Chapter 7463 You killed Yixia

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 After killing the blood clone, Qin Ming chased after Yixia.

With Yixia's current state, he is not afraid that the other party will run away.

The direction of the teleportation array has been blocked by him. If you want to find another entrance, you have to go around in a big circle.

On the other side, after Qin Xixuan collected the poisonous demon's body on the road, she headed in the direction of Qin Ming.

Qin Ming left marks along the way, so she was not afraid of losing him.

"This place is a bit close to the teleportation array. It seems that Yixia wants to run to the teleportation array!" Qin Xixuan thought to herself.

If Yixia didn't escape and fight Qin Ming, she would definitely not be Qin Ming's opponent.

Yixia is not very strong in martial arts, but he is very good at escaping, and he can actually create an identical clone.

Now if Yi Xia escapes into the teleportation formation, Qin Ming can no longer pursue him.

There may be a large number of Poison Demons teleporting over to the Teleportation Array at any time, and there are definitely Poison Demons guarding it.

Just when Qin Xixuan was worried about Qin Ming, a skeleton walked towards her.

Qin Xixuan was startled when she saw the skeleton that suddenly appeared.

Because he was too thin, his outer clothes had fallen off, and he looked like he had crawled out of a grave. He was covered in blood, but there was no flesh on his body.

Only by looking carefully can you find that the other party has a very thin layer of skin.

"What is this?" Qin Xixuan was puzzled. She didn't understand why there was such a thing here.

However, you can feel it from the aura on the opponent's body, and he must be a poison demon.

Anyone who is a poison demon is an enemy, and poison demons like Qi Yin are in the minority after all.

Qin Xixuan took the long sword without hesitation and stabbed towards the skeleton.

Yixia felt the danger, and he stretched out his hand to resist.


But his body now is completely different from the one he had when he was intact. He can't even hold the sword steady now.

The long sword in his hand slipped, and his body was pierced by Qin Xixuan's thin sword.

With one sword and two swords, Qin Xixuan stabbed him a few more times without hesitation.

She couldn't tell what the monster in front of her was, so she could feel relieved only by stabbing him with the sword a few more times.

"Ah!" Yixia fell to the ground and wailed, but no sound came out of her mouth.

"The vitality is so strong!" Qin Xixuan said in surprise, even if the opponent was stabbed in the vital part, he did not die immediately.

Qin Xixuan decisively struck again, this time directly cutting off his head.

In the process of chopping, she found that the opponent's body was very hard. Even though the rapier in her hand was given to her by Qin Ming and was of excellent quality, it took her two breaths to finally chop off the head and kill him completely.


Yixia could not bear to die with eyes closed. He never thought that he would eventually die at the hands of Qin Xixuan.

Qin Xixuan's martial arts strength was far inferior to his. If he hadn't run out of energy, like Qin Xixuan, he would definitely be able to kill the opponent within ten moves.

But now he died in the hands of someone he looked down upon, and it would be better to die in the hands of Qin Ming.

Qin Ming chased him down at this time and was shocked when he saw Yixia lying dead on the ground with no body intact.

"You killed Yixia?!" Qin Ming said in surprise.

"Is he Yixia?" Qin Xixuan took a few steps back.

If she had known that the other party was Yixia, she would never have acted so impulsively.

Yixia's martial arts strength is beyond peerless, and she even knows the unique skill of blood clone. She cannot be Yixia's opponent.

Yi Xia now has no trace of a human being. He can't even tell whether he is a human being, let alone see that the other person is Yi Xia, a strong man with unparalleled martial arts strength. After killing the blood clone, Qin Ming moved toward

Yixia chased after him.

With Yixia's current state, he is not afraid that the other party will run away.

The direction of the teleportation array has been blocked by him. If you want to find another entrance, you have to go around in a big circle.

On the other side, after Qin Xixuan collected the poisonous demon's body on the road, she headed in the direction of Qin Ming.

Qin Ming left marks along the way, so she was not afraid of losing him.

"This place is a bit close to the teleportation array. It seems that Yixia wants to run to the teleportation array!" Qin Xixuan thought to herself.

If Yixia didn't escape and fight Qin Ming, she would definitely not be Qin Ming's opponent.

Yixia is not very strong in martial arts, but he is very good at escaping, and he can actually create an identical clone.

Now if Yi Xia escapes into the teleportation formation, Qin Ming can no longer pursue him.

There may be a large number of Poison Demons teleporting over to the Teleportation Array at any time, and there are definitely Poison Demons guarding it.

Just when Qin Xixuan was worried about Qin Ming, a skeleton walked towards her.

Qin Xixuan was startled when she saw the skeleton that suddenly appeared.

Because he was too thin, his outer clothes had fallen off, and he looked like he had crawled out of a grave. He was covered in blood, but there was no flesh on his body.

Only by looking carefully can you find that the other party has a very thin layer of skin.

"What is this?" Qin Xixuan was puzzled. She didn't understand why there was such a thing here.

However, you can feel it from the aura on the opponent's body, and he must be a poison demon.

Anyone who is a poison demon is an enemy, and poison demons like Qi Yin are in the minority after all.

Qin Xixuan took the long sword without hesitation and stabbed towards the skeleton.

Yixia felt the danger, and he stretched out his hand to resist.


But his body now is completely different from the one he had when he was intact. He can't even hold the sword steady now.

The long sword in his hand slipped, and his body was pierced by Qin Xixuan's thin sword.

With one sword and two swords, Qin Xixuan stabbed him a few more times without hesitation.

She couldn't tell what the monster in front of her was, so she could feel relieved only by stabbing him with the sword a few more times.

"Ah!" Yixia fell to the ground and wailed, but no sound came out of her mouth.

"The vitality is so strong!" Qin Xixuan said in surprise, even if the opponent was stabbed in the vital part, he did not die immediately.

Qin Xixuan decisively struck again, this time directly cutting off his head.

In the process of chopping, she found that the opponent's body was very hard. Even though the rapier in her hand was given to her by Qin Ming and was of excellent quality, it took her two breaths to finally chop off the head and kill him completely.


Yixia could not bear to die with eyes closed. He never thought that he would eventually die at the hands of Qin Xixuan.

Qin Xixuan's martial arts strength was far inferior to his. If he hadn't run out of energy, like Qin Xixuan, he would definitely be able to kill the opponent within ten moves.

But now he died in the hands of someone he looked down upon, and it would be better to die in the hands of Qin Ming.

Qin Ming chased him down at this time and was shocked when he saw Yixia lying dead on the ground with no body intact.

"You killed Yixia?!" Qin Ming said in surprise.

"Is he Yixia?" Qin Xixuan took a few steps back.

If she had known that the other party was Yixia, she would never have acted so impulsively.

Yixia's martial arts strength is beyond peerless, and she even knows the unique skill of blood clone. She cannot be Yixia's opponent.

There is no trace of human in Yixia now. She can't even tell if she is human, let alone know that the other person is Yixia, a strong man with unparalleled martial arts strength.

This chapter has been completed!
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