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The two walked forward and encountered a deep pool.

Huge splashes appear on the water from time to time, which indicates that there is something inside.

"Brother Ye, look quickly, there is a stone staircase over there." Hu Haohao suddenly pointed in the distance.

Ye Wuhan took a look and sure enough, there was an upward stone staircase on the opposite side of the pond. Apparently there was an upward tunnel there, but it was blocked by the pond and could not go through.

The water in this pool is like an underground river. The water is freezing cold and I don’t know where it came from.

However, although there is no road, it is still easy to cross the river if Ye Wuhan has a flying sword, or throws a wooden block and uses a reed to cross the river.

Ye Wuhan once suspected that this was the passage for Xue Zhujun to go from the secret room to the Lingquan Pool. Naturally, this pool of water would not be difficult for him, but Ye Wuhan couldn't figure it out. He built the passage where he passed by the deep pool.


"Brother Ye, look, there are bones here. They seem to be human bones, and there are actually fresh ones." Hu Haohao suddenly exclaimed and ran over to take a look.

Ye Wuhan had also seen it earlier. These bones seemed to have been washed to the shore by the water. Could it be that there were man-eating creatures in the water?

But how could anyone come to this place normally? Where did these human bones come from when no one comes?

Ye Wuhan went over to take a look. The bones washed up in piles on the shore. How many people had to die to have so many bones?

"Is it possible that someone killed someone here?"


While the two were watching, a huge splash suddenly appeared on the water, and a strange fish with a body length of more than one meter rushed up. It seemed to smell the smell of a stranger, and it opened its mouth and pounced towards the shore, trying to bite Ye Wuhan.

A sudden change caused Hu Haohao to retreat. The fish was too ugly and had fishy white teeth, which made people feel horrified just by looking at it.


While Ye Wuhan retreated, he hit him with a finger sword at any time. Although the fish skin was hard, how strong was Ye Wuhan? It was still easily scratched.

Poof, scarlet-blue blood splashed out, almost splashing on the two of them. The ugly strange fish was injured and quickly got back into the water, never to come out again.

However, the two of them saw huge splashes appearing on the water from time to time, and shadows of strange fish swimming by. Apparently there were many such strange fish inside.

Suddenly Ye Wuhan raised his nose and took a sniff, and he smelled the scent of medicine.

There is no magic herb here, so where does the smell of this medicine come from? Obviously, it should be the smell of the blood of strange fish.

Ye Wuhan used a small stone to dip some blood on the ground from the strange fish that collapsed on the shore and smelled it. This time he was sure that the scent of the medicine was the smell of the blood of this ugly strange fish.

Moreover, the blood still smelled fishy.

"It's weird, why does fish have such a smell?" Ye Wuhan frowned. Could it be that these fish are medicine? Also, how do you explain these bones?

"Brother Ye, what should we do?" Hu Haohao asked next to him.

"Wait a minute, let's catch a fish and see."

Ye Wuhan once suspected that this fish was a cannibal. It would come up when it smelled blood, but where could it get blood?

Hu Haohao didn't know, otherwise he might have spilled his own blood. Ye Wuhan wouldn't use his own blood to catch a fish. How precious is his own blood? How could he possibly feed them?

"Forget it, just use yourself as bait." So Ye Wuhan stood on the shore and used himself as bait to attract the fish.

He felt that if these fish were eating people, they would come over.

Unfortunately, even after waiting for a long time, he didn't blame the fish for coming over. Those fish didn't come over either, as if they were afraid of him.

As for the other fish in the pond? There were none at all. If there were any, they were all eaten by these strange fish.

"Brother Ye, you want to lure the fish, use my blood!" Hu Haohao saw his intention and was about to scratch his finger on the spot, but was stopped by Ye Wuhan, "Forget it, they are just a few beasts, you can't do this.

With our own blood, the worst we can do is wait a little longer."

If that doesn't work, just stretch your arm into the water. Will they still bite you?

Of course, unless it was absolutely necessary, Ye Wuhan didn't want to take risks himself. Who knows what those fish are.

While waiting, a brave fish finally couldn't resist the temptation of food and swam towards the shore, opening its mouth to bite Ye Wuhan.


Ye Wuhan hit the wind blade and seriously injured it on the spot. The fish could not sink to the bottom or float away. He circled his wrist and, wow! The fish was brought up directly.


This fish was still wagging its tail back and forth on the shore, trying to bite them because it was not completely dead.

To be honest, Ye Wuhan had never seen such a strange fish before, but the fish was seriously injured and quickly stopped moving.

Ye Wuhan studied it carefully this time, and based on his understanding of medical knowledge, he quickly determined that the fish blood really has a medicinal fragrance, and has the effects of strengthening the body and beautifying the skin. The blood also contains spiritual energy, which can help people

Taking it can definitely strengthen the body. Warriors can take it, not only to beautify their skin, but also to increase their cultivation and strengthen their body.

For a moment, Ye Wuhan seemed to understand that this was probably raised by Xue Zhujun. No wonder he looked so young despite his age. It must be because he often took this kind of blood.

There is also Yu Mansha, who has such a gentle and fair appearance. It is obvious that she also took this kind of blood, but she didn't know that she took the blood of this kind of fish. Maybe Xue Zhujun made a pill and gave it to her.

Looking at the piles of white bones on the shore, Ye Wuhan finally understood that maybe Xue Zhujun used people to feed these strange fish to raise them. Once they grow up, he can take blood and not only grow

It can also maintain your appearance and strengthen your body.

Otherwise, both of them can stay young forever, and they still look so young even though they are quite old, all because of these strange fish.

"Xue Zhujun, you are too cruel, you actually use people to feed fish to satisfy your selfish desires?" For a while, Ye Wuhan no longer had any good impressions of Xue Zhujun. This is not a human being. He is clearly cannibalism.

A scum-spitting beast.

Otherwise, if it weren't for him, this place would be so secretive and lead to the spiritual spring. How could an ordinary person come here?

"Brother Ye, these fish are not fed by Xue Zhujun, are they?" Hu Haohao next to him also said, his teeth bared, he was so scared just thinking about this.

"You're right, that should be it!" Ye Wuhan has never been so anxious to kill Xue Zhujun as he is now.

"I'll go, this guy looks like a human, he's really a beast!" Hu Haohao said bitterly next to him.

"That's how he was when he tried to murder your father. He was just a man with a man's face and a beast's heart."

"Let's go up." Ye Wuhan waved his hand.

Hu Haohao looked at it and realized that he couldn't cross it. The water was still very wide and his strength was not enough to fly across it.

But while he was hesitating, he suddenly felt a lightness in his body. When he regained consciousness, he was already on the other side. It turned out that Ye Wuhan was passing by with his sword and brought him here casually.

This chapter has been completed!
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