Chapter 1593 Lose 1 pound for 300 US dollars

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 666 pounds.

Finally, they were weighed separately, and the fat man’s accurate weight was 666 pounds, which is a good number.

The fat removed is 365 pounds, which is a meaningful number, equal to the number of days in a year.

In the end, there were 301 pounds left, plus two pieces of gauze and an abdominal band.

Two pieces of gauze, tape and abdominal band add up to less than half a catty.

There are many tubes left on the body.

This is relatively rare among the surgeries performed by Liu Muqiao.

During pancreatic surgery, Liu Muqiao only wears one tube. There are not many opportunities to wear tubes for other surgeries.

But today was different. 365 pounds of fat were removed from various parts of the body. He was worried that too much fat would flow into the blood vessels, which could lead to fat embolism and endanger life.

Air, amniotic fluid, and fat can all become emboli, embolize the lungs, and cause death in a short period of time. They can also cause intravascular coagulation, cause DIC, and can also embolize the brain.

This patient has 17 tubes on his body. Another reason is that he is worried about fat liquefaction.

Fat liquefaction is also a very troublesome matter. Many wounds do not heal. For this reason, the wounds may not heal for a long time, and may even be delayed for more than half a year.


A large hedgehog.

After Liu Muqiao placed the tube, he couldn't help but laugh.

The patients were sent back to the pediatric ward - it was already nondescript. There were 30 beds in the pediatric ward, 21 were occupied by adults, and only 9 were occupied by real pediatric patients.

Since the medical insurance department does not include obesity in the scope of medical insurance, hospitalized patients are not reimbursed. Yuan Shan is kind and will help patients take advantage of the loopholes. According to the patient's body, he will list some other diseases that can be reimbursed.

It’s easy for foreigners to say that most of their commercial insurance covers obesity. According to foreign medical insurance policies, the charges are ten times or dozens of times higher than domestic ones.

Antai Hospital has specially formulated a policy: if you lose 1 pound, you will be charged US$300, and if you lose 10 pounds, you will be charged US$3,000.

For foreigners, the price is not expensive. Just like this 666-pound fat man who aims to lose 500 pounds, the total cost is only 150,000 US dollars.

Not expensive.

This time she came out for treatment, and she had as many as 7 sponsors. The total sponsorship fee was 32 million euros, which is really not money compared to 150,000 US dollars.

Besides, she didn’t pay for it, the insurance company covered it all.

However, Yuan Shan can also collect a sum of money for broadcasting fees. There are three media outlets that broadcast patients. There is an agreement between her and the patient, and the broadcasting fees will be split 50-50.

The total cost of this broadcast report is 1 million euros, and Yuan Shan’s pediatrician can charge 500,000 euros.

Yuan Shan's pediatric income is not only a matter of millions of dollars, but also has an advertising value.

On the 7th day of the operation, Yuan Shan received more than 78 appointments from fat people. Although they did not weigh 666 pounds, they were all super fat people.

This is a problem.

The issue Yuan Shan needs to consider is her own positioning.

According to my country's Medical Practitioner Law, pediatricians can only treat pediatric diseases. Who are fat adults?

Patients don't think about this issue. It doesn't matter what kind of doctor you are, as long as you are not a veterinarian. If you can cure diseases, you are a good doctor.

The law enforcement team of the Health Bureau still came to investigate this matter.

"What you are doing is illegal, it is beyond the scope of your profession! It is illegal to practice beyond the scope!"

Yuan Shan was not simple either. She said, "That's easy to handle. It's okay if I don't see the doctor. If the patient doesn't agree, then I'll ask you to explain."

Yuan Shan let go.

Within a few days, the health bureau’s law enforcement brigade couldn’t stand it anymore and had to receive dozens of patients asking questions every day, “Are you serving the people or just for your dignity?”

This is an issue that can be discussed online.

It's reasonable. The law enforcement team is indeed reasonable. How can your pediatrician treat adults?

But the people won't tell you. They only talk about the conclusion. The key is whether Yuan Shan can cure the disease.

Many people's words are unpleasant to listen to. Their own vital interest is to lose weight. As for the issue of legality and illegality, it has nothing to do with them.

Besides, what is the purpose of your legislation? This made the captain of the law enforcement brigade speechless.

Finally, the law enforcement team gave up, or acquiesced. You, Yuan Shan, can treat any disease, just don't push the patients to our bureau.

There are more and more fat people.

Liu Muqiao is the surgeon who performs surgeries on super fat people. He uses the skills of burns, plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery. Gradually, he also became famous.

He didn't want to be famous, but he became famous anyway. The International Obesity Society noticed him and wanted him to serve as vice president.

He refused and recommended Yuan Shan.

The Obesity Society is different from the professional committee that Yuan Shan participated in. This one is from the WHO and is of higher value.

Liu Muqiao insists that he only knows how to perform surgery, and Yuan Shan is more professional in treating obesity.

However, WHO's commissioners don't think so. They don't differentiate between medical and surgical treatments, and will decide which one is more effective.

Liu Muqiao can often lose more than 100 pounds of fat after one operation. The effect is immediate. Naturally, he is more easily accepted by patients.

The commissioner said: "Your weight loss effect, Liu Maqiao, is more obvious."

Liu Miqiao said: "I just cut off dozens of pounds of fat. Yuan Shan is more professional. She knows when to have surgery and when to take medicine. Especially after the surgery, the body's conditioning,

She is the expert in endocrine balance. But I only completed one step in the weight loss process - surgery."

This statement was approved by the WHO commissioner and he found Yuan Shan.

In this way, Yuan Shan became a member of the WHO Expert Committee, more popular than Liu Miqiao!

The first person in Jiangdong Province.

Yuan Shan became the first person to hold an important position on a professional committee in the WHO.

Although she felt a little guilty, she was still so happy that she couldn't sleep for two consecutive nights.

As a medical worker, it is of course a happy thing to be able to see doctors and be a famous doctor, but being a famous doctor is not enough. You also want to be respected by the industry.

To be respected by others, you must produce results, and the results must ultimately be realized with your position.

You can't just talk about your achievements every day, but your position will be introduced first wherever you go.

Medical workers can play a leading role in the WHO, which is more dazzling than anything else.

Yuan Shan never dreamed that she was suddenly the vice-chairman of the WHO Professional Committee. How could she not be excited?

A few days ago, she was elected as the chairman of the Jiangdong Provincial Pediatric Society. For her, this should be the highest honor she can achieve in her life.

This title is still far away from the title of National Chairman, but in the eyes of pediatricians in Jiangdong Province, she is already an insurmountable mountain. She is a god-level figure in the eyes of pediatricians.

However, now, she is not only the chairman of the Jiangdong Provincial Pediatric Society, but also the vice president of the WHO Obesity Society!

Reach heaven in one step.

Yuan Shan couldn't sleep for another reason. The day after tomorrow, she had to attend the annual meeting of the National Academy of Pediatrics, where the next chairman and deputy chairman would be elected.

Does she have a chance to become a deputy chairman?

This chapter has been completed!
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