Chapter 95: Walking Five Hundred Thousand Yuan

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 Want to unlock a new map? Wang Chengzhu heard this unconfirmed news and began to daydream.

In the past two weeks, the troops have been mobilized several times, and they need to accompany other people when moving around the village where the regiment is stationed. There are no well-off families in this village, and adobe houses with wooden beams and thatched roofs are everywhere.

Act together with your comrades, and you will not have to find the spacious road passing through the village to know the direction. It is a small shame to be embarrassed, but a big mistake.

If we really change to a new environment and start from scratch, it would be a good thing. Just thinking about happy things, the hillsides on both sides of the valley road moved out of the way. The road became wider, and the victorious company returned to the regiment as the vanguard.

The valley flatland of the village where the station is located.

Unlock the gun and store it in storage, and go to the experience summary meeting with the comrades who participated in the battle.

In this battle, Wang Chengzhu received two pieces of praise and one piece of criticism. He was praised for his extraordinary fighting will and awareness, and for setting a good example for his comrades. He was also praised for his outstanding results in killing more than 20 enemies alone (excluding satellite ray attacks).

, only counting the number of military status cards collected by individual soldiers); criticized him for lacking organizational discipline and collective consciousness, and also destroyed a considerable amount of equipment (damaged by high-energy rays).

The instructor of the first battalion who presided over the symposium took the battle situation records compiled by the political cadres of each company, commented on the combat officers and combatants and outstanding performers, and then adjourned the meeting.

Give the comrades time to wash up and tidy up their appearance before dinner. After the war, they all look as gray as mud monkeys. Now when you return to the station, you must look like you are home.

Perhaps because of participating in combat missions in the afternoon, there was no singing scheduled after dinner. The political commissar reiterated the schedule and announced the disbandment, leaving the time before evening to the comrades for free activities.

The free activities had nothing to do with Wang Chengzhu, and he was taken away alone by the political commissar. The diameter of the light beam falling from the sky in the afternoon was only more than ten meters, but the scene that pierced the sky could be seen for more than ten kilometers around. This spectacle lasted for more than ten seconds.


When the political commissar and regimental leader heard that it was a weapon, they opened their mouths wide enough to stuff an egg. After Wang Chengzhu explained the attack range, duration and recharging cooling time, the regimental leader's face became overflowing with enthusiasm.

Slowly fade.

Locking the attack through the satellite adjustment device looks beautiful, but the power of the weapon is limited by the weather clearance. It is okay in dry and cold winter and spring, but when it is cloudy or rainy weather, the satellite rays have to stop. Weather range obstruction

Fog will also greatly reduce the power of high-energy rays.

He made wisecracks such as haze to prevent lasers and smoke pillars to hinder air raids[1], which filled the regimental leader's room with a happy atmosphere. Wang Chengzhu just used the excuse that it was late to return to the barracks dormitory, wash up and go to bed.

Since the last time he repelled the raiding team that mistakenly entered the security area of ​​the New Regiment, Wang Chengzhu has resumed his life in the New Regiment with barracks, canteens and learning and training grounds.

It wasn't until he met a "fellow fellow" who was "passing by" during the morning recess that Wang Chengzhu knew that if he lived a peaceful life, then there must be someone carrying the burden for him.

Within the militarized organizational system, almost all matters other than training and combat are supported by commanders and fighters at all levels and the logistics system. If an individual does not have a God's perspective or has excessive subjective self-awareness, it will be difficult to detect the ups and downs of current events.

For example, this walking fellow walking in the village wears a plain linen coarse coat and a sleeveless blouse dipped in black and gray. He wears dark brown trousers tied with thin straw ropes and wears black and white thousand-layer cloth shoes. A pair of friction-colored shoes on his shoulders.

A bamboo pole with a smooth and oily appearance, and a soft cloth towel with washed out holes hanging on the back of the neck. Wearing a half-worn bamboo hat, the dark face is covered with traces of time.

If Wang Chengzhu hadn't always turned on body synchronization and deliberately adapted to the satellite positioning field of view, perhaps this dog agent, who was dressed to fit the image of a traveling businessman, would have been able to fool around at the group station.

Wang Chengzhu couldn't help but feel overjoyed when he saw a red triangle cursor and the message "Soldiers of the Mainland Advancement Team" beside the "fellow fellow" in front of him. This means that in the world of Liangjian, there are special high-school plum blossom traps everywhere, and fake

Plainclothes military spies are not as good as dogs. Before he traveled through time, he discovered that there was a problem with someone's identity information, and if he reported it with his real name, he could receive a reward of 500,000 yuan and a banner.

Although there is a lack of material rewards in the army, these two-faced guys will, after the relevant agencies verify the situation, give the whistleblower a military medal as an encouragement.

It is difficult to say which one is more attractive to Wang Chengzhu, an active soldier, between "Walking Half Million" and "Walking Military Medal". In line with the principle of leaving opportunities to those who are prepared, Wang Chengzhu changed his pace and followed.

***The author has something to say***

Note [1] The haze-proof laser comes from the Paveway aerial bomb, which requires continuous laser irradiation to guide the hit. The fog in the early morning will affect the hit location. The smoke column prevents air strikes from the Kosovo War and the Iraq War. It ignites rubber tires or the billowing smoke generated by oil fields.

Seriously affects the aiming height of fighter planes during air strikes.

This chapter has been completed!
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