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Xue Zhujun roared with a distorted face.

To be honest, when he thought about his gentle and flowery wife being held in the arms of a little boy, he became angry and his blood surged. He could only try his best not to think about it.

After he fully recovered, he opened the stone door. He originally wanted to seek revenge on Yu Mansha and Xiaotongzi, but unfortunately these two people had gone hiding. He eventually lost his legs and could not move as freely as before.

, even the Ju Jian didn’t know where it was, but Ye Wuhan came at this time.

Now Ye Wuhan can be said to be his only hope, which is to obtain the immortal cultivation technique. He is even imagining that once he becomes an immortal cultivator, that cheap maid Yu Mansha may come to him one day to beg him and tell him his choice.

The little boy was wrong.

The dignified Xue Zhujun was deprived of his wife by an ugly dwarf, and he was really heartbroken.

"It's easy for you to kill me? Xue Zhujun, you are still so arrogant, but before I kill you, I have one more question to ask you." Ye Wuhan said.

"Say!" Xue Zhujun was obviously a little impatient.

"Did you raise the strange fish in the deep pool under the futon in the front hall?"

"You actually found my fish? You didn't do anything to them, did you?" Xue Zhujun almost didn't stand up, but it was a pity that he had no legs, otherwise he would have stood up.

This is a species he specially cultivated. By taking the blood of the strange fish, he can increase his power, prolong his life, and maintain his youthful appearance. He has been injured many times in the past few days, but he can be fine thanks to those strange fish. For this reason, he has given those strange fishes

The strange fish was named Blood Blue Shark, and it had many benefits. How could he tolerate being killed by Ye Wuhan?

"I'm not interested in those strange fish of yours, Xue Zhujun, you are really good. In order to cultivate those strange fish and maintain your so-called immortal appearance, you actually feed a few monsters with living people. It is really an unforgivable crime!" Ye Wuhan said

The momentum began to rise.

"Haha, now that you have discovered it, I will not hide it from you. My blood blue shark is indeed fed by living people, but so what? They are just some cheap lives. It is their honor to feed my blood blue shark. I

Xue Zhujun is in charge of the world, so what does it mean to have a few people in a dead zone? How can a woman's benevolence lead the world? Those who are strong in martial arts are respected, and the orders of the strong are imperial edicts, and they must do whatever I ask them to do."

Xue Zhujun spoke casually, but he was also domineering and proud, as if he were a supreme being.

As he was talking, he suddenly remembered something. If Ye Wuhan could find the blood blue shark, it must have come from the passage below, and his own spiritual spring...

"How is my spiritual spring? Have you noticed it?" Xue Zhujun suddenly asked nervously. The spiritual spring pool can only be filled once every few years. He originally wanted to wait for the matter here to be understood and practice for a while.

Well, what if Ye Wuhan discovered it?

In a certain sense, Lingquan Pond was more important than his fish. How could he tolerate being touched by others?

"Haha, you are very unfortunate. Not only was your spiritual spring pool discovered by me, but I also used it up." Ye Wuhan said, deliberately irritating him. For some reason, he liked to see this arrogant person.

A frustrated look.

"You! You actually touched my spiritual spring pool?"

Xue Zhujun was furious. There was no wind on his body, so he automatically rose from the wheelchair. As his clothes fell down automatically, it was as if he was standing there.

Suspended out of thin air, this person's kung fu has truly reached an advanced level.

"Why are you angry? Do you want to fight? Then fight!"

Ye Wuhan didn't want to waste any more time, so he stepped towards Xue Zhujun with his flying sword in hand.

The momentum between the two began to rise, the space seemed to become extremely tense, and a war was about to break out.

Xue Zhujun stared at Ye Wuhan's footsteps. Seeing Ye Wuhan approaching, he suddenly quickly patted an inconspicuous bulge at the front of the armrest of the seat.

It turned out to be an institution.

With a bang, an iron cage made of cold iron suddenly fell from the sky, trying to trap Ye Wuhan in it. At the same time, dozens of spears with sharp tips suddenly poked out from the ground, facing Ye Wuhan. Once Ye Wuhan

If Han is taken down, he will definitely be stabbed by these spears, and he will be seriously injured even if he does not die.

Xue Zhujun is indeed a master of traps. At this moment, there is an iron cage on top and spikes on the bottom, just like a dragnet, and he has calculated it and is waiting for Ye Wuhan.

In this situation, no matter you go up or down, there is no way out. At the same time as the mechanism was activated, Xue Zhujun had a cruel smile on his face. He calculated accurately and thought that Ye Wuhan could no longer escape.

Unfortunately, God's calculations are not as good as those of humans. Just as the iron cage was about to cover Ye Wuhan's head, Ye Wuhan suddenly changed his figure and moved out from under the cage like a ghost.


Just like the sky fell, the iron gate fell to the ground, and the iron cage hit the ground firmly, sealing the ground tightly. If Ye Wuhan was half a minute later, he would be detained inside, and he would be killed by Xue Zhujun if he didn't die.

If you catch him, he will succeed.

By that time, he had all kinds of means to force Ye Wuhan to reveal his skills.

Puff puff!

The scurrying spears pierced out from the ground and penetrated into the cage. The spear tips were intertwined and shining with cold light, which was creepy to look at.

It's a pity that these spears pierced the air. At this time, Ye Wuhan's figure was already a foot away.

"How is it possible? How could you escape my spear-pierced cage?"

Xue Zhujun looked in disbelief. When designing this mechanism, he demonstrated it thousands of times. It was not easy for him to escape without any defense. Ye Wuhan's ability to escape was beyond his expectation.


"Oh no wonder, you've been promoted again? But even if you advance, you can't escape my spear cage." Xue Zhujun seemed to be saying it to himself, but also seemed to be saying it to Ye Wuhan.

Ye Wuhan had just used his body skills and displayed his aura. Xue Zhujun could certainly tell that he had advanced, but he felt that Ye Wuhan was still under the legendary realm, so he didn't take him seriously.


Ye Wuhan smiled calmly, "Xue Zhujun, you think you are smart and can scheme against me, but there is a button mechanism on your chair, and your hand is hitting the armrest without realizing it. This is a prelude to shutting down the engine. Do you think

Can't I see it? Do you think I will be fooled by you so easily?"

How could Ye Wuhan be careless in the enemy's lair? While he was walking forward, his consciousness had been paying attention to Xue Zhujun and found that his fingers were tapping the handrail intentionally or unintentionally. This action was originally harmless, but don't worry.

Forgetting that Ye Wuhan had consciousness, he noticed the power button on the front that was almost the same color as the seat.

If he is prepared in advance, it will be much easier for him to avoid the opponent's plot.

"I really didn't expect you to be so cunning at such a young age. In this case, I will suppress you again with my own hands." Xue Zhujun's aura began to stir crazily again, and the entire hall seemed to be surging in the direction of the air flow he stirred up.

This chapter has been completed!
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