Chapter 1260 Rapid progress

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 Liu Muqiao came out of Tu San's place and got into the car with sweat all over his body.

He did not discuss any issues with Sun Tao.

Sun Tao is also a very well-behaved person and doesn’t ask anything.

It is now past 12 o'clock in the evening.

"Let's have some late-night snacks?" Sun Tao suggested.

"Forget it, you are already middle-aged. You will gain weight if you eat late night snacks." Liu Maqiao glanced at Sun Tao.

Sun Tao is 39 years old this year and will turn 40 in a blink of an eye.

"I'm not worried. I've already paid attention to it. I guess you're hungry," Sun Tao said.

"Forget it, I'm a little sleepy. I have a cosmetic surgery tomorrow." Liu Miqiao tried hard to find an excuse. In fact, he was not in the mood tonight.

I was depressed for too long at Tu San’s place just now, especially regarding the autopsy case in Liu Miqiao’s mind at the end, Tu San’s warning to him was really too severe.

Others' words may be ignored, but Tu San is a good person, and every word he says is valuable. He gave Liu Miqiao a serious warning, which shows the seriousness of the problem.

Yes, the 30,000 cases in Liu Muqiao's mind are too terrifying. Once they are leaked, how many conspiracies will be discovered!

"Since you're sleepy, I'll take you home directly." Sun Tao also noticed that Liu Muqiao was in a trance.

When he returned home, Liu Miqiao did not fall asleep immediately, nor did he go into sub-hibernation. He lay on the bed for a while and thought about his future path.

Or we can only take the path of pure medicine, not the path of criminal investigation.

He knows that you can go very far by taking the road of criminal investigation, just like mountain climbing, you will climb very high, but this road will be very thrilling, and maybe - it may be the same as one of the 30,000 cases.

, and finally became a historical mystery.

This road must not be taken. The more clever you are, the more likely you are to die without a burial place.

We can't take the road of administration. Liu Maqiao knows too many things in his mind and is full of conspiracies. It's terrible.

Liu Miqiao accidentally looked through the 30,000 cases in his mind. There were many bizarre cases and many incredible conspiracies.

Some of these cases can be published, and some cannot be published. For example, the leader of a certain country, Kenny Chou, was assassinated, which triggered a series of death cases. The death toll exceeded 32 people. This case was in Liu Muqiao's mind.


But it cannot be made public, not even for small talk.

Also, the death of a certain prime minister of a neighboring country due to illness while in office was also an international conspiracy. Even after 50 years, the truth cannot be announced to the outside world.

There are so many cases in Liu Muqiao's mind that he cannot talk about them and let others know that he has these cases in his mind.

Thinking of this, Liu Muqiao began to be afraid of his medical wisdom system. It knew too much!

We can neither take the path of criminal investigation nor the path of administration. Only the path of medicine has the lowest risk factor and can also allow many patients to receive treatment and recovery.

After thinking for two hours, Liu Miqiao started sub-hibernation therapy and did not wake up until the next morning.

Liu Muqiao started his busy day as usual.

Today, he went to Dexin Hospital for a cosmetic surgery. The difficulty level was 9.5, which is not too high.

It has been a year since the second upgrade of the Burn and Plastic Surgery Surgery Center. This "center" has quickly become the best in the world. There are already 11 doctors who can perform 9.0 level surgery and 4 doctors who can perform 9.5 level surgery.
These four doctors are all from Han country.

Tian Liyu barely reached the difficulty level of 9.0, while Yi Luxi made rapid progress, and he actually reached the difficulty level of 8.5.

Those who reach level 7 or above are considered masters, those who reach level 9.0 are super masters, and those who reach level 10 are gods. This is a standard that has been established over the years. Doctors in the Han Kingdom are classified according to this level.

Liu Miqiao was recognized as a level 10 master by Professor Han Guo. Liu Miqiao's objections were ineffective and he became the fourth level 10 master in the history of the world.

Today's surgery was performed on a second-tier actress with a slightly larger jaw and a slightly smaller forehead. Although she worked extra hard in her career, she did not have very good results in the entertainment industry. Not to mention the leading role, she did not even get a second female lead.
The actress is very motivated and is not willing to stay at this level for the rest of her life, so she has thought of many strategies.

Giving gifts, giving money, treating guests, and being unspoken rules failed to change my fate. Finally, I came up with the strategy of completely changing my appearance.

The price of the beauty industry used to be determined by Han Guo. A level 8 surgery cost about 1 million yuan, a level 8.5 surgery cost just over 2 million yuan, and a level 9 surgery cost no less than 5 million yuan.

As a second-tier actor, where can I get 1 million?

Later, when I inquired about it, Antai Hospital is the best and the price is not expensive. A level 8 cosmetic surgery costs only RMB 500,000 to RMB 600,000. Even if it is raised to a higher level and a level 8.5 surgery is performed, the additional cost will only be an additional RMB 200,000.

, compared with Han Country, it’s really cheap.

After hearing this person's story, Liu Muqiao developed sympathy and decided to perform the surgery himself, helping her perform a level 9 surgery.

The market price for level 9 surgery last year was 5 million. However, the current pricing power lies with Antai Hospital. They set the standard at 1.2 million. The actress, Liu Maqiao, decided to give a discount of 400,000 and perform the surgery according to the 8.5 level standard.

This price is so much cheaper than Han Guoding’s price, does it make sense?

This point does not depend on Liu Miqiao, Sun Tao and others, but on the Price Bureau.

Prices in the medical industry are uniformly stipulated. Since you are doing cosmetology in a hospital, it is called medical cosmetology, and the price cannot be determined by your hospital.

Besides, the medical prices in our country are far behind those in developed countries. 1.2 million for level 9 cosmetic surgery is already ridiculously high.

Just like the cost of an appendicitis surgery in Europe and the United States is 9,000 US dollars, an appendicitis surgery in China only costs 5,200 RMB, which is less than 800 US dollars in US dollars.

That's the difference.

Therefore, Antai Hospital charges low prices for cosmetic surgery, which matches domestic medical prices.

The actress was so happy that she didn't sleep all night when she learned that Liu Miqiao personally performed the surgery on her, and that it was a level 9 cosmetic surgery.

For level 9 surgeries, the appearance can generally reach a level of 9 or above. Liu Miqiao’s design aims for a 9.3.

9.3 is not just any ordinary beauty, she is a great beauty.

Movies and TV series don't really require acting skills. With a beautiful face, it is possible to attract the audience.

Liu Muqiao also has another purpose, which is to lead apprentices. He must perform a few surgeries every month and maintain a certain frequency, so that the main apprentices can learn from them.

His apprentices are all high-level doctors.

It stands to reason that only doctors with level 9.5 or 9.0 are qualified to be Liu Miqiao's apprentice. However, there are exceptions. Yi Luxi has always been Liu Miqiao's personal disciple.

Yi Luxi is a helper today.

Two years ago, he was still at an intermediate level and could barely serve as an assistant for advanced surgeries.

Two years have passed, and Yi Luxi's skills have improved by leaps and bounds, recently reaching level 8.5.

This chapter has been completed!
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