Chapter 91 A one-sided killing field

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 Relying on his digitized body, Wang Chengzhu used a super-speed capsule to rush out of the position after the charge horn sounded. Under the surprised eyes of his comrades and enemies, he jumped down the hillside at a running speed that far exceeded this era.


Wang Chengzhu quickly ran onto the gravel road, which was littered with enemy soldiers.

Some had critical injuries to their heads, chests and abdomen, and reddish-brown liquid soaked in the sand on the ground oozed from under their motionless bodies; some injured parts had avoided vital points, and their bodies were damaged and unable to move, but they were still moving their bodies and weapons, thinking

To fight back; some used the corpses of their comrades and the supplies they carried to build temporary bunkers, revealing a gun and half a head ready to shoot the new group of soldiers on the charge.

For the first two types of enemies with unknown casualties, Wang Chengzhu used his cannon repeatedly in the general direction. Every few seconds, a round yellow ball of light was shot out from the barrel weapon in Wang Chengzhu's hand, swinging straight and straight.

It flew more than ten meters and then landed.

Wang Chengzhu's damage seems to be far less impressive than the sound and light effects, and to his comrades around him, it seems a bit like thunder and raindrops. He knows his own business, how can the gunner's skills only have colorful special effects as it seems.
Real damage numbers popped up from the head of the attacked person, and the total damage was constantly refreshed in Wang Chengzhu's field of vision.

During the battle of Shahe Railway, when attacking with non-system weapons, Wang Chengzhu could only look at the battle records to determine the outcome. Now the situation has changed, with gunner synchronization and body digitization turned on, he is always experiencing the sense of blow in the world of bright swords.

Smooth combat.

Previously, I had used crouching and lying positions to counterattack the soldiers in yellow and green clothes on the hillside. I saw soldiers in blue and gray clothes rushing down the hillside one after another. They quickly turned to these enlarged targets and fired.

Wang Chengzhu glanced at these long rifles with their elevation angles flattened, and he knew that most of his comrades behind him had already rushed down. For the Japanese soldiers four or five meters away, the M3 flamethrower was an excellent choice, with high-frequency attacks and fire attributes.

Burning can quickly turn the enemy into a charred corpse that loses mobility.

But when Wang Chengzhu heard the footsteps coming from behind, he rashly used fire-type attacks to worry about accidentally injuring his comrades. In the midst of lightning and flint, Wang Chengzhu took out two Sky Tree Fruits and threw them at the soldiers in yellow and green clothes who were taking aim.<


Two muffled sounds of "Boom" and "Boom" and several crisp shooting sounds of "Boom, Boom, Boom" were mixed in the concerto of guns and artillery on the battlefield.

The soldiers who were hit by the fruit of the Sky Tree were shaken away from their places along with their companions within the scope of the shock wave. The gunshots naturally shot straight into the sky. Several soldiers in yellow and green clothes stretched out their left hands and touched up and down, and found that there was no new addition.

The only external injury was that he had eaten a grenade that exploded in half. The Japanese soldier, who was so angry, did not bother to check whether there were any remaining bullets in the gun. He grabbed the butt and handguard, got up and stabbed Wang Chengzhu.<


Although Wang Chengzhu is not afraid of swords and guns, the stiffness of being attacked has a great impact on the smoothness of continuous attacks. I saw him running forward for two steps, facing the bayonet coming towards him, and making a sliding shovel against the ground.
The soldier in yellow and green clothes raised his bayonet and rushed towards Wang Chengzhu. Seeing that his opponent had disappeared, his eagerness was palpable. However, this Japanese soldier, like his companions, was only one and a half meters tall.

He narrowed his eyes and scanned the surroundings, and found that his opponent was sliding on the ground. The soldiers in yellow and green changed from stabbing to stabbing, and stabbed at Wang Chengzhu. They intended to vent their anger on the opponent who seemed to be the most ferocious in the battle.

There are three types of sharpshooters' sliding shovels. They rush forward and have basic proficiency to increase damage. The floating shovel hits the enemy and causes it to rise on the spot. The double-gun blade dance shovel strikes to connect with subsequent combos.

The soldier in yellow and green clothes was about to stab Wang Chengzhu to death on the ground when he saw the man lying on the ground rubbing his legs and feet with sparks containing dust. And he was hit by the quickly dissipating dust on his lower limbs, and his legs and feet were protected by steel plates and rubber boots.

I didn't feel severe pain, but my body flew up uncontrollably.

