Chapter 84: There is an increase in supplies in the warehouse

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 Wang Chengzhu carried more than a dozen empty gun barrels and walked back with the satisfied company cadres. On the way, he listened to his comrades talking nonsense about their impressive achievements that they were proud of.

Senior soldiers who have served together as soldiers, carried guns together, and stirred up rice in the same pot will subconsciously reminisce about the life they once had accompanied by military trumpets.

Wang Chengzhu remembers that when he was a child, his father often called his close comrades when he was tipsy to recall the life they had together in the army; vice versa, his mother also received such calls when his father was not at home.

As a former military wife, my mother’s memories were brought back by a few words, and it was common for her to sit on the phone for half an hour.

Wang Chengzhu feels that the current state of these comrades is one of the epitome of his childhood life before time travel.

When the mood is comfortable, the old comrades reminisce about the past together, talk about meritorious deeds, and talk about old times. Although there is no alcohol in the stomach, the face is red and the mouth is oily.

Wang Chengzhu is a listener with peace of mind. In this world of bright swords, it is a blessing to live to be awarded a title instead of being engraved on the monuments of the past three and past thirty years.

Returning to the live ammunition shooting range, all the company cadres unanimously stopped their voices and formed a neat line.

Just now, Wang Chengzhu invited several old comrades to go to the foot of the mountain and gave the soldiers in the training orders to move freely. Now seeing his company leader coming back, the trainee soldiers spontaneously gathered in a loose formation, waiting for the entire team to be formed.

Bring it back.

What should be said, the instructor has already said it after the guidance and training is completed and before the team is disbanded. These first batch of trainees will have to come tomorrow to continue to receive guidance and training. Wang Chengzhu did not say any more clichés and led his respective troops together with the company cadres.

Go back.

At this time, the blue sky and white sun have turned into the yellow of the setting sun in the west. You can tell by looking at the sky that it is time to go back and prepare for dinner.

In the land of China in 1940, most people lived a life of working at sunrise and resting at sundown. Watching the sky for food and work was an instinct and a helpless adaptation to life.

Those who have a clock or pocket watch at home are from real, wealthy families. And things like watches have long been a symbol of quality of life.

There is a clause in the military discipline of 18GA: "Seize and hand over to the public", so except when the mission requires it, the army will issue time-setting watches, and there is no need to know the detailed time during normal coordinated operations.

After leading the team back to the barracks, Wang Chengzhu first took out a wooden basin and a cloth and went outside to pat the dust off his military uniforms. He scooped up some hot water and warmed it up and scrubbed it before going to the regimental canteen for dinner.

Military canteen cooks have a fixed quota for each meal every day. Except for a few big-bellied men who need extra food, ordinary soldiers can basically guarantee that they are 50% to 70% full.

The space in the canteen is limited, and eating in the dining room is like running water. There are also cases where you can get a meal to take away. When military affairs are busy, some cadres can't get away, so they will ask familiar comrades to bring a meal.

When Wang Chengzhu rushed to the canteen, the three cooks were still distributing dinner. After dinner, when he was about to leave, he met the political commissar security guard waiting at the door of the canteen.

The situation was the same as before. The political commissar of the regiment asked him to talk to him about something. In the eyes of the guards and several passing soldiers, Wang Chengzhu was regarded highly by the new regiment commander, and he became prosperous for a while.

Wang Chengzhu knew in his heart that this was probably because the contents of the military supplies list were discussed and he was asked to implement the plan.

After knocking on the door and reporting into the room, the political commissar handed over two pieces of paper straight to the point: "Comrade Wang Chengzhu, this is the transcribed list of military supplies. I have already made it clear to the munitions section chief. Please go directly to the warehouse to collect the supplies. Arrange and organize them.

For out-of-warehouse transfer work, the regiment will make normal arrangements for warehouse management and transportation."

Wang Chengzhu stood at attention, raised his hand in salute, and took the list: "Yes, I promise to complete the task."

Then, Wang Chengzhu, led by the political commissar guards, found the munitions section warehouse.

The munitions section chief had a different expression than Balsam Gua when he left the warehouse in the afternoon. Hearing that Wang Chengzhu was here to store supplies, the section chief and the warehouse manager grinned almost to the ears.

This chapter has been completed!
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