Chapter 1257 Residents of Wanfo Mountain

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 When talking about salary, Sun Tao inevitably becomes embarrassed. He really doesn’t have much.

"How much do you think I have? It would have been better if I had not been in politics and followed you to study medicine. I would have made less than 1 million a year. Now I am embarrassed. I am the head of a hospital in name only, and my income is about the same as that of a small nurse."


Liu Muqiao had no choice but to smile bitterly.

Indeed, Su Tao, who is in charge of administration, has no surgical commissions or other commissions. Performance can only be determined by administration. It is not easy to design a performance plan specifically for hospital leaders, and the superiors will not approve it.

Besides, Sun Tao and the others earn 300,000 to 400,000 yuan a year, which is more than many administrative officials. They are already unhappy, what else can he do?

In fact, it is not surprising that the salary and performance of many hospital directors are lower than that of doctors with senior professional titles.

Sun Tao and the others are in a rather embarrassing position. They receive an administrative salary of 300,000 to 400,000 yuan, which is already very high.

Sun Tao's basic salary is more than 6,000, his job subsidy is 1,200, and his performance, plus other allowances, is just over 30,000.

Compared with the administration and other officials in the city, he has more, not just a little more, but almost three times. But compared with the doctors in the hospital, he is not a little worse.

Don’t compare yourself to Liu Muqiao.

Compared with Du Xiaoping, Du Xiaoping can earn 1.4 million in the hospital, which is before tax. In addition, he also has a lot of knife fees, which can make him 3 million US dollars in more than a year.

Du Xiaoping was Sun Tao's junior doctor three years ago. According to this calculation, his annual pre-tax income is already more than 20 million. Compared with him, Sun Tao really can only hang himself.

However, this account cannot be settled, because, for people, success does not depend on having more money. Sun Tao is the dean, and Du Xiaoping cannot compare with him in this regard.

People, money is one aspect, status is another aspect.

Sun Tao doesn't know yet, but he may soon be promoted to deputy director. The deputy director belongs to senior cadres. Only the deputy director is qualified to stay in the so-called senior cadre ward, and the medical expenses are all covered.

Zhou Yiming has made up his mind to turn Antai Hospital into Antai Hospital Affiliated to Qingjiang University. If nothing unexpected happens, Sun Tao will be directly promoted to deputy director.

Sun Tao still drives wildly. The last time he got into a car accident, he secretly participated in a racing car. Now, although he has restrained himself, he still drives much faster than Liu Muqiao.

Liu Muqiao noticed that Sun Tao was in danger several times, and he had to remind Sun Tao.

"You were half a step too late to brake just now. If the person on the right hadn't retracted by himself, you would have had another accident today."

Liu Muqiao's driving level is expert-level, and his judgment is undeniable.

Sun Tao was a little disapproving, but since he had been reminded, he still slowed down a little.

After crossing the Second Qingjiang Bridge, we drove straight towards Wanfo Mountain. What was strange was that the car actually got on the road to Wanfo Mountain.

Wanfo Mountain is a famous mountain in Qingjiang City. It used to be on the west side of the city, but now it is in the middle of the city. The west side of Wanfo Mountain has been developed on a large scale. It is a new city, and the commercial and high-tech zones are doing well.

There are many tombs of sages on Wanfo Mountain. They are all important figures and have rich history and culture.

It is also a tourist attraction. There is a cable car that goes up to the top of the mountain. There is a TV tower on top. This is the highest place in Qingjiang City. There is also a radar station with troops stationed there.

Wanfo Mountain is most famous for its maple trees. There are hundreds of large maple trees that are hundreds of years old, with a diameter at breast height of about two meters and a height of tens of meters. In winter, the mountains are covered with red, which is really beautiful.

"The person you are talking about actually lives in Wanfo Mountain?"

"Well, now you should know that this person is not an ordinary person, right?"

Tourists have also found some residential houses on Wanfo Mountain, but they are very few. The cameras around the residential houses basically have no blind spots, and most people will not approach these residential houses.

The car drove through the forest for about half an hour and finally stopped in a ravine.

The trees here are very dense, and they are all huge camphors, tall and lush, and only one car can pass on a small road.

Sun Tao and Liu Maqiao walked in.

Good guy, it's quiet, no sound at all.

After turning a corner, a simple blue brick house appeared in front of us.

In front of the tile-roofed house is a yard.

Sun Tao stopped in front of the door.

This is identification.

The door is open.

Sun Tao led Liu Maqiao in.

The yard is not small, and two cars are parked there, both with military license plates.

"Dean Sun, Dr. Liu, welcome."

The door of the tile-roofed house opened.

A middle-aged woman came out.

The middle-aged woman is wearing a gray skirt, or robe. She has a good temperament, but she gives people the impression of a monk.

However, this is definitely not a temple.

Following the middle-aged woman, I walked inside, walked through many houses, and came to a hall with many quaint stools.

"Please sit down, I'll go in and inform the master."

Liu Muqiao couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He had seen a lot of the world, especially since he was a good friend of the four elders in the capital. Logically speaking, he wouldn't be nervous when meeting big shots.

However, Liu Muqiao felt an invisible pressure, which was suffocating.

Looking at Sun Tao again, he was actually more nervous, and his hands were shaking slightly.

Liu Muqiao suddenly wanted to laugh.


I thought you, a returnee from overseas, were a cold-blooded animal!

"Who is he? You have to give me some confidence!" Liu Maqiao asked Sun Tao.


Before he finished speaking, a middle-aged woman came out, "Dr. Liu, please. Dean Sun, you sit here for a while, and I will make tea. Dr. Liu, come with me."

Liu Miqiao followed the middle-aged woman, walked through several corridors, and entered a house.

The light is not very bright, and there is a person sitting on the bed.

Liu Muqiao was surprised.

He was not sure whether this person was a human or a corpse. He was motionless, his eyes were dull, and his face was wrinkled and brown.

I really can’t tell the difference between life and death.

Liu Muqiao has very keen eyes and ears.


Breathing sounds were heard. There were also dry rales - a small amount of wet rales.

Originally, the doctor could only hear wet and dry rales when using a stethoscope, but his ears became more and more sensitive, and he could hear the sounds mixed with the breath sounds.

"Hello." Liu Maqiao quickly broke the silence.

"Are you Liu Miqiao?" The old man's voice was quite old.

"Yes, this junior is Liu Maqiao."

"Okay, what's your relationship with Qingyunzi?"

"This junior knows Qingyunzi and has met twice."

"You are not in a master-disciple relationship?"

"No. We just met twice."

"Oh, so you didn't learn the natural acupuncture from Qingyunzi?"


"It's a bit unexpected. How many layers are your Tianlai needles on?"

"Sixth floor."


It can be heard that the old man's exclamation was a great surprise.

"Qingyunzi Tianlai Needle is only at the third level. I didn't expect you to be at the sixth level at such a young age. It's so unexpected. Liu Muqiao, who is your master?"

Liu Muqiao had a premonition that this question would be asked, so he didn't dare to lie or tell the truth. He had to say: "This question may not be easy to talk about. I don't dare to tell lies in front of seniors."

This chapter has been completed!
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