Chapter 114 Eternal life is also a curse

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In just one week.

The popularity of "Sekiro" has completely exploded.

As long as you enter the live broadcast room of the game area of ​​each major platform, you can hear all kinds of hammering sounds, as well as angry curses and yelling.


I thought the anchors had changed careers to become blacksmiths.

And with the continuous efforts of the anchors who were the first to enter the game, the entire story of "Sekiro" also emerged.

turn out to be.

The place where the protagonist lives is a cursed country.

In ancient times, a giant dragon named Sakuralong escaped here after being seriously injured and has taken root here ever since.

Sakura Dragon contains powerful immortal power.

Because of the injury, this power leaked from the wound, polluting the surrounding water sources and giving nearby residents the power of immortality, also known as the power of Dragon Yin.

So people built the Palace of the Source at the source of the water and worshiped Sakura Dragon as a god.

There is a price for gaining immortality.

The longer the time goes on, the more obvious the changes will be in the body, and in the end it will even turn into a monster that is neither human nor ghost.

Don't talk about losing your mind.

The body can also be invaded and controlled by various poisonous insects.

However, even so, people are still crazy about pursuing immortality and looking for ways to obtain eternal life, and Genichiro is one of them.

He wanted to gain immortality so that his grandfather, the strongest man in the country, could gain immortality.

In this way, their country will never perish.

But there is only one person in the world who truly has the power of immortality and will not mutate, and that is the son of God who has obtained part of the power of Sakura Dragon, the boy who the protagonist serves.

The story in the game also unfolds from here.

"I see. I was wondering why this guy keeps staring at this boy and arresting him again and again. It turns out he is trying to make his grandfather immortal and save this country."

After reading the excavation of the plot of the online game, Lao E couldn't help but admire it.

I didn't expect that there was such a huge background story behind this game that tortured me to the point of death.

No wonder the monsters encountered later become more and more twisted.

He couldn't help but recall the sentence on the prehistoric propaganda poster.

【Is eternal life really lucky?】

He didn't know what it was when he first saw it, but now he finally understood it.


Eternal life sounds like a good thing.

But if you think about it carefully, isn’t it a curse?

Watching family and friends leave you one by one, times changing, and the loneliness of being abandoned by the world is not something that ordinary people can experience.

Pull the interface to the bottom, and comments will appear one after another.

[Zan Yilang is a real man, but it’s a pity that he used the wrong method.]

[Does it matter? This does not prevent him from mocking you. (laughing)]

[Highly recommended! This game has low difficulty and few buttons. It is suitable for people with disabilities. It is easy to pass the level in one life. 】

[I bought this for my children. I made a promise to study for five minutes at a time, and now I have been admitted to Peking University.]

[Why do I look at the word "death" a bit like the word "cai" now?]

【Get out! Get out of my computer!】

Looking at the comments below, even the old e is having fun.

It turned out that he was not the only one being abused during this period, and now he felt much more relieved.

"It's only been a few days of rest, but someone has already finished the game, and I heard that there will be another two weeks, so let's continue playing the game today."

After closing the interface, he quickly adjusted himself and entered "Sekiro" to start a new journey of abuse.

the other side.

Inside Honghuang Studio.

The new week had just arrived, and Lao Song asked someone to calculate the sales volume of "Sekiro" for the week, prepare a table and print it out.

"How's it going? What's the weekly sales volume?"

At this time, Lao Li and several team leaders were waiting aside, eagerly looking at the printed reports.

When Lao Song picked up the report and looked at it, he couldn't help but let out a breath of cold air.

["Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" first week sales: 330,000 copies]


His arms were shaking slightly, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

Looking below, one-fifth of the sales were provided by Xiaori, which was more than they expected.

Calculated based on 218 yuan per share and 70% share, it is almost equivalent to a profit of 50 million.

The production cycle of "Sekiro" has been greatly shortened because of its self-developed engine and the complete solution provided by Chen Lin.

Including publicity investment and human resources, the cost is just over 100 million.

That is to say.

Payback in two weeks!

This speed is extremely exaggerated even in the entire stand-alone game industry, let alone such a large game.

And just when he was stunned.

Lao Li and others on the side also came over and looked at the numbers above.

"Holy shit! 330,000!?"

"Are you sure this is correct??"

Several people stared at it, looked at the report, and then looked at Lao Song.

When the employees who were busy nearby heard their exclamations, they all looked over in confusion.

"It shouldn't be wrong. I have asked people to count this data twice."

"And not only this game, but the sales of our previous games "Monster Hunter" and "Need for Speed" also exceeded 2 million and 1 million."

Old Song's words still contained a strong sense of shock.


From the time a game is released, its sales will increase more slowly toward the end because the player base is approaching saturation.

But instead of weakening, these games of theirs are growing more and more fiercely, and they are quite aiming for 5 million sales.

This was something they didn't expect.

But it makes sense.

"Sure enough, Mr. Chen is right. The game market has begun to develop slowly, and even game sales are much stronger than last year."

"It seems that the entry of capital is not all bad, it just depends on whether we can seize the opportunity."

"Indeed, it's only the initial stage now. I can't imagine what it will be like in the future."

Lao Li and several team leaders are both happy and worried. They are afraid of the impact this impact on the game market will have on the studio. At the same time, they hope that this industry will grow bigger and bigger.

In this way, they will have more opportunities and make more money.

Pain and happiness may be a true reflection of their mood at this time.

In comparison.

Lao Song was relatively calm.

Analyzed in a low voice: "No matter what, it is always a good thing for us that the market will grow bigger and the cake will increase."

"What we have to do now is to gain fame and occupy the market as quickly as possible, and we cannot be outcompeted by other competitors."

"That's right." Lao Li nodded, "Then let's work hard during this period, update and maintain the game more diligently, and try to increase sales."

After saying that, he took the team leaders back.

At the same time, it also brought back the first week results of "Sekiro".

All of a sudden.

The entire production team cheered.

Without even needing any supervision, they all sat back down and got busy.

Because the better the sales results of the project are, the higher the bonuses and dividends they can get, so don’t they have to work harder?

As for Chen Lin, Lao Song went there in person and reported the results he had just calculated.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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