Chapter 1587 A problem that can be solved by an apology is not a problem

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 The fat man’s surgery was finally carried out under the leadership of Liu Muqiao. The injury was serious and several veins, muscles and tendons were severed. Fortunately, the arteries were intact.

The fat man returned to the pediatric ward.

This non-pediatric patient occupied the pediatric bed until he was discharged.

At last count, he stayed in the pediatric hospital for 180 days. When he was discharged from the hospital, he weighed 186 pounds. His whole person had completely changed. He was on the cover of "People".

This is a later story, and it’s too far off topic.

Yuan Shan wanted to be a star, but she didn't expect it to be so easy. In just one month, she accepted a special interview with a German medical magazine.

She was later elected as the deputy director of this year's Professional Committee on Obesity Diseases - the word "world" must be added in front of the title: "Deputy Chairman of the World Professional Committee on Obesity Diseases".

This title is very high. In the field of world health and professional committees, we rarely get to the level of deputy director, because this is a tradition and practice. The leaders of various disciplines are generally Westerners, and

Mostly people with fair skin.

Even Liu Muqiao has not had the opportunity to be the chairman or deputy chairman until now.

Yuan Shan was also a little surprised. The reason why she was named "Vice Chairman of the World Professional Committee on Obesity" was because she successively treated two obese people weighing more than 300 pounds, and she published an article in a pediatric magazine on the treatment of childhood obesity.


This paper was published in The Lancet.

It seems to be a very ordinary paper, but it is of great significance to "The Lancet" because Antai Hospital basically does not submit papers to them, and all papers with Liu Muqiao's name are only published in the journal "China"


Suddenly Liu Miqiao's name appeared in The Lancet, which immediately attracted the attention of the senior management of The Lancet. They put the paper on the front page and made it bold and red.

This is unprecedented.

A closer look at the text inside gives people great hope. Once a treatment for childhood obesity without side effects becomes a reality, it will be an epoch-making event in the field of obesity.

"Professor Yuan, can you look forward to the future of obesity treatment?"

"The Lancet" is here.

They are the second magazine managers to visit us after the German magazine.

Dr. M, who is responsible for overseas reporting for The Lancet, came to meet with Yuan Shan in person.

Dr. M is a heavyweight in The Lancet, close to the status of deputy editor-in-chief. It is his turn to appear, so this kind of interview is a particularly high-level interview.

Yuan Shan feels that she is about to become famous. The Lancet is a world-recognized authoritative magazine. To publish a "special" article in it is a great affirmation for the author, which is equivalent to winning an international award.<


The reputation of a "special expert" is very high. In the future, this treatment can be regarded as a title when giving lectures at any university.

Yuan Shan was a little excited and a little nervous.

"Childhood obesity is no longer a problem. I can safely say that we have succeeded 99% of the time in overcoming this medical difficulty."

Yuan Shan is not exaggerating. After more than two months of childhood obesity treatment, the first eight cases have returned to normal weight.

These 8 cases are all neighbors of Director Yuan's community. Their weight is controlled within 110% of normal weight, and 3 of them have reached 90% of normal weight.

They have all undergone strict inspections and no side effects have been found.

Research also shows that the reason why children in the community can successfully lose weight is because after taking the medicine, their strong appetite is suppressed and the body's metabolism is also increased.

This is the one and only weight loss program based on a normal diet.

Overcoming obesity is not much easier than overcoming cancer. Generations of scientists around the world are working hard to study this problem, but there is no ideal weight loss program.

Many weight loss programs are not without efficacy, the key is the side effects.

There are dozens of popular weight loss drugs now, all of which have serious side effects, including adverse reactions to the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, resulting in strict restrictions on weight loss. Moreover, it is easy to rebound after stopping the drug. This is also the case with these plans.

Key reasons for failure.

Yuan Shan's weight loss plan solves two problems. One is that there are no side effects, and the other is that there is no sign of rebound - this is the most critical.

If rebound occurs and long-term medication is required to lose weight, then it is not considered a successful weight loss strategy.

"How far are you prepared to go on the road to treating obesity?" Questions asked by foreigners are also more routine and mentally retarded.

Yuan Shan answered easily, "I am a pediatrician. Within my professional scope, I plan to spend a lot of time treating childhood obesity. Promoting my treatment methods is my main job in this life."

"In your paper, you specifically mentioned thanking your instructor Liu Miqiao. How important was his role in this strategy?"

There is another task for M's interview. He wants to meet Liu Miqiao.

He knew that Liu Muqiao was hostile to world journals. Back then, the three major journals had plans to ban Liu Muqiao. Until now, this conflict has not been resolved.

The three major journals all approached Liu Muqiao, hoping to reconcile with him, and they all offered extremely heavy royalties, but Liu Muqiao refused.

Now they have finally seen the three characters of Liu Muqiao in "The Lancet". They think this is Liu Muqiao showing goodwill and showing signs of reconciliation.

Yuan Shan said: "Strictly speaking, this success belongs to Liu Muqiao, but I am the specific executor of this achievement. Originally, the first author of the paper should be Liu Muqiao, but he disagreed and was unwilling to sign.

I only agree to have his name appear in the thank you speech."

"Oh, that's great. I want to ask a question, can you arrange for me to meet him?" Dr. M saw that the opportunity had come and asked quickly.

"Maybe not." Yuan Shan said without hesitation.

"Why?" Dr. M asked urgently.

"Why, you know it yourself!" Yuan Shan also knew about Liu Maqiao's vow not to publish papers in Western journals, and she also knew the reason.

"We have apologized." Dr. M said.

"For some things, apology is not necessarily the key to solving the problem. For example, can we forget what you Western powers did in our country more than 100 years ago?" Yuan Shan smiled coldly.

"This...that is history."

"But, it's not that far away. And you still want to do it again in your bones."

"No, no, let's not talk about this. I want to see Liu Miqiao and explain and apologize to him again. Professor Yuan, please make some arrangements." Dr. M begged seriously.

"Well, I think it's impossible, because Liu Muqiao said that he doesn't want to meet anyone from the three major journals. Besides, I also want to tell you news that Liu Muqiao is not at home at all. He went to the capital to attend the annual academic meeting.

"Beijing? Then I will go to the capital to see him." Dr. M is a very resilient person. He must complete what he planned.

After interviewing Yuan Shan, Dr. M did not stay and booked a flight to the capital. He had to find Liu Muqiao.

This chapter has been completed!
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