Chapter 582: Officialdom (5)

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 "Hejian magistrate Lu Liuliang submitted the memorial with tears in his eyes; in order to raid the eight major Tonglu business houses, in order to correct people's concerns:

Since Jiashen, the Tartars have taken advantage of the changes in our country to seize our mountains and rivers. The barbarians have abandoned the teachings of poetry and books, and are rampant in riding and shooting. They do not farm or read, have no fishing or business, and are like animals and humans. The strong one is the king. Woohoo. !Since the founding of the world by Pangu, China has suffered no greater disaster than this. Anyone with a strong heart will join forces, join the army, donate money, food, and manpower to save the country.

However, there were eight Shanxi merchants, Fan Yongdou, Wang Dengku, Jin Liangyu, Wang Dayu, Liang Jiabin, Tian Shenglan, Zhai Tang, and Huang Yunfa. Before the Qing invaders entered the Pass, they often traveled back and forth in and out of the Pass. For the sake of money, they forgot their ancestral country and lost to the captives. Food, grass and weapons were used by the captives to spy on the military situation, and even worse, they were used by the captives to instigate rebellion against the Ming generals. Chief Hu took it as a credit to Shunzhi, held a banquet to summon him, and gave him clothes. They also took advantage of the captives' power to open up financial avenues and fish and meat. Common people.

His crimes are too numerous to describe, and both humans and gods are outraged!

Your Majesty brought justice to Guangxi, wiped out the Tartars, restored China, and brought order to the chaos. Everyone in the world clapped their hands and applauded, saying, "It is a blessing for our country that the Holy Emperor is in the DPRK." Today, the nobles of the Manchu people and the two ministers who surrendered to the captives have all surrendered to the law, except for the Yin knot. The profiteers of the Tartars are still at large. It may be said that the harm caused by the merchants is worse than that of the two ministers. This is wrong! In my opinion, the harm caused by the eight great profiteers is no less than that of Hong Chengchou and his like. If they are not investigated and dealt with, it will not be enough to make the people angry!

I was the magistrate of Hejian and passed through Qingxian County. I saw on the Wei River that sailboats were blocking the sun, flags were flying, gongs and drums were noisy, and music was loud. Their power was better than the ceremonial guards of the princes. When asked, he said: 'This is Jiexiu. "Fan's Salt Ship". What a shame! The mediator Fan, the leader of all the traitors, and the new emperor, still don't know how to repent, go through the market with arrogance, and regard the new dynasty as the time of the Yi, Di, and Hu chieftains!

I request you to inspect the properties of the eight major profiteers and their descendants, so as to clarify the laws of the country and rectify the people's hearts. This is the most joyful thing in the world! I have only a little knowledge, but I am a holy judge."

Looking at the words on Lu Liuliang's plate, Zhu Hengjia's face turned pale and he remained silent for a long time. Suddenly, he slapped the imperial case hard with his fist and shouted: "Salt ship? I didn't order Cao to be listed on the list for a tael of salt, and I'm not allowed to give it to Jie Xiufan." Who dares to ignore my order?"

Zhu Hengjia started his career in martial arts and killed many traitors from the Qing Dynasty. A few profiteers just killed a few ants and didn't take it seriously. He didn't pay much attention to the slander left by Lu Liang at first. It wasn't until I saw the word "salt ship" that I was stepped on my tail and exploded.

As an emperor, I hate that my ministers do not take my words seriously. If you dare not listen to me today, will you dare to replace me as emperor tomorrow? The heart of a feudal emperor is so dark!

The emperor was so angry that his anger shook the mountains and rivers. He Liang, the eunuch who was serving at the side and was so frightened that his hand shook and his brush fell to the ground.

"This slave deserves to die!"

He Liang hurriedly apologized.

He is an old man in the palace. When Zhu Hengjia was still King Jingjiang, he was the palace's internal servant. He was dull and didn't like to talk, but he had a unique skill: he was good at painting.

After Zhu Hengjia traveled through time, he vaguely remembered that He Liang was very loyal. After the failure of King Jingjiang, he escaped into Buddhism with the little prince Zhu Ruoji in his arms. He passed on his painting skills and trained Zhu Ruoji to become a master of traditional Chinese painting: the bitter melon monk. So, for

He Liang had great trust in him, and he was given the high position of eunuch, eunuch, eunuch. Because He Liang was good at painting, he regarded him as his royal painter, and asked him to paint his portraits from time to time, so that future generations could admire the dragon.


Today, the emperor was in a good mood. He asked He Liang to draw a picture of himself reviewing memorials, so that future generations would know how diligent the great emperor was. Unexpectedly, as he was reviewing memorials, his good mood was disrupted by Lu Liuliang's memorials.

