Chapter 626 Abdication

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 The Turupan offensive and defensive battle has been going on for more than ten days. The Junggar army has to attack for several hours every day, and is repelled by the Yarkand army every day.

The battle is neither painful nor itchy, and it is easy to leave.

On this day, Aqimu Ajihan of Turpan was patrolling the city, and suddenly he heard the sergeants cheering at the city.

"What's going on? What's the fuss about?"

"Aqimu, reinforcements from Hami are here," General Masalang reported excitedly.

"Reinforcements?" Aji Khan looked into the distance and saw nearly ten thousand soldiers and horses coming from the distance, carrying the royal flag of Yule Bals."

"Aqimu, reinforcements have arrived, and the general has requested to leave the city to assist." Masalang was very excited.

"No, we must guard against the enemy's deception." Aji Khan is a veteran and should be cautious.

The soldiers and horses were very brave and quickly defeated the Junggar army and reached the city.

Aji Khan took a look and saw that it was his nephew Yulibars, "Ulibars, why is it you? Where is your fifth uncle?"

"The Ming army came to harass Hami again and demanded Dorji's head. The fifth uncle did not dare to leave Hami and sent me to rescue Turpan."

This statement is half true and half false. The more so, the easier it is for people to believe it.

Aji Khan believed it and said, "Open the city gate quickly and let the sons and daughters enter the city."

The heavy city gate opened, and Hami's troops swarmed in. As they all entered the city, Junggar's pursuers also approached. Masalang hurriedly shouted: "Close the city gate."

"No need to turn it off," Julebars smiled.

"Prince, why is this?"

"Because everyone here is a friend."

"What!" Masalang was shocked.

There was a flash of white light, and Ulebars drew his sword very quickly. With just one move, Massarang's head flew out.


The Hami army led the Junggar army into the city.

Aji Khan was caught off guard and was captured. His face turned red with anger and he angrily scolded his nephew, "You evil son, how dare you disrespect your elders and commit the following crime?"

"Ha~ha~ha~ Promote the Holy Religion and fight for the world, no matter whether you respect your elders or not." Ulebars stared at his uncle with a fierce look in his eyes, "Second uncle, would you like to wear a white hat instead and submit to me?

"What if I don't want to?"

"If you don't want to, I'll kill you."

"You dare! I am your uncle." Aji Khan was shaking with anger.

Ulebals sneered, "To be honest, my fifth uncle refused to surrender and my nephew has already killed him."


Ajihan's eyes widened, and he suddenly felt frightened: This little beast has been cruel since he was a child, and what he said must be true.

No matter how brave a person is, there are times when he is weak. Although Aji Khan has fought in many battles throughout his life and crawled out of the dead countless times, at this moment, he gave up.

"Don't kill me, I'm willing to take off my black hat and put on a white hat." After saying this, Aqimu's whole body went limp, and he no longer had any energy.


"Hahaha, thanks to the prince's help, it took no effort to get Turpan." Sengge was very happy and praised Yulebars.

"Huntai Ji, the troops are valuable and quick. Please send troops quickly from Tiemenguan (located in Korla), Talbgur, Kuxian, Asu (Aksu), and Wuchi (Wushi) to attack Kashgar and Yarkand."
From Turpan to Yarkand's capital, Yarkand, one has to pass through the endless Tarim Desert. The route provided by Ule Bals to the Sengge is located in the green space on the edge of the desert, and is the best route to attack Yarkand.
Sengge nodded repeatedly, "What the prince said is true, so I ask you to lead the way and I will support you from behind."

"This", Ulebars hesitated for a while. Being a vanguard will inevitably cause heavy casualties. This is a hard job.

Seeing his hesitation, Seng Ge said with a smile: "If you defeat Yarkand, you will be Ulibals Khan."

The sentence ""Ulibars Khan" scratched Ulibars' itch, and he had no objections and happily led the army forward.

Sengge secretly summoned Zaisang Darhan, "My army is going south, and we should gain something. Darhan, you will lead five thousand troops to stay in Turpan. We must firmly control this place. We can take advantage of the contradiction between the Black Mountain Sect and the White Mountain Sect to consolidate our strength."

Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, Huitaiji. I will definitely guard this place for you! From today on, Turpan will be the Turpan of our Junggar people," Darkhan understood.

The lowest goal of Sengge's southern expedition to Yarkand was to annex Turpan. Now he has easily achieved it. As for the complete annexation of Yarkand Khanate, he has such a big appetite, but he doesn't know if he has such good teeth.

Just take it one step at a time. Anyway, the minimum goal has been achieved.

With Yule Bals as the leading party, the Junggar army was overwhelming, conquering Tiemenguan, Talbgur, Kuxian, and approaching the city of Asu (Aksu).

"Keep the city gates tight and no fighting is allowed," Asu Guard General Aba Huozhe issued a military order. His idea was very good: stick to the city and wait for reinforcements.

At night, Aba Huozi was sleeping soundly when he suddenly heard shouts and killings.

I hurriedly got up and asked my confidants: "What's going on?"

"General, it's bad, the traitors from the Baishan faction have opened the city gate, and the Dzungars have entered the city."

It turns out that areas such as Asu (Aksu) and Wuchi (Wushi) used to be the sphere of influence of the Baishan sect. There were many Baishan sect members in the city. They took the opportunity to respond, cooperated inside and outside, and seized the city gate.

The Junggar army poured in like a tide, and Aba Huo Zhi was dissatisfied and fled to Kashgar. The Baishan sect of Wuchi also got into trouble and welcomed Sengge into the city.

