Chapter 1133 Save the patient first

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 Li Yingzi is the most stubborn bad guy.

In fact, Liu Muqiao didn't know yet that his mission on this trip was related to this person.

Even though Li Yingzi is just a doctor, his nature is much more complicated. He is under the direct command of the Fifth Bureau and specializes in some shady activities. For example, now, he wants Liu Muqiao to declare his separation from the motherland.

Originally, it was not impossible for you to introduce talents, as there were so many immigrants.

It doesn’t mean that immigrants are not good people. You want Liu Maqiao to “speak out”. What does this mean?

Although Li Yingzi's kung fu is only second-rate, there are people around him, and he has more than two highly lethal guns.

His guns are different from ordinary guns, and the bullets are even different.

Once hit by him, even if the skin is scratched, the chance of survival is slim.

Besides, this man is determined, extremely cruel, and very professional. He is extremely harmful.

This man is dangerous.

He has his eyes on Liu Muqiao.

The problem is that Liu Muqiao still doesn’t know the origin of this person, and no one has told him about this person yet.

They're gone.

Liu Muqiao really wanted to get in touch with Ziyi, but then he thought about it and decided to go ahead with the plan and ask about the content of the meeting at 10 o'clock.

This is the first task Liu Muqiao received.

He begins sub-hibernation.

Later, he will need super power to listen to the meeting content in the conference room on the 17th floor.

He adjusted the wake-up time to 1 minute to 10 o'clock.

Soon, he entered a sub-hibernation state.

When he woke up, it was 1 minute to 10 p.m., Liu Maqiao listened carefully, distinguishing the sound of the meeting from all kinds of chaotic sounds.

It's like FM radio.

Found it!


"The cultural troupe from China is here. They want to spread culture, gain friendship, and make friends. Our task is very simple. We have only one goal, destruction! Let's ask the captain for instructions."

"We are assigning tasks now. One group, tomorrow night in the concert hall, you will place a remote-controlled bomb. SB2 type under No. 13, etc., in the third row in the middle, to scare him. Liu Muqiao has officially rejected my invitation today... 2

Group, the day after tomorrow, at the premiere of "Across the Tang Dynasty", when the movie was 56 minutes old, you rushed into the auditorium and fired at the crowd. According to the established plan, Liu Maqiao should sit behind Zi Yi. Therefore, in order not to hurt Zi Yi

, don’t shoot at them with your guns. After a round of shooting, leave from Fifth Street. Over there, we have people to respond...Three groups, in..."

Oops, half an hour passed quickly, and Liu Miqiao’s super power disappeared.

Hurry up and hibernate!

There is a 15-minute break in between.

By the time Liu Muqiao woke up, the meeting had already entered the second stage.

Let’s start discussing the details.

I heard Li Yingzi’s voice.

He was saying: "Aren't the tasks of our three groups too simple?"

"No, your task is the most difficult. Although we haven't found out who among them is a spy, do you believe they didn't send anyone? Impossible, I suspect there are their shadow team members here. So, Li

Team leader, you can't be careless. Keeping Ziyi is your most important task..."

Well, I generally understand.

They sabotage almost every event and plan to have some members defect.

There are two people they are targeting - at least two, one is Liu Maqiao and the other is Ziyi.

Liu Muqiao is a famous doctor. If he stays, he will be a useful talent who can raise the level of multiple disciplines to the world's first-class level.

Keeping him will have a sensational effect.

Similarly, Ziyi is the most famous actress in the Chinese film industry. If she can be dealt with and kept in England, as long as she makes a statement, China's reputation will be quickly affected.

What about everyone else?

Others are the best in their fields, can they do their jobs?

Since there is a 15-minute blank period in the middle, the content of the meeting that is intercepted is flawed, and you must report it to your boss immediately.

The meeting is over.

Liu Muqiao met Ziyi.

"How was it?"

Liu Muqiao recounted what he heard.

After hearing this, Ziyi lowered his head and thought for a long time, and said: "It's different from what we expected. We didn't expect that they would make such a big move regardless of the impact. Okay, then we will adjust the plan. Tomorrow, you will not participate in Lavida's music

Yes. The day after tomorrow, you won’t attend our premiere either.”

"I'm hiding?" Liu Maqiao asked in surprise.

"No, disrupt their plan! If you are not there, they will have to modify the plan. At that time, because it is a temporary change, they will not be able to have a new plan. Then, I may get an excellent opportunity to get rid of Li

Yingzi." Ziyi said.

"Get rid of Li Yingzi?"

"Well, our goal is to get rid of this big traitor."

"But, this is other people's land."

"Don't worry, we have made good arrangements. By the time Li Yingzi is discovered, we will have already left England."

"Then I have nothing to do when I come here?"

Ziyi chuckled and said: "You still have another task, which is to make a name for yourself here. I hope you can perform a few good surgeries and show your abilities."

"The question is, should I come to your door?"

"No need, tomorrow, just before Lavida starts, someone will ask you to have surgery."

Liu Muqiao understood.

These are all planned.

The organization is very powerful!

Don’t worry.

The next day, everything was fine.

In the afternoon, it’s time to enter the market.

Lang Yi and Liu Maqiao took a car and went straight to the concert hall.

The organizer is the Friendship Association, and they have invited many friendly people. Tonight, Lavida will perform a high-level piano concert here.

It can be said that the organizers attach great importance to this concert, and China is very grateful for sending the best pianist here.

Of course, Lavida is not alone tonight. He also has an accompaniment team and three assistants, all of whom are also high-level pianists.

The Friendship Association has been committed to the friendship between China and Britain for many years.

However, another force is also very powerful, and they are working hard to destroy the friendship between the two countries.

Among them, Li Yingzi is a die-hard and a determined traitor.

Lang Yi and Liu Miqiao went in.

The moment Liu Muqiao stepped into the concert hall, someone from behind shouted: "Wait, Liu Muqiao, wait."

A middle-aged man wearing glasses got out of the car.

He is a man with yellow skin.

He came over and said: "I am Dr. Li, a pancreatic surgeon at the Royal Third Hospital. I have a very difficult operation and I need your guidance."

"Oh? I must participate?" Liu Maqiao asked.

"Yes, I have to invite you." The middle-aged man said.

Liu Muqiao pretended to feel guilty and said to Lang Yi: "Brother Lang, I'm really sorry. I have to appreciate your superb piano art next time. As a doctor, I can only save the patient first."

This chapter has been completed!
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