Chapter 1197 I don’t know who is happier

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 Arriving at the market, Xie Min started picking vegetables, and Jiang Wei and Liu Xu also helped her pick.

An old man looked lonely with only a few cabbages in front of him, and even if he sold them, he wouldn't make much money.

The old man’s eyes looked longingly at everyone passing by.

Liu Muqiao couldn't bear it, so he knelt down and prepared to buy a few cabbages.

The old man was overjoyed and quickly weighed the cabbage. It was 11 yuan and 4 cents, so it was 11 yuan.

“Scan WeChat?”

"I don't have any cash."

The old man looked around to see who could help him collect it.

LiuXu happened to come over and gave the old man 15 yuan, "No need to look for it."

"How can this be done? Business is business, and your little girl having money is another matter." The old man returned the 4 yuan to Liu Xi.

The old man happily left with his empty load and even performed a few flower-drum operas.

Liu Muqiao was carrying two cabbages, feeling warm in his heart.

I thought to myself, he is such an easy-to-satisfy person, and the money for two cabbages made him beautiful to death.

LiuXu also smiled.

Liuxu also had nothing three years ago. When she graduated from college, her total clothing possessions were less than 4,000 yuan. Among the few clothes and pants, the most expensive ones cost one or two hundred yuan each. Among all her belongings, her mobile phone was the most expensive.

, early 1,000.

Liu Xu's family is in the countryside of Shi County, Wanfo City. She lives in a mountain valley. Her father is in his 50s and has basically lost the ability to work. He suffers from rheumatism. His mother raises chickens, ducks and a few pigs. Fortunately, the price of pork has increased in recent years.

, all the pigs outside got sick and died, but their pigs never got sick, so they could still earn a little money every year to support Liu Xiu in college.

But no matter how much money is made, it is still difficult for people in the mountains to escape from poverty! Not to mention air conditioning, there is not even a refrigerator at home. A TV is the most expensive appliance in the home.

Liuxu also has an older brother who works in Shenzhen and is single. Recently Liuxu called him back to help Liuxu manage the company. Liuxu paid him a relatively high salary.

Now, I am out of poverty and about to be single. There is a beautiful woman who is having a good conversation with her brother.

He is still the same person. Her brother is 30 years old this year. In the past, girls were not even interested in glancing at him.

Now, Liu Xu's brother is a company executive and can earn 18,000 yuan a month, and more and more women are pursuing him.

Especially when Liuxu gave her Mercedes-Benz to her brother, his image suddenly became many times brighter.

Now, both father and mother have lived in Qingjiang City, in Liuxu's villa.

The image of the old man just now was too familiar to her. She had seen this kind of person the most since she was a child.

Selling two cabbages can make me happy for a long time.

Not only has she seen it, she has also experienced it herself. She used to go to the market with her mother and sell a few kilograms of wild fruits, and she was happy for a few days.

Catkins have not forgotten their roots.

In her back garden, everyone else is just flowers and plants, but she is the vegetable patch.

When she has time, she goes back to tidy up the vegetable plot. Most of the time, she and her mother grow cabbage, peppers, etc.

However, just now, Liuxu regretted that she should not have told her grandfather that there was no need to change the extra money. Four yuan was nothing, but people would not accept such a gift from you.

You really shouldn’t.

LiuXu helped Liu Miqiao carry the cabbage, and saw Liu Miqiao chatting with another old man.

Liu Muqiao seems to want to buy his food again.

Xie Min stopped it.

"Buy fresh ones tomorrow, enough for tonight."

"Look, that's all he has left."

"Don't be stupid!"

Xie Min's tone is a little serious.

When they came out of the vegetable market, Xie Min said: "You want to do charity? The division of labor in society is different. It doesn't matter who you sympathize with or who you despise. It's all about survival. Those who are rich are surviving, and those who are poor are also surviving. Don't think that you

Just live a happier and higher-quality life than others. Maybe others are happier than you."

"Wouldn't people be happier if I could help them buy the remaining vegetables?"

"Don't be stupid, Liu Muqiao, everyone has his own world. In your world, you have no idea what other people's worlds are like - of course, I don't object to you helping others." Xie Min suddenly said

The topic is over.

Now is not the time to educate Liu Muqiao, he has grown up.

Returning to Dr. Li's clinic, Liu Maqiao entered the clinic. He wanted to help Dr. Li see a few patients.

Jiang Wei and Liu Xu followed Xie Min back.

Under the guidance of Dr. Li, Liu Muqiao saw a trauma patient.

This wound has been there for a long time. Even in an ordinary hospital, it may not heal quickly. Without more than half a month of dressing changes and anti-inflammation, it will be difficult to heal.

He was actually treated in Dr. Li's clinic.

"Why don't you stay in the hospital?"

"Too expensive."

"Don't you have medical insurance?"

"Didn't buy it."

"Why don't you buy it?"

"I bought it a few years ago for nothing, and I haven't used it."


Liu Muqiao stopped talking. He really wanted to say, isn’t it better to buy insurance for free?

Liu Muqiao didn't want to preach to others. They were half older than him.

"Can the wound be debrided and sutured?" Dr. Li said.

"No, he needs to change the medicine twice. I will do it for him once today. In three days, I will go to Antai Hospital to see Su Yajuan and tell her what I said and ask her to change it for him for free."

Although Liu Miqiao is a master-level master of debridement and suturing, it does not mean that all wounds can be cured by hand. For patients like today, the infection is very serious, so two debridements are necessary.

Dr. Li brought over the tools for dressing, and Liu Maqiao first rinsed the wound with saline, then sterilized it with hydrogen peroxide, then helped him cut off the necrotic tissue, and finally applied a dressing.

"Use 1g of levofloxacin and add some cephalosporins. Use a combination of antibiotics for three days and then go to Su Yajuan. It should be almost done."

The patient was very moved.

"Makiko, I didn't expect you to become so successful all of a sudden. I heard that you are the best surgeon. When foreign kings want to perform surgeries, they also invite you."

"Who did you listen to? It's really not like having an operation with the king, but the prince did two."

"The prince is the future king, isn't it the same? Xiao Muzi, from now on, when you come back, you can help your neighbors, uncles and aunts to see the doctor."

This patient is Uncle Lin next door, who grew up watching Liu Miqiao.

Neighbors like to call Liu Muqiao Xiao Muzi. Some people also call him Muqiao.

Liu Muqiao agreed.

Then, I saw two more patients.

Liu Muqiao was not very experienced in internal medicine patients. One patient had high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and heart failure. Dr. Li gave him blood vessel dilation drugs and diuretic drugs, but his condition did not improve.

Liu Muqiao felt that he should give the patient some cardiotonic digoxin, but he was a little hesitant. After all, he had never treated this kind of patient before, so he didn't dare to do it.

"Take Chinese medicine."

Not very familiar with internal medicine, Liu Muqiao had another hand, ancient Chinese medicine, which had better results.

This chapter has been completed!
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