Chapter 135 Encountering bandits on the way back

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In the north of China in the world of Liangjian, there are two majestic and steep mountains, one is called Taihang Mountain and the other is called Wangwu Mountain.

During the legendary tribal alliance era, some people settled in the mountain valleys. In those days, traveling had to rely on legs and feet. The mountain roads were rugged and steep, and the sand and gravel on the riverbanks were harsh on the feet. An elder who called himself Yu Gong persuaded the tribal leader and was entrusted with the task of developing the land.

The responsibility of the road.

There are various legends about what happened next. It is undeniable that there was a broad and smooth road between Taihang Mountain and Wangwu Mountain.

Mountains are always mountains. Roads in mountainous areas do not become easier to walk just because there is a thoroughfare at the foot of the mountain. On the contrary, when passers-by choose to detour through flat areas, no one has repaired them and they become more like the wild.

However, the pros and cons of things in the world cannot be generalized. The Taihang Mountains, located in the Sanjin region, restrict the development space of the Bingzhou Valley eastward to the Jizhou Plain, objectively turning it into a semi-closed province.

The Kingdom of Shengyang waged three undeclared wars, first occupying the White Mountains and Black Waters, and then the northern grasslands. In just a few years, its troops swept through several important towns in the Central and South Plains, forcing the Chinese government to change its capital twice.

When the invaders led tanks and heavy artillery troops to the undulating Taihang Mountains, they encountered results that were different from the previous devastation across the eastern plains.

The contrast in national power between the invaders and counter-invaders in the Bright Sword World gave the Rising Sun invaders and the Guardians of China the upper hand in several battles along the mountain passes. However, the Japanese devils did not have unlimited time to transform the limited space, and the Taihang Mountains were effectively sluggish.

stopped the invaders' advance.

There has been a folk proverb in China since ancient times that "poor mountains and bad waters bring out unruly people". In an era of inconvenient transportation, the governance level of those in power was limited. As a result, there were such things as "imperial power does not extend to the county" and "county officials are not as good as current management" and other ideas of rural gentry autonomy and

Grassroots security guards maintain law and order, etc. This is a strange current situation that is difficult for people born in the industrial age to understand.

Most of the cities were built on open plains and flat river valleys. Under the protection of military and police along river shipping and gravel roads, a relatively prosperous economic circle was developed in an orderly manner.

In mountainous areas with inconvenient transportation, the idea that "big fists are the last word" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In addition, the economic income output here is not as good as that of cities with concentrated industries. As long as the city's powerful people are not embarrassed and cannot come to power, there are few politicians in power.

He will choose a place where his troops and wealth are exhausted, and he will dispatch his troops and generals to a peaceful place.

In an environment of tacit understanding between the upper and lower levels, countless armed groups emerged in the Taihang Mountains.

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