Chapter 89 The first battle of the single-shot light gun

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 After Wang Chengzhu heard the order to gather and prepare for battle, while disbanding and organizing equipment, he proposed to the first battalion commander to follow the first battalion. The proposal turned around in the first battalion commander’s mind, and a high-sounding reason was born.

The first battalion commander led Wang Chengzhu to find the regiment leader and political commissar who were holding a pre-war discussion next to the playground. He put forward the slogan "use war to replace learning, use war to promote training", hoping that Wang Chengzhu could temporarily be incorporated into the first battalion for action.

"Zhang Dabiao, you are really good at choosing your time. I can agree to this proposal, but you must pay attention to protecting the personal safety of Comrade Wang Chengzhu and the artillery squad soldiers." The regiment leader nodded and agreed to the request of the first battalion commander and put forward his own request.


"Don't worry! Commander. I didn't know that it is not easy to train artillerymen with these combat experience. They are Commander Li and your favorite."

"Comrade First Battalion Commander, do you know why the artillery is the heart of the regiment cadres?"

"Is it because the cannonball's miss can deter the enemy, but its hit can kill the enemy?"

"Time is tight right now, so I'll just give you one example. More than a hundred years ago, there was a military strategist named Napoleon who used artillery to beat the enemies around him until they couldn't resist for more than ten years."

"What happened next? He unified his country?"

"No. Later, his mentality became enlarged. He lost all the veterans on the expedition and was exiled abroad."

"Captain, I understand. You mean to pay attention to the safety of old comrades."

"What the regiment leader means is that the pilot artillery should be used flexibly. An enemy that has lost its combat effectiveness is a good enemy. You know the value of Comrade Wang Chengzhu, so give him as much space as possible." The political commissar pointed out another meaning in the regiment leader's words.<


Zhang Dabiao nodded to express his understanding that this was a situation where Comrade Wang Chengzhu was asked to shoulder a greater burden. He took Wang Chengzhu's hand and said, "I understand. Make good use of Comrade Wang Chengzhu and lead the troops to victory at the minimum cost."

Wang Chengzhu set out with the first battalion commander and trotted all the way to catch up with the marching troops. Looking down from the sky, blue-gray streamers rolled up clouds of dust and headed straight towards the mountain canyon to the east of the village.

After half an hour of rapid march, the scout team quickly ran back and encountered the marching team. After exchanging commands, the out-of-breath guards company soldiers informed the first company commander of the investigation situation. About 200 soldiers in yellow military uniforms appeared in front of them.

The gun-toting team is advancing in search.

At this time and place in the world of Liangjian, the armed forces dressed like this are most likely the Japanese invading army and their lackeys.

The first company commander quickly sent soldiers to send the messenger who had returned from the reconnaissance to the direction of the battalion headquarters, which was marching with the third company. The soldier who sent the messenger quickly brought a battalion headquarters messenger.

The commander and instructor of the first battalion determined the area where the first battalion would set up an ambush position based on reconnaissance intelligence, maps and their usual understanding of nearby areas. They sent messengers to find the first company walking in front of the team and conveyed the order to the company commanders, asking them to speed up the march.

Speed ​​up, rush to the designated location, and build a forward position first.

When marching in the mountains, the team is often thin and long. On the wide mountain roads, two or three people can walk abreast; on the narrow roads, one person can barely pass. A main company has about 120 to 150 people, carrying heavy supplies.

A single marching team is two to three hundred meters long.

After receiving the order, the first company commander ran to the front of the team and ordered everyone to run forward. Seeing that the comrades in front changed from walking to running, the soldiers behind did not understand what was happening, but they just ran.

In this way, the leading soldiers, from squad to platoon, started running. Under the guidance of the company commander, they ran to the ambush position scheduled by the battalion headquarters, a gentle road facing the arc-shaped mountain canyon road.


There are two obvious ridges on the gentle hillside from the gravel road at the foot of the mountain to the southwest-northeast ridgeline 300 meters away. These two ridges were discovered and recorded during the past days of practicing woodcutting.

There are two such terrains nearby on the hand-drawn map. I am ambushing here to have a good location to divide the battlefield when shooting down the mountain.

The soldiers of the first company climbed up the hillside and began to dig trenches and build fortifications at the first ridge from the foot of the mountain. The latest reconnaissance information was sent back a quarter of an hour ago, and the enemy was only more than one kilometer away. Search forward speed

It's not fast, but it doesn't leave much time for the soldiers to dig out their hiding trenches.

Relying on the terrain and shooting from above, the soldiers first dug a trench half a meter wide and half a meter deep to hide their bodies. After the position was initially formed, they then extended the communication trenches and deep defense lines backwards, and the newly dug soil was placed on top of the trench with bamboo baskets.

In the forward position, build parapets and shooting crenels.

When the Second Company and the Third Company arrived one after another, they climbed over the mountain and entered the rear position. Three enemy soldiers walked up the gravel road at the foot of the mountain.

Three people wearing yellow-green uniforms spread out in a Zigzag pattern to explore the road. From time to time they aimed their guns at the hillsides on both sides of the road. Occasionally they fired and explored, like travelers asking for directions.

Viewed from the trench a hundred meters away, the rifles in the hands of the three yellow-skinned soldiers were taller than a person. The bayonets in front of the muzzles reflected a black and green luster, and the date flags hung under the muzzles revealed their identities.

The commander of the first battalion lay down on the forward position built by the company and raised the telescope to take a closer look. The afternoon sun was at midday and tilted to the southwest, just behind the position. Not only did you not need to worry about the reflection of the lens when using the telescope for reconnaissance in front of the formation, you would also need to worry about it later.

After the battle begins, the enemy's counterattacks and aiming will be dazzled by the sun.

At this time, Wang Chengzhu was unpacking a single-shot cannon wrapped in oil paper from the inventory. Since the gossip in the regiment was spreading his superstitious anecdotes, there was no need to worry about releasing the weapon to prove the origin.

Wang Chengzhu moved sideways in the trench. When he saw the familiar faces from yesterday and today's training, he put down two oil paper bags with FM92 and FM31 printed on them next to them. He patted the soldiers on the shoulders and whispered words of encouragement.

After distributing twenty packs of single-shot cannons in ten minutes, he returned to lie down next to the first battalion commander.

This chapter has been completed!
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