Chapter 132: Open up your mind and borrow a gun

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March 25, 1940, the seventeenth day of the second lunar month.

Wang Chengzhu has been promoted and appointed for some time.

When there is no combat mission, I will think about how to equip my artillery platoon with weapons and equipment.

The materials such as cloth and fur, firearms, ammunition, food and medicine that Wang Chengzhu retrieved from the system were stored in the munitions section warehouse on a regular and rationed basis, and then transported by the regiment transportation team and handed over to the munitions logistics organization at the brigade and division headquarters.

I heard from the regimental commander that these brand-new guns and original bullets are handed over to the Army Logistics Department at all levels. The Army Headquarters organizes and deploys them according to the intensity of the war and material applications, and distributes them to three division-level units or columns or brigades that obey the command.


The regiment can retain some of the materials other than weapons for its own use. The superior leaders know that the new regiment has a comrade who "distributes materials". While reducing the burden of material supply, there is still room left to hand over to the brigade for distribution. It is not strict with lower-level units.

Adhering to the practice of priority handover and unified distribution, we chose the guiding ideology of pragmatism.

It is much easier to divide fat than to fatten. Without dampening the enthusiasm of fattening workers and affecting reproduction, we need to be as tolerant as possible to the hens that lay golden eggs.

A few days ago, Wang Chengzhu was in the wild and could not eat or sleep well. The game experience copy in the system space cleared his fatigue value as quickly as the wind. During the time when the system did not warn, he chose to read books and study on his own to enrich his knowledge.

After joining the work, the knowledge that can be used as conversation material is updated slowly. Things that prioritize stance, such as entertainment gossip and current affairs news, do not require a foundation of hard knowledge.

Wang Chengzhu, who traveled to the world of Liangjian, had to resort to the "theory of usefulness of reading" method again when facing new life and new challenges. Like a student preparing for the high school entrance examination, college entrance examination and public entrance examination, he eagerly absorbed knowledge from books.


When I read something that I felt was useful, I copied it down with paper and pen to make study notes. I used the female gunner’s pen to copy a lot of content that I felt was useful on the back of ancient GBL teaching documents, such as battlefield first aid and new era infantry rocket launcher usage skills. I reviewed the past.

Learn new things and verify these things in practice.

In the days since he was sent to the world of Bright Sword by the system, Wang Chengzhu felt that he had grown a lot. Not only did he have a strong body that was different from that of a frail office worker, but he had also mastered many techniques and tactics that he had to join the army to master before time travel.

Using this body given by the system, in this world of bright swords that is both real and illusory, I have killed and injured many people from hostile forces. This sense of accomplishment is incomparable to the countless times of doing good deeds before time travel.

Sure enough, according to the basic needs hierarchy theory [1], in the world line before time travel, Wang Chengzhu, who lived like a tool man, functioned like a gear or chain in the unit all year round. By participating in labor, he received regular wages.

. Occasionally, when completing work tasks in time or ahead of schedule, I will receive approval from my boss or colleagues.

However, five years after Wang Chengzhu joined the company, the assignment of tasks to those with more ability in the department, and the income gap that was not positively correlated with the amount of labor and growth, smoothed the edges and aggressiveness of his character.

The way forward in government agencies depends not only on personal accumulation and hard work, but also on the appreciation of superior leaders and policy opportunities. Most of the time, the latter two are more important than the first two.

Obviously, Wang Chengzhu, who was not lucky enough to have the opportunity to advance, began to look for self-reward in other aspects of life after losing the continuous feedback on his need for respect and self-actualization at his job.

As a new form of leisure and entertainment that is only a century old, video games have developed a variety of timely feedback and delayed gratification mechanisms by countless practitioners, becoming Wang Chengzhu's chosen tool to gain recognition.

Tools are just tools after all. If it hadn't been for the time-travel experience that was like a dream, Wang Chengzhu would have spent most of his life in the world he lived in. Starting a business, raising children and raising children until he retired, lying on the rocking chair on the balcony, basking in the sun

The sun recalls his life.

The current situation has given Wang Chengzhu a new goal to strive for. The gift of destiny obtained by luck will be lost due to insufficient cognition to control it. The system that sent him to the world of swords may have only temporarily favored a man who has lost hope and hope in life.

ideal person.

Although there are clues recorded on the system announcement panel that can lead back to the world before the time traveled, the reality that has never been held in the hands is just a flower in the mirror or the moon in the water. Only the knowledge that is deeply left in the memory will not be easily erased.

of valuable wealth.

Wang Chengzhu carefully read the embodied "study notes" twice and kept the relevant information firmly in his mind. He put away the GBL teaching ancient documents handwritten notes written in imitation Song font on the back, and took advantage of the break to report to the group leader.


More than half a year before being possessed by the time-traveler, the original owner of this body had just been stripped of the title of "agent" as the acting squad leader in charge of the artillery squad directly under the regiment, allowing the time-traveler to get an advantage. With the help of Wang Chengzhu, who explained the situation to the organization,

After being promoted to half-level, he has a job responsibility that he never had as a squad leader - reporting to the regiment-level leaders.

