Chapter 32 Return to build a new artillery regiment

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 Wang Chengzhu walked beside the third company commander, carrying a wooden box of bullets in his hand. This was relatively light, because the third company commander gave Wang Chengzhu a not-too-heavy physical job because he had just been discharged from the hospital.

Other soldiers were either carrying two boxes of 500 rounds of round-nose rifle ammunition, or carrying two boxes of 10 rounds of 70mm mortar shells, or carrying a Hanxi rifle sent for repair and replacement diagonally across their shoulders. At a glance, the two of them could see each other.

Walking side by side on the road where donkeys and carriages can drive, there is a sense of procession.

After walking out for about an hour, we branched off from the main road at the foot of the mountain and onto a hiking trail. Following the order given by the third company commander, the soldiers walking behind slowed down. Two people formed a line, taking a step slower on the right and then following up on the left.

, walk in single file.

The soldiers took firm and steady steps, led by the third company commander, and walked along the winding mountain path towards the new regiment's station.

After an hour at the bottom of the mountain and an hour at the top of the mountain, we finally reached the outskirts of the new regiment's station. Wang Chengzhu saw a tree suddenly falling down in front of him and casually told the third company commander.

Unexpectedly, the third company commander slowed down and shouted, "Everyone is here, stop moving forward." A group of people stopped and put down their belongings. They took out the water bag and took turns to take a sip, slowly drying it until it was almost smoking.


Wang Chengzhu was about to ask why he didn't stop all the way when he suddenly took a rest. He saw a group of gun-wielding soldiers approaching not far away, also wearing blue and gray military uniforms. One hand was holding the handguard, the other hand was holding the gun, and the weapon was placed horizontally.

With the muzzle of the gun pointed at the ground on his chest, he stepped forward with a vigilant attitude.

Glancing at the third company commander who had not pulled out his pistol, Wang Chengzhu knew that this was one of his own, so he lowered the fear that was rising in his throat back into his chest.

The soldiers who came from afar walked to forty or fifty meters, and a leader walking in front shouted: "Password!"

The third company commander, who was waiting for this, took a step forward and said loudly: "Take it out in August and store it in other jars. Reply to the order!"

The leading soldier shouted loudly: "Penhe Nitou, we have to stop for a few years. Comrade, what are you doing?" The command was correct, and he changed the rifle across his chest to holding the handguard in front of him with his left hand and stood behind him.

After the soldiers saw it, many of them turned around and guarded in other directions.

The third company commander replied loudly: "Comrade, the third company of the first battalion has followed the regiment commander's order and went to the brigade headquarters to collect supplies. Now it is back to the munitions section of the regiment headquarters for storage. Please let me go!"

The leader of the patrol team who came out of the sentry post shouted: "Everyone is here, escort the outgoing comrades of the 1st Battalion and 3rd Company through this checkpoint and into the periphery of the regiment headquarters." After saying that, he picked up the rifle and took the lead to walk to the edge of the mountain road. The patrol team

Six in front and three in back formed an escort formation, mixed with soldiers carrying supplies on their shoulders to form a mixed team.

Three patrol members were guarding and leading the way to the regiment headquarters. The patrol leader accompanied the third company commander and Wang Chengzhu behind. The soldiers who only carried self-defense light weapons followed the six people with ammunition boxes. The team was finally assisted by six patrol members.

Tail protection.

Such intense cover is necessary for those returning from overseas. The new regiment's garrison location, like the brigade headquarters, is no longer within the base area, but in the guerrilla zone between the enemy-occupied area and the base area.

As the name suggests, the guerrilla zone is a buffer zone where the enemy and we do not have enough troops and administrative organizations for the time being. Guerillas and vandals in disguise may appear here anytime and anywhere.

The sound of the command just now can be heard two to three hundred meters away. There are more than a dozen cottages in the guerrilla zone, and there are about hundreds of bandit gangs of various sizes. It is necessary to be on guard against others.

Wang Chengzhu carried a 500-round ammunition box and marched beside the third company commander. After walking for about two miles in fifteen minutes, he passed a pass guarded by soldiers and finally could see the village in the mountain col.

