Chapter 788 Come, Give You One

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As a result, the refining was completed, and out of the six Lingxue Pills, in addition to the five special ones, there was also a top-grade pill.

According to the records of the Red Demon Stone, the old man Wuchen who left the legacy of the Red Demon Stone has never refined a top-grade elixir in his life, and even very few of them are of the highest grade. Now that he has refined a top-grade elixir, that is so awesome.


This is enough to illustrate the heaven-defying power of Hongmeng Shengyan Jue.

However, Ye Wuhan did not continue refining the elixir because he felt that the deduction was too hasty and he had time to carefully perfect his elixir refining method.

With the Hongmeng Shengyan Jue, if I can't refine all the top-quality elixirs, wouldn't my life be in vain?

Another thing is that he has to go to Hong Kong, and he has to use bean bags as solid food. Luo Manxue finally told her about her father, and he would help her if he could.

Refining the elixir can be done slowly later.

Ye Wuhan took a Qi Restoration Pill to restore some of the Qi lost in the pill refining. Then he thought of Bing Ling. Didn't he steal his own spiritual grass?

As a result, I saw that this guy was sleeping among the spiritual grass.

Spiritual grass can emit spiritual energy, which is good for its growth. After a full meal, it must still be clear.

Furthermore, Ye Wuhan felt that it needed to contain spiritual energy, and it did not necessarily require eating spiritual grass.

Just looking at the medicine garden, Ye Wuhan suddenly remembered something, that is, there was a Tianzhi fruit tree in the ancient cave in Shennongjia.

There are also the two fruit trees at the bottom of the mountain stream where Princess Ai Shi collected fruits. Now that they have their own little world, why not move them into the little world?

Just do it, it's just along the way anyway, at worst, you can take a slight turn and move those fruit trees to the small world on your way to Hong Kong.

Why not use it if we have this convenience?

So Ye Wuhan had a thought and came outside again, then stepped on his sword and flew out of the cave. After leaving Mount Everest, he went straight to Shennongjia.

He was also a little excited at the thought of moving Tianzhiguo into the small world, completely turning this treasure tree into his own, and meeting the savage family, and unknowingly accelerated his sword control.

In the evening, he came to Shennongjia. He first went to the bottom of the mountain stream where he fell last time, dug down two fruit trees and moved them to the small world.

The few spiritual grasses planted before were obviously growing more vigorously. He was sure that the spiritual grasses here would mature faster than outside because of the nourishment of the chaotic atmosphere, but he was not sure yet how fast.

After the two spiritual fruit trees were planted, they immediately glowed with more powerful vitality, much more vigorous than before outside. Obviously, the small world is very suitable for the growth of two fruit trees.

In this way, Ye Wuhan felt relieved. If it didn't work, he would have to worry about planting it again.

After transplanting the two fruit trees, Ye Wuhan left the seed world and went directly to the cave where the Tianzhi fruit tree was discovered.

But before he arrived in front of the cave, Ye Wuhan was startled because he found that the concealment formation in front of the cave that was used to hide the ancient cave had been forcibly broken.

Moreover, he also found the body of Big Bear lying on the ground. He was actually killed in front of the cave.

As soon as the sword light faded, Ye Wuhan hurriedly landed in front of the cave. The blood on the big bear's body had solidified. It had obviously been dead for at least a day or two.

"Who did this?"

Looking at this scene, Ye Wuhan's eyes were about to burst out with fire. Although Big Bear was a savage, he was simple in nature. He liked this savage a little bit, but now he was actually killed, which made him extremely angry.

He looked around, but found nothing. He quickly and carefully lifted the bear up to check, and then he saw the wound that killed the bear at the throat.

After careful investigation, Ye Wuhan quickly determined that the big bear was stabbed in the throat with a sharp weapon by an expert, and it was a one-shot death.

The big bear is a savage. Although he looks strong and powerful, he still cannot compare with the real ancient martial arts masters. But he can kill the big bear easily, which ordinary people cannot do. He must be a master.

Ye Wuhan glanced in the direction of the cave. This hidden magic circle was already lacking in spiritual energy and had been forcibly blasted open. He rushed in and as expected, the Tianzhi Fruit Tree was also missing.

A large pit was dug out where the Tianzhi fruit originally grew on the stone. Apparently the fruit trees had been removed in advance.

He speculated on the scene at that time. It should be that an expert smelled the breath of the Tianzhi Fruit Tree, and forcibly opened the concealment formation and removed the Tianzhi Fruit Tree. This concealment formation was not very powerful due to the lack of spiritual energy, even if it was grounded.

Super experts can also blast it away with strong palm power.

He did not continue to check, and hurriedly left the cave, stepping on his sword and quickly rushed to the cave where the big bear lived.

The figure flashed, and Ye Wuhan's figure appeared in front of the cave. He quickly walked into the cave. As a result, what he was most worried about happened. Big Bear's wife and son Little Bear also fell to the ground, with dried blood on their bodies.

Was killed.

The woman was still holding the child in her hands before she died. Judging from her posture, she obviously wanted to protect the child. As a result, the two of them were killed together by someone else.

"Who could have done this?" At this moment, Ye Wuhan's anger surged to the top of his head, not even sparing the orphans and widows who were living in seclusion, and the person who did it was too cruel.

Soon he discovered that something was not right about the woman's gestures. When he paid attention, Ye Wuhan discovered that there was an unfinished word under the woman's lying palm.

Ye Wuhan hurriedly knelt down and carefully took the woman's hand away to examine it carefully. The word she wrote clearly had a cursive prefix, and there was also a cursive.

Looking at the unfinished words, Ye Wuhan frowned. Did the woman in Daxiong want to leave any message? And he was almost sure that the words were written for him, just because she was too seriously injured and couldn't.

She just insists on finishing writing, maybe in her opinion, the only one who can avenge them is herself.

"Is this a surname or a given name, or does it mean something else?"

After all, this was just an unfinished character, and he was not yet sure what it was. If it was a surname, he calculated that what the woman wanted to write would most likely be Dong.

But without other evidence, it would be too difficult to find the person who did it based on this clue alone.

Suddenly, Ye Wuhan smelled a faint spiritual energy. His consciousness hurriedly scanned in the direction of the source of the spiritual energy, and noticed a small hole in the stone wall, inside which was a jade box containing spiritual herbs.

The breath escapes from the jade box, but the hole is blocked by other things.

Ye Wuhan hurried over, removed the things that were blocking it, and then took the jade box in his hand and opened it. There were two spiritual grasses inside. After a slight inspection, he recognized them. They were two condensed dew grasses.

This kind of spiritual grass can be used as an auxiliary spiritual grass for refining Qi-Building Pills.

Obviously, Da Xiong's family did not know how to practice. Ye Wuhan thought that Da Xiong might have discovered the spiritual grass and specially packed it in a jade box for his own use.

When I gave him the Tianzhi Fruit, it was packed in a jade box. Obviously Daxiong realized that using jade boxes to pack the spiritual grass could ensure the vitality of the spiritual grass. Moreover, the two spiritual grasses were obviously pulled out by the roots, which was completely fine.

Plant it again.

Seeing these two spiritual grasses, Ye Wuhan became even more angry.

This chapter has been completed!
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