Chapter 9 Becoming a lightly injured person tonight

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 The hospital cafeteria provides two staple foods for lunch: white sorghum rice, glutinous rice, and buckwheat noodles. A pot of sour cabbage stir-fried with yellow carrot sticks, and a pot of clear soup with tofu residue mixed with the soup at the bottom of the wok. It looks pretty good.

Healthy, especially according to the cook who was cooking the stove, this pot of cabbage and radish contains the white oil saved when pigs are slaughtered during the Chinese New Year. A finger thick of fat was boiled into three clay pots, which were distributed to the two brigades and the field hospital canteen.

, teachers and teachers don’t get this kind of treatment.

Wang Chengzhu and the parallel-bar rehabilitation soldiers came to the cafeteria together, along with seven nursing soldiers. The two comrades who were basking in the sun were helped back to the room and lay down. When the diners finished eating, the meals would be served according to the doctor's instructions.

It’s easy to take it back.

As a seriously injured person, he can walk to the cafeteria to eat by himself with the support of the nursing soldiers. It seems that he has passed the post-operative rest period smoothly. There are lightly injured people sitting at several tables nearby. They live in multi-person wards and do not have full-time nursing staff.

Yes, the patient will be discharged electively based on the analysis of the doctor’s ward rounds.

Half a bowl of rice, covered with a spoonful of fragrant pickled cabbage and fried radish, and a tea vat of clear soup with oily flowers. This is Wang Chengzhu's lunch. He picked up the bottom of the bowl with his left hand, and picked up the wooden spoon in the enamel vat containing the soup with his right hand.

Mix the rice and vegetables together and eat it while it's hot. Hold it in your right cheek, chew it for about twenty or thirty times, and then swallow it with a mouthful of hot soup.

Sorghum rice is soft, glutinous and delicious, but Dabao Guzhen is not good. It is cooked together in a pot and is hard, which is very abrasive to the teeth. If it is not chewed enough, it will be difficult to digest when swallowed. However, the yield of Dabao Gu is high, and wheat cannot be grown on slopes.

In places like this, corn is stored in the winter and used as rations. When the winter wheat and potatoes are harvested in the summer, there will be no need to worry about food.

After lunch, the nursing soldiers took away the tableware in front of the two seriously injured people, washed them together and put them back in the cupboard. The two nursing soldiers supported the wounded on their respective shifts and walked slowly towards the yard, while the others carried the sick people.

Fan Hao has already hurried back.

Wang Chengzhu returned to his ward and sat down by the bed. He rubbed the heels of his left and right feet together, took off his cloth shoes, and slowly lay down on his back while holding on to the bed. There was a short break after lunch, and Wang Chengzhu planned to take a nap.

, and then go to the small tree house in the consciousness space to read for a while.

Before Wang Chengzhu came to Liangjian World, he was not a person who liked to read books to enrich his spiritual world. The 1920s was an era of slow decline of print media. Radio and television occupied the main position of public opinion ten years ago, and even

Some newspaper headlines require someone from the TV station's morning show to read the newspaper for content distribution. I thought it was the beginning, but unexpectedly it was the pinnacle of audio and video media. Before his consciousness was sent to Wang Chengzhu's body, he did the most things every day.

I was holding a touch-screen mobile phone and sitting in front of the computer in the study, having a great time playing.

Reading books, especially paper publications, on average no more than five books a year after graduating from college and starting work. I have read a lot of books and lectures on the phone and computer, and can interpret the summary of a sentence in five minutes.

And so on. But the young man didn't think it was reading a book. Instead, he felt like he was sitting on a big porcelain throne and after exhaling, he picked up a handkerchief and wiped it to get the feeling after defecation.

After Wang Chengzhu came to the world of Liangjian, in addition to lying down to recover, he just ate and drank water. The spiritual world felt empty, and it was most tortured when there was nothing to do. Our game system is quite clever, and it actually gave Wang Chengzhu a way to spend his time.