He got angry and dropped He Liang's paintbrush in shock.

Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. When the emperor gets angry, even an old man like He Liang who has been following him for many years will be scared to death, let alone the other servants.

Seeing He Liang's apology, Zhu Hengjia's anger subsided, "It's not your business, it's the officials below who are too bold and have made me angry. Go and find Tao Cheng, the commander of the Jinyi Guards, for me."


Tao Cheng, the commander of the Jinyiwei, is also an old man next to Zhu Hengjia. He was born as a prince's school captain, and he has been a prince's school captain since his grandfather's generation. He is loyal.

"Tao Qing, I ordered Cao Dengbang not to allocate even one ounce of salt to the Jiexiu Fan family, but they still got the salt. You immediately sent people to investigate from Cao Dengbang to the end. See who dares to disobey me."

, upon seeing Tao Cheng, the emperor issued a vicious order.

"I sincerely obey the sacred order," Tao Cheng accepted the order and resigned.

Zhu Hengjia did not give up, pacing back and forth, and suddenly said to himself, "I originally wanted to pull out the nail in a year or two, but since you don't want to live, I will simply make it happen."

These "you and others" naturally refer to the "Eight Imperial Merchants" of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. When the north was first established, Zhu Hengjia still needed these people to connect the north and the south and restore people's livelihood, so he temporarily kept them without killing them. Now after a year of purges, the situation in the north has changed.

It has begun to stabilize, production has resumed, spring plowing has been sown, and the number of refugees has decreased significantly. Now it is time to take action. Once the pigs are fattened, they have to be killed. He is still very good at killing pigs

"He Daban, please prepare a decree for me," Emperor Guangwu said leisurely.




The emperor's edict said: The country is in trouble, and China is covered in dust. People with lofty ideals and benevolence will never abandon their homes to defend the country and save it. However, in a city with ten houses, there must be loyal people and dishonest people. The eight profiteers on the right side of the mountain are servile and shameless.

The matter is clear, and I am acting as an accomplice, forgetting the great defense of the Chinese and barbarians, and insulting the etiquette of the Han family. I have neither loyalty nor shame. Although I have little virtue, I also know that the mountains and rivers have been restored, and people's hearts should be upright, so I am a traitor to the party.

There were eight generals: Fan Yongdou, Wang Dengku, Jin Liangyu, Wang Dayu, Liang Jiabin, Tian Shenglan, Zhai Tang, and Huang Yunfa. When they were alive, they were decapitated, and when they were dead, they were whipped. All males in the clan who were fourteen years old or older were beheaded; the rest were exiled.

Farming in Sichuan. The family's wealth and silk are collected into the national treasury. Those who violate the laws of nature and forget their ancestors should take this as a warning. Declare it to the world and let them know my intention. This is a special edict.

Make an imperial edict

July 18, the sixth year of Guangwu



After drafting this edict, Zhu Hengjia immediately ordered Huang Zongyi, the censor of Youdu, as the chief imperial envoy, and Liu Mi, the right minister of the Ministry of Punishment, as the deputy imperial envoy. They rushed to Shanxi to investigate the eight profiteers. He also ordered Lu Liuliang to assist in the case.

In Nanjing's Sun Mansion, Sun Jinding was calmly and calmly sipping fragrant tea, the authentic premium Dongting Biluochun. At his position, there is no shortage of good tea.

Suddenly he reported his student, Liu Bi, the right minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and asked to see him. This Liu Bi was originally a minor official in Dali Temple. Since he started his career and became a disciple of Sun Jinding, his official career has been prosperous, and he has been promoted to the high position of a third-rank minister.
"The student is about to go to Shanxi with Huang Zongxian to investigate and deal with the eight major profiteers, so he came here to say goodbye to his teacher," Liu Bi said respectfully.


Sun Jinding was very satisfied with the students' respect. He hummed and encouraged: "The eight great businessmen of the Fake Qing Dynasty have done many evil things, and everyone and the gods are angry. It is your duty to eliminate evil for the country. The national affairs are the most important, I will not keep you, and set off immediately.

Let's do it." After saying that, he picked up the teacup.

Liu Bi said goodbye and left.

After he left, Sun Jinding suddenly remembered that his son-in-law Chen Zengyu had interacted with Jiexiu Fan in the past. He strictly prohibited it, but I don't know if he listened.

The more I think about it, the more uneasy I feel. In politics, the higher you go, the greater the risk. I and my chief assistant Guan Shouzhen have been fighting openly and secretly, but I dare not let my political opponents take advantage of it.

Urgently send people on fast horses to inform Chen Zengyu to sever all ties with the Fan family in Jiexiu.

This chapter has been completed!
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