There is a work process within the system where opinions and suggestions must be communicated or submitted step by step, especially in a hierarchical organization like the military. In the past, when Wang Chengzhu met the regiment leader, it was mainly when the correspondent or the commander's guard was summoned, and when he followed the battalion cadres and regiment leaders.

Directly affiliated company cadres went.

Officers in real-power agencies are more eye-catching than deputies in remote villages and towns. The advantage is that they can report work to the leaders. Wang Chengzhu took advantage of his position and asked the sentry at the head of the office: "Comrade sentry, is the head of the regiment in the house?"

"Hello, Platoon Leader Wang! The regiment leader is in the yard. Is there anything you need to convey?"

"Please inform me on your behalf that Wang Chengzhu has a battle plan report."

After a while, the sentry came out of the living courtyard of the regiment leader and informed Wang Chengzhu that the regiment commander called him in.

The regiment leader sat cross-legged on the adobe kang bed. There was a stack of red-edged letter paper placed on the short-legged kang bed in front of him. Different from the yellow straw paper on which he usually writes drawings and records, the regiment leader seemed to be reviewing more formal documents.

"Wang Chengzhu, now that you are the platoon leader, if you don't think about how to recruit troops and second people with the battalion and company commanders to build up the combat unit, how can you have time to come to me to report on your work?"

Wang Chengzhu briefly stated the contents of the appointment document: "Captain, look at the appointment letter given to me. It only says that I will be assigned to the establishment. I have to raise manpower and weapons by myself." He continued, "Since the help provided by the organization is limited, I

It's probably useless to come to you for alms."

"Comrade Wang Chengzhu, the troops at all levels are constantly fighting the enemy, and the personnel and materials are very tight." The regiment leader explained the difficulties while smoothing out the subordinates in front of him, "You also know the situation of our new regiment, the system

Most of the materials contributed by Mr. were turned in.

"The remaining part is barely used to improve the conditions of each battalion and company. There are many brother troops here who say that our new regiment will eat more and occupy more. I went to the brigade headquarters for a meeting two days ago. If it were not for the brigade commander and brigade chief of staff,

I withstood the pressure, and several regiment cadres who were in serious shortage of supplies had to take turns coming to our regiment to fight the autumn wind."

"Captain, I have no intention of getting involved with that part of the supplies." Wang Chengzhu took out a piece of yellow straw paper and put it on the kang table for the commander's approval. "Now it's easy to talk about the expansion of the army and the replenishment of manpower. You can borrow some from the battalion and company commanders."

A soldier is here to deal with the emergency. But the thing in hand needs to be organized a lot."

"You have the guns and ammunition. Get some privately. Whether you recruit people or borrow them, everyone won't treat you like meat and potatoes."

"Captain, you are teasing me again." Wang Chengzhu wiped the non-existent cold sweat from his forehead to the regimental commander who liked to say weird things to tease him, "The brigade chief of staff said last time that this matter about me needs to be kept secret."

"Okay, okay, I remember what the chief of staff said. I want to spread superstitious anecdotes below and provide remittance assistance for internal propaganda." The regiment leader picked up the battle plan handed to the table and said while reading, "Collect some folk information."

It is a good idea to use guns to build up the team's frame first, but remember not to violate military disciplines; engage in more small-scale battles to break up the team and improve combat effectiveness, and use battles as training. I agree in principle with your plan and need to follow up.

The political commissar and the others will have a breather and discuss it. Once you have reached an organizational conclusion, formed a document and submitted it to the brigade headquarters for filing, you can then start implementing this combat plan."

"Then I'd like to thank the leader first. You said you wanted to bring some guns and ammunition in private, and I thought I could seize some and bring them back as trophies." Wang Chengzhu made a wish to the leader with a stern face, "Is there any pistol or sword you want?

, I’ll prepare it for you in advance.”

"Are you talking about the rare items noted on that list? You can borrow flowers to offer to Buddha. I ate the candy coating, but I didn't take the shells. If there is a chance to seize them back, the political commissar and I will go and choose them ourselves."

"I understand. Captain, if nothing happens, I'll go back and make preparations first."

"Go!" The regiment leader folded up Wang Chengzhu's handwritten plan, put it in his notebook and put it in his pocket. "I know you are good at collecting intelligence. Remember to be careful and keep it confidential. Our comrades must be able to fight well.

Also want to come back safely.”

"Yes, comrade leader. I have written it down." Wang Chengzhu stood at attention, with his hands hanging on his sides, paying attention to the leader. He said goodbye and left the leader's office and living room.

***The author has something to say***

Note [1] Basic Hierarchy of Needs Theory: proposed by American psychologist Abraham Maslow in his paper "Human Motivation Theory" in 1943. Human needs are divided into five levels from low to high like a ladder.

They are physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs.

This chapter has been completed!
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