Chapter 151: Attacking Jiangxi

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 "What, then Liu Wuyuan needs some grace from me before he surrenders?"

After hearing the envoy's reply, Guangchang Hou Li Chengdong was furious. He was not stupid and knew that he had been tricked by Liu Wuyuan.

What a shame! The shame that Marshal Li suffered can only be washed away with blood!

In late September of the 21st year of Chongzhen, Li Chengdong led an army of 80,000 people, starting from Nanxiong Mansion in Guangdong, crossing Yuling (Meiling), and divided his troops into two groups, one from Longnan and Xinfeng; the other from Dayu and Nankang, to attack


On the first day of October, Li Jun arrived at the gate of Ganzhou City. He camped dozens of companies, built high forts and dug deep trenches.

"Liu Wuyuan, you actually dare to deceive me! If I take Ganzhou, I have to skin you!"

Marshal Li was furious with Governor Liu. As soon as the army arrived, he immediately set up forts and bombarded Ganzhou City. He sent soldiers to attack the city from all sides and fought for three hours before retreating.

Liu Wuyuan, governor of southern Gansu in the Qing Dynasty, climbed onto the wall of the south gate of the town and observed Li Jun outside the city with a telescope.

Cannonballs exploded near the city wall, but Governor Liu ignored them.

In the camera, Li Jun outside the city is building barriers and digging trenches.

The more he looked, the heavier Liu Wuyuan's face became. Although he had prepared a lot of food during this period, Ganzhou was now surrounded by enemies on three sides. If Li Jun was allowed to build forts and dig trenches, the situation would be very unfavorable.

He summoned the generals to discuss.

General Hu Yousheng, deputy generals Gao Jinku, Liu Bolu, Xian Qiyu and others all believed that Li's army was too powerful and could not be allowed to gain a foothold. "The advantage lies in fighting quickly", and they should take advantage of the time when Li's army's camp was not solidified and the Haogou ditch was not completed.

Select elite soldiers to attack the city.

The generals' ideas coincided with Liu Wuyuan's.

Who should be sent to attack?

Liu Wuyuan thought about it over and over again, and kept his eyes on the deputy general Gao Jinku, the general Yang Yuming, and Jia Xiong for a long time.

Seeing Liu Wuyuan staring at them for such a long time, the three of them naturally understood what was going on. Then they stood up and asked for a fight, "Futai, the last general is willing to go out of the city to attack the enemy."

"Okay, okay, with three generals going to fight, I feel relieved!"

Liu Wuyuan was overjoyed and ordered Gao Jinku to fight out from the south gate of the town, Yang Yuming from Baisheng Gate, and Jia Xiong from Xijin Gate. He led the general Hu Yousheng, deputy general Liu Bolu, Qiyu first, and guerrilla Kong Guozhi to follow.

In the early morning of October 2nd, Qing troops left the city from three directions and raided Li Chengdong's military camp.

When Li's army first arrived, they were busy attacking the city. The fortifications had not yet been completely built, and the trenches in front of the camp had not yet been dug.

Gao Jinku and other three generals rushed to kill Li Jun, but Li Jun's footing was not stable and was attacked from three sides. He was caught off guard and was rushed into the camp by the Qing army. The soldiers retreated in panic, trampling each other, and the battle was in chaos.

"Hey!" Gao Jinku held the horse's belly between his legs and galloped through the Li Army camp. The lance in his hand stabbed one enemy after another.

Suddenly, the lance was caught by the corpse. Without saying a word, Gao Jinku put on his sword and killed him.

When Yang Ming met, Jia Xiong also turned into a murderous god and wreaked havoc in Li Jun's camp.

The Qing army killed people and set fires at the same time. Li Jun's camp became a mess.

Seeing that the forwards successfully broke into the camp, Liu Wuyuan led Hu Yousheng, Liu Bolu, Xian Qiyu, and Kong Guozhi to launch an all-out offensive against Li Jun.

Li Jun could not stand and was forced to retreat, losing many soldiers and equipment. In the melee, general Ye Chengen was killed.