Time, the treasure that enriches the spiritual world - books.

The nap should not be too long. Wang Chengzhu woke up. He opened his eyes and glanced at the date and time in the lower right corner of the system panel: 13:25, 1940/3/3.

He sat up holding on to the bed, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled the turbid air with body temperature. He moved his buttocks and legs to the left, leaned against the west wall, raised his arms and did a few stretching exercises. Feeling

The muscles in his shoulders felt slightly warm, and the area where he had previously made an incision to remove the bullet was affected by some pain. Wang Chengzhu put down his arm, raised his palms and rubbed his face, trying to wake himself up.

The nursing soldier sat on a low stool in front of the hospital bed and watched Wang Chengzhu doing exercises on the bed. After seeing Wang Chengzhu rubbing his face with both hands and still squeezing the Jingming point with his right hand, he asked: "Comrade, you need to scoop some cold water to wipe your face."


Wang Chengzhu then remembered that there was another person in the room, and quickly said thank you. There was no need to wipe his face with water. He put down his right hand, supported his body with both hands and moved to the bed little by little, stretched his legs out of the bed and stepped on his cloth shoes, asking the nursing soldiers for help.

Hook up the heel.

I was helped to stand up and walked out of the cave, looking at the sun in the sky that was emitting light and heat, and then looking around. Several other rooms in the yard had their doors closed, and most of them were taking naps. After being sick and injured, I had enough nutrition to keep up.

Good sleep and moderate exercise are the most efficient ways to restore health.

While no one was using the parallel bars, Wang Chengzhu stepped forward, held the south wooden bar with his right hand and walked from east to west, then held the north wooden bar from west to east, raised his left arm for balance and turned his hand clockwise.

Get up.

An hour passed like this, and several soldiers who could get out of bed walked out of the ward, accompanied by nurses, and came to the yard to sit down and enjoy the sunshine. The soldier who dominated the parallel bars in the morning was not as thin-skinned as Wang Chengzhu. With the support of the nursing soldiers,

He walked up to Wang Chengzhu and discussed taking turns using the parallel bars for rehabilitation. The two exchanged views on his condition and recovery. The lame warrior sighed at Wang Chengzhu's quick recovery, and Wang Chengzhu marveled at the lame warrior's active recovery from a serious injury. After a conversation, what he got today is

A verbal agreement to alternate between a quarter of an hour of exercise and a quarter of an hour of rest in the afternoon.

Dinner was sour soup and pea noodles and buckwheat noodles. After moderate exercise in the afternoon, Wang Chengzhu felt hungry when he saw the sun setting over the mountains and reflecting the orange sunset in the sky. He said hello and ran to the cafeteria with his bed partner.

The multigrain glutinous rice noodles with sour and salty pimple soup made Wang Chengzhu instinctively secrete a lot of saliva under his tongue, and the vinegar was so fragrant.

After nightfall, lighting up lights is a luxury behavior. When there is nothing important in the field hospital, there has always been a practice of turning off the lights. Firstly to reduce expenses, and secondly for safety. Exceptions are usually when wild animals enter the village and climb over the wall, or

Temporarily transfer the sick and injured.

In this atmosphere, dinner is usually porridge or soup. Being half-full and lying in bed early has become Wang Chengzhu's only choice.

After dinner, I returned to the ward. The guard soldier on the night shift was already waiting in the cave. After handover, the guard soldier picked up the wooden basin and went out to get hot water. He twisted a hot towel for Wang Chengzhu, wiped his face, and the rest

The water was poured out after washing the legs and feet.

He helped Wang Chengzhu lie on his back on the hospital bed and tucked in the quilt. At this time, the sky had darkened, and the moonlight shone on the ground through the thin clouds, and there was no starlight twinkling at all.

The guard soldier turned around and closed the door. He sat on the low stool in front of the hospital bed and looked at Wang Chengzhu's face quietly as his eyes lost the glimmer of light. It seemed that the comrade was asleep.

This chapter has been completed!
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