Chapter 787 Man-Eating Ant Army

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From the inheritance he inherited, Ye Wuhan knew that immortal cultivators have reincarnation, and if he uses this technique and fails and dies, he will not even have the chance to reincarnate, and the true annihilation of all generations will disappear.


According to the information in my mind, this is obviously a Chaos Cultivation Technique. According to the inheritance records of the Red Demon Stone, the Chaos Cultivation Technique is the supreme method of cultivating immortals. Yan is the deduction. Shengyan can deduce the secrets of heaven. If you perfect the Taoist formula, you will be influenced by the way of heaven.

It will backfire, thereby lowering the punishment, and the chance of death is very high.

In other words, once you inherit this skill, even if someone spies on you, your future cultivation path will be doomed to be full of disasters and difficulties, and you may even be at risk of falling down at any time.

Do you accept it or not?

Ye Wuhan thought for a while, the journey of cultivating immortals is to fight against the sky, go against the sky, and fight for the chance of life with the way of heaven. What's the point of suffering some punishment? Instead of living a mediocre life, it is better to work hard. What if you don't enter the reincarnation?

?If you can't live forever, sooner or later you will be like a handful of loess. So what if you live for thousands of years? Now that you have the chance, you might as well give it a try.

What's more, the chaos technique is something that can be encountered but cannot be sought. How could he give it up when he finally had the opportunity to encounter it?

Therefore, Ye Wuhan chose to accept it without much hesitation. Suddenly, an even greater amount of information poured into his mind.

After the information was digested, even if he had to use this technique personally in the future, he would be extremely shocked. Hongmeng Shengyan Jue can be perfected through deduction as long as there are traces to follow, ranging from secrets on techniques to formations.

, Alchemy, as long as there are traces to follow, a more complete cultivation method can be derived through the deduction of this method.

For example, a incomplete secret book can be evolved into the incomplete parts through deduction, and it can even become more perfect, and may not necessarily be the same as before.

Just digesting the information in his mind, he suddenly discovered a problem, that is, this technique only has the part before foundation building, but not the part after it.

The next level of Qi training is foundation building. That is to say, this technique can only be practiced up to the foundation building stage, including the foundation building period, and then it is gone.

But then I thought about it, something was wrong. Doesn't Shengyan Jue evolve itself? Once the technique is over, it can be derived naturally, so why should I worry?

Thinking of this, Ye Wuhan calmed down.

He looked down at the stone tablet again. It was gone. Maybe it had merged into this small world.

He couldn't help but think of the shadow from before. According to the information fed back by the stone tablet, he felt that this person should be the last person to obtain this small chaotic world and its skills. However, the road was difficult and dangerous. He fell and this small world became ownerless.

It ran here and turned into a colorful vortex.

In other words, this should be a lost world that is now obtained by myself.

As for the shadow himself, since he has fallen, his body and soul have long been destroyed, the shadow left in the small world is just his unwilling obsession.

Ye Wuhan was certain that that person must be tens of millions of times more powerful than himself. If someone so powerful could fall, then he...

Thinking of this, Ye Wuhan couldn't help but shivered, but then he thought about it, if a person dies and a bird looks up to the sky, he will not die for tens of millions of years.

Thinking this way, Ye Wuhan felt at ease, and the stone tablet also warned him that this chaos technique could only be used by himself, otherwise he would also suffer the same fate.

In other words, the Kung Fu is bound to him. He and the Kung Fu are now one. If the Kung Fu is his, he is the Kung Fu. Only in this way can we deduce it. Otherwise, how can we talk about its evolution?

What should I do with my own woman?

Ye Wuhan thought for a while, but he could help them deduce some exercises. In this case, wouldn't it be the same as this exercise?

After digesting this information, Ye Wuhan looked around. He still felt like he was dreaming. It was only based on the information in his mind that he realized that he might have obtained a small world.

But he always feels unreal. Is it possible that he is in a small world now?

He wanted to give it a try, and thought about going out. The next moment, he appeared in the cave again. Using internal vision, he could see that the bronze seed was still suspended above his Dantian.

"I actually got a small world of chaos."

Ye Wuhan still feels a little like a dream.

According to the information in his mind, he knew that this should be a seed world, and that this world could grow through sacrifice. As he became stronger, the small world would grow correspondingly. The method of sacrifice was in his mind.

It already exists.

According to the inheritance I received before, the Chaos Small World does not have those powerful people. Once the news is leaked, it will inevitably attract people to rob it. There may even be powerful people coming through the interface to find me, so the reason why I have a small world is

It must not be leaked.

"try again!"

The novelty hadn't worn off yet, and considering that there was no one here anyway, Ye Wuhan thought, and the next moment he reappeared in that small world.

"It seems to be true."

Only now did Ye Wuhan accept the reality and confirm that he had indeed obtained a small chaotic world without some great powers, and he had also inherited a technique.