The soldier reluctantly tried to stab downwards, but with no leverage in the air, he temporarily became a piece of meat on the chopping board.

Wang Chengzhu succeeded in sliding and shoveling. He immediately stood up and raised his knees to hit the enemy who was in the air. He fired a floating bomb at his feet with his hand cannon, causing the target to be continuously controlled by the floating force.

The warriors who rushed up from behind were dumbfounded. They could still fight like this in hand-to-hand combat. They hit their opponents in the air and received consecutive blows, and they were unable to land for a while.

Although Wang Chengzhu launched a set of three consecutive floating strikes, injuring his opponent repeatedly, he knew very well that the short soldier in mid-air still had fighting strength. Then he raised his knee again and struck the enemy.

Five seconds of cooling time, this time using BBQ to send the invader who set foot here to return to Kudanzaka.

Wang Chengzhu pulled out an M-134 rotary machine gun from the void behind his back, locked on the enemy who was kicked directly in front, and fired fiercely. The damage of Lv52BBQ's ten rounds of bullets reached the kill line, and the yellow and green soldiers became flying trapezes continuously.

It fell to the ground softly like a rag bag.

Type 38 infantry muskets, bullet bags and several military tickets were scattered beside the dead soldiers. Seeing that the enemy was dead, Wang Chengzhu continued to step forward and fight with the enemy. A small, round and round figure appeared on the enemy's corpse.

The yellow chicken tapped its little paws on the gun, bullets and money a few times, and disappeared in an instant.

Wang Chengzhu found that his fighting rhythm was a little scattered. The reason was that his attention was attracted by the Japanese Japanese who changed his shooting posture and aimed at his comrades behind him.

How could he be distracted during the battle and be led out of his rhythm? Wang Chengzhu immediately reflected on himself and wanted to let the enemies on the battlefield enter Wang Chengzhu's battle rhythm. In this way, the enemy's attention was focused on him, and the comrades fighting together

The security is naturally higher.

With this in mind, Wang Chengzhu ran towards the densely populated areas of enemies. He might shoot the head and chest with cannon shot, or take out a cross and throw it, or throw explosive bombs at the feet of the enemies. In short, he would do whatever he wanted to do to draw hatred.


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Soon, twelve or three soldiers in yellow and green clothes followed Wang Chengzhu. Wang Chengzhu paid attention to controlling his position and kept the distance at about two or three meters. Within this range, he could lift his legs and stretch his arms, and the bayonet could open Wang Chengzhu's body.


Another advantage of being closer is that you avoid getting shot, which makes it harder to aim and saves bullets.

That tall, strong man who was running around and causing trouble on the battlefield chased many soldiers. It was a small mistake to shoot rashly, but if he accidentally injured a friendly soldier, he would have to go to court-martial.

Saving bullets is related to the quantity of ammunition and national character.

The Sun Kingdom is located on a large archipelago in the East China Sea, surrounded by seawater in all directions and lacking in mineral resources. The education these Japanese devils received since childhood is frugality and robbery.

Each army soldier is generally issued 125 rounds of rifle ammunition before going into battle, 5 of which are directly pressed into the magazine. The two cartridge boxes on the left and right in front of him have a total of 60 rounds of ammunition, and the 60-round large cartridge box behind him is for the light machine gun.

, there is no command at the squadron leader level and cannot be used privately.

Therefore, there was a scene on the battlefield of a person darting from left to right and wandering around to attack, with a dozen people chasing behind him.

But that's it. One-third of the fifty or sixty enemy troops on this battlefield were lying on the ground at this time. Nearly half of the remaining thirty people were chasing Wang Chengzhu, and the first and second companies participated in the charge.

There are about 200 soldiers.

As the main fighting force of the new regiment, the First Battalion has both hot and cold weapons. It may be difficult to win a one-on-one battle quickly, but four or five soldiers surround a short soldier and consume the latter's physical strength in turn. If you defend for a long time, you will lose.

Time is temporarily on the side of the new group of soldiers, and this group of soldiers from the hostile camp was cleared out in just ten minutes.

The dozen or so people who were chasing Wang Chengzhu had all been killed long ago.

The Chongxiao Gunner Division's chain satellite-modified M-134 Gatling gun attack is to guide satellite laser range damage.

Wang Chengzhu dodged and fired a cannon shot towards the ground. When the target was frozen, he connected with the machine gun laser to pierce. The hand cannon took out two soldiers with relatively healthy HP, completing the group's destruction.

This chapter has been completed!
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