Chapter 443: Low-profit credit and payment collection

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"Mr. Ma, I have inspected this product, and the quality is indeed good." The man surnamed Luo put down the brand-new folding scissors in his hand, and tried to suppress his joy with a slightly sly tone as he bargained, "Thank you for your help, it's not far away.

By transporting things here, you can save a lot of purchasing, transportation and customs clearance costs.

"So, I plan to listen to your single-piece quotation first."

Wang Chengzhu frowned slightly when he heard this. Who knew that the great Han from Ji and Lu was bold and generous, and the twists and turns in his words were even better than those of our Qin and Jin profiteers, but rarely worse.

Captain Ma did not notice the expression of the assistant on the side, but looked experienced and said loudly: "Sir, don't worry, this is our first time doing business, the lack of mutual trust is a long-term relationship, I understand." He pointed.

Pointing to the priest on the side, "To be honest, this is my first time dealing with you. I believe this priest can be an intermediary. In the name of the Holy Father, I am willing to donate 5 cents of the wholesale price of the goods to the church for repairs."

"Holy Lord, Mr. Ma is pious, I have no other questions." The man surnamed Luo heard that a priest was the deacon and that the other party was willing to fund the renovation of the church. He didn't know if he had thought that they might have to pay for that part of the money.

And share the burden, take a half step back as if convinced, and stand in the row of fellow travelers.

Seeing that his companion was persuaded, the man surnamed Lu had no choice but to ask: "Mr. Ma, please give me a quotation, and we will discuss the purchase ratio together."

Finally, we could enter the normal business content. From Wang Chengzhu's perspective, Captain Ma lowered his shoulders slightly, took out a stack of A4 paper and handed it to the opposite side.

This chapter has been completed!
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