Chapter 7466 Unstoppable

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 Qin Ming only needs to be careful not to be discovered by the two peerless poison demons. He does not take the other poison demons at the peak of the divine beast realm in his eyes.

"Rongyin is so useful." Qin Xixuan sighed.

It's really a bit unbelievable to completely hide the aura on your body.

When she attacked Yixia before, she felt that Rong Yin was amazing. Now that she was following these poison demons, she felt that Rong Yin was even more extraordinary.

With Rongyin, there is almost no need to worry about being discovered.

Even if there is a Half-Step Supreme on the opposite side, as long as they do not reveal their bodies intentionally, the other side will not be able to detect their presence.

"Rongyin is indeed very good." Qin Ming nodded.

Fusion is not a combat ability, but it is no worse than the ultimate defense of Earth Avenue.

In fact, several abilities are similar, it just depends on how to use them.

"This is a good place. There is only one passage in front of it, and the maze has just changed. There should be no poison demons coming here in a short time." Qin Xixuan said.

Although there is no obvious rule in the changing time of the maze, generally after changing once, it will not change again in a short period of time.

This is your best chance to kill the poison demon.

But the premise is not to let anyone escape.

Otherwise, they would immediately return to the teleportation array and there would be no way to pursue them.

"This is enough. I'm afraid something will change, so we can't wait any longer!" Qin Ming decided to take action here.

"I'll take action first. If any fish slip through the net, you can help me stop them."

"Of course, if those two peerless poison demons are coming to kill you, don't worry about anything, just protect yourself." Qin Ming instructed.

Qin Xixuan's Poison Demon Realm has reached the peak of the Divine Beast Realm, but the Space Avenue is not perfect, and her martial arts strength has not yet reached the peak.
To the end of time.

Although she is only one step away from peerlessness, and her martial arts talent is very high, far better than the ordinary poisonous demon at the peak of the divine beast realm.

However, if the martial arts strength has not reached the peerless level, it means that it has not reached the peerless level. Many warriors are stuck here for the rest of their lives.

Of course, Qin Ming is not worried that Qin Xixuan will get stuck here.

"Okay!" Qin Xixuan nodded obediently.

After experiencing a near-death battle before, she became calmer.

But deep down in her heart, she really wants to quickly improve her martial arts strength.

Looking at the ten poison demons in front of him, Qin Ming still chose to hit them directly with his body.

If the passage here were not narrow, he would only be able to kill one or two Poison Demons at most if he bumped into them like this. Moreover, once the opponent was prepared, there would be no chance for him to bump into them.

Another thing is, it would be better to use fists to spend so much effort just to kill one or two poisonous demons at the peak of the divine beast realm.

With his current martial arts strength, it is not difficult to kill one or two poisonous demons at the peak of the divine beast realm.

Having fought against the Poison Demon many times, Qin Ming also gained a lot of experience in dealing with the Poison Demon.

If he wanted to kill these poisonous demons, Qin Ming would not just yell and rush forward stupidly.

Not only did he not rush forward, he actually stepped back.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Ming's eyes narrowed and he started running forward.

He ran faster and faster, trying not to make any noise.

Qin Xixuan kept looking at Qin Ming. She didn't know how Qin Ming would deal with those poisonous demons.

I saw Qin Ming rushing towards those poison demons like the wind, very fast!

"Is it just like that?" Qin Xixuan was puzzled. She only felt that the momentum on Qin Ming's body was very strong, and there was an unstoppable feeling. Qin Ming only needed to be careful not to be discovered by the two peerless poison demons. Other divine beast realms

He didn't take the peak poisonous devil seriously.

"Rongyin is so useful." Qin Xixuan sighed.

It's really a bit unbelievable to completely hide the aura on your body.

When she attacked Yixia before, she felt that Rong Yin was amazing. Now that she was following these poison demons, she felt that Rong Yin was even more extraordinary.

With Rongyin, there is almost no need to worry about being discovered.

Even if there is a Half-Step Supreme on the opposite side, as long as they do not reveal their bodies intentionally, the other side will not be able to detect their presence.

"Rongyin is indeed very good." Qin Ming nodded.

Fusion is not a combat ability, but it is no worse than the ultimate defense of Earth Avenue.

In fact, several abilities are similar, it just depends on how to use them.

"This is a good place. There is only one passage in front of it, and the maze has just changed. There should be no poison demons coming here in a short time." Qin Xixuan said.

Although there is no obvious rule in the changing time of the maze, generally after changing once, it will not change again in a short period of time.

This is your best chance to kill the poison demon.

But the premise is not to let anyone escape.

Otherwise, they would immediately return to the teleportation array and there would be no way to pursue them.

"This is enough. I'm afraid something will change, so we can't wait any longer!" Qin Ming decided to take action here.

"I'll take action first. If any fish slip through the net, you can help me stop them."

"Of course, if those two peerless poison demons are coming to kill you, don't worry about anything, just protect yourself." Qin Ming instructed.

Qin Xixuan's Poison Demon Realm has reached the peak of the Divine Beast Realm, but the Space Avenue is not perfect, and her martial arts strength has not yet reached the peak.
To the end of time.

Although she is only one step away from peerlessness, and her martial arts talent is very high, far better than the ordinary poisonous demon at the peak of the divine beast realm.

However, if the martial arts strength has not reached the peerless level, it means that it has not reached the peerless level. Many warriors are stuck here for the rest of their lives.

Of course, Qin Ming is not worried that Qin Xixuan will get stuck here.

"Okay!" Qin Xixuan nodded obediently.

After experiencing a near-death battle before, she became calmer.

But deep down in her heart, she really wants to quickly improve her martial arts strength.

Looking at the ten poison demons in front of him, Qin Ming still chose to hit them directly with his body.

If the passage here were not narrow, he would only be able to kill one or two Poison Demons at most if he bumped into them like this. Moreover, once the opponent was prepared, there would be no chance for him to bump into them.

Another thing is, it would be better to use fists to spend so much effort just to kill one or two poisonous demons at the peak of the divine beast realm.

With his current martial arts strength, it is not difficult to kill one or two poisonous demons at the peak of the divine beast realm.

Having fought against the Poison Demon many times, Qin Ming also gained a lot of experience in dealing with the Poison Demon.

If he wanted to kill these poisonous demons, Qin Ming would not just yell and rush forward stupidly.

Not only did he not rush forward, he actually stepped back.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Ming's eyes narrowed and he started running forward.

He ran faster and faster, trying not to make any noise.

Qin Xixuan kept looking at Qin Ming. She didn't know how Qin Ming would deal with those poisonous demons.

I saw Qin Ming rushing towards those poison demons like the wind, very fast!

"Is it just like that?" Qin Xixuan was confused. She only felt that Qin Ming's aura was very strong, and she felt unstoppable.

This chapter has been completed!
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