and realized that he had already been disloyal - the act of not paying back the money he owed was not something that a loyal minister could do.

So, he raised his heart and said: "Mingfu, how dare I deceive you?"

"What I said is absolutely true!"

So Qin and Zhang, who were in the lobby, immediately lowered their heads, feeling ashamed and uneasy.

His sister-in-law Qin Yue looked at him angrily.

"Zhang Ji, at this time, are you still lying?" Qin Yue couldn't hold back and asked.

Zhang Ji raised his head, looked at this vulgar brother-in-law, spat, and said, "Have I ever lied?"

"When my late father was still alive, the dowry he ordered for my little sister was three hundred guan!"

"I just follow my father's orders."

"It's you who instigated my sister and falsely accused me over and over again. It's really hateful!"

Qin Yue was so angry at his brother-in-law's shamelessness that he wanted to pounce on him and beat him.

However, the government officials and soldiers around him were all looking at him with eager eyes, so he could only stare at him with wide eyes.

"Hey!" Cai Jing picked up the gavel and slapped it.

"There is no need to make noise in the courtroom!"

Then the two of them raised their hands together and apologized.

Cai Jing looked at Zhang Ji and asked: "Zhang Ji, since you said that your father only set a dowry price of 300 guan for Naimei when he was still alive, do you have any evidence for this?"

Zhang Ji shook his head and said, "These are the words my late father told me when he was dying."

He plans to bite this one to death now.

As long as he kills this matter, even the Kaifeng Mansion will have nothing to do with him.

Because this happened a long time ago.

The relevant personal and material evidence should have been extinguished long ago.

As long as Kaifeng Mansion can't do anything to him, he can even bite back.

Cai Jing sneered and asked, "Is there any witness?"

Zhang Ji shook his head: "I'm telling the Ming Dynasty: I was the only one present when my late father died."

"Really?" Cai Jing asked with a ferocious smile.

Zhang Ji lowered his head and said: "Mingfu Mingjian: When my father was dying, he once held my hand, ordered me to listen to him, and gave instructions on all matters in the family. I am the only one who knows about this."

Zhang Ji heard someone say that if there is a will in the household register, the priority of the will is higher than that stipulated in the household register.

Cai Jing sneered and told the people around him: "Come on! Get your photo taken!"

The deeds were carried one by one by the officials and brought to the court.

"Zhang Ji, take a closer look at all these photos." Cai Jing waved his hand.

Zhang Ji looked at the documents and deeds that were sent to him.

There were complaints written by the Qin and Zhang family, as well as documents signed by the government, and even letters that his father made with the Qin family that he thought should have perished in Kaifeng Mansion.

Among them, the dowry prepared for the daughter was clearly increased.

One thousand copper coins, a hundred bolts of silk and the most important thing - the first shop on the third left of Mahang Street.

That's a shop worth hundreds of dollars a year just for rent.

It was this shop that made him cruelly steal his sister's dowry.

Not only that, the photo also contains the testimonies of the two most damning witnesses.

One is the testimony of his family's old housekeeper, and the other is the testimony of his concubine Zhang Han.

Both testimonies prove that the above dry photos indeed exist.

"What else can you say?"

Cai Jing looked at Zhang Ji coldly.

Zhang Ji trembled all over, knowing that in the face of these evidences, his charge of deceiving the emperor was completely proven.


"Take it down!" Cai Jing picked up the command arrow and threw it to the ground: "Tear off Zhang Ji's clothes, take off his official talisman and seal, and kill this person who deceives the emperor and ruins the family, is unfaithful and unfilial, unfilial and disloyal.

, thrown into jail and awaiting punishment!"


Immediately, some Yamen soldiers came forward and tried to strip Zhang Ji of his official uniform.

Zhang Ji immediately struggled: "Mingfu...Mingfu...Isn't this the extent of your crime?"

"Hmph!" Cai Jing sneered, and raised his hands to the main hall of Kaifeng Mansion: "The officials have already told me that people like you who are unfaithful, unfilial, trustworthy and unjust are not official retainers."

