Chapter 1547 Want to meet the new brother-in-law

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 7 people approached Liu Muqiao.

Liu Muqiao took a few steps back.

He uses retreat to advance.

The third window facing completely towards the warehouse.

This way he is safe. If there is any movement at the window, he will be able to detect it in time.

These 7 are nothing to worry about.

In fact it is.

Although they were all masters and people who had survived in the fighting arena, under Liu Maqiao, they only lasted 30 seconds.

All 7 people were KO.

Not dead.

But they are not alive, they are all fainted, and they will not wake up for a while.

This is not Wu Qinxi’s credit, it was trained in the club halfway up Wanfo Mountain.

If you use Wu Qin Xi's martial arts skills, people will be dead long ago.

Only by using the skills in the club can we knock them out without beating them to death.

At the last second, Liu Muqiao pulled the Fourth Young Master over and placed him in front of his body.

Someone moved in the warehouse, but soon there was no movement again.

"You can come out now." Liu Maqiao said loudly.

Inside, two people came out with two sniper rifles, aiming at Liu Miqiao.

Finally an old man came out.

The old man waved his hand and lowered the two sniper rifles at the same time.

The old man applauded.

"Since ancient times, heroes have been born out of young men. Not bad! Not bad! I, Hong, have seen so many battles. This is the first time I have seen such an outstanding young man."

"Put down the gun." Liu Maqiao shouted softly.

The old man waved his hand.

Sure enough, the two gunmen put down their guns.

"Are you relieved? Young man, you are very good. I really hope you will join our team. Of course, I will not coerce you. It all depends on your wishes."

"I won't join."

"Yes, I understand. Let my people go."

"There is a condition: the water from the well does not interfere with the water from the river."

"Well, tell me the truth, is that girl named Su yours - I mean, is she already yours?"


"Well, please forgive me. If you let him go, I promise that he will never mess with the girl named Su again."

Liu Muqiao released the Fourth Young Master.

"No, dad, don't believe him, he lied to you!"

"Shut up! How can a man with a golden mouth and silver teeth lie like a child? Mr. Liu, do you think so?"

Liu Muqiao did not answer.

He didn’t want to answer either. Am I familiar with you?

"Mr. Liu, I know that if you don't kill me, my men won't have any problems, right?"

"It's not time to be cruel yet. Let's go."

"Okay, we have gotten to know each other. Once we met each other, we became familiar the second time. I hope we can become good friends in the future. Let's go."

Liu Muqiao also got in the car.

He understood Hong Moumou from the inside. This person was both good and evil. To be more specific, it was not time to deal with him yet.

Liu Muqiao also estimated that they would not really attack him and get into trouble, and they would not have a good life.

Liu Muqiao returned to Antai Hospital and was greeted by Su Yajuan.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay."

"I'm so worried that something might happen to you."

"How could something happen so easily?"

"How to deal with it?"

"Don't ask so many questions, this is a matter between men."

Su Yajuan pouted, "Don't be a chauvinist."

"Am I a male chauvinist?" Liu Maqiao said with a smile.

"It's hard to say. When a person reaches a certain level, he will inevitably drift." Su Yajuan said seriously.

"Well, no more joking. Su Yajuan, the Chinese New Year is coming soon. Are you going back to Hunan Province?" Liu Muqiao asked.

"No, my parents will come over this year. You know, they only have my daughter, and they will live with me from now on."

"Okay, when will you move to a new house?"

"I've been staying there for a few nights."

"One day we still have to hold a ceremony, invite a few tables, and congratulate the new ones."

"Okay, prepare a big red envelope."

"No problem. However, I would like to ask, how big is this big red envelope?"

"Humph, it depends on how big your heart is."

Liu Muqiao felt nervous.

How big your heart is, how big your stage is!

Can I have Jiang Wei and Su Yajuan at the same time...

Thinking of this, he immediately shook his head and got rid of his random thoughts.

One year has passed in the blink of an eye.

This year seems to be particularly long.

Jiang Wei has been ill for a whole year and is still half a patient. She can only wake up for 4 hours a day. Her parents travel back and forth throughout the year. Recently, Xie Min said that her parents mainly stay in Shi County to take care of Jiang Wei's brother.

The son, Jiang Wei, was completely handed over to Xie Min and Liu Miqiao.

Su Yajuan's parents also arrived.

Su Yajuan is an only child. Her parents came over, carrying large and small bags, and put them into Su Yajuan's trunk. Where could they fit them? In the end, even the back row occupied half of it.

They plan to live here for half a year.

When we arrived at Su Yajuan's new house, it was a small single-family villa. The area of ​​each floor was not large, only 120 square meters, with two and a half floors and a basement, which totaled 400 square meters.

In Qingjiang City, this kind of villa is not big, and the total price is around 6 million.

There are yards in the front and back.

"You can grow vegetables here."

"You can grow flowers here."

"You can also build a small pond here and put a few fish in it. If you eat the fish, you can catch them and kill them. They are fresh."

"You can grow garlic, onions, and peppers here. We need to get some of the pepper seeds from Zhangshu Port and the glass pepper seeds from Hejiaqiao."


Su Yajuan's old father is making serious plans.

He is a retired cadre - in fact, he has not officially retired. He has changed his status and has retired to the second line. His mother was a nurse in a hospital before she retired. Workers' nurses retire at the age of 50.

"Raise a dog. Raise a cat. You can also raise a few chickens later. From now on, Yajuan will be pregnant and will eat ecological eggs."

"You raise chickens, what other vegetables should I grow?" My father immediately objected.

"You don't raise pigeons anymore?" Mother asked.

"If you don't raise them, it will be easy to deal with the pigeons in your hometown. From now on, when you go back to your hometown, what will you do with the pigeons here? Don't raise dogs or cats, and you can't take them back to Hunan Province."

Su Yajuan is back again.

After seeing his father's plan, he knew that this place had become his old father's paradise again. In his hometown, he occupied a piece of land on the rooftop of his house, picked up the fertilizer, and produced a large amount of vegetables every year.

Now that we have a villa, we have a real back garden. The area is not big, so we can still grow garlic, onions, cabbage, etc. In summer, we can also grow a few pumpkins.

The back garden of Su Yajuan's villa is 100 square meters, which she specially selected. The garden in front is relatively small, and there is not much space to park two cars.

Seeing that the Chinese New Year was about to come, Su Yajuan bought a lot of new year's goods. Su Yajuan's mother couldn't help but ask: "Yajuan, why haven't you seen Liu Miqiao come over yet?"

"People are busy."

"If you are busy, you should come and see us, right?"

"It's so busy! You've only been here two days."

"Two days are not short."

"Operation. He is doing surgery every day. He went on stage yesterday and got off work just now. He hasn't even gotten off the operating table yet!"

"Really? You wouldn't lie to me, would you?"

"Why are you lying to me? Mom, stop asking Liu Muqiao all the time. What clothes do you want to buy during the Chinese New Year? I will accompany you on the street."

"I don't want new clothes, I just want a new brother-in-law." In the South, in some places, a son-in-law is called "brother-in-law". This is a dialect.

"Mom!" Su Yajuan warned her mother.

This chapter has been completed!
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