Chapter 11 The doctor was surprised by the speed of recovery

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Not long after, the noise outside the ward became louder, and it could be heard that a group of people walked into the small hospital for seriously injured people. Wang Chengzhu couldn't hear clearly, so he asked the guard to open the closed door. Anyway, it would take a while.

Doctors have to knock on the door when they come in for rounds, so why not open the door first to get used to the cold morning breeze in early spring?

After opening the door, not only the cold wind blew into the cave where he had stayed all night, but also blue-white light illuminated Wang Chengzhu's ward. The door hinge of the cave was square, and there was a transom on the upper part of the door frame. Although it was also

You can project light and ventilation, but the effect is far worse than opening the door wide.

The noise in the yard was getting louder and quieter. It seemed that they were coming in and out of several wards on the east side. Suddenly the room became dark and the sound became noisy. It turned out that they were inspecting Wang Chengzhu's ward. It was the familiar middle-aged attending doctor who led him.

Several doctors and nurses walked into the cave to check the recovery of the seriously injured Wang Chengzhu.

The doctor on duty walked to the bedside, picked up the medical record splint and read: "Wang Chengzhu, male, 29 years old, was injured due to a stray bullet hitting the left second and third intercostal muscles and the right pectoralis minor muscle. The amount of blood loss was visually measured when he was sent to the hospital.

About 1200 ml to 1400 ml, the person is in shock and coma. After surgical incision and removal of the warhead, he is given nutrition and rests in bed. He regains consciousness two days after the operation. After four days of exhaustion, he can eat liquid food. The dressing nurse records that there is blood from the accidental injury.

There is no scab, and there is no cracking of the incision and sutures; I will be actively recovering within five days after the operation, and I can eat a small amount of solid food in the cafeteria."

The attending doctor stepped aside and asked the nurse to come forward and untie the bandage, so that he and the doctors and nurses could directly visually inspect the recovery of Wang Chengzhu's chest. The first one picked up the flashlight and stepped forward, carefully checking the left and right sides of the person being photographed.

After showing the wound healing status, the attending doctor handed the flashlight to the doctors behind him and motioned for everyone to take turns to come up and take a look so that they could express their opinions during the consultation.

The ward rounds team in the ward looked at the healing status of Wang Chengzhu's wounds one by one. They stood in an arc facing the direction of the bed. After the nurse covered the wound with a piece of clean gauze, they covered it with a thin quilt. The doctor on duty spoke first:

"The seriously injured patients cooperate with resting during hospitalization, and their recovery speed is fast. There is no secondary damage to the wounds. You can consider changing the dressing and then transferring to the courtyard for the lightly injured patients to continue observation."

The nurse responsible for changing the dressing of the seriously injured person recognized the speech of the doctor on duty last week, and added: "When the dressing was changed yesterday morning, the blood scab on the wound had grown mature, and there was no obvious tissue fluid leakage around it. The surgeon who sutured the skin was highly skilled, and there was no obvious leakage of tissue fluid around it.

Valgus phenomenon."

The doctors and nurses who followed the ward rounds listened to the words of the two inpatients. Everyone opened their mouths to express their opinions. The difference was that some injuries recovered quickly, the wounded were rehabilitated proactively, and the stored glucose was effective.

And so on. After seeing that there were no new opinions, the attending doctor raised his right hand and made a fist, and uttered one word in a low voice: "Stop!"

The voices discussing in low voices and repeating readings came to an abrupt end. The attending doctor was satisfied with the obedience of the people around him, and then concluded: "The views of comrades are realistic and pertinent. The wounded Wang Chengzhu was admitted to our hospital due to battlefield trauma.

After the emergency foreign body removal operation, the patient's symptoms were significantly relieved by resting in bed. Under the protection of the bedside nurse, active exercise and rehabilitation assisted treatment, and the recovery time was faster." After a pause, he proposed a consultation suggestion, "In view of the rapid recovery of the injured, this morning

After being treated by the dressing nurse, the patient can be transferred to the inpatient area for the lightly injured; the injured Wang Chengzhu should continue to do rehabilitation exercises and pay attention to appropriate rest; go to the outpatient dressing room after lunch every day to check and record the healing status of the injury."

