Chapter 1548 Generous holiday expenses

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 Liu Muqiao is indeed very busy.

During the Chinese Spring Festival, patients who can be discharged will be discharged as much as possible, and those who are not admitted to the hospital will be kept out of the hospital as much as possible. Therefore, the wards are somewhat loose, and even the circulation wards of provincial hospitals are very empty.

Unexpectedly, there are more and more foreigners. They don’t have the concept of Spring Festival. When they see that reservations are looser, they rush to make reservations.

For a time, many foreigners came in.

There are also many foreign dignitaries who named Liu Miqiao for the sudden increase in surgeries.

There is no other way. There are still many interests between countries. Liu Miqiao will come to power even if he sacrifices some rest time.

I've been switching over the past few days.

He was also a little embarrassed because he hadn't gone to meet Su Yajuan's parents yet.

Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve.

Liu Muqiao had a few hours to spare, so he called Su Yajuan and said, "I want to see your parents.

Half an hour later, Liu Maqiao arrived in front of Su Yajuan's small villa.

Su Yajuan's parents were waiting at the door. When they saw Liu Maqiao's Mercedes-Benz arriving, they hurried up to greet it and even helped open the door.

Liu Miqiao got out of the car, greeted the two of them, and picked up several fruits from the car, including avocados, grapes, blueberries, and several fruits that even Liu Muchiao had never eaten before.

There is also a bag of noodles, two barrels of oil, and a bag of local products.

These three items are holiday supplies distributed by the hospital.

Antai Hospital, like other hospitals, also has a labor union. In addition to organizing union activities, the labor union also visits employees during the holidays. During the Chinese New Year, thousands of dollars in supplies still have to be distributed.

This year, in addition to the union fees paid by employees, the hospital also allocated 1% of its turnover to the union. In this way, the union has become a wealthy owner.

The 132 million activity fund will never be used up.

Liu Muqiao suggested that each member of the hospital union should be given a shopping card worth 8,000 yuan, as well as some oil, rice and other substances.

The supplies distributed by the hospital are different from those purchased outside.

The supplies distributed by the hospital are all produced on their own farms, which are environmentally friendly and of good quality.

In addition to fried rice, there are also live fish, mutton, beef, and pork - fresh Liu Maqiao has been sent by someone, and with Su Yajuan's portion, this is a double portion.

Jiang Wei's share has been sent to the orphanage.

All the bacon will be sent to the orphanage.

Su Yajuan's parents came from Hunan Province, and they had more than ten kilograms of bacon in their luggage.

Bacon is not a healthy food, but you can't stop eating the fireworks of the world. You still have to eat the delicious food left by your ancestors, just don't eat too much.

Liu Muqiao divided 7 pounds of bacon, and someone helped him send it to an orphanage.

Today's orphanages no longer operate the same way as in the past, and the rules have also changed. Xie Min no longer has to go out to beg for alms. Most of the expenses of the orphanage are arranged by Antai Hospital. Even vegetables, meat, etc. are provided by Antai Hospital.

Supplied in the canteen.

Master Hong, a noodle cook brought back by Liu Miqiao from Qian Province, also joined the union. After working for only ten days, he was actually given an 8,000 yuan shopping card, 100 kilograms of rice, 40 kilograms of tea oil, and 100 kilograms of chicken, duck, and fish meat.


He was moved to tears.

He was originally going back to his hometown, but he got excited and decided not to go back. He wanted to serve the medical staff during the Spring Festival. He especially wanted to help Liu Miqiao make several good noodles.

As for the year-end bonus, the year-end bonus arranged by Antai Hospital is 30 months’ salary.

The salary structure of Antai Hospital is basic salary, level allowance, job salary and performance.

The "30 months' salary" paid this time = basic salary, level allowance, position salary, multiplied by 30.

This wage system was formulated by them themselves.

The year-end bonus is equal to this salary x 30 months.

Let’s take a few people as an example: Zhu Yaguang’s basic salary, level allowance, and job salary = 3,000 5,000 = yuan, and his year-end bonus is 540,000.

The bulk of Zhu Yaguang's salary is his monthly performance, which is about 18,000. The 540,000 he gets during the holidays is just a holiday fee.

Su Yajuan's basic salary, level allowance, and position salary = 5000 2000 5000 = yuan, and her year-end bonus is 360,000 yuan. Su Yajuan's performance is also very high, and after one year, it is about 3 million yuan.

The basic salary, level allowance, and job salary of ordinary plumbers = 3,000 1,000 1,000 = 5,000 yuan, and their year-end bonus is 150,000 yuan.

The salary structure of the aunties who sweep the floors is different. They only have a basic salary based on performance. The basic salary is only 3,000, and their normal performance is around 8,000. In this way, they also get 90,000 for their holiday expenses.

The year-end bonus of Dexin Hospital is slightly higher than that of Antai Hospital. Their year-end bonus is 36 months.

Dexin Hospital is a private hospital and makes more profits in some aspects, so it makes sense to pay more for holiday expenses.

Besides, Liu Muqiao didn't pay too much attention to the hospital's final net profit, and paid 36 months of year-end bonuses to his employees. In the end, he still made a profit, and the 560 million was going to Liu Muqiao's personal account.

Looking at the whole city, there are still some happy ones and some sad ones.

Affiliated hospitals have been impacted by Antai Hospital and Dexin Hospital. They were overwhelmed in the past few years, but now they are doing better and have gained some relief.

The average year-end bonus they issued this year was 66,000.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that Antai Hospital mainly eats international shares. Antai Hospital and Dexin Hospital are hard to find beds, and the affiliated hospitals still keep their share.

Some of the smaller hospitals at the municipal level have developed well, while others have failed to uncover the blame.

The First Hospital of the City received help from Antai Hospital and lived a normal life with salary, performance, and year-end bonuses, but they were not very high, slightly higher than teachers in the city.

However, several hospitals such as the Second City Hospital were in dire straits. They barely paid wages and a small amount of performance, and received a year-end bonus of 800 yuan.

This is the general situation during the Chinese New Year.

That's too far.

Su Yajuan's parents took Liu Muqiao in, and they were filled with joy!

Especially Su Yajuan's mother, the more she watched, the more she fell in love with her. This "uncle" is really one of the best among people, and Yajuan must keep it in her hands.

Please sit down, make tea, and ask questions. Su Yajuan is embarrassed to be there.

"Mom, you go to the kitchen and I'll show Liu Miqiao around the house." Su Yajuan said.

"Yes, I support it, Mu Qiao, look at my vegetable plot and fish pond, we have a prototype."

After five days of hard work, Su Yajuan's father hired an excavator to work here for half a day and a cement builder to work here for another day. The fish pond has been built and there are already more than a dozen grass carp in it.

of fish.

The three vegetable plots are not big, but they are almost done.

"It's a pity that the sunlight in these three fields is not enough, and the yield is less than the vegetables on the rooftop." Su Yajuan's father said with regret on his face.

Liu Muqiao read it again.

Due to the comparison with her own home, Su Yajuan's villa seems very ordinary.

This is incomparable.

Liu Muqiao's home is a mansion worth tens of millions, while Su Yajuan's is only over 5 million. Including decoration and furniture, it is less than 8 million. How can this be compared?

Especially when looking at the furniture, there is no need to compare.

However, it's enough.

The key to a home is the atmosphere of the home, not the level of luxury.

Su Yajuan's home now has a strong home atmosphere.

This chapter has been completed!
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