Chapter 376: The First Principle of the Battlefield

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Seeing the soldiers who came out for training, under the command of the horse captain, they carried out the orders in an orderly manner, lowering their bodies and spreading out to occupy the favorable terrain. There was no impulse to move forward or fear to retreat. Wang Chengzhu followed the action while thinking about this group of soldiers.

The discipline of the new recruits is really good.

According to Wang Chengzhu's military training experience, the first three days were the time when the recruits were irritated and disobedient to the squad leader's discipline. The new soldiers around him did not compromise on the execution of orders, which made them feel a little uncomfortable. The candidates were selected through two separate screenings in the high school entrance examination.

The parents and teachers will be tolerant of those who stand out as outstanding talents in cultural courses among the population of the right age, and military cadres will not coddle students. Things like standing still and having their palms pumped are considered taboos in public education, but in the hierarchy

In a strict and seniority-based organization, even primary methods are not considered. Physical training and technical and tactical training are full of opportunities to put small shoes on the head.

What Wang Chengzhu didn't know was that the Liangjian world he traveled to was during a period of total war, and joining the army was a "good life" that no one could ask for. To put it simply, ordinary people live in the liberated areas of base areas with a high level of economic construction.

It is relatively better. People living in the enemy-occupied areas of the invaders and the areas under the official government of China are facing great pressure to survive. The heavy pressure of taxation and corvee has made the vast majority of the people struggle on the line of life and death. As for the people in the guerrilla zones near the tug-of-war, their lives are difficult.

It's no exaggeration to say that in hell, the corvee is a little too much, and wars are often involved. Death and family destruction are often only a matter of professional soldiers' thoughts.

Citizens living in such an environment are not lacking in motivation to break away from the old living environment. Joining the army can solve the problem of feeding themselves, and secondly, it can reduce the burden on the family. Individuals have progressed from the edge of starvation to being organized to manage two meals or

For three meals, although there is one less labor force in the family, there is also one less mouth to eat.

As the saying goes, affluent life is not bad, and everyone below the food and clothing line has his own dissatisfaction. Since time travel, Wang Chengzhu has been well protected by the military organization of the original owner of the body in the world of Liangjian, and has been blessed with a set of inseparable injuries in the system.

After the body is digitized, it turns a blind eye and a deaf ear to the "human suffering" in memory and reality.

Even if they talk about joining the army during the lying talk, it is difficult to arouse the consciousness of young people who grew up in peacetime. Most of the time, Wang Chengzhu treats everything in the world of Liangjian as part of the game, a kind of reality-enhanced mini-game.


Individuals in a group generally have a herd mentality. As long as a few people make up their minds and take action, they can guide the entire group to carry out actions in the general direction. And the organized army that has undergone discipline training is more reliable than the interaction between farmers and basic armed groups.

If there are more records and the order-command system is effectively implemented, the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort can be achieved.

When the newly recruited soldiers, who had only been recruited for a few days, started on the spot according to the order of the unit commander, the upcoming battle already had a half chance of winning.

One-way knowledge of the enemy's situation and preset ambush positions are in hand, which is a bit like a pride of lions hunting antelopes. The guard soldiers who were originally responsible for guarding the senior commander obviously have rich combat experience and a high degree of cooperation.

A lion in his prime.

If there is any shortcoming of this field training team against the enemy, it is the serious lack of firepower. During the training of new recruits, the tipped wooden gun used for stabbing training not only simulates the weight of an individual soldier, but also serves as a useful tool for possible attacks.

Fighting help, not many people would place their hope on it.

After all, in the war years, no one had the courage to say confidently: "I bet there are no bullets in your gun."

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