After Li Chengdong withdrew to Dayu, he counted his troops and lost more than ten thousand people. He was filled with anger and vowed to take revenge.

Liu Wuyuan counted the captured cannons and found that there were forty red-coated cannons (the Qing court banned the word "Yi" and called the Hongyi cannons "red-coated cannons"). After interrogating the prisoners, he learned that there were a hundred cannons in total, and 60 more were left in Dayu. .

Liu Wuyuan was shocked and once again asked for help from Tan Tai, the general who conquered the south: "The thieves brought a hundred cannons in red clothes and came to attack Gancheng. Forty of them, there are still sixty found in Meiling?" Although the thieves are now scared and fled, Stationed in Nan'an, gathered local bandits from all over the country, and brought many cannons with them. They were bound to invade Jiangxi again. However, the dilapidated city walls were about to collapse. If everyone was frightened and had nothing to rely on in the battle, it would be a shame to die in the line of duty. However, the four provinces of the imperial court Throw all the weight in your throat into one ear."

As soon as the letter was written, the Zhenghong Banner and Zhengbai Banner Manchu reinforcements led by Mailer Zhangjing's rubber merchants arrived in Ganzhou.

The real Manchu army arrived, and Liu Wuyuan seemed to have received a reassurance.


At the end of the 21st year of Chongzhen's reign, two major events occurred in Beijing, one funeral and one happy event.

Prince Heshuoli passed away.

In November, after sixty-five spring and autumn years, Aixinjueluo Daishan passed away with reluctance to leave the Qing Dynasty. Emperor Shunzhi, the emperor's uncle, the regent Dorgon, and his assistant uncle Deyu Prince Duduo was in grief. Emperor Shunzhi was really sad. Only they themselves knew whether Dorgon and Duduo were sad.

In the same month of the same year, Dorgon made a subtraction, reducing one word from his title, removing the word "uncle" from "Emperor's Uncle and Regent", and asked the ministers to call himself "Emperor's Father and Regent".

I have been waiting for a long time, and finally today! My second brother Daishan is gone, and it feels so good to have no one to care about me!

Dorgon acted more and more unscrupulously, and everyone in the court was a close confidant. He should regulate the ceremonial guards to be like the emperor, and he was only half a step away from the supreme position in the world.

Not long after he was happy, he received a report from Tan Tai asking for help. He frowned and was about to send more troops into Jiangxi when suddenly bad news came: Jiang Xiang, the general of Datong, had turned against him.

Dorgon, who had just become the "Emperor Regent", was shocked. Beijing sent a lot of soldiers and horses to Huguang, Jiangxi, and Guangdong, but not many stayed in Beijing. It takes time to recruit soldiers and horses.

After holding his beard and thinking for a long time, he decided to deal with Jiang Xiang with two hands. One hand was soft and the other hard.

He was very soft. On December 10, he sent an envoy to Jiang Xiang, deliberately saying that Jiang Xiang had just misunderstood the Qing government's intention to rebel against the Qing Dynasty, and gave him a chance to step down. Then he announced that if he could repent and return to the throne, he would still "Still kind and supportive"; very tough, sending Jingjin County Prince Nikan and other troops to Shanxi to quell the rebellion.

Shanxi was in chaos. Dorgon had no troops to send to Tan Tai for the time being, so he had to let Tan Tai hold on. He also ordered King Sanshun of Wuchang to launch an offensive in Huguang to contain the Ming army.

The matter of Dorgon calling him "Emperor Father and Regent" became a big issue and became an uproar. Rumors about the Queen Mother getting married spread more and more widely.

The loyal ministers of the Ming Dynasty naturally would not let go of this opportunity to discredit the Qing court. If they did not rub "gold" on the faces of the Tatars, they would not be worthy of calling themselves loyal ministers.

The Shangshou wine cup is Heyunzun,

The Cining Palace is full of rotten doors.

Chunguan entered the new instrument yesterday,

The Queen Mother’s wedding ceremony was celebrated with great ceremony.

The poem "Jianyi Palace Ci" written by Zhang Huangyan, one of the loyal ministers of the Ming Dynasty and a subordinate of Lu Jianguo, quickly spread throughout the country and all over the world.

