Chapter 1544 Stumped before hernia surgery

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 Liu Muqiao felt more and more that his burden was heavier. After he made this order for the country, he often had to do similar tasks.

After doing it a few times, he gained experience and gradually got used to it. Except for one thing that remained the same, he no longer felt stressed.

What remains unchanged is that whenever an important official arrives, Liu Miqiao will be the surgeon. What’s ridiculous is that he actually performed a surgery for purulent appendicitis.

This is what he is least good at.

There was no other way, Liu Muqiao was asked to be the surgeon, but Liu Muqiao didn't even have the nerve to explain, so he just took the job.

After Liu Muqiao acquired so many skills, he tried to perform surgery without skill input, but managed to do it with difficulty. The surgery for appendicitis was not much different from that of ordinary doctors.

Let’s take one person for comparison, Jiang Weiwei. She has had more than 100 cases of appendicitis in the past few years. Now Liu Miqiao’s level is equivalent to Jiang Weiwei’s level.

Not bad.

In fact, the level of appendicitis surgery is about this. This is an operation performed by residents and attending doctors. No matter how high the technical title is, they basically don’t perform this operation.

Most of the professional title structures of hospital departments are pyramid-shaped, including resident physician, attending physician, deputy chief physician, and chief physician.

The third-level ward rounds are also based on the three levels of resident doctor, attending doctor, and chief (associate) doctor.

The general requirements are that the resident doctor should check the patient twice a day, the attending doctor should check the patient more than twice a week, and the chief (deputy) doctor should check the ward once a week.

Some hospital departments have enough chief (deputy) chief physicians, so the departments can be divided into several groups. These three levels are enough.

From general surgeons to deputy chief surgeons and above, they do not need to do many things themselves. For certain surgeries, they only need to arrange for someone to do them.

Appendicitis, please, the deputy chief doctor doesn’t do much.

Therefore, after one or two hundred appendicitis surgeries have been performed, the ceiling has been reached.

Liu Muqiao's skills are not high, but because he has done many other surgeries, his appendix surgery has basically reached the level of an ordinary doctor.

"The operation didn't go well?" Some people were shocked when they saw that Liu Miqiao spent more than an hour treating appendicitis.

"It went well." Liu Maqiao said.

"It took an hour?"

"Oh! There's no rush."

It only took Liu Miqiao an hour to perform surgery for pancreatic tail cancer, and it also took an hour to treat appendicitis. Of course, people would be suspicious, thinking that something unexpected happened during the operation.

Liu Muqiao's explanation made people feel relieved.

It’s better to explain it like this. I do the surgery slowly and delicately. I ligate every small blood vessel carefully. I handle every detail carefully. I don’t care about every stitch or thread. This is because the patient is not an ordinary person.

As a person, I can’t be serious!

The slowness can be explained in this way.

If you do it quickly, how can you explain it?

A certain country's political leader had a tumor on his liver, measuring 2.3 x 1.8 centimeters, which was really not that big. He came all the way to Antai Hospital just to have Liu Miqiao perform the surgery.

Liu Muqiao's master swordsman is a little overqualified, but he still has to use it.

He went up to open the abdomen three times and quickly removed the tumor and performed a radical mastectomy.

The so-called radical surgery is to remove all 1 centimeter outside the tumor. This is considered a radical cure. It is very simple - for Liu Miqiao.

It was faster than appendicitis surgery, and it only took 37 minutes.

Originally, he could still be fast, so he didn't have to pursue speed.

How to explain this?

Explain that I, Liu Muqiao, know this kind of surgery very well. It only takes a short time. There is no need to open the abdomen and expose it for too long. If you can, don’t delay it.

Anyway, Liu Muqiao has a way to explain it.

On this day, Liu Muqiao encountered a problem, a real problem.

A certain country's political leader suffered a direct hernia. Liu Miqiao had never even seen this kind of surgery, he only heard the teacher explain it in class.

Hernias are divided into two types: direct hernias and indirect hernias.

He saw indirect hernias more often, and he even worked as an assistant during his internship. As for direct hernias, Liu Maqiao saw them for the first time today.

This is where we run into trouble.

They want Liu Muqiao to be the chief surgeon.

Liu Muqiao listed Jiang Weiwei as his first assistant and wanted to secretly let her be the chief surgeon. However, it was a bit difficult because some important surgeries required video recording. What would people think if someone else took over?

Liu Muqiao took his time to get on the operating table. He was very tired. The first and second assistants waited on the stage for a long time but did not see him coming up.

There's a reason why Liu Muqiao didn't come up.

He is opening the treasure box.

He only has two kinds of intermediate treasure boxes and primary treasure boxes.

First, I opened the intermediate treasure boxes. There were more than a hundred intermediate treasure boxes, but none of the hernia surgery skills were opened. They were all skills and knowledge that had nothing to do with hernias.

He is very miserable. He has used up all the intermediate treasure boxes and only added two skills that have nothing to do with medicine.

One is "Violin Performance", which is not marked with any level. It is definitely not high-level. It is at most ordinary level. The intermediate-level treasure box is of this quality.

Another skill is "Little Common Sense of Daily Life". Liu Miqiao accepted it with a wry smile. It will be useful in life in the future, and it can at least solve small problems in life.

He threw everything else into the trash can, except for the liquid medicine.

The intermediate treasure box did not open the direct hernia surgery skill, so he had to take out the elementary treasure box and open it hundreds and hundreds.

At this time, even if the basic skill is activated, it is still at the proficient level, and the proficient level can also handle this surgery.

The proficiency level means that they have not reached the expert level. Jiang Weiwei and the others are proficiency level.

Experts generally refer to the level of deputy chief physician or above, which is a broad term expert.

The primary treasure box is also a treasure box, and its skills belong to the proficiency level, so it's OK - you can do hernia.

If it is an indirect hernia, the intern can perform the surgery under the guidance of the teacher. Overall, the requirements are not high.

Liu Muqiao didn't believe it. A mountain of elementary treasure boxes could not be used to perform hernia surgery?

He opens 100 primary treasure boxes at once.

When he consumed half of Xiaoshan's primary treasure boxes, he was tired and discouraged.

Not to mention too much, at least I have opened a basic treasure box, which contains countless medical skills and proficiency levels.

Internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, ENT, etc.


If an ordinary person had it, he would immediately become a skilled doctor, have nothing to worry about for the rest of his life, and could even live a better life than ordinary people.

However, Liu Muqiao really didn’t dare to ask for it. He had at least 1,000 skills! If he accepted them all, how much brain space would it take up?

As for how big the brain’s space is, Liu Maqiao knows nothing about it.

With a USB flash drive, we can detect the remaining space in it and delete useless files, but our brains are not good enough.

Therefore, Liu Muqiao did not dare to put these proficient-level skills into his brain.

Originally, if everything was put into his brain, Liu Miqiao could become a general practitioner. However, some knowledge belongs to the proficient level and some belongs to the master level. There is a big difference.

Liu Muqiao chose to give up and threw a large number of proficiency-level skills into the trash can.

This chapter has been completed!
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