Chapter 791 Three Axes

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When the dice came out, it turned out to be a big one, and he successfully earned ten yuan.

Haha! He has spiritual consciousness, what points can't be seen in it? Furthermore, if he plays cards at his speed, others may not be able to detect all the cards.

He can even influence others with his powerful mind power. Is it possible to lose?

10 becomes 20, 20 becomes 40, 40 becomes 80, 80 becomes 160!

Soon Ye Wuhan won hundreds of dollars here, and then changed to the next project to continue playing.

He participated in all poker, roulette, baccarat, pai gow, blackjack and other projects.

Ten changes into hundreds, hundreds changes into thousands, thousands changes into thousands, thousands changes into hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions.

His wealth began to grow exponentially, and in a short time, the chips in his hand became 20 million.

If the chips are large, he doesn't need to take so many.

By this time, his behavior had attracted the attention of others, and ten chips had turned into twenty million. It was difficult not to attract attention.

The casino's various infrared and

But the chips in Ye Wuhan's hand were still rolling, two thousand turned into four thousand, four thousand turned into eight thousand, and soon the wealth in his hand reached more than three hundred million.

Next to her, Qu Yourong was dumbfounded. She had never seen anyone make money so quickly. He must be the God of Gamblers.

Ye Wuhan's crazy behavior of amassing money in various gambling projects finally attracted the attention of the casino's top figures.

"Sir, are you interested in playing a bet with me?" At this time, a young man in his twenties or nineteen came over, followed by two horse boys.

Obviously, this is the person from the gambling hall.

At present, the most powerful gambling mahjong in the casino has finally taken action.

You have nothing but nothing, and you have won hundreds of millions from others. Is it possible that they will not take action?

Ma Heng can be said to be the person with the strongest gambling skills among the gambling kings. He belongs to the town and is the cornerstone of the gambling city.

Otherwise, there will be no big shots in charge, and it will be easy for someone to take over.

"Are you finally willing to take action?" Ye Wuhan laughed. This person has been watching him through the surveillance camera for a long time. How could he not know?

"Yes, as long as sir is interested." Ye Wuhan said calmly.

"Okay, let's get down to Ma Heng. It's up to the host to do whatever he wants. Which one do you want to play?" Ma Heng said with a confident look on his face.

"I'll let you do whatever you want. I'll play with you!" Ye Wuhan said. The crowd who heard this all rolled their eyes. Are you just an outsider just doing whatever you want? They have never seen such an awesome person before.

More people rushed this way.

Ma Heng's face looked a little ugly. Are you trying to pick on me?

"Okay, since Mr. Ye wants to play, why don't we try it quickly and compare the cards one by one?"

People already know your information when you buy chips, but Ye Wuhan doesn't care.

"No problem!" he said.

I heard that two people were going to play a card game, and everyone became more excited. A card game is more intuitive, winning or losing is faster, and it is easier to stimulate people's senses.

"How about we decide the outcome in one round? I'll bet everything on you!" Ma Heng looked at the chips in front of Ye Wuhan and said.

"no problem!"

"Bring the chips!" Ma Heng waved his hand, and Ma Zi came over and dumped the chips on the table in front of Ma Heng. The dealer handed him a brand new deck of playing cards!

Now Qu Yourong was also nervous. She could easily win or lose hundreds of millions, but she didn't have that much money anyway.

It was also the first time she saw Ye Wuhan making such a big deal, and her nervous heart was beating wildly.

"Let's just play something direct. Do you need to check the cards?" Ma Heng held the playing cards in his hands and looked at Ye Wuhan with an arrogant look. Then he threw the two kings outside.

"No need, I'll do as you please!" Ye Wuhan remained calm.

"Okay, even if you lose, I will still look up to you."


Ma Heng suddenly flicked the playing cards, and the playing cards flew up, reached the highest point, and then fell like flying flowers all over the sky.

Now they need to pick one of these flying playing cards to compare the size!

Both of them stared at the cards flying in the air, looking for the one that suited them best. The biggest card in the whole set of cards was of course the ace of spades, which was Ma Heng's goal.


Ma Heng took action, his long and strong fingers digging into the snowflakes in the sky.

Ye Wuhan smiled, and he also stretched out his hand. As a result, the palms of the two of them hit each other in the air. On the one hand, they fended off the opponent, and on the other hand, they ensured that they could retrieve the items and get the biggest card.

Finally, after their hands flew through the air several times, the playing cards flying in the sky fell to the ground. At this time, they already had a playing card between their fingertips.

Both of them were quite confident. The cards were facing down and neither of them looked at the cards specifically, as if they already knew what cards they had drawn.

"You open the cards first!" Ma Heng looked at Ye Wuhan with proud eyes, and the other horses also looked joking. Their boss had never lost in this project.

"no problem!"


Ye Wuhan turned over the poker in his hand and threw it on the table.

"Ahem, I'm a bit unlucky, it's just a 3 of diamonds!" Ye Wuhan smiled coquettishly, seeming a little embarrassed.

"Ha ha!"

The surrounding group of gamblers and the horse boys burst into laughter.

Diamond 3, this is the second-lowest card in the entire deck. It's crazy that you can win.

Next to her, Qu Yourong looked a little embarrassed. Even she felt that Ye Wuhan could not win.

"You lost!" Ma Heng also had a confident smile on his face.


Ye Wuhan also laughed, "Don't worry, we'll tell you who has the bigger card and who has the lower card."

"Ha ha!"

Ma Heng seemed to have heard the funniest thing in the world, and said with a proud smile: "Don't you think my card will be the 2 of diamonds? Let me tell you, I have been playing cards in this project all my life, and I have never touched the diamond.

Film 2."

Ye Wuhan: "If it wasn't Diamond 2, who else do you think you could be?"

"I am the ace of spades!" Ma Heng's expression was full of confidence.

"Don't brag first. Let's wait until the ace of spades shows up." Ye Wuhan said calmly.

"No problem, I'll let you win with all your heart!"

Ma Heng sneered and threw the cards in his hand to the table.


The cards fell on the table with a loud sound. Not only Ma Heng, but also the gamblers and horse boys nearby were all dumbfounded.

Then came Ma Heng's unbelievable cry, "How is it possible? I obviously caught the ace of spades, why did it change to the 2 of diamonds?"

Everyone else stared with wide eyes, also with expressions of disbelief on their faces. The majestic Mahon, the number one gambling king in Venice Casino, would catch the smallest 2?


Qu Yourong next to him laughed. He actually caught him at the smallest opportunity.

"How could this happen? I obviously caught the ace of spades!" Ma Heng was still unwilling to face the reality. He even touched the 2 of diamonds with his hand in disbelief.

Ye Wuhan smiled slightly and said: "Everyone hopes that they get the ace of spades, but unfortunately things always backfire. Otherwise, wouldn't everyone be a gambling king?"

This chapter has been completed!
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