Chapter 1139 Ancestor

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 The picture in the operating room is connected to the outside, and the sound is also connected.

The conversation between Liu Muqiao and Waiter was also transmitted to the observation room.

Therefore, the surprise was not only heard by the people in the operating room, but also by all the audiences outside.

This is no ordinary shock.

You know, humans have been fighting cancer for more than a hundred years. From the use of fluorouracil and cyclophosphamide to the current use of targeted drugs, the progress in anti-cancer has been quite difficult.

There is progress, but it is very difficult, and the progress is not epoch-making.

There is a rule when inventing a certain medicine. Even if the effectiveness is 1%, as long as the efficacy is certain, even if the effect is low, it is still a good medicine.

It only takes 300 years for human science and technology to develop from steam engines to electronic digitization. However, cancer has been tried for more than 100 years. There are five major methods: surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeting, and immunity. However, despite the fact that there are still many methods, to be honest, there are still not many.

Only a few cancers have seen some progress.

Surgery is the most important.

Chemotherapy, except for choriocarcinoma and lymphoma, has a definite effect on other cancers. It only has an auxiliary effect on other cancers. There is a huge debate about its efficacy.

The same goes for radiotherapy. It has good effects on nasopharyngeal cancer and not bad on some lung cancers. But for most other tumors, it is actually just a supplement to surgery.

Targeted drugs and immunotherapy, which have given hope to mankind, seemed to have brought great hope to mankind in the past few years. Now, after so many years, the reality is that they do not seem to be so ideal. Compared with their high cost, the effect is not

Not directly proportional. After using these treatments, patients may be able to live a few more years, but these few years are completely piled up with money. The astronomical treatment costs are exchanged for a few short years of life.

Now, a young doctor, using ancient Eastern Chinese medicine, has a 3-year survival rate of 100%. This is absolutely crushing compared to any new drug.


The commotion is getting bigger and bigger. Now, people's enthusiasm for watching Liu Miqiao's surgery has changed to Liu Miqiao's treatment of tumors.

Liu Muqiao's surgical skills shocked all the big guys.

However, his skills are nothing compared to his effectiveness in treating tumors.

No matter how exquisite the surgery, it is impossible to compare with the 3-year survival rate of 100%! Moreover, it is not just about survival, but also about no recurrence.

Experts know this set of data well.

This kind of data is very nice to look at and generally only occurs in two situations.

One is fraud.

The second is that an earth-shaking discovery or invention is about to occur.

No one doubts Liu Miqiao. Anyone who has seen his surgery knows that this person is trustworthy. Such a person cannot be a counterfeiter, because with such powerful surgical skills, he has no motive or reason for fraud.<


He must be the latter.

Maybe, very likely, in two years, a great medical scientist will be born!

As long as the patients in Liu Miqiao's hands are still alive in the world two years later, of course, it is best if they have not relapsed. Then, even if Liu Miqiao writes a 100-word paper and publishes these data, then the medical community will

A nuclear bomb exploded.

One of the greatest scientists was born.

Like Alexander Fleming, who invented penicillin, Liu Miqiao was officially written into medical textbooks and became one of the founders of modern medicine.

There are only four people who are truly called the ancestors of modern medicine. They are Hooke who discovered cells, Pasteur who discovered bacteria, Jenner the vaccine inventor, and Fleming the inventor of penicillin.

So, is it possible for Liu Muqiao to become the fifth person?

So excited!

In the observation room, people no longer had the intention to watch the surgery, although the surgery was exquisite and more attractive than any blockbuster movie.

However, what people are more interested in Liu Miqiao is that they really want to take a photo with Liu Miqiao, even if it is a group photo with dozens of people.

Because, decades from now, this photo will be extremely precious.

A photo taken with the ancestor of medicine can be used as a family heirloom.

After several generations or dozens of generations, descendants can point to old photos and say that my ancestor lived in the same era as Liu Maqiao, the founder of modern medicine, and even had close contact with him!

What a glorious thing that is.

This kind of vanity is not only valued by Easterners, but also by West Village people, those gentlemen who pay attention to blood.

I was of the same era as Liu Miqiao, shared the air of the same space with Liu Miqiao, and took photos with Liu Miqiao. That is permanent evidence that my ancestors were once high-class people.

The operation is completed.

Total time spent is 3.5 hours.

Clean and thorough.

Liu Muqiao walked out of the operating room.

As soon as he went out, he was stunned.

More than 200 people were waiting at the door, excited, excited and unable to control themselves.

Require signatures and photos.

After Liu Muqiao came to his senses, he said cheerfully: "No problem, we won't add more people. I can sign and take photos of the people here. No problem, take photos one by one."

Liu Muqiao happily began to sign.

He regretted it after signing a few words.

It's not that he regretted signing, but that a few days ago, when he opened the intermediate treasure box, he found a skill, a "Signature Skill" skill, but he felt it was useless and threw it away.

Although the current signature is not ugly, it is definitely not good-looking.

Alas, what a pity!

Just when Liu Muqiao was happily signing and taking photos with more than 200 people, Li Yingzi and others discovered that something was wrong.

This was another incident that exceeded their expectations.

The premiere of "Across the Tang Dynasty" has begun.

The person performing the task has arrived at the scene.

The opponent did not arrive. The real protagonist Liu Maqiao is now in the Royal Third Courtyard, with hundreds of people surrounding him, and the number is still increasing.


The people performing tasks at the premiere of "Across the Tang Dynasty" were evacuated.

Liu Muqiao's absence makes no sense.

Just as they were evacuating, they made a shocking discovery: the time bomb they had planted was missing.

Too bad.

Just as the group walked out of the screening room, three of them were arrested.

The police received the call and they will prosecute for blasting and murder.

Li Yingzi and others became nervous.

Today's mission was a complete failure.

Liu Muqiao fell down tiredly.

Originally, there was an academic conference that had to be postponed for two hours. Liu Miqiao signed autographs and took photos for a total of 450 people. Later, more and more people came, and Waiter and others had to take measures to get Liu Miqiao out.

Accompanied by Waiter and others, Liu Muqiao and the fans played hide-and-seek for a while, and finally Dr. Li finally reunited with them.

"Are the academic conferences still going on?" Dr. Li asked.

"Of course it's going to happen, everything is ready," Waiter said.

"The question is, can the order on site be guaranteed?"

"A squadron from the security company has been invited to the scene to maintain order."

"What is the concept of a squadron?"

"A squad has 6 people, and a squadron has 20 people."

"In today's situation, do you think a squadron of 20 people is enough?"

"The standard of a squadron is quite high. When foreign dignitaries visit, there is only one squadron to protect the site."

"That's different, completely different. They still have peripheral security."

"Okay then, add another squadron."

This chapter has been completed!
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