There are ten poems in "Jianyi Palace Ci", and this one is the most famous. It describes the lively scene of the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother marrying the emperor's father and regent in the Qing Dynasty in a simple and profound way, which fully satisfies the aesthetic taste and curiosity of the lower class people.

Soon, the people all knew that the Queen Mother of the Manchu Qing Dynasty remarried her brother-in-law, the Prince Regent.

"Bah! Barbarians are barbarians, they don't understand etiquette, and the queen mother actually remarried." Commoner A spat.

"Bah? Adulterer**! I guess the Tatar Queen Mother and her brother-in-law have something unspeakable for a long time," Citizen B speculated.

"I heard that the Tatar Queen Mother looks like a fairy and is as tender as white ginger," common people imagined??

Zhu Hengjia laughed from ear to ear after reading this song "Jianyi Palace Ci".

"Okay, okay, okay! This Zhang Huangyan is talented! Great talent! As soon as this poem was written, the Tatar court became notorious all over the world! It's a pity that this person is a subordinate of Lu Fan. It would be great if he could be used by Gu! ”


"From Chengdong to Nanxiong, we carried the boat across the ridge, transporting all the equipment we carried, and we were very energetic. Before the camp fence was settled, the Gan people rushed forward and couldn't make it through. Tens of thousands of people drowned, and all their clothes and armor were abandoned. The spirit will be depressed due to this, and the vitality will be damaged due to this."

The failure of Li Chengdong's attack on Ganzhou was reported to Zhu Hengjia's case.

Someone sighed: "Alas! The hope that after Li Chengdong captured Ganzhou, he would go north to aid Nanchang and attack Tan Tai together with Li Chixin was in vain."

Zhu Hengjia originally wanted to send Yan Tianfeng's troops to pass through eastern Guangdong controlled by Li Chengdong, bypass Ganzhou, pass through Fuzhou, and open a second battlefield to rescue Nanchang. However, he was afraid of irritating Li Chengdong, so after thinking again and again, he gave up.

Because of Li Chengdong's feelings, the nearly 100,000 Ming troops in eastern Guangdong were unable to play a role. Zhu Hengjia felt it was a huge waste.

An idea struck me. Since we won’t need this army to save Nanchang for a while, why not use it elsewhere?

After looking at the military map for a while, Zhu Hengjia focused his attention on Zhejiang.

Jiangsu and Zhejiang were the areas where the Qing government had great wealth. Now the rule of the Qing government was unstable and there were rebel uprisings everywhere. A large number of Qing troops from Jiangsu and Zhejiang were transferred to Fujian and Guangdong. If a force could be sent to Zhejiang to gain a foothold in Zhejiang and capture prefectures and counties everywhere,

It will definitely hit the Qing court's taxation seriously.

Where is the best place to base yourself?

Zhu Hengjia’s eyes are fixed on Zhoushan Islands.


Tan Tai, the general of the Qing Dynasty conquering the south, was very depressed. Just now the grain officer reported to him that there was not much grain left.

Li Chixin's tactics of harassing the Qing army's food roads worked.

Although Tan Tai surrounded the Ming army in Nanchang City to the edge of running out of ammunition and food, he actually did not have much military food.

Li Chixin occupied Fengcheng and seized part of the Qing army's rations; he also burned the Ganzhou pontoon, so that Jianchang's rations could not be transported.

Tan Tai's army of more than 100,000 consumes an astonishing amount of money every day. To transport food from Raozhou, you have to make a big turn and are often harassed by the Fuzhou rebels. They can only transport food through Raozhou and from Poyang Lake by ship, and the daily transportation volume is limited.


Soon, Tan Tai's army rations were almost exhausted.

Tan Tai secretly lamented that it was a pity. He had no choice but to return to Raozhou to get food, and then attack Nanchang after raising enough military rations.

"Withdraw the troops and return to Raozhou", Tan Tai issued the military order.

"General, we can't retreat! The generals are willing to attack Nanchang City again. If we fail, it won't be too late to retreat again!"