Seeing that the wolf was coming again from the east, Abdullah Khan, who was fighting a bloody battle with the Heshuote people at Turugart Pass, had to quickly retreat south to Kashgar to set up defenses in order to avoid being attacked from both sides.

He has been fighting all his life and knows geography well. There is the Kizil River north of Kashgar to rely on.

It's a pity that he doesn't know people's hearts. Kashgar is the base camp of the Baishan sect. Under the instigation of the leader of the Baishan sect, Mohammed Yusuf, the herdsmen in Kashgar responded to the coalition forces of Junggar, Heshuote, and the Baishan sect.

Nearly 70,000 coalition troops and 40,000 Yarkand troops launched a fierce battle in Kashgar.

The Yarkand army was divided into three sections for defense: the Yikezil River defense, the Ismayel guarding the upper reaches, the Aba Fire Guards guarding the lower reaches, and Abdullah Khan guarding the middle reaches.

The coalition forces also divided their attacks into three stages: Oqirtu Khan attacked the upper reaches, Sengge attacked the middle reaches, and Yule Bals attacked the lower reaches.

Artillery fire roared, countless coalition boats were sunk, and more boats boarded the shore.

Guns and arrows were like locusts, shooting down warriors one after another. Warriors were like a tide, rushing towards the Yarkand army's camp by the river.

The two sides engaged in fierce hand-to-hand combat, and the Yikzil River was stained red with blood.

Sengge put down the telescope in his hand. In the lens, the coalition soldiers were repelled again. He couldn't help but frown: I didn't expect these Yarkand people to be so tenacious!

After three days of attacking, the fortress could not be breached, but there were heavy casualties.

Oqirtu Khan came to see Sengge and said, "Huitaiji, the Yikzil River is very dangerous, and our army suffered heavy casualties. Since we have gained something, why not return north?"

As you get older, you will inevitably become rich. During this southern expedition, the Heshuotes captured Koshgar, Atebash, and the vast area around Aksai. Oziltu Khan was very content and unwilling to continue.


Sengge is young, and young people are often very ambitious. He took Turpan, Asu, and Wuchihou. He was not satisfied yet and wanted more territory and wealth. Seeing that Oqirtu Khan had the intention of leaving, he blinked.

, smiled and said: "Please wait for another seven days, the Great Khan. If the Yikzil River cannot be attacked within seven days, I will return to the army with the Great Khan."

It didn't take seven days, but only three days later. Under the instigation of the Baishan Faction and Zhuo Yusufu, a rebel army composed of Kashgar Baishan Faction herdsmen suddenly appeared behind the Yarkand Army, and the coalition forces attacked again.<


Strong fortresses often collapse from within. The Yarkand army collapsed and became a mess. The generals could not find their soldiers, and the soldiers could not find their generals.

"Da~da~da~Aba, the fireman, gallops his horse.

"Hey!", the war horse neighed, but its legs were accidentally pinned by a small tree hole in the ground, knocking the owner off the horse.

Aba Fireman got up in embarrassment, and several Baishan Sect sergeants slashed at him with knives, mincing him into a pulp.

"Brother, I will escort you back to Shache City." Ismail found Abdullah Khan, the youngest brother of Abdullah Khan.

Yerqiang's profuse sweat, his face ashen, turned his horse and ran towards Yarkand. Of the 40,000-strong army, only more than 10,000 escaped.

While he recruited all the men in the city between the ages of fourteen and sixty to join the army, he showed that he would rather live in pieces than live in ruins; at the same time, he summoned Isma Yel and gave him instructions face to face.

"Ismail, you take Yu's letter and your subordinates and surrender to that evil son of Yu. He will definitely not embarrass you after reading this letter."

"Brother, when I leave, who will protect the Great Khan of the Yarkand people?"

Abdullah Khan sighed, "With the defeat, I am no longer the great khan of the Yarkand people. I am going to make a pilgrimage to Mecca. You go and surrender to Ulibals. In any case, he is also ours."

Yarkand people".

This King Khan, a strong man who had spent his military life, could not bear the shame of surrender. Although he was ready to abdicate, he made a name for himself to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca. This sounds better.

Ismayel secretly came to Ulibars' camp and presented Abdullah Khan's autographed letter.

In the letter, the old father admitted defeat to his son and expressed his willingness to give up his position as Khan and go on a pilgrimage to Mecca; he reminded his son that neither the Hoshuut people nor the Dzungars are good people. After you become a khan, you will have to treat your ancestors

The country has been defended; in the end, I hope that my son will protect the people of the Khanate and bridge the conflict between the Baishan sect and the Blackshan sect, so that the Yarkand people can no longer kill each other!

After reading the letter from his old father, Prince Urebars was suddenly filled with sadness. He sighed and said to Ismail: "Uncle, whether you believe it or not, my nephew couldn't help things develop to this point. Don't worry.

"From now on, my nephew will treat him as the same regardless of whether he is a Black Mountain sect or a White Mountain sect."

Although he has decided to abdicate, Abdullah Khan is still unwilling to do so, procrastinating and staying in Yarkand, reluctant to leave.

In order to give the old Khan some motivation to travel abroad, the allied forces of Junggar, Heshuote, and Baishan faction continued to launch offensives, including Lianke Togusak, Tilik, Yangniercheng, Kezzi, Sugeti, etc.

On the ground, troops arrived at the foot of Shache City.

Under tremendous pressure, Abdullah Khan renounced his throne, went on a pilgrimage to Mecca, and later died in India.

Dust to dust, dust to dust, a generation of heroes will eventually turn into loess.

This chapter has been completed!
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