"When we destroy the characters we have written since our birth, we assassinate Salmon Island!"


Zhang Ji suddenly collapsed to the ground.

To destroy the writing since birth? To assassinate Salmon Island?

Both of these are the executions of the Song Dynasty on noble figures!

The next step is to wipe out the clan.

Beheading is a lighter punishment than these two punishments.


After beheading, there may be a title on the tombstone after death, "Official Officer of the Late Emperor Song Dynasty".

But destroying the writings that have been written since one's birth is almost equivalent to depriving him of all his fame and official status.

Assassinating Salmon Island is even more of a capital punishment.

Beheading doesn't mean losing the head, at least it can still be buried in the ground.

If you go to Salmon Island... When the prisoners on Salmon Island die, they are thrown directly into the sea to feed fish and shrimps.

There is no real burial place.

"Take it down!" Cai Jing waved directly.

The yamen immediately removed all Zhang Ji's official uniforms, official talismans, etc., and then dragged Zhang Ji, who was already frightened and lost his mind, to go down.

Cai Jing looked at Qin Yue and Qin Zhang, changed his face, and said to them: "Qin Zhang, Qin Yue!"

The couple cautiously held their hands.

They were also horrified by Zhang Ji's fate.

"This government immediately decrees that Zhang Ji should return the dowry to you and your wife, one thousand guan of copper coins, one hundred pieces of silk cloth, and a shop on Ma Xing Street!"

"In addition, this government has also sentenced Zhang Ji to pay the interest payable for ten years in accordance with the law. A company will deliver the relevant money and store to you and your wife within three days!"

"Thank you Mingfu!" Qin Yue was overjoyed and bowed his hands.

Mrs. Qin and Zhang were obedient for a while and then bowed their hands in thanks.

Cai Jing shook his head and said: "Don't thank me. I am also doing things according to orders."

"This case is a case that the emperor will personally visit the Kaifeng Mansion and decide in person. I am only asking questions on behalf of the emperor and reading out the verdict for the emperor."

"Go down!" Cai Jing said, "Live your life well as a couple!"

The couple is naturally very grateful.

Qin Yue even proposed that he should go to the king to thank him.

However, how can ordinary people see the beauty of heaven so easily?

It should be noted that up to now, most of the Beijing officials in Beijing still do not know what the official family looks like today, and have not even heard their voices.

Cai Jing naturally did not dare to let them go to the main hall, so he only allowed the couple to kowtow to thank Tianen from a distance in the yard in front of the main hall.

After judging the case, Cai Jing returned to the main hall to reply.

After simply reporting the relevant situation, the banquet officials became furious.

They all said: "How dare this animal do this?!"

"It's really killable!"

Zhao Xu even sneered: "He even covets his sister's property and even deceives the emperor. This person is really not my subject."

But in fact, Zhao Xu knew that Zhang Ji would probably not really destroy his writings in the end, let alone be assassinated on Salmon Island.


He has good reincarnation skills, is that okay?

He is a noble and a member of the noble family group, even if he has been marginalized.

But it is also honorable.

Just like the scholar-bureaucrats, nobles naturally stick together on this kind of issue.

When this matter spreads, believe it or not, Qingshou Palace and Baoci Palace will be filled with people who want to intercede.

Then, the two houses will also be moved.

It's very simple - the Gao family and the Xiang family are also distinguished relatives.

As the saying goes, whoever creates the figurines has no descendants?

Today, Zhao Xu can use his imperial power to destroy Zhang Ji's writing since his birth and assassinate Salmon Island.

Tomorrow, will there be real relatives and nobles who will be used for a similar reason to destroy the writings since their birth and assassinate Salmon Island?

Once this example is opened, it will cause endless troubles for the noble relatives.

Therefore, once they find that something cannot be done, Zhang Ji will probably commit suicide.

They would never let the imperial edict to destroy Zhang Ji's writings since his birth and assassinate Salmon Island be handed out from the imperial city.

This is about the dignity of the nobles and the wealth of the relatives.

However, Zhao Xu just needs to kill chickens and scare monkeys.

