Chapter 7462 Yixia dies

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What Qin Ming didn't expect was that this blood clone was different from the other blood clones. The powerful and heavy fist did not smash the blood clone into pieces. It resisted.

"There's something!" Qin Ming continued to attack the blood clone.

This blood clone is different from the previous blood clone and seems to be stronger.

But so what, even Yi Xia's true body is no match for him. No matter how strong the blood clone is, it cannot surpass Yi Xia's true body.

Qin Ming's only worry was that Yi Xia would escape, so he had to deal with the blood clone in front of him as soon as possible.

Qin Ming looked at Yixia's body and saw that Yixia's body had lost weight again, and even his skin had turned transparent, truly turning into a skeleton with only bones.

Yi Xia's appearance is as miserable as she can be.

If he hadn't been fighting with Yixia and he had never left his sight, Qin Ming would have thought that he had been replaced with a corpse.

Even the bones that have been buried for hundreds of years are more beautiful than Yi Xia's appearance.

"Ah!" Yixia screamed, but her throat was so dry that she couldn't make any sound.

All the flesh on his body has been taken away by the blood clone.

The most important thing is that he lost a lot of blood and essence.

The blood in his body was not enough to use the blood clone. When he forcibly used the blood clone, most of his blood essence was drained.

This is blood essence. One drop can make him weak for a long time. Most of the blood essence in his body makes it difficult for him to walk now.

Yixia felt like she was going to faint.

He knew that if he fainted now, he would die here without Qin Ming taking action.

"Escape!" Holding back the pain, Yixia ran forward with difficulty.

Because he lost so much blood, his thinking has become much slower. He is now
I can't tell which direction is the right direction.

There was only one idea in his mind, stay as far away from Qin Ming as possible.

Yixia limped forward and ran away, her frail body could be knocked down by a gust of wind.

While Qin Ming was attacking the blood clone, he also spared some energy to look at Yixia.

Seeing Yixia's miserable appearance now, she immediately felt relieved.

Even if the blood clone in front of him could block him for a while, Yixia wouldn't be able to escape very far in his current state.

"There is some strength, this seems to be the breath of essence and blood." Qin Ming punched the blood clone again, breaking the skin of the blood clone.

The blood clone did not die, it just shed some blood.

Qin Ming will be familiar with the smell of this blood, it is the smell of essence and blood.

And it is not the essence and blood of ordinary people, but the essence and blood of strong people.

Qin Ming knew without thinking that Yixia must have used blood essence to create the blood clone.

At the beginning, when Yi Xia used the blood clone, Qin Ming had no way to tell whether it was true or false, but now there is no need to look at it.

All that is left of Yixia's body is the skeleton. Just by looking at it, one can tell who is the body and who is the blood clone.

The blood clone has been beaten black and blue, and only one last punch is needed to kill him.

Qin Ming raised his fist high and slammed it towards the blood clone.

Sure enough, as he expected, even if the blood clone blocked his punch, he was killed directly, with blood splattering everywhere.

Because he had no time to dodge, Qin Ming was also enveloped in blood, turning him into a bloody man.

This is blood essence. The blood is extremely viscous and difficult to clean.

Qin Ming shook his head. He was spattered with blood during the battle. This was normal, but it was the blood of the Poison Demon, and he felt a little disgusted. What Qin Ming didn't expect was that this blood clone was different from other blood clones.

The powerful and heavy fist smashed down, but the blood clone was not smashed into pieces. It resisted.

"There's something!" Qin Ming continued to attack the blood clone.

This blood clone is different from the previous blood clone and seems to be stronger.

But so what, even Yi Xia's true body is no match for him. No matter how strong the blood clone is, it cannot surpass Yi Xia's true body.

Qin Ming's only worry was that Yi Xia would escape, so he had to deal with the blood clone in front of him as soon as possible.

Qin Ming looked at Yixia's body and saw that Yixia's body had lost weight again, and even his skin had turned transparent, truly turning into a skeleton with only bones.

Yi Xia's appearance is as miserable as she can be.

If he hadn't been fighting with Yixia and he had never left his sight, Qin Ming would have thought that he had been replaced with a corpse.

Even the bones that have been buried for hundreds of years are more beautiful than Yi Xia's appearance.

"Ah!" Yixia screamed, but her throat was so dry that she couldn't make any sound.

All the flesh on his body has been taken away by the blood clone.

The most important thing is that he lost a lot of blood and essence.

The blood in his body was not enough to use the blood clone. When he forcibly used the blood clone, most of his blood essence was drained.

This is blood essence. One drop can make him weak for a long time. Most of the blood essence in his body makes it difficult for him to walk now.

Yixia felt like she was going to faint.

He knew that if he fainted now, he would die here without Qin Ming taking action.

"Escape!" Holding back the pain, Yixia ran forward with difficulty.

Because he lost so much blood, his thinking has become much slower. He is now
I can't tell which direction is the right direction.

There was only one idea in his mind, stay as far away from Qin Ming as possible.

Yixia limped forward and ran away, her frail body could be knocked down by a gust of wind.

While Qin Ming was attacking the blood clone, he also spared some energy to look at Yixia.

Seeing Yixia's miserable appearance now, she immediately felt relieved.

Even if the blood clone in front of him could block him for a while, Yixia wouldn't be able to escape very far in his current state.

"There is some strength, this seems to be the breath of essence and blood." Qin Ming punched the blood clone again, breaking the skin of the blood clone.

The blood clone did not die, it just shed some blood.

Qin Ming will be familiar with the smell of this blood, it is the smell of essence and blood.

And it is not the essence and blood of ordinary people, but the essence and blood of strong people.

Qin Ming knew without thinking that Yixia must have used blood essence to create the blood clone.

At the beginning, when Yi Xia used the blood clone, Qin Ming had no way to tell whether it was true or false, but now there is no need to look at it.

All that is left of Yixia's body is the skeleton. Just by looking at it, one can tell who is the body and who is the blood clone.

The blood clone has been beaten black and blue, and only one last punch is needed to kill him.

Qin Ming raised his fist high and slammed it towards the blood clone.

Sure enough, as he expected, even if the blood clone blocked his punch, he was killed directly, with blood splattering everywhere.

Because he had no time to dodge, Qin Ming was also enveloped in blood, turning him into a bloody man.

This is blood essence. The blood is extremely viscous and difficult to clean.

Qin Ming shook his head. It was normal for him to be splashed with blood during the battle, but it was the poisonous demon's blood, and he felt a little disgusted.

This chapter has been completed!
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