After saying that, he waved to the nurse to go to the bedside and wrap the bandage on Wang Chengzhu first. Then he went out with other ward rounds medical staff, and turned right to the next ward for Monday's routine consultation.

The nurse who had tied the bandage covered Wang Chengzhu with a quilt and turned around to follow the adjacent cave dwelling to the west. The nursing soldiers and others on the side had finished walking, walked around from the end of the bed to the edge of the bed, and congratulated Wang Chengzhu: "Comrade, congratulations on your improvement.

So fast. The soldier I took care of last time had a penetrating injury to his right chest. After the operation, he had to rest in a high-lying position for ten days before the doctor agreed to get out of bed for rehabilitation exercises. You have a great body. I will take you down there in the afternoon.

The minor injury area of ​​the sill."

Wang Chengzhu was manipulated on the hospital bed for about ten minutes. He heard that the doctor was very satisfied with his treatment suggestions. Although he could see the body recovery rate and HP value stock/extreme value through the system status bar and personal information panel, there was no way to ignore his surroundings.

Human perspective. Now he has further freedom of movement in the hospital, which is good for physical recovery and exploration of the magical system.

Wang Chengzhu, who was thinking about something, was interrupted by the guard soldier. He only heard the latter saying: "I will see you off in the afternoon..." He quickly responded, then changed the subject and asked: "Breakfast time is almost here, I will get up now.

Let’s go to the canteen and wash up on the way. Is that okay?”

The guarding soldier did his best and helped Wang Chengzhu take out the cloth shoes from under the bed, then turned around and took off the cloth towel from the wooden rack behind the door. Wang Chengzhu sat up holding the edge of the bed, stretched his legs out of the bed and put on the cloth shoes, placing his cross leg on the knee of the other leg.

He took turns hooking up his heels. The large movements of his waist and legs affected the skin and muscles above the oblique muscles. The slight pain was not written on Wang Chengzhu's face.

Putting on a blue-gray military uniform, Wang Chengzhu tried to stand up by holding on to the edge of the bed, and then took two steps. He found that he could walk smoothly without the support of an escort, and thought to himself that the doctor on duty walked in the yard all day without any trouble.

I walked away without showing my hands for diagnosis and treatment, but my eyes were very fierce. You could tell the progress of my recovery just by seeing me walking around the yard for two days.

In the early morning, when Wang Chengzhu went to the hospital cafeteria, his pace was not fast and his steps were not very far, but it was much more efficient than the two days before when he was supported by a tree and walked slowly with small steps. The nursing staff walked half a step slower and followed side by side.

Holding the tub, towel and toothbrush in your left hand, your right hand hangs by your side to prevent possible accidents.

When they arrived at the canteen, the guarding soldier led Wang Chengzhu to the sink next to the reservoir, filled a small basin of cold water, soaked the cloth, twisted it twice and handed it over and said: "Comrade, wipe your face first. I'll get the iron teapot."

, scoop out half a tank of hot water for you to brush your teeth." Then he stepped over the sink and went to the kitchen.

After washing up, he walked into the cafeteria. This morning, the cafeteria served Xibao Guzhen diced sweet potato porridge, mixed noodles steamed bread and cold blanched radish shreds. Because he was waiting in line to receive the meal, Wang Chengzhu went to the cupboard to get the bowls, chopsticks and wooden spoons with the nurse who was looking after him.

Queuing behind a middle-aged man wearing a gray stand-up collar cadre uniform.

Half a jar of porridge and a gray-white steamed bun with mixed noodles. The rice-server chef placed a large bunch of shredded radish in the blue and white porcelain bowl held by Wang Chengzhu in his left hand. He smelled the vinegary fragrance of the shredded radish in the bowl.

Wang Chengzhu gave up his position, walked to the table of lame soldiers, and had breakfast with the seriously injured soldiers and the nursing soldiers.

This chapter has been completed!
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