The patrol leader and his team members separated from the supply transport team here. The subsequent journey through the regiment headquarters was safer and no further escort was needed. The patrol team needed to continue returning to the traffic tree. There were only three sentries, one light and two dark, at the observation post.

, the lack of mobile sentries will be a major safety hazard.

Wang Chengzhu blinked and glanced at the date and time 15:28 without missing a trace, thinking that he had finally returned to his original unit.

The third company commander did not lead the team to stop at the checkpoint of the pass. He led the team along the dirt road trodden by his feet and walked towards the village. As the saying goes, going up the mountain hurts the thighs and going down the mountain hurts the knees. The soldiers wearing leggings walked all the way, but no one fell behind or fell behind.

Crying tired, Wang Chengzhu realized for the first time the respectability of the iron-footed army.

Wang Chengzhu's strong body has been built by the original director, and with the status buffs, he can withstand the continuous trek. It just feels like he has been marching silently in the barren mountains for a long time. There are only footsteps and the chirping of birds and insects around him, which makes him feel a little bored.

In the team building activities I have participated in in the past, there was either fun and laughter on the cable car, or colleagues sharing snacks and drinks. At worst, the tour guide slowed down and led everyone to sing. After coming out of the hospital in the morning, I rode a donkey cart all the way. Apart from bumps, there was nothing.

Have you ever thought about this?

On this walk to the regiment camp, I felt a little shy about being close to home, and the time was almost spent on the road. Now Wang Chengzhu just wants to go down the mountain quickly and return to the regiment to adjust his mental state.

Wang Chengzhu just walked a few steps faster. The third company commander saw it from the side and said calmly to Wang Chengzhu: "Zhuzhu, walk slowly, don't be in a hurry. This road is downhill continuously. If you walk so fast, your cloth shoes can't hold it."


After hearing the reminder from the third company commander, Wang Chengzhu slowed down and turned his head to look. Sure enough, the soldiers behind him were pulled away five or six meters away. He stopped in place and waited for three or four seconds. After the third company commander led the soldiers to catch up, Wang Chengzhu continued

Move forward.

This time he no longer walked in front of the team. He paused for a few breaths and walked in the front and middle of the team. As he walked, he looked at the walking posture of the soldiers in front.

After the left foot is firmly planted, the heel rests lightly, and the right knee is gently lifted, taking a step of about 50 centimeters. In this way, the legs are alternately walked, and the distance between each step is much shorter than on a flat road.

Wang Chengzhu had never thought about how to walk before. Before crossing, he often walked on hardened roads and fallen leaves on lawns. After coming to the world of Liangjian, the original owner of this body was in good health. There was no deep impression of this in his memory, so he just held on.

It’s been a long journey.

Imitating the walking posture he saw, Wang Chengzhu felt that it was indeed a lot easier. Especially among this group of people, he was the only wounded discharged without leggings. After walking for more than two hours before, his legs were sore and his feet were itchy. Now

It’s not convenient to sit down and check, and I don’t know if there are any blisters.

Wang Chengzhu walked for half an hour from passing the guard post to seeing the guard post near the village. On the one hand, he walked slowly down the mountain, and on the other hand, it was not close.

Before entering the village, the third company commander checked today's password with the guard post and was allowed to enter the village.

This village, whose name is not yet known, is home to the headquarters of the new regiment and the first battalion. The second and third battalions are smaller than the first battalion and are arranged to live and train in another village. They usually perform patrol duties.

When there is a battle, the correspondent will go to notify, follow the order and gather to the assembly area.

Wang Chengzhu walked in the team, and following the guidance of the third company commander, the comrades lined up and walked to the munitions section to hand over the supplies. The munitions section was not far from his warehouse. The munitions section chief checked the identification list and led people to check it.

Complete the formalities after packing the box with lead seal and the number of guns.

The third company commander briefly explained to his two squad leaders and asked them to take the soldiers back to the third company's political instructor to register and cancel their leave. He accompanied Wang Chengzhu and the artillery squad soldiers and walked towards the regiment headquarters.

***The author has something to say***

"Collect the clear water in August, store it in separate urns, and close the pots with clay heads. It has to wait for several years." - Jia Sixie of the Northern Wei Dynasty, "Qi Min Yao Shu"

This chapter has been completed!
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