He doesn't care whether Zhang Ji lives or lives.

That is to say, the atmosphere has reached this point. It would be really difficult for Zhang Ji and the Zhang family to survive unless they die.

Especially the Zhang family's mansion with a threshold of 800 yuan.

If we don't take advantage of this opportunity to take back the government, will we still keep it for the New Year?

Therefore, when the time comes, I will raise my hand to destroy the characters since my birth, assassinate Salmon Island, in order to recover all rewards, abolish Zhang Ji's status as Zhang Qi's great-grandson, organize or resettle remote military states, and then collect from other brothers of the Zhang family.

, choose one person to inherit the incense of the old Xu Guogong Zhang Qi, which is no longer valuable, and this matter is over.

This kind of treatment is actually similar to Zhao Xu's initial punishment.

For the Zhang family, it may even be worse and more terrifying.

But for the distinguished relatives, this is just right.

What they want is dignity and face.

As for the life and death of the Zhang family?

What does that have to do with them?!

Thinking like this, Zhao Xu licked his tongue.

A super mansion with a threshold of 800 yuan, close to the imperial city!

It's really a waste to give a bastard like Zhang Ji.

It was converted into a government house and used as low-rent housing to be rented out to those civil servants and military officers who could not afford to rent a house in the capital, especially the military commanders in the Imperial City Department, as well as middle and low-level civil servants in the three provinces and two prefectures.

This is great virtue.

At the same time, it can also prevent outsiders from saying that he, the little emperor, is looking for the Zhang family's property. it all for my dear friends.

My daily life in the capital is very troublesome for you.

As for the wealth accumulated by the Zhang family over the past few decades?

Zhao Xu naturally accepted it with a smile.

Other cases can also be handled in the same way.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xu looked at the banquet officials, and then he smiled and said to Feng Jing: "Feng Jing, go and show the other files and related photos to all the gentlemen."

What happened in Kaifeng Mansion quickly triggered a storm throughout Bianjing City.

Those who lined up to pay back the money outside Kaifeng Mansion became panicked.

And those who are still raising money have accelerated the pace of raising money one by one.

I just wish I could collect the money today and pay back the money owed to the emperor as soon as possible.

I can’t afford to offend!

People really hold grudges, and retribution comes quickly, accurately and harshly!

Pursue the destruction of words since birth and assassinate Salmon Island?

Everyone who heard this incident was trembling with fear.

However, almost everyone was not dissatisfied, let alone complained, and naturally it was impossible for anyone to complain about Zhang Ji.

In everyone's eyes - Zhang Ji totally deserves it.

The officials have given opportunities and hints again and again.

But this guy is stubborn and defies his father.

This has trampled on the tacit understanding between the nobles and officials.

Therefore, no one sympathizes.

Some people even feel so good!


Dear relatives and relatives, I think of the treatment given by Xiaoguan's family to those relatives and relatives who paid back the money.

It’s a secret recipe and a special distiller’s yeast, giving him a new way of making money almost for free!

Later, people took Beilu with them to buy in these people's shops.

These benefits alone probably far exceed the money they have to pay back.

And it is a stable source of income every year.

What does this mean?

It shows that the officials still value their relatives and nobles, and it shows that the officials still look towards the nobles like us who have made great contributions to the officials of the past dynasties.

Therefore, as long as they are not like Zhang Ji, the official family is still willing to share wealth and wealth with everyone.

This is equivalent to a reassurance.

Because the red line has been drawn, it's right there, it's very clear.

You guys don’t have to guess or speculate.

As long as he is not as stupid as Zhang Ji, the official will tolerate it.

Think again about the various actions this official has taken since he took the throne.

The Market Change Law was abolished, the free market economy was restored, the embankment department was purchased, the commodity circulation channels of the Song Dynasty were improved, and government interference was reduced.

What's this?

This is the Holy King!

I'm afraid Renmiao can't compare - Renmiao is just generous, but the small official family is not only generous, but can also bring the big guys to make a fortune together.

This chapter has been completed!
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