As a result, at this time, he suddenly saw Bing Ling flying over crying, and a tear fell on his face.

Sorry, just now Bing Ling was sleeping while holding his hair and was brought in. When he was digesting the information in his mind, Bing Ling woke up and played around. Just now Ye Wuhan disappeared. She thought he didn't want her anymore, so


"Can't you be a bit promising?"

Ye Wuhan gave it a violent shudder, and he was happy looking at the small world. From now on, the little guy will have a place to go, and he can throw it here if he has nothing to do.

But now Bing Ling is holding on to his hair and refuses to let go, for fear that he will leave her behind again.

"try again!"

Ye Wuhan went back and forth and entered and exited the small world several times before he was truly sure that he had indeed obtained an extremely precious small world and also obtained a chaos technique "Hongmeng Shengyan Jue".

Ye Wuhan sat down cross-legged and tried to run the "Hongmeng Shengyan Jue". He found that there was nothing wrong, but that the route and speed of the infuriating energy were completely different from before. He was completely relieved.

"Hey, I finally have my own space."

Ye Wuhan had time to get excited. Looking at the space in the small world, he suddenly thought of a question. Can he plant some of his spiritual grass here? This would prevent it from drying up if left for too long.

I just don’t know if it’s suitable for growing here?

With this idea, Ye Wuhan took out a spiritual grass and found an open space to plant it.

As a result, he found that the spiritual grass became green and green in a few seconds, and it grew much more vigorously than before.

"Sure enough!"

Thinking about it, how could the small world of Chaos not be suitable for planting spiritual grass? And depending on the growth of spiritual grass, the maturity period may be much shorter than before.

So Ye Wuhan specially opened a medicine garden in the small world and planted all the spiritual herbs that were not in use for the time being. There were about twenty plants in it.

"Hey, I have my own little medicine garden." Looking at the vigorously growing spiritual grass, Ye Wuhan was indescribably excited.

You must know that the growth environment of spiritual grass is very harsh, so it is suitable here, which shows that the chaotic energy in the small world is helpful for the growth of spiritual grass.


While he was enjoying himself, a sneaky little guy had already jumped down, got into the medicine garden, and headed straight for his magical herbs.

"Come back here, and I'll tell you Bing Ling, if you dare to eat my spiritual grass, I'll peel off your cramps, light up a sky lantern, and stew French fries for you tomorrow!"

Ye Wuhan said in his heart that it would be easy for me to save a few spiritual herbs, but you still want to eat them.

As a result, Bing Ling gave it a blank look, and it moved closer to the spiritual grass and rolled its eyes, which meant I just wanted to take a look.

"Okay, you performed well. I will make an elixir now. If you perform well, I will give you an elixir to take!"

Now that the spiritual herbs for refining the Spiritual Snow Pill and the Qi-Reviving Pill are complete, he can already make the pills.

After dividing the herbs, Ye Wuhan first refined a batch of 12 Qi Restoration Pills. After refining, he remembered that he had the Hongmeng Shengyan Jue that he could use to deduce it. Why not deduce and perfect his own elixir before refining the elixir.

So Ye Wuhan sat down cross-legged, planning to deduce his alchemy method, see if there were any deficiencies, and improve it.

But at this time, Bing Ling seemed to have smelled it, and flew over in a whoosh, landing on his shoulder, staring straight at the pill bottle in his hand.

"I'll give it to you!"

Ye Wuhan took out a rejuvenation pill and threw it to it.


Bing Ling flew up to catch it, and started chewing the elixir. The food tasted extremely sweet.

"Haha, you finally have something else to eat." Ye Wuhan smiled bitterly. Anyway, he can also make elixirs, which is better than just eating spiritual stones.

“Go over there and eat!”

Ye Wuhan grabbed it and threw it into the grass.

As a result, it flew up staggeringly and landed in the spiritual grass garden again. It seemed that it was drunk and fell asleep after eating the elixir.

It just doesn't bother you.

Ye Wuhan deduced the shortcomings of his own elixir refining, and then he refined another batch of Qi Restoration Pills. As a result, special-grade elixirs appeared this time. There were actually three special-grade Qi Restoration Pills out of 12.

You must know that this is already a huge improvement. In the past, the elixirs he refined did not have a single special grade, and the best ones were only top grade.

Then Ye Wuhan continued to deduce and perfect it, and then refined another batch of Qi Restoration Pills. As a result, all 12 pills this time were special grade.

"Haha, it really works." It was also the first time that he had great confidence in "Hongmeng Shengyan Jue", otherwise he always thought that "stone tablet" was bragging.

To know the difference between special grade and superior grade, regardless of the difference in grade, the quality and effect will be far different.

Overjoyed, Ye Wuhan perfected the alchemy method again before refining the Lingxue Pill.

This chapter has been completed!
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