He Luohui, Gu Nabai, Kang Shisheng and other generals all wanted to attack Nanchang again.

Tan Tai hesitated.

Gu Nadai shouted loudly: "General, please let the last general attack again. If you don't win, come and see me."

The heroic tone made Tan Tai feel Gu Nadai's confidence in winning.

He felt that the morale of the army was available, and he was unwilling to suffer a failure. So he ordered Liu Zehan to lead an army of 10,000 to monitor Li Chixin on the other side of the Gan River, and the main force stormed Nanchang City.

The offensive and defensive battle in Nanchang begins again.

This time, Tan Tai used all his strength, and all soldiers and horses from the Manchu, Mongolian and Han battalions participated in the battle.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

With the sound of short and powerful marching drums, Tan Tai, He Luohui, Zhu Mala, Gu Nadai, Liu Liangzuo, and Kang Shisheng attacked Deshengmen, Yonghemen, Huemen, Jinxianmen, Huiminmen, and Quang respectively.

Runmen, Zhangjiangmen.




The two sides first exchanged artillery fire, and then densely packed Qing troops pushed various siege vehicles and rushed towards the city wall.

The gunmen and archers of the Qing army hid behind the carts, fired arrows and bullets at the city, and covered the infantry to attack the city.




Countless ladders were mounted on the city wall, and Qing soldiers armed with round shields and sabers came up to support the ladders.

The well-prepared defenders put down their maces, poured boiling water, dropped thunder, and fired bullets and arrows.

One by one, Qing troops rolled down the city wall like dumplings, and another Qing army rushed up.

The marching drum sounds, there is no retreat.

"Men of Manchuria, follow me and charge forward." Gu Nadai, who was waiting for Mele Zhangjing, attacked the hardest and directly pushed the flag not far from the city.

"Can it hit accurately?"

Wang Deren, who was supervising the battle at Huimin Gate, asked the commander of the tiger-crouching cannon on the city wall.

The position of Gu Nadai's general's flag was just within the range of the Ming army's small artillery.

"Don't worry, deputy commander, just take a look at it."

The Ming army sentry commander commanded more than ten tiger squatting cannons, aiming at Gu Nadai's flag position and shooting at it.




Deadly shotshells exploded in the Qing army.

"咴聿聿", with a mournful cry, the head of Gu Nadai's war horse was blown away.

The young and handsome general fell off his horse, with dozens of bullet wounds on his body, and blood gushed out from his ears and nose.

If the jar is broken without leaving the well, the general will inevitably die in battle. Aixinjueluo Guunadai was killed in battle.

Hearing the cry of killing Zhentian from the city of Nanchang, Li Chi led his troops across the river to attack the Qing camp and rescue the defenders.

Liu Zehan couldn't resist and kept getting into trouble.

Tan Tai saw that the city of Nanchang was difficult to get down, and he lost a general. The camp was in a hurry, so he had no choice but to withdraw his troops and return to the camp.

When Li Chixin saw that the main force of the Qing army had returned to camp, he did not waste any time fighting. He retreated to his camp by boat and continued to confront the Qing army along the Gan River.

In the early morning of the next day, there was no smoke from the cooking stoves of the Qing army, and birds and magpies were seen hovering above the Qing army camp.

Li Chi was suspicious and sent a scout to check.

After the scouts returned, Yan Tantai's army returned to Raozhou overnight to get food.

Li Chixin sighed, Tan Tai was really skillful in using troops, and he retreated without making any sound, he is a true general.

He ordered the entire army to enter Nanchang City, take out military rations, and let the soldiers and civilians of Nanchang have a full meal.

There was joy in the city of Nanchang at first. The soldiers and civilians ate hot rice, thinking of their dead soldiers and relatives and friends who died of starvation, and they all shed tears. The joy turned into bursts of crying.

The crying sound became louder and louder, slowly turning from a stream into a river.

After Tan Tai withdrew to Raozhou, he camped in Anren County and faced off with the Ming army. He was just waiting to raise enough military supplies to fight in Nanchang again.

This chapter has been completed!
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