Chapter 136: Suppressing bandits is a piece of cake

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Wang Chengzhu instinctively felt resistant to road robbery. It was not that he had never been robbed before time travel. The anti-gang and anti-evil campaign carried out on average once every ten years had made him hardly exposed to the profession of banditry in his nearly thirty years of life.


The last bandits on record, Qin Guoqing and Tian Yulian, were killed during a crackdown in 1965. It is not surprising that no bandits were seen. This is the best proof of the level of public security management. Wang Chengzhu remembers that when he was young, he visited the local memorial hall with his parents

At that time, I saw the photo wall of public trials of bandits and heroes who suppressed bandits.

Looking up at the 20 or 30 bandits holding rifles on the hillsides on both sides of the road, Wang Chengzhu frowned. He said in his heart, a good man will not suffer the consequences in front of him, I will remember this grudge.

In response to the threat from the bandit leader, Wang Chengzhu was worried that the marching formation would be unfavorable for meeting the enemy, so he put on a smile and said: "Hero, we are soldiers. Isn't it appropriate for you to act like this?"

"There's nothing inappropriate. This thirty-mile radius is where our village earns its living." The leading bandit's face was wiped with pot ashes, and he couldn't see his exact appearance. It can be seen from his speech and behavior that this man is a good talker.

, and also led many bandits who helped out.

"Our army has always regarded resisting invaders as its first priority, and has never had any enemies with the dozens of mountain villages in the mountains of northern Shanxi." Wang Chengzhu, while verbally negotiating with the bandits, raised his left arm and looked at the one-way invisible man.

Wrist terminal screen, "However, this does not mean that our army is afraid of you. The clay figurine is still very angry, besieging the army, blocking roads and robbing. If I had not been involved in military affairs, I would have kidnapped you and sent you to the county town to receive the reward today."

The leading bandit noticed Wang Chengzhu's weakness when he said harsh words, and knew that the benefits were about to be defrauded. In a place where he could not see, Wang Chengzhu confirmed through satellite photos that the bandits on the hillside were not armed.

Good guy, there were a few drops of cold sweat on Wang Chengzhu's forehead. He was almost frightened by this old man. Looking from a distance, he thought he was ambushed by bandits, but he didn't expect that these bandits were so poor that they didn't even have muskets. This leading bandit

The single shot with the hammer in his hand wide open is quite unique. It turned out that he was interested in the weapons and ammunition of his own unit and wanted to cheat some money out of it.

Unfortunately, what they encountered was not ordinary troops. On the projection display screen of Wang Chengzhu's left arm wrist terminal, various layers were constantly analyzing the surrounding details. From the perspective of multispectral and full-color remote sensing images, the hillsides on both sides

The "guns" held by the supporting bandits who besieged them did not contain high-carbon steel alloys or copper elements.

In other words, I successfully "borrowed" a gun, and on the way back to the base with my team, I encountered a bandit who wanted to get his hands on our army's weapons and equipment. This bandit took advantage of the geographical location and put on a show, intending to use fire sticks or long tree branches as rifles.

Come to rob.

Having seen through the Western scene, he stopped making excuses. Wang Chengzhu raised his right hand, took off the rifle carried on one shoulder, grabbed the lower handguard with his left hand and raised it.

With a smile on his face, the leading bandit turned off the safety of a pistol and inserted it back into his waist, intending to reach out to receive the rifle Wang Chengzhu was "preparing" to hand over.

But he was destined to be disappointed. Wang Chengzhu held the handguard with his left hand and quickly opened the bolt lock with his right hand. He pulled the bolt to load a bullet in the magazine and put the rifle in a ready-to-fire state. He retracted his left arm toward his body and fired the gun.

Rest it on your right shoulder, and rest your right index finger on the trigger.

The leading bandit saw that things did not develop as he expected. Facing a rifle with a longer barrel, a pistol that was easy to carry and aimed at close range was more convenient for firing quickly. Although he had no time to pull out the pistol inserted in his belt, he would not

Milika Iigai Gun Fighting Technique[1], but raising his left arm to support the muzzle of the pistol held in his right hand, he still has a little time and reaction.

The pistol is more flexible. Although it is a straight-barreled single-shot pistol similar to the COP357 pocket pistol, the leading bandit still managed to shoot first. He also successfully hit Wang Chengzhu in the chest. It can be seen that this old bandit leader has some skills. He often practices his eating skills.

The adaptability is much stronger than the newly recruited supplementary troops by Wang Chengzhu.

***The author has something to say***

Note [1] Amrica Iai Gun Fighting Technique: Refers to the development of western North America, a contingency technique for revolver gunners to shoot at each other. The gunman stands with his waist lowered, so that the muzzle of the revolver in the semi-closed holster faces forward.

Quickly pull the trigger with one hand and pull the hammer with the other hand. A skilled shooter can empty the magazine of five or six rounds in one second.

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