Chapter 439 Negotiating Freight Advance Payment

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Wang Chengzhu held his cane under his arm and did not do any heavy physical exercises with the soldiers. On the one hand, he did not change his clothes to a short one and kept the same appearance as when he left the city. On the other hand, the hired workers and masters were many and mixed, and they fixed one dress and persona.

It will help you continue to enter and leave the city with your current identity.

Wang Chengzhu carried two bottles of elf essence that materialized from the inventory, slowly walked to the team leader, and punched the ground with the tip of his cane, making a "dong" sound to signal his presence.

"Ouch, Mr. Wang!" As he was lost in thought, a sound from close range interrupted the train leader's train of thought.

"What are you looking at? You're so entranced!" Wang Chengzhu asked casually, handing the other person a bottle of drink he was holding in his right hand. Then he pulled out the cork on the mouth of the crystal glass bottle of Elf Essence in his hand, and took a demonstrative sip.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang." The team member said politely without moving his head, took over the bottle, uncorked it, and took a big sip, "Ahem, it's such a refreshing spicy wine. I haven't even finished unloading the goods, but I drank it now. I'm afraid.

What a mistake!" He said, plugging the cork and inserting the bottle into the bag.

"It doesn't matter, this is Luo Jing fruit beer, with an alcohol content of about ten degrees. It has a much lower alcohol content than Shaoguotou wine. It's just spicy in the mouth, but has little staying power. It's a good thirst-quenching drink." Wang Chengzhu explained a few words casually, without continuing.

I struggled with this aspect, "Master, what were you looking at just now, so absorbed in it?"

"Well...Mr. Wang, do you think the workers I brought here are slacking off?" The team pondered for a moment and asked.

"Is there any problem?" Wang Chengzhu didn't realize what the other person was asking for a moment, so he blurted out subconsciously, "It's normal to take turns to work and take breaks..."

"But you paid the wages, how can you let the employer help you with the work, while the hired workers are watching to rest?" The team nodded and looked at the expression on Wang Chengzhu's face, waiting for the reaction they wanted.

This chapter has been completed!
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