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He held back his anger and spoke just now, but in fact he was just trying to delay time and create an opportunity for himself to refine the poison of the Hua Gong Powder. How could an extremely strong man who could take advantage of the power of the surrounding world be poisoned so easily? It can be said that Xiao

The boy completely underestimated Xue Zhujun. Although he was smart, he did not expect that his master was far stronger than he thought.

Precisely because of his promotion, Xue Zhujun was able to save his life and got the opportunity to refine his power and make it into powder.

Seeing the wind coming from his palm, Shadi waved his sword and wanted to fight back. However, the moment he swung his sword, he felt as if he had encountered a wall. Under the suppression of this invisible momentum, his sword could not swing out at all.

This situation made the little boy who was exhausted suddenly feel despair.

"Senior brother, please show mercy!"

At the critical moment, a figure suddenly flew over and struck a blow with Xue Zhujun in the air. It was Yu Mansha who arrived in time.


Dust was flying and flying flowers were flying. Xue Zhujun was hit by this palm and flew backwards in the air.

After falling for more than three feet, she sat on the ground in a state of embarrassment. Yu Mansha turned over gracefully backwards, only retreating a foot away.

With this palm strike, the superiority of the two people's skills has been established.

Although Xue Zhujun is powerful, he has been poisoned after all, and the poison has been deep-rooted. Although he has refined the poison, he is still recovering from a serious illness. Every part of his body is still in the stage of blood loss. How can he withstand this moment?

Yu Mansha.

You know, Yu Mansha is much taller than the little boy.

" bitch!"

Xue Zhujun pointed an angry finger at Yu Mansha and trembled. The saddest thing in life is that you have been cuckolded. When you teach the adulterer a lesson, your wife helps him to block him, and even helps him beat you.

This kind of situation can make people angry to death.

Although Xue Zhujun is very well-educated, he can't help but torment like this. This is a shame that he has never experienced before.


Yu Mansha stared blankly at her arm. She did not expect that she would beat her husband. This was also unimaginable before.

"Husband, I didn't mean it." Yu Mansha said with a hesitant look on her face.

"You bitch, do you have the nerve to say that? I have never seen such a shameless woman like you." Xue Zhujun roared repeatedly, but after all, he had just refined the toxin, stabilized the injury, and even said that the poison in his body was

There are still residual poisons that have not been eliminated, and both legs have been broken. It is not convenient for him to get angry with Yu Mansha again for the time being.

You may be able to perform some moves with ease and fluidity at ordinary times, but when your skills are weak, it will be difficult.

"Senior brother, some things are not what you think."

She didn't know whether she was talking about the little boy or the beating of her senior brother. In short, Yu Mansha was very hesitant now. She couldn't do anything to her senior brother, but she was really attached to the little boy's certain abilities.


This became a contradiction. It was the senior brother who was emotionally attached, but it was the ugly child who was physically attached.

As she talked, Yu Mansha couldn't help but shed tears. In fact, she was really entangled, and there was no turning back. It can be said that she has been pushed by the little boy ever since she became dependent on him in some way.

Go away, to the point where it is irreversible today.

In a certain sense, this is a stupid woman. Her innocence has been taken advantage of. When her innocence is over-exploited, she becomes a slut.

"You bitch, I don't believe it. If you don't agree, can others force you to do it? Don't you know how high your cultivation level is?"


"This..." Yu Mansha was speechless at this time. The senior brother was right. After all, her cultivation level was much higher than that of Sha Di. If she didn't agree, how could the little boy succeed? In the final analysis, it was still a fly.

Biting seamless eggs.

"I have nothing to say now, you cheap maid, why don't you get out of here and let me kill this ugly monster!" Xue Zhujun said angrily. He thought that Yu Mansha knew that she was in the wrong and suddenly flew away again.

He rose up, volleyed down like a big bird, and then rushed over to the little boy who fell to the ground.

To be honest, he was really unwilling not to kill this ugly bastard. This was the biggest stain in his life.

"Brother, bang!"

Another palm, and Yu Mansha helped Sha Di block it again. Then Xue Zhujun did not fall to the ground, but flew upside down and fluttered back to the wheelchair. Even so, his blood was still boiling.


He wanted to touch the sword, but unfortunately, he had been recovering from his injuries. He didn't bring the sword with him in the hurry when he came out just now. Maybe Ju Jian noticed it and didn't remind him at all.

"Bastard servant, have you disowned me as your husband? In your eyes, you only see this ugly dwarf? You are no longer the innocent Yu Mansha you were before, are you?" Xue Zhujun's face twisted again

Roar roared.

"No, no, senior brother, I still love you. In fact, I have always had you in my heart, and my love for you has never changed."

"Are you a liar?"

Xue Zhujun, who has never used foul language before, actually did so.

"Your love for me has not changed, what were you doing just now? Get out of here, or you will kill this ugly monster for me with your own hands!" Xue Zhujun shouted.

"Senior brother, I...I can't do anything to you, but I also don't allow you to hurt the child." Yu Mansha muttered, but she was very determined to stand in front of the child.

When the little boy saw this, a sinister smile appeared in his eyes. Do you really think that I am joking about the fifth degree of Spring Breeze Kung Fu? Which woman I have played with is not submissive. Are you, Xue Zhujun, nothing?

He believed that as long as Yu Mansha was on his side, Xue Zhujun would be unable to do anything to him.

"Master's wife, why don't you leave me alone and get back together with your senior brother." The little boy said hypocritically again.

"No, no, no, Tong'er, Master Niang can't harm senior brother, and she can't let others hurt you either."

"You bitch!"

The hands that were so angry with Xue Zhujun began to tremble again.

Now Yu Mansha defends Shadi life and death. In his current state, he really can't do anything to them. There is a stalemate. If his wife really points the sword at him, it will be very bad.

With no choice, he looked at Ju Jian again, "You cheap servant, watch me clean up the house."

"Tong'er, save me!"

Ju Jian was frightened and ran to the little boy's side.

Seeing this situation, Yu Mansha felt weird. Why did she feel so close to the two of them?

"Master's wife, Ju Jian works for us, and there is no credit but hard work. We can't leave her alone." The little boy said quickly. The most important thing is that he is afraid that if he abandons Ju Jian, Ju Jian will take the scandal between the two of them seriously.

If he said it in front of his wife, that would be very bad.

Moreover, when it comes to employing people now, Ju Jian is not weak in skills. He can win over one person after another. If that doesn't work, he and Ju Jian will join forces and they will be able to fight.

This chapter has been completed!
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