Chapter 1035: Don’t accept it

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 In the end, Dean Pi did not recommend anyone. In his eyes, except Liu Muchiao and himself, he looked down on everyone else. Even Sun Tao, he felt that his abilities were limited and he was not mature enough.

That car accident is an example.

Liu Muqiao found Sun Tao and mobilized him to go to Xiangya Hospital or Union Medical College Hospital for a year of further study. However, not long after the conversation, he had to take back his words.

This is because Sun Tao is now in charge of the hospital. After their colon cancer surgery, their director discovered lung metastasis and recently underwent surgery at the cancer hospital.

The possibility of returning to work is already very small.

Now is a critical period. Whether Sun Tao can become the dean will depend on the recent arrangements.

It is unrealistic to leave the hospital to pursue further studies now. It is impossible for Liu Muqiao to foolishly ask him to pursue further studies. The key is that no one has entrusted Liu Muqiao to choose the director of Antai Hospital.

Liu Muqiao came back, found Hu Bolong, and talked about this idea.

Liu Miqiao thought in his heart that both the president and the vice president of Antai Hospital must improve their standards, and Hu Bolong must also go to further studies.

Even if he does not become a dean, he still needs to continue his studies.

Besides, why can't Hu Bolong be the dean? His appeal is not a problem, his character is not a problem, and his coordination and overall planning abilities are not a problem either.

However, it must be admitted that he does not see many advantages.

He is the kind of person who has neither shortcomings nor many advantages.

Compared with Sun Tao, Hu Bolong is more stable and mature. However, the disadvantage is that he is too stable and mature.

Sometimes, to be the leader, you just need not to be too mature, not too steady, have a little adventurous spirit, or even be a little naive, but you can achieve great things.

Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to career success.

Water has no permanent shape.

Liu Muqiao prefers Sun Tao's instability and immaturity, and he prefers to cooperate with such people.

The so-called pioneering and enterprising actually involves risks. Without risks, there would be no pioneering.

The development of Antai Hospital cannot be steady and must break the rules.

This time, what Liu Muqiao gained from Xiangya Hospital was mainly in terms of knowledge. For the first time, he discovered the value of the intensive care unit.

Antai Hospital also has an intensive care unit, but it does not have a critical care medicine department. If technical forces cannot be concentrated, there will be no technical advantage. It will be difficult to formulate clinical pathways for treating critically ill patients. There will be no advantage in terms of cost, efficacy, or efficiency.

This difference requires hospital managers to strategize.

Liu Muqiao admitted that he had not reached this level.

He only has a junior management skills certificate, manages departments, and manages small hospitals. This is no problem, but to manage a hospital with billions of revenue, it is obvious that his ability is insufficient.

"You should go back to Xiangya Hospital to further study hospital management." Liu Maqiao said to Hu Bolong seriously.

"Xiangya Hospital is too big. Is it more appropriate to study at the Affiliated Hospital of Qingjiang University?" Hu Bolong still felt guilty when he returned to Xiangya.

It can be said that he has not made much progress academically. He is not as good as Du Xiaoping and Zhu Yaguang. His level is still before he became the deputy dean.

Now that he is asked to return to Xiangya, what will his past colleagues think of him?

Being a vice president of a city hospital is really not considered a success in the eyes of Xiangya experts.

He couldn't bear to go back to Xiangya, so he came up with a compromise and went to the Affiliated Hospital of Qingjiang University for further studies.

Liu Muqiao shook his head, "If you want to further your studies, you must go to a first-class large national hospital. I said, since you came from Xiangya, it would be better to go back to Xiangya. I am familiar with Xiangya Hospital. Say hello and you should be able to accept them."

You, my apprentice."


A week later, Hu Bolong returned to Xiangya. The dean arranged for him to be specially taken by dean Qi.

Dean Qi is an alumnus of the lower class of Hu Bolong. He is led by a classmate of the lower class, which is emotionally difficult for Hu Bolong to accept.

However, Hu Bolong soon gave in.

Five things, within one hour, Dean Qi handled three things, and Hu Bolong had to express his admiration for him.

Not long after I got to work, Director Lan of the Medical Department sent a penalty notice, which was issued by the Medical Insurance Bureau. It dealt with non-standard items in medical insurance.

This is the first draft of the punishment. Dean Qi took a look at it and decided to impose a penalty of more than 3 million yuan.

More than 3 million yuan is nothing to a large hospital with a turnover of more than 10 billion yuan. However, it is also money, and 3 million yuan can do a lot of things. Besides, this is a matter of dignity and equality between both parties.


The Medical Insurance Bureau and the hospital are managers and the managed, but they are also collaborators and equal parties.

"You make an appointment with Lao Fang. I'll treat him to a meal tonight and I'll explain it to him face to face. You go back, write a complaint, complain about everything, and let them fine you 7.8 million. Leave some space."


Dean Qi spent 5 minutes arranging the first thing.

Crisp, neat, moderate, and down-to-earth.

The second incident is a dispute. The patient’s family has an expert’s guidance behind the scenes. This matter has been entangled for a long time and I hope to keep it private.

If it's private, it usually only works if both parties are willing to back down. However, this is not the case. They don't want to back down, but they also want to force you to pay 1 million in compensation.

Dean Qi said to the director of the medical department: "Refuse, no interview, there is only one way to go, medical evaluation. Don't give them any evil thoughts. You send two deputy directors to deal with him, and your attitude must be tougher!"<


Director Lan of the Medical Department is gone.

These two matters were handled without any sloppiness, and clear answers were given to subordinates.

The third thing is old comrades.

I am a retired employee of the Department of Nephrology. I am sick and want to go to Beijing to see a doctor. I would like to ask the hospital to contact the hospital for beds.

Common diseases.

It's a lacunar cerebral infarction.

For a hospital as big as Xiangya, you have to go to the capital to see a doctor.

Going to the capital to see a doctor is your private matter, so there is no need to accuse you, but you still have to ask the hospital to come forward. Isn't that annoying?

In a unit, veteran comrades should not be rash in their work, but should be careful and patient. The key is to relieve the knots in their hearts. However, there is another principle, that is, you cannot be used to it.

This is the third time this old comrade has come.

Every time he comes, he always has someone in charge.

How can the top leader help you handle this kind of thing? Leave it to Dean Qi.

"Lao Zhang, if you have this disease, go to Beijing and I'll communicate with them. Their suggestion is that you should stay in Xiangya for treatment. You are an old expert, but you are not familiar with Xiangya's technology? We are

It is one of the top specialties in the country. I thought about it and called together experts from the hospital to hold a hospital-wide consultation. How about it?" Dean Qi said patiently.

"Dean Qi, let me be honest. I have never been in the Department of Neurology in this hospital, and the results are not ideal. Besides, among these doctors, none of them are our students. How many pounds do they have? How can I not do it?"

Do you know?"

This sentence is enough to kill the conversation.

Doctors in our hospital do not believe in the quality of our hospital. This is too common.

This chapter has been completed!
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